Donating an Artifact

Donating artifacts associated with west Pasco County is important to preserving the history of our area. We are continually expanding our collection and appreciate the help of the community in making our collection one of the best in the Tampa Bay area.

If you have an item that you would like to donate, please fill out the  Artifact Donation Form. Our team of historians will review the information and contact you to discuss more details. Your donation is tax-deductible and helps the museum tremendously. Nearly everything in our museum has been donated by people like you.

​Since the museum is quite small with limited storage, we are limiting donations to items that come from west Pasco County. We also do not accept artifacts on loan because of the issues with damage to the item or deaccession of the item.

​Thank you for your contribution. Without the help of people like you, we simply would not have a museum to share with future generations.

Artifact Donation Form
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