HISTORY OF PASCO COUNTYTrilby Baptist Church1878-2013By JUDITH R. JOLLYThis is the timeline, the main page of Ms. Jolly’s research. See also these additional pages.Some additional entries will be added to the timeline shortly. Source Key: 1-Pasco Baptist Association/PBA; 2-Hernando Baptist Association/HBA; 3-South Florida Baptist Association/SFBA; 4-Florida Baptist Convention/FBC; 5-Florida Baptist Witness/FBW; 6-Dade City Banner/Dade City Banner; 7-1980 Trilby Church Data Compilation; 8-Tampa Tribune; 9-Trilby Baptist Church Minute Book, September 30, 1922-June 1, 1941; 10-Other (References requested but not yet received and so noted in Timeline may be included in a later addendum. ) Larger versions of the pictures on this page are HERE. 1878. Organized per 1891-93, 1895 PBA Minutes (No mention in 1878 SFBA) [1] October 18, 1879. “Petitionary letters were called for and Pleasant Hill and Emens (sic) churches in Hernando County.” Pastor, A. W. Wilson. Delegate, D. T. McLeod; Members 38. Contributions $1.60. [3] October 16 and 18, 1880. Pastor, G. M. T. Wilson. Delegates, D. T. McLeod, E. McLeod; Baptisms 11; Letters 4; Dismissed 3; Expelled 1; Deaths 1; Total 53. Contributions $3; Days of Meeting 2; Church P. O. Address, Pinan. [3] October 15 and 17, 1881. Pastor, R. T. Caddin. Delegates, D. T. McLeod, F. P. Daniel; Letters 3; Dismissed 5; Total 46; Contributions $2; Days of Meeting 2. [3] October 14-16, 1882. Pastor, T. H. Jaudon. Delegates, R. T. Caddin, D. T. McLeod; Baptisms 10; Restored 1; Dismissed 3; Deaths 1; Total 53; Contributions $2.20; 2nd Sabbath. [3] October 20 and 22, 1883. Pastor, W. W. Bostic. Delegate, D. T. McLeod; Baptisms 6; Expelled 1; Dismissed 3; Deaths 2; Loss 6; Gain 6; Total 51; Contributions $2; 1st Sunday. [3] 1884. (Found in the 1909 minutes Trilby Baptist Church was organized in 1884. First was called Macon in Hernando County.) [7] October 18-20, 1884. Pastor, R. E. Bell. Clerk, Tom Blitch, Leonard, Florida; Messengers, W. F. Pratt, B. F. Freer; Total 23, Contributions $1.15; 3rd Sunday. [3] March 18, 1885. Pastor Not Noted. “Elijah McLeod and Mary McLeod, his wife, deeded a portion of the land that we now occupy to Daniel McLeod, Moses Daniels and Freeman Croft as trustees of the Baptist Church and ‘in consideration of a sincere desire for the promotion of the cause of religion.’” [7] On May 30, 1885, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church joined the newly-organized Hernando Baptist Association. 1885. (Page 1) “The First Annual Session of the Hernando Association was held with the Bethany Baptist Church, near Clear Lake, and was called to order by Rev. J. T. Pittman, Moderator of the Organization Meeting of the 30th of May, ult.” [2] 1885. (Page 7) “Moved and seconded, that we now adjourn to meet with Pleasant Hill Church, at Macon, Florida, the Friday before the first Sunday in November next. ” (indicates a building; see photo) Stats – Pleasant Hill church, a petitionary church. Pastor R. E. Bell; Delegates D. T. McLod (McLeod) and E. McLod (McLeod); Dismissed 4; Membership 42; Contribution $2.50; 1st Sunday. [2] 1886. Pastor, R. E. Bell. “Stressed reading the Florida Baptist Witness.” [7] November 6-7, 1886. Pastor, R. E. Bell. 2nd Annual Session with Macon Baptist Church. (No Pleasant Hill church listed in stats. ) Clerk, T. Blitch, Macon; Membership 42; 1st Sunday; Minutes $2. [2] 1886-1887. The Florida State Gazetteer and Business Directory. “Rev. R. E. Bell, pastor Baptist church.” 1887. Pastor, R. L. Caddin. “Preached every 4th Sunday. Membership 33. Contribution for year $1.25. Name was changed to Pasco County.” [7] November 4-6, 1887. Pastor, R. T. Caddin. 3rd Annual Session. Macon present. (Also Pleasant Hill, a different/new congregation, petitionary. In 1894, this Pleasant Hill was located in Hillsborough County.) Representative E. (Elijah) McLeod; Baptisms 2; Received 2; Dismissed 4; Total 33; Contributions $1.25; 4th Sunday. [2] In 1888, Hernando Baptist Association voted to change its name to Pasco Baptist Association, reflecting the 1887 organization of Pasco County. Macon Baptist Church was then a member of Pasco Baptist Association, its third association. November 2-4, 1888. No Pastor. Delegate T. L. Blitch. Representative T. L. Blitch; Baptized 9; Letter 1; Restored 2; Expelled 2; Dead 1; Total 40; Contributions $50; 1st Sabbath and Saturday before. [1] November 1-3, 1889. Pastors not listed in PBA Minutes. Prayer requested; Sunday School 1; Officers 4; Pupils 32; Church property value $525; Minutes $1; Represented by letter/no delegates; Baptism 1; Restored 4; Lettered out 9; Total 32. [1] Pictured below is the first Trilby Baptist Church building. Outside vertical boards appear to be pine with two doors on the front of the building. The door at right has a white porcelain doorknob. Twenty-seven adults/children are pictured on about five/six horizontal steps between the two doors. The building is raised about three feet off the ground, apparently supported by log piers (not pictured). ![]() October 31 and November 1-2, 1890. Pastors not in PBA stats. Clerk, T. L. Blitch, Macon; SS Superintendent, F. Croft, Macon; Officers/Teachers 6; Pupils 40; Total Enrolled 46; Average Attendance 25; Baptisms 3; Church Edifices 1; Number of Sittings 175; Missions $10; Printing Minutes $1. [1] 1890. “Total expenditures – $52.00.” [7] 1891. “Pastor J. W. H. Powell served until 1898. Membership of 26 males and 37 females. Value of meeting house $350. Contributions – $103.” [7] October 30-31 and November 1, 1891. Pastor, J. W. H. Powell, Richland. Messengers, T. L. Blitch, T. L. Sumner, F. Croft; Clerk, T. L. Blitch, Macon; Organized 1878; 35 Members 1890; Baptisms 16; Letter 12; Restoration 3; Exclusion 3; Erasure 3; Males 26; Females 37; Total 63; Value of House $350; Value of Church Property $50; Total Value of Church Property $400; Church Expenses $80; SS Expenses $10; Poor/Home Charities $10; Minutes $1.50; Miscellaneous $1.50; Total $103. SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers/Teachers 4; Pupils 49; Contributed for Missions/Benevolence $10. [1] November 3-5, 1892. No Pastor. Messengers, T. L. Blitch, F. Croft; Clerk, T. L. Blitch; Organized 1878; 1891 Membership 63; Baptisms 3; Letter 5; Restoration 1; Decrease Letter 5; Exclusion 4; Total 63; Value of Meeting House $500; Total Value of Church Property $500; Church Expenses $14.65; Minutes .75; Total $15.40; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Teachers/Officers 6; Pupils 38; Contributed $5; Total Amount Money Loaned $13. [1] November 2-4, 1893. Pastor, J. W. H. Powell. Messengers, T. L. Blitch, G. N. Sumner; Clerk, T. L. Blitch; Organized 1878; Value of Meeting House $500; Church Expenses $135; State Missions $25; Home Missions $3; Minutes $1. 75; No SS Report. [1] November 1-3, 1894. Pastor, J. W. H. Powell. Messengers, F. Croft, R. B. Bankston, T. L. Blitch; Clerk, T. L. Blitch; Organized 1878; 1893 Membership 55; Baptisms 3; Letter 3; Experience 1; Restoration 2; Decrease Letter 13; Exclusion 2; Death 2; Males 16; Females 41; Total 75; Value of Meeting House $500; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers 5; Pupils 25; Contributions $8; Church Expenses $172; Home Missions $5.50; Minutes $1.50; Miscellaneous $3.50; Total $187.50. [1] October 31 and November 1-2, 1895. Pastor, J. W. H. Powell. Messengers, Thomas Blitch, C. F. Croft; Clerk, T. L. Blitch; Organized 1878; 1894 Members 75; Baptisms 2; Letter 3; Experience 1; Restoration 1; Males 19; Females 33; Value of Meeting House $400; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers 3; Pupils 20; Home Church Expenses $150; Poor/Home Charities $4. Total $154. [1] October 29-31, 1896. Pastor, J. W. H. Powell. Messengers, Freeman Croft, John Page, F. Bankston; Clerk, W. C. Morgan; Value of Meeting House $400; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers 3; Pupils 25; Library Volumes 24; Contributions $10.54; Church Expenses $75; State Missions $2; Home Missions $1; Foreign Missions $6; Minutes $2; Miscellaneous $6.80; Total $92. 80. [1] November 4-7, 1897. Pastors not listed in PBA stats. Messengers, F. Croft, S. Bankston, B. F. Knott; Baptisms 3; Restoration 1; Dismissed by Letter 14; Exclusion 4; Death 1; Males 10; Females 22; Total 32; Church Expenses $80; Society $5; SS Superintendent, B. F. Knott; Officers 6; Pupils 47; Library Volumes 50; Expenses $6. [1] 1898. “1898 until 1903 – Pastor G. A. Bryant.” (George Alexander Bryant) [7] November 4-6, 1898. Pastor, G. A. (George Alexander) Bryant. Clerk, Forrest Bankston; Baptisms 7; Letter 4; Dismissed by Letter 4; Excluded 1; Died 1; Males 10; Females 25; Total 35; Expenses $95.60; Association $2. 50; Foreign Missions $1; Home Missions $4; Minutes . 50; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; Pupils 30; Library Volumes 50; Expenses $5.60. [1] November 2-4, 1899. Pastors not listed in PBA stats. (#7-G. A. Bryant) Baptisms 0; Letter 2; Dismissed by Letter 1; Exclusion 3; Males 10; Females 21; Value of Meeting House $400; Expenses $75; Association $1; Foreign Missions $1; Aged Ministers .50; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers 5; Pupils 25; Library Volumes 50; Expenses $6. (Note: Macon church is the only PBA church with a library.) (Per TBC Undated/Unsigned Compilation, G. A. Bryant was pastor.) [1] November 1-3, 1900. Pastor, G. A. Bryant. Messengers, F. Bankston, Freeman Croft; Clerk, Forrest Bankston; Church Expenses $75; State Missions $1; Home Missions .50; Ladies Mission Union $1; Value of Church Property $500; 1899 Members 31; Restoration 1; Decrease Letter 1; Death 1; Males 9; Females 17; Total 26; SS Superintendent, B. F. Knott; Officers 4; Pupils 33; Library Volumes 50; Contributions $4. [1] October 29-31, 1901. Pastor, G. A. (George Alexander) Bryant. Clerk, F. Bankston; 1900 Membership 31; SS Superintendent, R. E. Lee, Tarpon Springs; No Report; Not Represented. [1] July 30, 1902. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 2.
August 6, 1902. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 2.
October 30-31 and November 1, 1902. No Pastor. (#7-G. A. Bryant) Clerk, F. Bankston; Baptisms 9; Letter 1; Restoration 7; 1901 Membership 37; Decrease Letter 2; Present Membership 54; Church Expenses $85; Association $1.15; Associational Missions $4. 15; Total $90.30. (Per TBC Undated/Unsigned Compilation, G. A. Bryant was pastor.) [1] October 29-31, 1903. No Pastor. (#7-G. A. (George Alexander) Bryant) Messengers, B. F. Knott, T. J. Blitch; Clerk, F. Bankston; Increase 35; Dismissed Letter 2; Death 2; Members 31; Pastor’s Salary $35; Repairs $35; Incidentals $5; SS Expense $23.65; Associational Missions $5; Orphanage .50; Property Value $300; SS Superintendent, B. F. Knott. (Per TBC Undated/Unsigned Compilation, G. A. Bryant was pastor.) [1] November 3-5, 1904. No Pastor. No Messengers; No Reports. [1] 1905. “J. T. Pittman – Pastor.” [7] November 3-4, 1905. Pastor, J. T. Pittman. Clerk, Forrest Bankston; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; Officers 4; Pupils 35; Contributions $8; Literature SBCS; Pastor’s Salary $60; SS Expenses $8; Associational Missions $2.35; Home Missions $1; Other Objects $5. [1] November 2-3, 1906. Pastor, J. T. Pittman. Macon hosted PBA Annual Session. Messengers, F. Bankston, Russell Sapp, T. J. Blitch; Clerk, Forrest Bankston; Church Property Value $300; Baptisms 2; Decrease Letter 2; 1905 Membership 19; Present Membership 21; Associational Missions $2.50; Home Missions .50; Foreign Missions .50; Aged Ministers .50; Orphanage $4.50; SS Expenses $18.75; Pastor’s Support $60; Minutes $1; Total $88.25; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; Officers 4; Pupils 35; Expenses $18.75; Total $23.25; S. B. C. S. [1] October 31 to November 3, 1907. No Pastor. Clerk, F. Bankston; Decrease Letter 8; Death 1; 1906 Membership 31; Now 22; Pastor’s Salary $45; Visiting Ministers $10; SS Expense $2.50; Association Missions $5.50; Orphans $2.50; Education .50; Aged Ministers .50; Minutes .50; Total $66.90; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers/Teachers 4; Pupils 35; Literature SBC. [1] 1908. “Called Trilby Baptist Church. Pastor O. N. Williams – yearly salary $75.” [7] December 10-13, 1908. Pastor, O. N. Williams. Name changed to Trilby Baptist Church. Messengers, D. P. Willis, B. L. Keith; Pastor, O. N. Williams; Clerk, Forrest Bankston; Property Value $400; PBA $6.05; Baptisms 9; Letter 2; Restoration 3; Death 1; Last Year 22; Now 29; Pastor’s Salary $75; Visiting Ministers $70; Association Missions $15; Aged Ministers $1; Total $196; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers/Teachers 6; Pupils 60; Expense $35; Literature SBC. [1] December 10-12, 1909. Pastor, O. N. Williams. Messengers, A. A. Keith, B. L. Keith, D. W. Willis; Clerk, Forrest Bankston; Organized 1884; Baptisms 8; Letter 2; Death 2; Last Year 29; Now 37; Property Value $400; PBA $5; Pastor’s Salary $75; Building Repair $20; Visiting Ministers $45; SS Expense $24; Association Missions $20; Orphanage $5; Other Agencies $24; WMS $15; Total $204; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers/Teachers 6; Pupils 35; Expenses $24; Literature CS; Women’s Union $7. [1] 1910. “Associational Meeting held in Trilby.” [7] December 8-9, 1910. Pastor, O. N. Williams. Church hosted PBA Annual Session. Messengers, C. Roberts, F. Bankston, A. A. Keith; Clerk, Forest Bankston; Organized 1884; Property Value $400; Letter 6; Decrease Letter 3; Death 1; Last Year 37; Now 39; Pastor’s Salary $120; Clerk/Minutes $2; Associational Missions $10.10; State Missions $2. 50; Home Missions $1; Foreign Missions $1 Education $1; Aged Ministers $7. 60; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Officers/Teachers 5; Pupils 45; Expense $36; Literature CS; PBA $7.50; Active Women’s Union Society. [1] November 9-10, 1912. Pastor, O. N. Williams. Messenger, A. A. Keith; Clerk, Forrest Bankston; Organized 1884; Property Value $400; Pastor’s Salary $120. [1] 1912. “Pastor’s salary – $120.00.” [7] November 9-11, 1912. Pastors not listed in PBA stats. Letter 6; Last Year 35; Now 41; Pastor’s Salary $120; State Missions $1; Church Expenses $138.50; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; Officers/Teachers 6; Pupils 45; Minutes $1.50. [1] December 6, 1912. Tampa Tribune, Page 11.
February 16, 1913. Tampa Tribune, Page 12. “TRILBY, Feb. 15. … Rev. Mr. Adams filled the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday.” [8] November 7-8, 1913. No Pastor. Messengers, R. Tyre, B. Thrasher; Clerk, Forrest Bankston; Baptisms 6; Members 41; Organized 1884; Pastor’s Salary $120; State Missions $1; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; Teachers 4; Pupils 45; PBA $5; Minutes/Clerk $2.50. [1] November 20, 1913. Tampa Tribune, Page 11. “TRILBY, Nov. 19. Special. … Evangelist Lewis is holding a very successful meeting at the Baptist Church. A big dinner was served on the grounds Sunday.” [8] November 27, 1913. “Trilby. The church at this place is being supplied by Rev. A. A. Keith, who lives a short distance from the town. He has held monthly meetings, and has done acceptable work. He has been for quite a while a resident of this section of the State and has been a faithful and tireless worker for the denomination among those with whom he has come in contact. A series of revival meetings will begin at Trilby soon and will be led by Brother Lewis, who is doing evangelistic work in this part of Florida. The home of Brother Lewis is at Ocala. Trilby is quite a junction point of the A. C. L. Railroad, being visited each day by a large number of freight and passenger trains. The town has lumber mills of good size.” [5] 1913. The new pastor of Trilby Baptist Church, J. M. Lewis of Tennessee, was introduced at the Florida Baptist State Convention in December. [4] December 5, 1913. Tampa Tribune, NPN. “TRILBY, Dec. 4. … The Pasco County singing Convention will convene at the Baptist Church at this place Sunday, December 7. A large crowd is expected to attend as Trilby is a favorite with the singers.” [8] December 19, 1913. Tampa Tribune, NPN. “TRILBY, Dec. 18. … Mr. McGee of Plant City, lectured at the Baptist church several nights this week.” [8] December 26, 1913. Tampa Tribune, Page 10.
February 8, 1914. Tampa Tribune, Page 2. “BLANTON, Feb. 7. … Robert Adams attended the Baptist Church in Trilby Sunday night.” [8] June 11, 1914. Florida Baptist Witness. “Pasco Union Meeting. Trilby. Brother Lewis (new from Tennessee) reported the building was in progress.” [5] 1914. “On Monday, June 22, 1914, furniture was moved from old church to Methodist church which was so kindly offered. Bro. Penny in charge at that time. On Wednesday, June 24, Mrs. Maude Blitch and Mrs. Mattie Edwards broke the first dirt as church was started on December 18, 1914. Church was finished December 19. Furniture was moved in. On Sunday, December 20, 1914, the first sermon was preached by Bro. J. M. Lewis. His text was Esther 4:10-17.” (Undated, unsigned history from 1922-1941 Church Record Book) [9] November 1, 1914. Tampa Tribune, Page 28. “TRILBY, Oct. 31. … The Baptist Church will be finished soon, and is a credit to the community.” [8] 1914. “J. N. Lewis – Pastor – Salary $600. Meeting 1st & 3rd Sundays. Baptized 18. BYPU organized. Built 2nd building on property. Some of the building blocks were made on the site and the rest were given by Peterson-McNeil Lumber Co. from their dry-kiln about two miles north of here and hauled in by wagon team. Value of Church property $1500.” [7] November 13, 1914. Tampa Tribune, Page 8. “TRILBY, Nov. 12. … The Baptist ladies’ dinner at the hall Saturday was well attended and a nice sum was raised toward building the new church.” [8] ![]() November 6-8, 1914. Pastor, J. M. Lewis. Messengers, Sister T. J. McCorkle, T. J. Blitch, Sister S. P. Baillee; Clerk, F. Bankston; Organization 1884; Baptisms 18; Letter 34; Restoration 3; Exclusion 2; Membership 94; Increase 53; Pastor’s Salary $600; Minutes/Clerk $2.75; “Trilby church has spent $1,500 for a new building.” Preaching Sundays 1 & 3; Orphanage $21.74; State Missions $70; Home Missions $15; Foreign Missions $9; Total $2198. 40; Property Value $1500; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Pupils 97; Teachers 7; Expenses $15; Mission/Benevolence $19.14; Total $34.14; WMU President, Mrs. R. B. Tyre; Contributed $33. [1] ![]() December 13, 1914. Tampa Tribune, Page 10. “TRILBY, Dec. 12. … The Baptists are erecting a beautiful new edifice in the northwest part of town which would do credit to a town much larger. Rev. J. M. Lewis has been pastor during the past year and has done much in pushing the work to an early completion.” [8] December 25, 1914. Tampa Tribune, Page 8. “TRILBY, Dec. 24. … The first services in the new Baptist Church were held Sunday. Rev. J. M. Lewis preached at the morning service and Rev. M. A. Adams of Dade City occupied the pulpit in the evening. The Baptist people are to be congratulated on having built such a nice place to worship. It is a well appointed building, with plenty of room for their growing congregation. The union Christmas program will be held here Thursday evening, to which all are cordially invited to attend. ” [8] September 26, 1915. Tampa Tribune, Page 36. “TRILBY, Sept. 25. … The Philathea Class of the Baptist Church will give an ice cream supper at the Baraca room adjoining the Baptist Church Friday evening. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.” [8] November 11-12, 1915. Pastor, J. M. Lewis. Messengers, G. A. Bryant, A. A. Keith, Bazel Keith, J. W. Gideons; PBA $1.60; Clerk, V. G. Hillard; Organized 1884; Baptisms 5; Letter 23; Restoration 3; Dismissed Letter 5; Death 1; Membership 128; 1st/3rd; Pastor’s Salary $720; State Missions $22.65; Current Expenses/Columbia; College Endowment $150; Minutes/Clerk $1.60; Total $894.25; Property Value $3700; SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Pupils 97; Teachers 7; Expenses $15. [1] September 15, 1916. Dade City Banner. “Trilby Tidings. Rev. J. A. H. Green of Crystal River has accepted the pastorate of the Trilby Baptist Church and will begin work here Sunday, September 17.” [6] September 17, 1916. Tampa Tribune, Page 36. “TRILBY, Sept. 16. … Rev. J. A. Green, of Crystal River, has accepted the pastorate of the Trilby Baptist Church, and will begin his work here Sunday, Sept. 17.” [8] October 22, 1916. Tampa Tribune, Page 31. “TRILBY, Oct. 21. … The revival services at the Baptist Church conducted by Rev. Green, the new pastor, are being well attended.” [8] October 26, 1916. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 4.
1916. “J. A. H. Green – Pastor.” [7] November 9, 1916. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 2.
November 9-11, 1916. Pastor, J. A. H. Green. Messenger, G. A. Bryant; Clerk, E. W. Gideons; Organized 1884; Baptisms 4; Letter 4; Decrease Letter 4; Death 1; Membership 122; 1st/3rd; Pastor’s Salary $500; Minutes/Clerk $1. 25; Church Property Value $3000 (2nd largest in PBA; College Street 1st largest); SS Superintendent, F. Bankston; Pupils 89; Teachers 10; Missions/Benevolence $15; BYPU President, F. Bankston; WMS President, Mrs. T. J. Blitch. [1] May 6, 1917. Tampa Tribune, Page 13. “Rev. Walden and son Ray departed for Crystal River Monday morning, after a series of meetings conducted by them at the Baptist Church, assisted by the local pastor, Rev. Green. The meeting was a very helpful one . . . ” [8] October 11, 1917. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 5.
1917. PBA Microfilm Lacking. (Trilby hosted meeting; see following citation.) [1] November 11, 1917. Tampa Tribune, Page 6. “TRILBY, Nov. 10. … The Baptist Association meeting was held Wednesday and Thursday, a large number of delegates and visitors attending. Dinner was served on the grounds Wednesday. Rev. M. M. Bales of Dade City addressed the gathering Wednesday night.” [8] 1917. N/D. The American Baptist Yearbook, page 155. “FLORIDA. J. A. H. Green, Webster.” January 27, 1918. Tampa Tribune, Page 29. “TRILBY, Jan. 26. … Rev. J. A. H. Green was unable to fill his appointment at the Baptist Church Sunday on account of the illness of his wife. Rev. Green lives at Webster.” [8] January 28, 1918. Tampa Tribune, Page 6. “WEBSTER, Jan. 27. … The many friends and parishioners of Rev. J. A. H. Green, pastor of the Baptist Church will learn with pleasure that he is recovering nicely from the operation performed on him in the Marion County hospital at Ocala a few days ago. He hopes to be able to fill his pulpit here on the second Sunday in February, by which time he will have regained sufficient strength to resume his pastoral duties. Rev. Green fills the Baptist pulpit both at Webster and Trilby.” [8] February 10, 1918. Tampa Tribune, Page 22. “TRILBY, Feb. 9. … Rev. J. A. H. Green, pastor of the Baptist church, resigned his position last week. Rev. G. A. Bryant will fill the pulpit for the present.” [8] Friday, July 5, 1918. Tampa Tribune, Page 8. “TRILBY, July 4. … Rev. J. M. Lewis and family of Palmetto visited friends here over Sunday. Rev. Lewis was formerly pastor of the Baptist church here, and he preached here Sunday morning.” [8] July 25, 1918. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 10.
September 29, 1918. Tampa Tribune, Page 17. “TRILBY, Sept. 28. … Rev. (R. C.) Alderman of Fort Green has been called to the pastorate of the First Baptist church of this place. Rev. Alderman will not bring his family to Trilby at this time, but will do so later.” [8] October 20, 1918. Tampa Tribune, Page 23. “TRILBY, Oct. 19. … Rev. Alderman of Fort Green will fill his pulpit at the First Baptist church Sunday.” [8] 1918. PBA Microfilm Lacking. [1] 1919. PBA Microfilm Lacking. [1] October 30, 1919. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 5.
1918-1919. N/D. The Florida State Gazetteer and Business Directory. “Green, J A H (Baptist)” 1919. Rev. R. C. Alderman listed with a Trilby post office address. (Florida Baptist Convention Annual, Page 11) [4] 1920. Pastor, C. W. Burnett (See March 25, 1921, Dade City Banner citation.) [6] 1920. PBA Microfilm Lacking. [1] March 25, 1921. Dade City Banner.
April 29, 1921. Dade City Banner. “Brother C. W. Burnett, wife and daughter, took their departure for Oklahoma last Wednesday morning. Many were the warm hand shakes and farewell greetings amongst members of his church, and friends. We were loath to see them go, but who knows? It may be for the best. I am convinced that we will miss him, and his family, when we realize that they are gone from us, perhaps forever. Some day we will understand.” [6] June 24, 1921. Dade City Banner.
1921. “G. A. Martin – Pastor – Baptized 15. V. G. Hilliard, other licensed minister (Annie Mae Green’s Father.)” [7] November 11-12, 1921. Pastor, G. A. Martin. Messengers, Forrest Bankston, T. J. Blitch, Rev. J. W. Gideon, Mrs. Mary Stewart, Mrs. Maude Blitch, Mrs. Josephine Hackney; Deceased, Sister Nellie Croft; Pastor, G. A. Martin; Clerk, W. L. Whiddon; Baptisms 15; Letter 12; Restoration 2; Decrease Letter 8; Death 1; Membership 87; 1st/3rd; Pastor’s Salary $600; Incidental Improvements $1000; Visiting Ministers $75; 75 Million Campaign $1807; Minutes/Clerk $5; BYPU/SS Expense $60; Now on Hand $11.58; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; Pupils 65; Teachers 8; Expenses $60; Missions/Benevolence $5. [1] 1922. See Church Minute Book September 30, 1922 – June 1, 1941 for additional data. [9] September 30, 1922. Charges brought against two members for adultery. Both expelled. (Names withheld by this compiler.) [9] 1922. PBA Microfilm Lacking. (Per church minute book, G. A. Martin is moderator. Likely, he is also pastor.) [1] November 5, 1922. W. L. Whiddon resigned as church clerk. J. R. Woods elected as church clerk. [9] February 11, 1923. Voted in conference to put six lights in the church. [9] February 23, 1923. Dade City Banner.
March 9, 1923. Dade City Banner.
1923. PBA Microfilm Lacking. [1] September 30, 1924. Pastor, G. A. Martin. Messengers, Forrest Bankston, R. J. Woods, Sisters T. J. Blitch, Edgar Wade, Lottie Jackson. Deceased, Sister Mary Touchton; Clerk, R. J. Woods; Letter 3; Erasure 23; Membership 27; Pastor’s Salary $600; Incidentals $36; 75 Million Campaign $70; Aged Ministers $10; Orphanage $10; The Poor $50; BYPU/SS Expense $100; Ministerial Help/Supplies $100. 11; Other Items $25; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; Pupils 75; SS Expense $75. “BYPU established at Trilby.” [1] December 7, 1924. A committee elected “to canvas membership in order to finish up 75 million campaign and get new pledges for 1925. Bro. G. A. Martin called for another year as pastor.” [9] October 22-23, 1925. No Pastor. Clerk, R. J. Woods; Baptism 2; Letter 4; Death 1; 1st/3rd; Pastor’s Salary $600; Incidentals $60; Minutes/Clerk $5; BYPU/SS $50; Ministerial Help/Supplies $130; All Other $40; SS Superintendent, R. J. Woods; Pupils 60; Scholars Baptized 2; Missions/Beneficial $60. [1] December 2, 1925. Reported G. A. Martin’s resignation, effective October 25. [9] 1925. Called Bro. Bremner, New Port Richey, as pastor. He accepted and was on field November 1, 1926. [9] 1926. “W. D. Bremner – Pastor.” [7] October 21-22, 1926. Pastor, W. D. Bremner. Messengers, Forrest Bankston, R. J. Woods, J. N. Lewis, Mrs. Nellie Wade, Mrs. Maude Blich; Clerk, R. J. Woods; Constituted 1913; Town Church; 2nd/4th/ Members 80; Revivals 1; Lord’s Supper 1; Baptist Paper 4; Enrolled SS 35; Enrolled BYPU 50; WMU Contributions $100; Local Church Gifts $681; Missions, Etc. $150; Property Value $6000; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; BYPU President, Gregg O’Berry; Deceased. D. S. Crenshaw. [1] November 28, 1926. Deacons Jasper Lewis, F. Bankston, and R. J. Woods ordained. [9] July 17, 1927. Resignation of W. D. Bremner. [9] September 13, 1927. W. M. Mead called as pastor. Did not accept. [9] 1927. “J. N. Ford – Pastor – Baptized 21.” [7] October 20-21, 1927. No Pastor. Enrollees, T. J. Blitch, Forrest Bankston, R. J. Woods, Mrs. D. G. Tyer, Mrs. Maude Blitch, Earl Tyer; Deceased, Freeman Croft; Constituted 1913; Town Church; Baptisms 21; Members 99; Revivals 2; Lord’s Supper 1; Baptist Paper 2; SS Enrollment 45; BYPU Enrollment 21; Women’s Contributions $94; Pastor’s Salary $600; Church Expenses $248. 25; CP $23. 17; Missions $65; Property Value $6000; BYPU President, Earl Tyer; WMU President, Mrs. T. J. Blitch; GA Leader, Mrs. W. E. Wade; WMU Members 9; Tithers 6; FBW 3; Royal Service 5; Missions $59; Local $10; Sunbeams 22; GAs 9; GA Awards 8; Organized Linden GAs, RAs, Sunbeams; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston. [1] November 5, 1927. R. J. Woods elected church clerk. [9] December 1927, 1927. J. N. Ford called as pastor. [9] 1928. PBA Microfilm Lacking. Pastor, J. N. Ford. * (*Stats included in 1929 PBA Annual – 2nd/4th; Baptisms 7; Members 127; Revivals 1; Lord’s Supper 2; SS Enrollment 95; BYPU Enrollment 20; Women’s Contributions $75; Pastor’s Salary $500; Church Expenses $642. 37; CP $6. 40; Missions $6; Tithers 2; Property Value $6000. [1] June 28, 1929. J. C. Clark called as pastor for “balance of year.” [9] July 14, 1928. “It was decided to pay Bro. Clark fifteen dollars each trip and if any more was paid in than promised he was to have that.” [9] 1929. “Meeting 2nd & 4th Sundays – Membership 127. Pastors – J. C. Clark, Simeon Wade from Nov. 29 until Sept. 1933. D. F. Barry, one month, then J. Ed. Bryant from Nov. 1933 until May 1937.” [7] October 24-25, 1929. Pastor, J. C. Clark. 2nd/4th; Members 83; Revivals 2; Lord’s Supper 1; FBW 2; BYPU President, Earl B. Tyre; BYPU Enrollment 16; SS Superintendent, Forrest Bankston; SS Enrollment 35; Property Value $6000; Women’s Contributions $20. 50; Pastor’s Salary $485; Church Expenses $622. 16; CP $8. 37; Property Value $6000; Sunbeams 17; Leader, Mrs. M. G. Donaldson; WMS Members 12; WMS President, Mrs. N. E. Wade; WMU President, Mrs. T. J. Blitch. [1] November 27, 1929. Simmons Wade of Bushnell was called by unanimous vote of church to preach on the second and fourth Sunday in each month. Clerk ordered to notify Bro. Wade.” [9] 1930. PBA Microfilm Lacking. Pastor, Wiley Simmons Wade (Church Minutes) [1] September 25, 1930. M. E. Bailey elected church clerk. [9] August 23, 1931. Forrest Bankston elected church clerk. [9] September 27, 1931. “Rev. Wiley Simmons Wade verbally tendered his resignation which was accepted by the church. On motion church went into call for Pastor. Bro. Wade was nominated. Vote was taken and Brother Wade was elected unanimously. Call was informally accepted.” [9] 1931. PBA Microfilm Lacking. Pastor, Wiley Simmons Wade (Church Minutes) [1] September 25, 1932. W. S. Wade called again as pastor. [9] 1932. PBA Microfilm Lacking. Pastor, Wiley Simmons Wade (Church Minutes) [1] 1933. PBA Microfilm Lacking. Pastor, Wiley Simmons Wade (Church Minutes) [1] September 24, 1933. Clerk read letter of resignation from pastor, Rev. W. S. Wade. [9] 1933. N/D. J. Edd Bryant called as pastor. [9] November 27, 1933. J. W. Bauknight, Jr. elected church clerk. [9] July 8, 1934. J. W. Bauknight, Jr. ordained as deacon. [9] 1934. N/D. Pastor, J. Ed Bryant. Clerk, J. W. Bauknight; SS Superintendent, J. W. Bauknight; WMU President, Mrs. O. G. Tyer; BYPU President, W. H. Colson; Deceased, Forrest Bankston; Members 72; Pastor’s Salary $500; Church Expenses $512. Property Value $5000. [1] May 28, 1935. Ordered three dozen songbooks. Cost $18. [9] June 14, 1935. Dade City Banner. “Rev. J. E. Bryant is conducting a two weeks revival in Trilby, beginning June 9. Rev. Sam Durrance from Wauchula is assisting in the services.” July 14, 1935. W. H. Colson and R. J. Woods ordained as deacons. [9] 1935. PBA Microfilm Lacking. [1] 1935. Pastor, J. Ed Bryant. Members 97; Baptisms 9; Pastor’s Salary $202; Home Expenses $554. 65; Missions/Benevolence $55. 75; Property Value $5000. (FBC Annual) [4] December 22, 1935. Reported that money being raised to paint inside church. Priced $50. On hand $25; promised $10. [9] March 22, 1936. Report that they didn’t have enough money to paint. [9] May 24, 1936. R. J. Woods elected church clerk. [9] October 2-3, 1936. Pastor, J. Ed Bryant. Pastor’s Salary $250; Constituted 1913; Membership 50; Revivals 1; Lord’s Supper 3; SS Superintendent, W. H. Colson; SS Enrollment 66; Clerk, R. J. Woods; WMU President, Mrs. D. G. Tyer; BYPU President, W. H. Colson; BYPU Enrollment 44; Memoriam, Mrs. J. H. Myrick, Mrs. Rosa May; Church Expenses $9; Property Value $5000. [1] May 23, 1937. Following J. Edd Bryant’s resignation, J. T. Rollins, Lakeland, was called as pastor. [9] 1937. “J. T. Rollins – Pastor.” [7] October 6-7, 1938. Pastor, J. T. Rollins. 2nd/4th; Baptisms 1; Members 55; Revivals 1; Lord’s Supper 2; SS Superintendent, J. R. Woods; Clerk, Mrs. W. H. Colson; BYPU President, Mrs. Emma Green; Participated in a one-week SS training; WMS President, Mrs. T. J. Blitch; Women’s Contributions $44.30; Pastor’s Salary $152.99; SS Enrollment 44; CP $6; Ed/Benevolence $13. 24; Property Value $1500. [1] October 17, 1937. R. L. Lampp called as pastor. [9] 1938. “R. L. Lamp – Pastor. Property Value $6000.” [7] October 10-11, 1938. Pastor, R. L. Lampp. SS Superintendent, R. J. Woods; Clerk, R. J. Woods; WMU President, Mrs. V. G. Hilliard; BTU Director, Mrs. D. V. Green; Memoriam, Mrs. Mary Jane Lewis; Baptisms 3; Members 60; SS Enrollment 31; Average Attendance 25; BYPU 36; Women’s Contributions $116. 85; Pastor’s Salary $218. 32; CP $2. 06; Church Expenses $355. 32; All Missions Gifts $20; Church Property Value $6000. [1] March 5, 1939. R. L. Lampp’s resignation effective January 1, 1939. [9] March 5, 1939. R. L. Lampp called “to finish out the year anyway and promised him their hearty support to help him in the ministry.” [9] July 17, 1939. Revival July 17 – July 26. Carl A. Howell, Tampa, preacher. Eight saved and baptized. [9] August 6, 1939. “Clerk ordered to inquire about the Baptist Witness and try to get it in our church.” [9] October 10-11, 1939. No Pastor. (R. L. Lampp, per Church Record Book). SS Superintendent, R. J. Woods; Clerk, R. J. Woods; WMU President, Mrs. V. G. Hilliard; BTU Director, Mrs. D. V. Green; Memoriam, J. L. Osborne; Baptisms 2; Other 6; Members 72; SS Enrollment 47; Average Attendance 25; BYPU Enrollment 16; Women’s Contributions $94.75; Pastor’s Salary $100; CP $2; Church Expenses $115; Missions/Orphans $17; Church Property Value $6000. [1] July 10, 1940. B. D. Baldwin called as pastor. [9] August 8, 1940. Announced Homecoming the last Sunday in August. [9] 1940. “B. D. Baldwin – Pastor.” [7] September 9, 1940. (Trilby Church Minute Book 1922-1940) “Mrs. Evy Green asked to write Mrs. J. E. Hayman of Clearwater a letter of thanks for the cornerstone for church.” [8] ![]() October 15-16, 1940. Pastor, B. D. Baldwin. SS Superintendent, R. J. Woods; Clerk, R. J. Woods; WMU President, Mrs. V. G. Hilliard; Memoriam, C. F. Dyson, Mrs. Carrie Coney, Elijah Croft; Members 71; SS Enrollment 20; Average Attendance 15; BYPU Enrollment 27; Women’s Contributions $14; Pastor’s Salary $115; CP $3; Church Expenses $189. 80; Missions/Orphans $19; Property Value $6000. [1] March 16, 1941. Scheduled revival in April, with cottage prayer meetings the week before. [9] 1941. “Harold Bowe – Pastor. Changed to B. T. U.” [7] 1941. N/D. Pastor, Harold B. Bowe, Jr. SS Superintendent, R. J. Woods; Clerk, R. J. Woods; WMU President, Mrs. D. C. Hancock; BTU Director, Mrs. D. V. Green; Baptisms 5; Other 7; Members 79; SS Enrollment 25; Average Attendance 18; Pastor’s Salary $120; Church Expenses $214; Missions/Orphanage $25; Property Value $6000. [1] November 5, 1942. Pastor, Harold B. Bowe, Jr. Messengers, Byrnes Bailey, Mrs. D. V. Greene; SS Superintendent, H. B. Bowe, Jr.; BTU Director, Byrnes Bailey; Clerk, Byrnes Bailey; Treasurer, Mrs. D. V. Greene; Memoriam, Francis Woods; Baptisms 1; Other 8; Members 37; SS Enrollment 38; Average Attendance 25; BTU Enrollment 13; Pastor’s Salary $604.34; Church Expenses $650.93; Missions/Orphanage $170.75; Property Value $6000. [1] 1943. “Vernon McDonald – Pastor – Salary $380.” [7] November 4, 1943. Pastor, Vernon C. McDonald. Every Sunday; SS Superintendent, H. B. Wilks; Clerk, D. V. Greene; Treasurer, Mrs. D. V. Greene; Memoriam, R. J. Woods, Deacon; Membership 60; Baptisms 4; SS Enrollment 32; Tithers 4; Property Value $6000; Pastor’s Salary $380; Gifts/All Contributions $654. 30. [1] March 3, 1944. Dade City Banner.
March 9, 1944. Florida Baptist Witness, Page 4.
May 25, 1944. FBHS index of Florida Baptist Witness. Requested. “YP class organized.” (See Addendum) [5] 1944. “Whitney Lavender – Pastor – thru 1946. Bought the property on the east side which included the two story house to be used as the pastorium.” [7] November 2, 1944. Pastor, Whitney Lavender. SS Superintendent, A. J. Darley, BTU Director, Mrs. H. B. Wilkes; Brotherhood, O. S. Hudson; Clerk, D. V. Greene; Treasurer, H. B. Wilkes; Memorial, E. Boykins, deacon; Constituted 1914; Every Sunday; Baptisms 5; Members 65; Revival 1; FBW 12; Property Value $6000; Pastor’s House Value $1200; Debt $400; Pastor’s Salary $746.60; Church Expenses $1563.63; CP $87.62; Missions/Orphanage $122.12; Tithers 2. [1] June 28, 1945. Florida Baptist Witness, Page Fifteen.
![]() October 10-11, 1945. Pastor, Whitney Lavender. SS Superintendent, Andrew Darley; Clerk, D. V. Green; WMS President, Mrs. H. B. Wilkes; BTU Director, Whitney Lavender; Treasurer, H. B. Wilkes; Memorials, Eugene Hines, Mrs. Mattie Edwards, Mrs. A. H. Bankston; Every Sunday; Baptisms 12; Members 65; Lord’s Supper 1; FBW 12; SS Enrollment 46; Training Union Enrollment 30; Women’s Contributions $13. 60; Property Value $6000; Pastor’s Salary $1100; Church Expenses $3143; CP $63.50; Missions/Orphanage $204.95; Tithers 3. Referred to as First Baptist Church, Trilby. [1] 1946. “Decided to build new pastorium. In the Church business meeting, ‘The discussion about the location ended in a squabble. ‘” [7] October 29-30, 1946. Pastor, Whitney Lavender. Messengers, Mr. /Mrs. D. V. Greene; Clerk, Dewey Greene; Treasurer, Nathan Tillis; SS Superintendent, Elisha Fowler; BTU Director, Gregg O’Berry; WMS President, Mrs. Velma Burney; Brotherhood Director, Whitney Lavender; Members 114; Baptisms 14; SS Enrollment 75; Every Sunday; Brotherhood Enrollment 20;Tithers 10; Property Value $10,000; Pastor’s Salary $1500; All Local Expenses $3350.50; CP $20; Designated $156.50; All Contributions $3,527. [1] 1947. “W. H. Johnson – Pastor – Property value $10,000.” [7] October 28-29, 1947. No Pastor. Messengers, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Wilkes; Clerk, D. V. Greene; SS Superintendent, H. B. Wilkes; WMS President, Mrs. Velma Burnsey; Treasurer, Mr. Tillis; Baptisms 5; Members 30; Revivals 1; SS Enrollment 20; VBS Enrollment 15; Property Value $8,000; Pastor’s Salary $1000; Church Expense $1927; CP $15. (Per Undated/Unsigned Compilation, W. H. Johnson was pastor.) [1] 1948. “J. E. Blewett – Pastor. (From) August 1948 until July 1950 – Kenneth Tucker – Pastor. New pastorium finished and one member didn’t like for the young pastor that we had then to drive his Model A Ford right up to the front door.” [7] According to Mrs. Theda Tucker, widow of Rev. Kenneth Tucker, they were the first family to live in the new two-bedroom frame pastorium. (Interview with Mrs. Tucker, May 20, 2010, Richland Baptist Church) October 19-20, 1948. Pastor, Kenneth Tucker. Clerk, Dewey V. Green; SS Superintendent, V. G. Hilliard; WMS President, Mrs. H. B. Wilkes; Treasurer, H. B. Wilkes; PBA $5; Memorial, H. T. Valentine; Members 71; Baptisms 4; Letter 10; Losses 5; Pastor’s Salary $433. 35; Local Expenses $933. 35; CP $20; Designated $19. [1] ![]() October 4-5, 1949. Pastor, Kenneth Tucker. Clerk, Dekey V. Green; SS Superintendent, Mrs. Mark W. Edwards; Treasurer, H. B. Wilkes; TU Director, C. O. Bashaw, Jr.; Organized 1914; Baptisms 15; Members 95; SS Enrollment 40; VBS Enrollment 29; TU Enrollment 23; Property Value $9,000; Pastor’s Salary $958.56; Total Gifts $2171.11. [1] ![]() Mrs. Tucker said she often went to the church in the afternoons to practice the piano for Sunday services while their baby daughter napped on a pallet placed on the floor nearby where the west sun came into the windows. October 10-11, 1950. Pastor, Harry Altemus. Clerk, Dewey V. Greene; SS Superintendent, James M. Smith; Treasurer, Mark W. Edwards; WMS President, Mrs. E. Hutcherson; Messengers, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mrs. E. Hutcherson, Mrs. D. C. Hancock, Mrs. C. O. Bashaw, Sr. Rev. /Mrs. Harry Altermus; Deceased, H. B. Wilkes, Richard D. Pitts; Baptisms 5; Resident Members 56; Total Members 91; SS Enrollment 61; VBS Enrollment 39; Property Value $9,000; Gifts $1,060; Associational Missions $5; Debt $147. [1] 1950. “Harry Altemus – Pastor one month and A. H. Harmon coming in December 1950 until July 1952.” [7] October 9-10, 1951. Pastor, A. H. Harmon. Clerk, D. V. Green; SS Superintendent, J. N. Smith; Treasurer, Mark Edwards; Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. A. H. Harmon, Mrs. Ernest Hutchinson, Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mrs. Mark Edwards, Mrs. V. G. Hilliard, Mrs. D. G. Tyer; Organized 1914; Baptisms 5; Members 91; SS Enrollment 61; VBS Enrollment 64; WMU Enrollment 14; Property Value $9,500; Total Receipts $2,083; Pastor’s Salary $1,341; CP $57. 49; Associational Missions $5; Total Missions Gifts $123. [1] 1952. “O. B. Hughes – Salary $1820.” [7] October 7-8, 1952. Pastor, Oather B. Hughes. Clerk, D. V. Green; Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. O. B. Hughes, Mrs. Robert Greene, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mr. /Mrs. Ernest Hutchinson; PBA Budget $5; Deceased, Mrs. Lily McClamma; Organized 1914; Baptisms 9; Members 92; SS Enrollment 89; VBS Enrollment 57; WMU Enrollment 15; Property Value $9,500; Pastor’s Salary $1,820; Mission Gifts $195; Total Gifts $2015. [1] ![]() October 6-7, 1953. Pastor, Oather B. Hughes. Messengers/Visitors, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mrs. Herbert Hamilton, Mrs. Lela Jones, Mrs. E. Hutchison, Mrs. Mary Copeland, Mr. /Mrs. K. C. Moor, Rev/Mrs. O. B. Hughes and Ricky; Clerk, D. V. Green; Baptisms 10; Letter 3; Members 92; SS Enrollment 80; VBS Enrollment 64; WMU Enrollment 12; Property Value $9500; Total Gifts Given $2514; Pastor’s Annual Salary $1820. [1] 1954. “1954 until November 1956 – Pastor D. H. Combee.” [7] October 5-6, 1954. Pastor, D. H. Combee. Messengers/Visitors, Mrs. Ernest Hutchison, Mrs. Geneva Norman, Mrs. Bob Greene, Rev. /Mrs. D. H. Combee, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mrs. Hattie Tyer; Clerk, Dewey V. Greene; Baptisms 2; Letter 8; Members 95; SS Enrollment 101; VBS Enrollment 62; TU Enrollment 49; WMU Enrollment 14; Property Value $14,000; Gifts for All Causes $2458; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2080. [1] ![]() October 4-5, 1955. Pastor, D. H. Combee. Messengers, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Hillard, Mrs. Tyer; Alternates, Mr. /Mrs. Halbert, Mrs. Combee; Clerk, D. V. Greene; Organized 1914; Baptisms 5; Letter 8; Members 108; SS Enrollment 92; VBS Enrollment 52; TU Enrollment 38; WMU Enrollment 14; Property Value $15,000; All Gifts $3521; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2080. [1] November 3, 1955. The Dade City Banner.
October 2-3, 1956. Pastor, D. H. Combee. (per messenger list) Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. D. H. Combee, E. Hutchison, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mrs. V. G. Hilliard, Mrs. C. O. Bashaw, F. R. Hughes, Mrs. J. A. Robbins, Mrs. R. M. Greene; Deceased, Earnest Hutchison; Baptisms 4; Letter 2; Members 59; SS Enrollment 113; VBS Enrollment 88; TU Enrollment 46; WMU Enrollment 8; Brotherhood Enrollment 10; Property Value $15,000; Gifts $3940. 75; Mission Expenditures $801.50; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2340. [1] 1957. “1957 thru May 1962 – Pastor W. W. Tyer.” [7] October 15-16, 1957. William W. Tyre. Messengers, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mrs. S. A. Robbins; Clerk, Paul Rhinesmith; Treasurer, H. B. Halbert; SS Superintendent, Joe Hillman; TU Director, Joe Robbins; WMU President, Mrs. M. Hancock; Brotherhood President, Joe Hillman; Baptisms 4; Letter 8; Members 66; SS Enrollment 87; VBS Enrollment 81; TU Enrollment 45; WMU Enrollment 8; Brotherhood Enrollment 10; Property Value $15,000; Gifts $3893; Mission Expenditures $715; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2600. [1] October 21-22, 1958. Pastor, William W. Tyre. Messengers, W. W. Tyre, Joe Hillman, Mr. /Mrs. H. B. Halbert, Mrs. D. C. Hancock; Clerk, Paul Rhinesmith; Treasurer, H. B. Halbert; SS Superintendent, Joe Hillman; TU Director, Mrs. Earnest Hutchinson; Choir Director, Joe Hillman; WMU President, Mrs. Myrtie Hancock, Brotherhood President, Earnest Hutchinson; Baptisms 10; Letter 7;Members 82; SS Enrollment 78; VBS Enrollment 44; Training Union Enrollment 50; WMU Enrollment 19; Brotherhood Enrollment 7; Property Value $15,000; Gifts $5293; Mission Expenditures $873; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2600. [1] October 22-23, 1959. Pastor, William W. Tyre. (PBA Moderator) Church hosted October 23 PBA meeting. Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. W. W. Tyre, Joe Hillman, Mrs. D. C. Hancock, Mrs. Elbert Whitten; Clerk, Paul Rhinesmith; Treasurer, Mrs. Elbert Whitten; SS Superintendent, Joe Hillman; TU Director, Mrs. Ernest Hutchison; Brotherhood President, Ernest Hutchison; WMU President, Mrs. M. Hancock; Choir Director, Joe Hillman; Memoriam, James Dell Griner; Baptisms 15; Letter 5, Members 95; SS Enrollment 74; VBS Enrollment 83; TU Enrollment 49; WMU Enrollment 16; Brotherhood Enrollment 7; Property Value $15,000; Total Gifts $5440; Mission Expenditures $916; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2600. [1] ![]() 1960. “Ground breaking for present building.” [7] April 17, 1960. Ground broken for new building. [6] April 21, 1960. The Dade City Banner.
![]() August 11, 1960. The Dade City Banner.
October 20-21, 1960. Pastor, William W. Tyre. (PBA Moderator) Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. W. W. Tyre, Mrs. Eunice Dubose, Mrs. D. C. Hancock; Clerk, Paul Rhinesmith; Treasurer, Mrs. Elbert Whitten; SS Superintendent, Elbert Whitten; TU Director, Marvin Merritt; WMU President, Mrs. W. W. Tyre; Brotherhood President, Joe Hillman; Choir Director, Joe Hillman; Baptisms 7; Letter 2; Death 6; Members 98; Tithers 20; Revivals 2; Has Budget; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2800; SS Enrollment 79; Average SS Attendance 46; January Bible Study; TU Enrollment 40; Average TU Attendance 24; Youth Week Observed; Broadman Hymnal; Brotherhood Enrollment 4; WMU Enrollment 12; Pastor’s Home Value $5000; Property Value $15,000; Construction/Equipment, etc. $300; CP 10%; PBA Mission Goal $50; Annuity Participation; Total Receipts $5505; Total Expenditures $5863; Pastor’s Salary $2800; Other Salaries $210; Total Local Expenditures $1703; CP $514; PBA $57; State Missions $38; Home Missions 26; Foreign Missions $219; Education/Schools $60; Children’s Home $65; Hospitals $20; Other $25. Total Missions $1019. [1] ![]() October 29, 1960. The Dade City Banner.
October 19-20, 1961. Pastor, William W. Tyre. Messengers, W. W. /Ola Tyre, Joe Hillman, Ernest Hutchison; Memoriam, Mrs. Ethel Halbert; Clerk, Myrtie E. Hancock; Treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Whitten; TU Director, Joe Hillman; WMU President, Mrs. W. W. Tyre; Brotherhood President, Joe Hillman; Choir Director, Joe Hillman; Organized 1914; Baptisms 3; Letter 3; Death 7; Members 90; Revivals 2; Tithers 23; Pastor’s Annual Salary $2830; SS Enrollment 61; Average Attendance 35; VBS Enrollment 28; JBS; TU Enrollment 36; Average Attendance 26; Brotherhood Enrollment 8; WMU Enrollment 17; Value Pastor’s Home $5000; Property Value $15,000; Construction/Property $2529; CP 10%; PBA $50; CP $477; Association $37; Home Missions $20; Foreign Missions $45; Education $30; Children’s Home $32; Hospitals $10; Other $13. Total Mission Expenditures $664. [1] ![]() October 26, 1971. The Dade City Banner. 4th In A Series.
1962. “July 1962 – October – L. O. Calhoun, Interim Pastor.” [7] October 25-26, 1962. No Pastor. Messengers, Joe Hillman, H. B. Halbert, Mrs. Hattie Tyer, Ethel Edwards; Clerk, Ethel Edwards; Treasurer, Mrs. Louise Whitten; SS Superintendent, Elbert Whitten; TU Director, Joe Hillman; Brotherhood, Joe Hillman; Choir Director, Joe Hillman; WMU Ethel Edwards; Baptisms 1; Letter 3; Death 7; Members 97; Tithers 20; Pastor’s Salary $2600; SS Enrollment 65; Average Attendance 30; SS Preparation Week; TU Enrollment 29; Average Attendance 10; Music Enrollment 24; Average Attendance 10; No Church Organ; Pastor’s Home $5000; Property Value $15,000; Construction and/or Equipment $1006; CP 10%; PBA $50; Annuity Board Participation; Receipts $4488; Pastor’s Salary $2600; Other Salaries $180; CP $480; Home Missions $14; Foreign Missions $53; Education $60; Children’s Home $15; Hospital $20; Other $25. [1] 1963. “Clifton Ernest” [7] October 24, 1963. The Dade City Banner.
October 24-25, 1963. Pastor, Clifton Ernest. Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. Clifton Ernest, Mrs. Charlotte Tyer; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel Edwards; SS Superintendent, Joe Hillman; TU Director, E. Hutchison; Brotherhood President, Joe Robbins; Choir Director, Earl Tyer; Baptisms 5; Letter 4; Death 6; Members 103; Revival 1; Pastor’s Salary $3120; SS Enrollment 87; Average Attendance 45; VBS Enrollment 69; TU Enrollment 29; Average Attendance 19; Choir Enrollment 15; Average Attendance 12; Broadman Hymnal; Pastor’s Home Value $6000; Property Value Including Pastor’s Home $15,000; Library; CP 10%; Receipts $1928; Pastor’s Salary $2645; Other Salaries $165; Expenses $1160; CP $500; PBA $50; Home Missions $15; Education $60; Hospitals $20; Other $25; Total Expenses $670. [1] 1964. “Oscar Crosby” [7] October 19-20, 1964. Pastor, Oscar Crosby, Jr. Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. Oscar Crosby, Mrs. Bessie Robbins, Mrs. Lovea Thomas; Memoriam, Mrs. Maude O’Berry; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel W. Edwards; Treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Whitten; SS Superintendent, Joe Hillman; TU Director, E. Hutchison; Brotherhood, Joe Robbins; Choir, Earl Tyer; Baptism 0; Letter 4; Members 99; Pastor’s Salary $2080; SS Enrollment 71; Average Attendance 45; Music Enrollment 19; Average Attendance 17; Broadman Hymnal; Pastor’s Home Value $6000; All Property $15,000; Library Books 120; CP 10%; Receipts $5552; Pastor’s Salary $2235; Other Salary 241; Total Expenditures 4702; CP $547; PBA $50; Foreign Missions $80; Education $60; Hospitals $20; Other $25; Total Mission Expenditures $782. [1] January, 1965. Work resumed on education building. See following articles. [5] February 4, 1965. The Dade City Banner.
Last month the Trilby Baptist church resumed work on the educational building that was started several years ago. It will have ten Sunday School rooms, two restrooms, kitchen, and temporary sanctuary. Tentative plans call for air-conditioning of the sanctuary. The building committee expects to have the building ready for occupancy in about six weeks. Members of the building committee are Bert Edwards, chairman, the Rev. Oscar Crosby, Jr., R. M. Greene, E. Hutchison, E. A. Hatcher, and Earl Tyer. Earl Tyer was elected to fill the unexpired term of Elbert Whitten, who died December 23. Sunday, February 14, will be observed as Elbert Whitten Memorial Day at the church, and a special offering will be taken to start a fund to place something in the church in memory of Whitten. He was a deacon, trustee, Sunday School teacher, assistant Sunday School superintendent, member of the building committee and also of the adult choir. (Article courtesy of Scott Black, Trilby historian, Dade City, Florida) February 11, 1965. Florida Baptist Witness.
May 20, 1965. The Dade City Banner.
(Article courtesy of Scott Black, Trilby historian, Dade City, Florida) 1965. “Present building dedicated.” [7] October 21-22, 1965. Pastor, Oscar Crosby, Jr. Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. Oscar Crosby, Jr. , E. Hutchison; Memoriam, Elbert Whitten; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel W. Edwards; Treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Whitten; SS Superintendent, Joe Hillman; Brotherhood, Joe Hillman; TU Director, E. Hutchison; Choir Director, Earl Tyer; Revival 1; Baptisms 10; Other 4; Death 5; Members 108; Pastor’s Salary $2170; SS Enrollment 99; Average Attendance 50; TU Enrollment 42; Average Attendance 22; Music Enrollment 17; Average Attendance 9; Receipts $6126; Other Salaries $180; Total Expenditures $18,301; Tithers 25; CP $597; PBA $50; Foreign Missions $110; Hospitals $20; Other $25; Total Mission Expenditures $802. [1] 1966. “Art Beal – Pastor – Gave 11% to Co-op program.” [7] November 8-10, 1966. Pastor, Art Beal. Baptisms 3; Members 115; Pastor’s Salary $3380; All Property Value $28,000; SS Enrollment 102; TU Enrollment 38; Music Enrollment 15; Receipts $6860; Total Mission Expenditures 712; CP $496. 20; Designated $120.40. [4] 1967. (Letter from Rev. Chester W. Plank)
August 17, 1967. The Dade City Banner.
1967. “Chester Plank – Pastor – Salary $3,385.” [7] November 14-16, 1967. Pastor, Chester Plank. Baptisms 14; Members 130; Pastor’s Salary $3380; All Property Value $28,000; SS Enrollment 118; TU Enrollment 54; Music Enrollment 11; Receipts $7564; Missions Expenditures $873; CP $792. 58; Designated $150. [4] October 24-25, 1968. Pastor, Chester Plank. Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. C. W. Plank, Joe Hillman; Memoriam, H. B. Halbert; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel Edwards; Treasurer, Mrs. Louise Whitten; SS Superintendent, Joe Hillman; TU Director, Earl Tyer; Choir Director, Earl Tyer; WMU President, Mrs. E. Edwards; Deacon Chairman, Joe Robbins; Baptisms 0; Other 7; Death 4; Members 133; Pastor’s Salary $3640; SS Enrollment 98; Average Attendance 37; VBS Enrollment 45; TU Enrollment 51; Average Attendance 18; Music Enrollment 10; WMS Enrollment 9; CP 10%; PBA Missions 1. 5%; All Property Value $28,000; Debt $6796; Tithers 25; Total Receipts $9512; Pastor’s Salary $3960; Staff Salaries $265; Total Expenditures $7922; CP $920; Foreign Missions $183; Hospitals $38. [1] November 11-13, 1969. No Pastor. Members 124; Property Value $28,000; Pastor’s Salary $2700; SS Enrollment 88; VBS Enrollment 40; CP $1079. 62; Designated $140.08. [4] 1969. “Pastor, Jim (James E.) White. Purchased pastorium in Riverdale.” [7] November 10-12, 1970. Pastor, James E. White. Baptisms 19; Members 137; SS Enrollment 86; TU Enrollment 38; WMU Enrollment 28; VBS Enrollment 82; Property Value $31,000; Debt $11,265; Receipts $10,835; Missions Expenditures $257; PBA $5; CP $317. 84; Designated $137. Trilby hosted PBA Annual Meeting (PBA/’82) [4] August 23, 1971. The Dade City Banner. “On August 4, 1971, the Trilby Baptist Church licensed A. W. Mozo of Plant City to preach the gospel ministry. Brother Mozo is available for limited supply and evangelistic work. Anyone interested in his service may contact him by writing to the Trilby Baptist Church. Rev. James E. White is the pastor.” October 21, 1971. Pastor, James E. White. Messengers, Rev. /Mrs. James E. White; Mr. /Mrs. Walter Whittington, Mrs. Wm. Delafield, Mrs. Doris Marshall; Baptisms 14; Other 15; Members Lost 50; Present Members 87; Pastor’s Home Value $10,500; All Property Value $61,100; Debt $11,189; Clerk, Ernest Odum; Associational Missions Program $132; Home Missions $15; Foreign Missions $120; Treasurer, Ernest Odum; Tithers 11; CP 2%; Receipts $14,248; Salaries $7692; Total Expenditures $10,849; Deacon Chairman, Eber Spivey; SS Director, Bill Delafield; Enrollment 65; Average Attendance 51; VBS Enrollment 79; TU Director, Joe Robbins; Enrollment 42; Music Director, Wanda Taylor; Enrollment 31; WMU Director, Mrs. Mary Bradshaw; Enrollment 21. [1] October 16, 1972. The Dade City Banner.
October 26-27, 1972. Pastor, James E. White. PBA EC Member, Joe Robbins; Messenger, James E. White; Baptisms 15; Other 9; Death 8; Members 96; Pastor’s Home Value $10,500; All Property Value $61,100; Debt $12,800; SS Director, Wm. Delafield; Enrollment 64; Average Attendance 52; TU Director, Touncy Miller; Enrollment 45; Average Attendance 30; Music Director, Mrs. Marian Coen; Enrolled 12; WMU Director, Mrs. Margaret Spivey; Baptist Women Enrollment 12; Treasurer, E. Odum; Tithers 6; CP 1.5%; Associational Missions 1%; Total Receipts $14,402; Borrowed $3500; Staff Salaries $8178; Total Expenditures $16,058; Clerk, Mrs. Bertha Ressler; CP $322; Deacon Chairman, Eber Spivey; Four Active Deacons. [1] 1973. “W. G. Mehaffey – Pastor until July 1974. Bros. Combee and Woodhouse finished out the year.” [7] October 25, 1973. Pastor, W. G. Mehaffey. EC Member, Joe Robbins; Memoriam, Walter Weagraff; Baptisms 8; Other 31; Death 8; Members 127; Pastor’s Home $20,000; Church Property Value $100,000; Debt 7; SS Director, Joseph Hillam; Enrollment 51; TU Director, Mrs. Doris Mehaffey; Music Director, Mrs. Doris Mehaffey; WMU Director, Mrs. Marian Coen; Enrollment 10; Treasurer, Eber Spivey; Tithers 15; Receipts $15,224; Borrowed $3500; Staff Salaries $6962; Literature $224; Expenditures $11,065; Clerk, Mrs. Bertha M. Ressler; CP $826; AA Offering $172; LM Offering $100; Children’s Home $75. [1] ![]() October 24, 1974. No Pastor. (*W. G. Mahaffey) Other ministers holding church membership, John Woodhouse; Baptisms 5; Other 21; Death 6; Members 147; Pastor’s Home $20,000; All Property $100,000; Debt $9085; SS Director, Leroy Haudenchild; Enrollment 79; Average Attendance 51; Treasurer, Mrs. Bertha Ressler; Tithers 20; CP 2.5%; Receipts $16,485; Borrowed $3980; Staff Salaries $9985; Debt Retirement $1895; Literature $211; Total Expenditures $18,404; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel Edwards; CP $882; AA Offering $91; LM Offering $121; Children’s Home $50; Mission Expenditures $1150; WMU Director, Mrs. Charlotte Wilson; Enrollment 10; Music Director, Evlyss Richey; Enrolled 22; Average Attendance 12. (Per source #7, *W. G. Mahaffey served until July. Bros. Combee and Woodhouse finish out the year.) [1] 1974. W. G. Mahaffey – Pastor until July 1974. Bros. Combee and Woodhouse finished out the year. [7] 1975. “February 1975 until August – Henry Pickern – Pastor.” [7] October 23, 1975. Pastor, Steven Pearson. EC Member, Joe Robbins; Memoriam, Joe Halbert; Baptisms 2; Other 5; Death/Letter 11; Members 143; Pastor’s Home $20,000; All Property $100,000; Debt $7300; SS Director, Ernest Hutchison; Enrollment 57; Average Attendance 30; WMU Director, Mrs. Charlotte Wilson; Enrollment 14; Music Director, Mrs. Lucille Green; Enrollment 14; Attendance 10; Treasurer, Joe Kightlinger; Tithers 20; CP 2.5%; Receipts $14,490; Staff Salaries $8140; Debt Retirement $1755; Total Expenditures $13,607; Clerk, Ernest Hutchison; CP $6039; State Missions $288; AA Offering $1782; LM Offering $9574; Children’s Home $1273; Mission Expenditures $19,401. [1] 1975. “October 1975 until May 1979 – Steve Pearson – Pastor.” [7] October 21, 1976. Pastor, Steven Pearson. Baptisms 5; Other 8; Loss by letter, death, etc. 24; Members 132; Pastor’s Home $20,000; Property Value $100,000; Debt $7330; SS Enrollment 94; Average Attendance 64; Music Director, Mrs. Lucille Green; Enrollment 17; Brotherhood Director, Eulyess Richey; Enrollment 1; Clerk, Loretta Lotridge; Treasurer, E. S. Lotridge; Tithers 20; CP 2. 5%; Receipts $12,591; Salaries $10,400; Expenditures $12,155. [1] October 20, 1977. Pastor, Steven Pearson. Memoriam, Mrs. Walter Whittington; Baptisms 12; Letter 6; Loss, letter, death, etc. 5; Pastor’s Home $20,000; Property Value $700,000; Debt $7330; SS Enrollment 65; VBS Enrollment 100; Music Director, Lucille Green; WMU Director, Marilyn Childers; Enrollment 2; Brotherhood Director, Eulyess Richey; Enrollment 1; Treasurer, Ernest Odum; CP 2%; PBA 2%; Receipts $1572; Salaries $96; Literature $458; Clerk, Sally Knightliner; CP $308; Associational Missions $168; Home Missions $22; Foreign Missions $47; Children’s Home $90; Missions Expenditures $635; Planning major new building/remodeling project; JBS; Deacon Family Ministry; New Baptist Hymnal; Baptist Men’s Day. [1] 1978. “Salary – $10,000.” [7] November 11-15, 1978. Pastor, Steven Pearson. Baptisms 17; Members 186; SS Enrollment 103; Training Union Enrollment 10; Music Enrollment 20; WMU Enrollment 75; Brotherhood Enrollment 15; VBS Enrollment 75; Property Value $100,000; Debt $6000; Receipts $21,295; Mission Expenditures $615; Gifts through State Office $227.50. [4] 1979. “May 1979 until May 1980 – David Hope – Pastor.” [7] July 3, 1979. Official Records. pascoclerk.com. A Warranty Deed with James Cecil Copeland and Vaude A. Copeland, Grantors, to Trilby Baptist Church, James M. Kightlinger, Lucian R. Radd, and Eulyess Richey, Trustees, Grantees, is on file in the Official Records Department, East Pasco Judicial Center, Dade City, Florida. Book 1016/Page 933. Legal 34-23-21. (Land for new pastorium. See 1980/7 source citation.) [8] October 25, 1979. Pastor, David Hope. Contributed $41.70 to PBA; Baptisms 7; Letter 9; Loss by letter, death, etc. 8; Members 194; Pastor’s Home $20,000; Property Value $100,000; Debt $11,820; Deacon Chairman, Cecil Copeland; Witness Training 20; Revivals 2; Weekly SS Meetings; Doctrine Study; Church Council; SS Preparation Week; Annuity Board; Assistance for Pastor’s Education; SS Director, Mrs. Geneva Radd; Enrollment 78; Average Attendance 45; VBS Enrollment 70; TU Director, David Hope; Enrollment 6; Average Attendance 4; Music Director, Mrs. Lucille Green; Enrollment 32; Average Attendance 20; WMU Enrollment 35; Treasurer, Louie Loachridge; Tithers 25; CP 2. 5%; PBA 2. 5%; Receipts $18,588; Salaries $11,000; Debt Retirement $1755; Literature $1100; Expenditures $16,775; Clerk, Sally Knightlinger; New Construction $200; State Missions $752; Home Missions $493; Foreign Missions $133; Mission Expenditures $1578. [1] 1980. “June 1980 – J. Nelson Allen, Sr. – Pastor.” [7] 1980. (Bottom of Compilation/Source #7) “Sold pastorium in Riverdale and at present we are building a new one on one acre of land on Old Trilby Road given to the Church by Vaude and Cecil Copeland. Present value of property (sentence unfinished)” November 10-12, 1980. Pastor, J. Nelson Allen. Baptisms 10; Members 196; SS Enrollment 63; Music Enrollment 23; Property Value $100,000; Debt $5000; Receipts $16,383; Expenditures $1235; Associational Missions $473; CP $393. [4] 1981. N/D. Pastor, J. Nelson Allen. Baptisms 1; Members 192; SS Enrollment 66; Music Enrollment 18; VBS Enrollment 62; Property $100,000; Receipts $7729; Missions Expenditures $2480; CP $894.96; Miscellaneous Designated Gifts $480. 52; Total Gifts Through State Office $2165.01. [4] October 21, 1982. Pastor, J. Nelson Allen. Messengers, Nelson Allen, Mr. /Mrs. Rice, Mrs. E. Laochridge; Organist/Pianist Mrs. Winnie Lemunyon; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel Edwards; Memoriam, Buddy Mauldin, Robert Morgan, Dewey Green, Deacon; Baptisms 7; Other 8; Loss by letter, etc. 6; Members 201; Property $100,000; Debt $6841; SS Enrollment 65; Average Attendance 50; VBS Enrollment 62; Music Director, Evelyn Rice; Enrolled 18; Average Attendance 15; WMU Director, M. Childress; Enrolled 16; Treasurer, Louie Loachridge; Tithers 30; CP 8%; PBA 2%; Receipts $14,383; Salaries $8180; Debt Retirement $821; Literature $2160; Total Expenditures $12,259; CP $401; State Missions $240; Home Missions $125; Foreign Missions $91; Total Mission Expenditures $857; Deacon Chairman, Max Wilson; Revivals 1. [1] November 1982. “Trilby Baptist Church Sanctuary Carpet” “In Loving Memory of Robert Morgan By His Wife Hazel” (A 6×9 plaque found in church in 2013, given to this compiler by Ingrid and Ray Moats, pastor of present-day Faith Fellowship.) [7] February 22, 1983. www.pascoclerk. com. Official Records. A Resolution with Trilby Baptist Church, Bert F. Edwards, R. M. Greene, Sr., and E. J. Lotridge, Trustees, Grantors, to James Kightlinger, Lucian Radd, and Euyless Richey, Grantees, is on file in Book 1236/Page 1064 in Official Records, East Pasco Judicial Center. [8] October 13, 1983. Pastor, J. Nelson Allen. Messengers, J. Nelson Allen, Mr. /Mrs. Doug Rice, Mr. /Mrs. Louis Loachridge; Building new parsonage on land given to the church by members, Cecil and Vaude Copeland; SS Director, Doug Rice; WMU Director, Mrs. M. Childress; Deacon Chairman, Max Wilson; Music Director, Mrs. Evelyn Rice; Organist/Pianist, Mrs. Winnie Lemunyon; Treasurer, Louie Loachridge; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel Edwards; PBA $385; Baptisms 4; Letter 7; Loss 3; Members 214; Pastor’s Home Value $55,000; Property Value $155,000; Debt $5941; SS Enrollment 45; Average Attendance 40; VBS Enrollment 66; Music Director, Mrs. Evelyn Rice; Enrolled 19; Average Attendance 15; WMU Enrollment 16; Tithers 32; CP 8%; PBA 2%; Receipts $24,522; Salaries $12,598; Construction Costs $16,593; Debt Retirement $900; Total Expenditures $34,037; CP $1588; PBA $389; State Missions $59; Home Missions $200; Foreign Missions $250; Children’s Home $160; Total Mission Expenditures $2794. Pastor employed elsewhere. [1] ![]() ![]() ![]() October 11, 1984. Pastor, J. Nelson Allen. Messengers, Mr. /Mrs. Max Wilson, Mr. /Mrs. Louie Loachridge; Organist/Pianist Mrs. Winnie Lemunyon; SS Director, Doug Rice; WMU Director, Mrs. Marilyn Childers; Deacon Chairman, Louie Loachridge; Clerk, Mrs. Ethel Edwards; Treasurer, R. M. Greene, Sr. ; EC Member, Doug Rice; Memoriam, Ophia Carter, Jim Kightlinger; Members 206; Tithers 32; Debt $20,453; SS Enrollment 56; VBS Enrollment 51; Music Enrollment 17; WMU Enrollment 15; Receipts $20,458; CP $1573; Mission Expenditures $2653; Lost by letter, etc. 8; Heating/Cooling $875; Debt $5160; Salaries $12,101; Literature $597; Total Expenses $18,208; PBA $386; State Missions $100; Home Missions $100; Foreign Missions $296; Children’s Home $138; Total Mission Expenditures $2653. [1] 1985. N/D. No Pastor. Baptisms 13; Members 214; SS Enrollment 53; Music Enrollment 27; WMU Enrollment 15; VBS Enrollment 40; Property Value $150,000; Debt $5160; Receipts $20,458; Mission Expenses $2653; Associational Missions $386; CP $1737.12; Designated $556. 02; Gifts Through State Office $2293.14. [4] October 16, 1986. Pastor, Solomon D. Whitten III. SS Director, Sol Whitten; Deacon Chairman, Doug Rice; Treasurer, Bessie Robbins; WMU Director, Marilyn Childress; Clerk, Ethel Edwards; Historical Events: Finished Parsonage; Memoriam, Emma Loacridge, John Rosenberg; Year Organized 1885; Baptisms 3; Letter 4; Losses 14; Members 206; Property Value $390,000; Debt $3600; SS Enrollment 62; Average Attendance 35; VBS Enrolment 104; Music Enrollment 17; Average Attendance 12; CP $1232; PBA $791; State Missions $55; Home Missions $126; Foreign Missions $150; Children’s Home $49; Mission Expenses $2403; Tithers 12; CP 6%; CP 4%; Total Offerings $28,074; Salaries $11,453; Construction $6389; Literature $441; Total Expenses $24,736; WMU Enrollment 14; Sunday Morning Worship 50. [1] October 22, 1987. Pastor, Solomon D. Whitten III. Clerk, Ethel Edwards; Treasurer, Bessie Robbins; SS Director, Sol Whitten; Music Director, Evelyn Rice; WMU Director, Marilyn Childress; Deacon Chairman, Doug Rice; Memoriam, William Croft; VBS Enrollment 82; Average Attendance 62; Professions of Faith 21; Organized 1885; Baptisms 3; Letter 4; Losses 3; Members 210; Energy Costs $818; Property Value $390,000; Debt $2606; SS Enrollment 44; Average Attendance 30; VBS Enrollment 82; Music Enrollment 14; Average Attendance 12; WMU Enrollment 18; Tithers 12; CP 5%; PBA 5%; Receipts $29,371; Salaries $16,822; Debt Retirement $994; Literature $419; Total Expenditures $20,445; CP $1216; PBA $1216; State Missions $102; Home Missions $233; Foreign Missions $878; Children’s Home $35; Total Mission Expenditures $3,863; Revival 1. [1] October 13, 1988. Pastor, Solomon D. Whitten III. Messengers, Sol Whitten, Doug and Evelyn Rice; Executive Committee Members, Sol Whitten, Doug and Evelyn Rice; Organized 1885; Baptisms 3; Letter 1; Losses 3; Members 211; Pastor’s Home Value $40,000; Property Value $390,000; Debt $1800; SS Enrollment 72; Average Attendance 31; Music Director, Evelyn Rice; Enrollment 12; Average Attendance 9; WMU Director, Marilyn Childress; Enrollment 18; Treasurer, Bessie Robbins; Tithers 12; CP 5%; PBA 5%; Receipts $26,683; Salaries $13,010; Debt Retirement $1232; Literature $619; Expenditures $27,531; Clerk, Ethel Edwards; CP $1168; PBA $1168; State Missions 102; Home Missions $214; Foreign Missions $500; Children’s Home $165; Mission Expenditures $3482; King James Version; Deacon Chairman, Doug Rice. [1] ![]() October 12, 1989. Pastor, Solomon D. Whitten III. Messengers, Sol Whitten, Marilyn Childress, Winnie Lemunyon; Memoriam, Elizabeth Strickland, Evy Green, Maria M. Wilbe, Farrell Yates, Tommy Whitten. Executive Committee, Sol Whitten and Doug Rice; Clerk, Ethel Edwards; Deacon Chairman, Doug Rice; Music Director, Evelyn Rice; WMU Director, Marilyn Childress; Treasurer, E. J. Lotridge; Organized 1885; Village Church; Baptism 8; Losses 5; Members 214; Utilities $672; Property Value $390,000; Debt $401; SS Enrollment 83; Average Attendance 35; VBS Enrollment 70; Music Enrollment 12; Average Attendance 9; WMU Enrollment 17; Tithers 12; CP 5%; PBA 5%; Receipts $28,649; Salaries $14,743; Debt Retirement $1232; Literature $640; Total Expenditures $23,886; CP $1373; PBA $1286; State Missions $100; Home $101; Foreign $525; Children’s Home $37; Total Mission Expenditures $3676; Male Members 67; Property/Casualty Insurance. [1] November 12-14, 1990. No Pastor. Baptisms 5; Members 221; SS Enrollment 71; Music Enrollment 28; WMU Enrollment 15; VBS Enrollment 75; Property Value $390; Receipts $26,395; Mission Expenses $3897; PBA $1015; CP $1257; State Missions $210. [4] November 11-13, 1991. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Members 221; SS Enrollment 18; DT Enrollment 6; Property Value $390,000; Receipts $23,005; Mission Expenses $600; CP $944; State Missions $208. [4] October 15, 1992. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. SS Director, Cecil Coleman; WMU Director, Mrs. Bessie Robbins; Deacon Chairman, Joe Robbins; Treasurer, E. J. Lotridge; Clerk, Loretta Lotridge; Pianist, Mrs. Winnie Lemunyn; Messengers, W. J. Gideons, Mr. /Mrs. Joe Robbins; Memoriam, Mrs. Anna Wilson; Letter 4; Losses 2; Members 30; Property Value $113,220; SS Enrollment 15; WMU Enrollment 3; Receipts $14,875; CP $600; PBA $700; Mission Expenditures $1699; SS Enrollment 15; Attendance 12; Receipts $14,875; Salaries $11,340; Literature $230; Expenditures $11,570; CP $600; PBA $700; State Missions $59; Home Missions $118; Foreign Missions $162; Children’s Home $60; Mission Expenditures $1699; CP 3.50%; PBA 4.50%; Pastor’s Home $39,118; Property Value $113,220; Lottie Moon $162; Annie Armstrong $118; Sunday Morning Worship 30; Sunday Evening Worship 14. [1] October 14, 1993. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. EC Member, W. J. Gideons; Secretary, Mrs. Bessie Robbins; SS Director, Cecil Copeland; Deacon Chairman, Joe Robbins; Clerk, Mrs. Norma Bevans; Treasurer, Mrs. Bessie Robbins; Pianist, Tom Green; Messenger, W. J. Gideons; Members 30; Property Value $140,142; SS Enrollment 12; Music Enrollment 7; Receipts $20,598; CP $366; PBA $629; Mission Expenditures $2199; Members 30; SS Enrollment 12; Attendance 11; Music Enrollment 7; Attendance 0; Receipts $20,598; Salaries $11,310; Literature $175; Expenditures $12,936; CP $366; PBA $629; State Missions 85; Home Missions $125; Foreign Missions $766; Children’s Home $228; Mission Expenditures $2199; Tithers 0; CP 3%; PBA 3%; Utilities $854; Property Value $140,142; Lottie Moon $137; Annie Armstrong $125; Sunday Morning Worship 20; Sunday Evening 10. [1] November 14-15, 1994. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Members 30; A. M. Worship 15; SS Enrollment 16; SS Average 4; DT Enrollment 3; Music Enrollment 16; BH Enrollment 9; Property Value $350,000; Receipts $17,343; Mission Expenses $1937; Associational Missions $631; CP $530; Maguire Offering $105. [4] October 12, 1995. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Contributions to PBA $443; Executive Board/Messenger, W. J. Gideons; Clerk/Treasurer, Bessie Robbins; Pianist, Thomas Green; SS Director, Louise Lefever; Memoriam, Fannie Evans, Annie Mae Greene, Joe Robbins; Baptisms 1; Other 1; Loss 3; Members 75; SS Enrollment 12; Average Attendance 6; Receipts $19,242; Missions Expenditures $1855; CP $595; PBA $595; Property Value $350,000; Organized 1884; Expenditures $14,223; Salaries $13,435; Lottie Moon $70; A. M. Worship 30; P. M. Worship 10; Weeks of Prayer for Home/Foreign Missions. [1] November 11-13, 1996. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Members 75; SS Enrollment 10; SS Average 10; Property Value $128,446; Receipts $15,055; Mission Giving $1324; Associational Missions $131; CP $131. [4] October 9, 1997. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. (Bi-Vocational) Contributions to PBA $0; Executive Board, W. J. Gideons; Listed in Statistical Tables but with no report in any section. [1] November 11-12, 1997. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. “No Report Received” [4] October 11, 1998. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Contributed $427 to PBA. [1] November 16-18, 1998. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Baptisms 5; Members 50; A. M. Worship 25; Property Value $310,000; Receipts $1148; Mission Giving $915; PBA $210; CP $270. [4] October 11-12, 1999. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Contributed $90 to PBA through March. [1] November 15-17, 1999. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Baptisms 5; Members 30; A. M. Worship 25; Property Value $104,479; Receipts $14,605; Mission Program $914; State CP $180; Miscellaneous $185. [4] October 15-16, 2000. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Contributed $50 to PBA. [1] November 13-14, 2000. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Baptisms 2; Members 45; A. M. Worship 20; Music Enrollment 2; Property Value $186,609; Receipts $15,184; Mission Expenses $865; [4] October 14-15, 2001. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. No contribution to PBA. [1] November 12-13, 2001. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Resident Members 10; Total Members 50; A. M. Worship 10; Property Value $48,000; Receipts $14,056; Mission Expenses $350. [4] November 11-12, 2002. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Resident Members 30; Total Members 30; Property Value $43,517; Debt $43,517. [4] November 10-11, 2003. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Resident Members 20; Total Members 20; A. M. Worship 8; Receipts $3,852; [4] November 8-9, 2004. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Resident Members 3; Total Members 3; A. M. Worship 5. [4] November 14-15, 2005. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. Resident Members 3; Total Members 3; A. M. Worship 5. [4] 2006/10 April 18, 2006. Trustee’s Deed. (www.appraiser.pascogov.com) Grantors: William James Gideons and Bessie Robbins, Trustees of Trilby Baptist Church. Grantee: Pasco Baptist Association, Inc. Properties hereby conveyed . . . described as follows: Parcel 1 – The South 40. 0 feet of Lot 32, Block 8, of the Town of Macon, and a strip of land 40 feet wide parallel with the North line of the property of Trilby Baptist Church. All in Section 27, Township 23 South, Range 21 East as recorded in the Official Records of Pasco County, Florida in OR Book 3296, Page 1653. Parcel 2 – Commence at the Southwest Corner of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, of Section 27, Township 23 South, Range 21 East, Thence run North along the West line of said NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, 289. 9 feet, thence North 68? 13′ East along the Northerly boundary of a 40 foot street, 144. 0 feet for a Point of Beginning, thence continue North 68? 13′ East 230. 55 feet, thence North 21? 47′ West 183. 0 feet, thence South 88? 13′ West 230. 55 feet, thence South 21? 47′ East 183. 0 feet to the Point of Beginning, as recorded in the Official Records for Pasco County, FL in OR Book 266, Pages 696-706. Parcel 3 – Begin 165. 0 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 34, Township 23 South, Range 21 East, Pasco County, Florida, thence run South 165. 0 feet, thence run West 264. 0 feet, thence run North 165. 0 feet, thence run East 264. 0 feet to the Point of Beginning. As recorded in the Official Records for Pasco County, Florida in OR Book 1236, Page 1065. [10] September 24, 2006. The New Trilby Baptist Church website.
November 13-14, 2006. Pastor, W. J. Gideons. (Out of date information) Resident Members 5; Total Members 5; A. M. Worship 6; SS Enrollment 7; SS Average 6; Receipts $18,005; Mission Expenses $814; Associational Missions Giving $244; CP $340. [4] 2007. Florida Baptist Convention Annual – Missing. [4] August 24, 2008. Interview with (name withheld by compiler). “Rev. Gideons, former pastor for many years, was to be honored by the church by naming him Pastor Emeritus. However, controversy came, and the church withdrew its plan.” [10] November 10-11, 2008. Pastor, Art Sanborn. Baptisms 9; Resident Members 16; Total Members 16; A. M. Worship 30; SS Enrollment 15; SS Average 8; Mission Expenses $1221; CP $1100; Annie Armstrong $122. [4] 2008. “Trilby Baptist Church baptized 9 in 2008 and had the highest percentage of increase in baptisms in the association for 2008. ” (The Prospective, June 1, 2009) [1] June 1, 2009. (See 2008 preceding citation.) [1] 2009. Name changed to Hispanic Trilby. November 9-10, 2009. Pastor, Art Sanborn. (Out of date information?) Mission Expenses $1280; CP $1125; Annie Armstrong $155; Other $80. [4] January 12, 2010. Executive Board Meeting. “Director of Missions John Kuespert brought the following recommendation from the Properties Committee: ‘The Properties Committee recommends that the association approve the attached FL Baptist Convention Revitalization Plan for Trilby Baptist Church.’ Motion carried.” Minutes distributed at the April 10, 2010, semi-annual meeting. Revitalization Plan not attached. Copy requested. (See Addendum) [1] ![]() ![]() May 14, 2010. Trilby Baptist Church reopened April 4, 2010, as Iglesia Bautista Trilby with Fidel Diaz, Pastor. Services in Spanish and English. (Compiler’s note: This work was not successful.) [5] ![]() ![]() November 8-9, 2010. Pastor, Art Sanborn. (Out of date information) Members 5; A. M. Worship 7; Music Enrollment 3; Mission Expenses $265;CP $265. [4] 2010. Name changed to Trilby Fellowship. (Thanksgiving) Pastor, Bobby Bowling. (See June 1, 2011, article in The Prospective.) [1] 2010. “Bob Bowling is trying to revive a work at Trilby Baptist Church. . . had a Thanksgiving dinner there and later came to my home for dinner. ” Mrs. Barbara Plummer, November 28, 2010, Blanton Baptist Church (Mrs. Plummer, member of Blanton, is now deceased. JRJ-10/18/2013) [10] December 9, 2010. I met Ray and Ingrid Moats at the PBA Christmas dinner tonight at Bethel Baptist Church. They are helping Rev. Bobby Bowling and Mrs. Amy Bowling in the work at the newly organized Trilby Fellowship Church, “constituted/incorporated” on November 1, 2010. [10] 2011. The Prospective, June 1, 2011. (Newsletter of Pasco Baptist Association)
June 11, 2011. Executive Board Meeting. Churches represented . . . Trilby Fellowship. PBA Bank Report, January -September 2011: #10058/Trilby Property; Jan $297.70, Feb $678.77, Mar $590.25, Apr $538.16, May $243.37, Jun $592.16, Jul $619.16, Aug $256.10, Sep $319.53. Receipts: Trilby Fellowship, Feb $75.57, Jun $150, Total $225.57. Pastoral Assistance #77002-Feb $2000, Mar $1000, Apr $1000, May $1000, Jun $1000, Jul $1000, Aug $1000, Sep $1000, Total $9000. [1] 2011. Pastor, Daniel Edgeman. “Lead pastor Trilby Fellowship 2011-2012.” (Email from Daniel Edgeman, Thursday, October 31, 2013) [10] December 24, 2011. (Daniel Edgeman, Facebook) ” . . . Invite everyone to our Christmas Eve outreach at Trilby Fellowship from 4-7. Food, candlelight service at 6 p. m. You can join us tomorrow at 11 a. m. for our official grand opening!” (Daniel Edgeman, Facebook) [10] December 25, 2011. Grand Opening of Trilby Fellowship Church. (See previous citation. Daniel Edgeman, Facebook) [10] 2011. N/D. “Daniel Edgeman became the new pastor . . . They reincorporated . . . ” (Email from John Kuespert, PBA DOM, to Judith R. Jolly, Researcher, Friday, October 25, 2013.) ( jkuespert@verizon. net) [10] 2011. N/D. Pastor, Daniel Edgeman. CP $709. Total Mission Expenses $709. [4] 2012. Pastor, Daniel Edgeman. “Lead pastor Trilby Fellowship 2011-2012.” (Email from Daniel Edgeman, Thursday, October 31, 2013) [10] October 9, 2012. PBA Ministers Meeting. “Closed.” [10] 2012. N/D. “About 6 mos later I asked Ray Moats if he would consider starting a new church there, which he has and it has grown slightly. . . The church incorporated . . . is called Faith Fellowship.” (Email from John Kuespert, PBA DOM, to Judith R. Jolly, Researcher, Friday, October 25, 2013.) ([email protected]) [10] 2012. Name changed to Fellowship. October 16, 2012. 128th Annual Meeting. (No Pastors Listed) Bank Report January-September 2012: Account #10058/Trilby Property: Jan $376.14, Feb $248.36, Mar $187.23, Apr -$271.96, May $141.02, Jun -$126.75, Jul $201.02, Aug -$88.81, Sep $0.00. Income: Account #40075/Trilby Fellowship: Jan $100, Feb $100, Mar $0.00, Apr $50, May $0.00, Jun $0.00, Jul $0.00, Aug $0.00, Sep $345.81, Total $595.81. Net Ordinary Income: Account #68050/Trilby Property Income: Jan $286.61, Feb $0.00, Mar $0.00, Apr $157.78, May $696.83, Jun $0.00, Jul $614.62, Aug $0.00, Sep $394.91, Total $2,150.75. Account #68060/Trilby Expense Reimbursement: Jan $286.61, Feb $0.00, Mar $0.00, Apr $157.78, May $696.83, Jun $0.00, Jul $614.62, Aug $0.00, Sep $394.91, Total $2150.75. Account #64052/Pastoral Assist (FL Bapt Convention), Trilby Fellowship: Jan $0.00, Feb $1000, Mar $500, Apr $0.00, May $0.00, Jun $0.00, Jul $0.00, Aug $0.00, Sep $0.00, Total $1500. Expense: Account #66594/Trilby Property Insurance: Jan $168.85, Feb $0.00, Mar $0.00, Apr $533.98, May $188.86, Jun $178.86, Jul $178.86, Aug $178.86, Sep $188.86, Total $1617.13. Expense: Account #66596/Trilby Electric: Jan $87.76, Feb $127.78, Mar $61.13, Apr $82.99, May $94.99, Jun $88.91, Jul $107.99, Aug $110.97, Sep $117.24, Total $879.76. Account #66570/Trilby Property Expense: Jan $256.61, Feb $127.78, Mar $61.13, Apr $616.97, May $283.85, Jun $267.75, Jul $286.85, Aug $289.83, Sep $306.10, Total $2496.89. [1] 2012. N/D. Pastor, Daniel Edgeman. (Out of date information.) “No Report Received” [4] January 15, 2013. Executive Board. Churches represented . . . Fellowship Church. [1] April 11, 2013. Semi-Annual Meeting. Messengers representing . . . Fellowship Church. Financial Summary through March 2013: Transfer in from Trilby Acct. (Faith Fellowship) $85. Account #10058/Trilby Property: Jan $0.00, Feb -$73.55, Mar $0.00. PBA Income: Account #40076/Faith Fellowship: Jan $0.00, Feb $0.00, Mar $50, Total $50. PBA Other Income: Account #68060/Trilby Expense Reimbursement: Jan $298. 50, Feb $0.00, Mar $738.85, Total $1037.35. Account #68050/Trilby Property Income: Jan $298. 50, Feb $0.00, Mar $738.85, Total $1037.35. PBA Other Expense: Account #66687/Trilby Parsonage Solid Waste: Jan $0.00, Feb $0.00, Mar $62, Total $62. Account #66688/Trilby Parsonage Stormwater: Jan $0.00, Feb $0.00, Mar $47, Total $47. Account #66594/Trilby Property Insurance: Jan $178. 86, Feb $0.00, Mar $188. 86, Total $367.72. Account #66596/Trilby Electric: Jan $89. 64, Feb $73.55, Mar $165.84, Total $329.03. Account #66598/Trilby Church, Solid Waste: Jan $0.00, Feb $0.00, Mar $62, Total $62. Account #66686/Trilby Church Stormwater Assem: Jan $0.00, Feb $0.00, Mar $84.60, Total $84.60. Account #66570/Trilby Property Expense: Jan $268.50, Feb $73.55, Mar $610.30, Total $952.35. [1] June 11, 2013. Executive Board. Churches represented . . . Faith Fellowship. Financial Report through May 2013: Transfer in from Faith Fellowship $145. Account #10058/Trilby Property: April -$194.61, May $0.00. Income: Account #40076/Faith Fellowship: Apr $100, May $0.00, Total (including Jan-Mar) $150. Account #68050/Trilby Property Income: Apr $0.00, May $1030.18, Total (includes Jan-Mar) $2067.53. Account #68060/Trilby Expense Reimbursement: Apr $0.00, May $1030.18, Total (includes Jan-Mar) $2067.53. PBA Other Expense: Account #66687/Trilby Parsonage Solid Waste – Same as March. Account #66688/Trilby Parsonage Stormwater – Same as March. Account #66594/Trilby Property Insurance: Apr $0.00, May $659.84, Total (includes Jan-Mar) $1027.56. Account #66596/Trilby Electric: Apr $164.61, May $145.73, Total (includes Jan-Mar) $639.37. Account #66598/Trilby Church Solid Waster – Same as March. Account #66686/Trilby Church Stormwater – Same as March. Account #66570/Trilby Property Expense: Apr $164.61, May $805.57, Total (includes Jan-Mar) $1922. 53. [1] October 10, 2013. 129th Annual Meeting. Pastor, Ray Moats. Financial Summary Report – January through September 2013: Transfer in from Faith Fellowship $265. Bank Report – January through September 2013: Account #10058/Trilby Property: Jan $0.00, Feb $-73.55, Mar $0.00, Apr -$194.61, May -$0.00, Jun -$0.00, Jul -$0.00, Aug $275.79, Sep $0.00. Receipts & Disbursements/Income: Account #40076/Faith Fellowship: Jan $0.00, Feb $0.00, Mar $50; Apr $100, May $0.00, Jun $50, Jul $50, Aug $50, Sep $100, Total $400. Other Income: Account #68050/Trilby Property Income: Jan $298.50, Feb $0.00, Mar $738.85, Apr $0.00, May $1030.18, Jun $345.75, Jul $372. 52, Aug $0.00, Sep $596.33, Total $3382.13. Account #68060/Trilby Expense Reimburse – Same as #68050. Other Expense: Account #66687/Trilby Parsonage Solid Waste: Mar $62, Total $62. Account #66688/Trilby Parsonage Stormwater: Mar $47, Total $47. Account #66585/Trilby Parsonage: Mar $109, Total $109. Account #66594/Trilby Property Insurance: Jan $178.86, Feb $0.00, Mar $188. 86, Apr $0.00, May $659. 84, Jun $165.68, Jul $165. 68, Aug $175. 68, Sep $165. 68, Total $1700.28. Account #66596/Trilby Electric: Jan $89.64, Feb $73. 55, Mar $165.84, Apr $164.61, May $145. 73, Jun $150.07, Jul $176.84, Aug $100.11, Sep $94.86, Total $1161. 25. Account #66598/Trilby Church Solid Waste: Mar $62, Total $62. Account #Trilby Church Stormwater Assem: Mar $84.60, Total $84. 60. [1] ![]() ©Judith R. Jolly, Researcher/Compiler Dade City, Pasco County, Florida Member, Board of Directors Florida Baptist Historical Society November 2, 2013 – Final Appreciation expressed to the following: Ray and Ingrid Moats, (Trilby) Faith Fellowship Rev. Daniel Edgeman, Trilby Fellowship Rev. John Kuespert, DOM, Pasco Baptist Association Scott Black, Dade City, Florida, Trilby Historian Mrs. Theda Tucker, wife of Rev. Kenneth Tucker, TBC pastor (both now deceased) Bruce Robbins, former Trilby resident/member, Trilby Baptist Church Florida Baptist Historical Society, research assistance and loan of microfilm Rev. Lawson Jolly, Jr., beloved research companion and ongoing resource |