Hacienda Hotel

Northwest corner of Main Street & Bank Street, New Port Richey
In late 1925, influential men in New Port Richey began discussing the need for an elegant community hotel in the city. Initial plans were laid for a Spanish style structure in the downtown area along the banks of the Pithlachascotee River, and earnest money was pledged.
By December of 1925, the group had worked out rough plans for the new hotel with plans for a fund raising campaign through the local Civitan organization. The hotel would have rooms with private baths for 100 guests, and be designed in wings with a spacious terrace in the center. Initial plans were to raise $100,000 from the community and have construction commence within 60 days.
On March 5, 1926, the New Port Richey Press reported that James E. Meighan – brother of the famous silent film star Thomas Meighan – had written a letter to the chairman of the hotel committee offering to donate property for the new hotel. The donated lots – bordered by Sims Park, Main Street, the Cotee River and Riverside Place (now Bank Street) was ideal for the project.
On March 15, 1926, acting on this need for a first-class hotel befitting the rich and famous clientele flocking to the City of New Port Richey, that group of prominent businessmen proposed the formation of a company under the name “Community Hotel, Inc.” to coordinate the project. The corporation was to be comprised of the following officers; Charles DeWoody, president; Edgar A. Wright, vice-president; James E. Meighan, second vice-president; Charles F. Hoffman, secretary; Charles W. Barnett, treasurer; and directors Warren E. Burns, James T. Becker, Robert L. Bolling, Ed C. Campbell, Frank I. Grey, Dr. W.W. Hunt, Walter K. Jahn, Richard Morgan, A.J. Pauels, Fred A. Shaw, George R. Sims, and Charles Snell.

On that same day, the New Port Richey Press reported, “Today marks the beginning of the actual campaign to build New Port Richey’s proposed new modern hotel.”. Within a few days more than $64,000 had been raised.
Then on the evening of May 25th, the need for the new hotel became even more urgent when the other major hotel in New Port Richey, the Sass Hotel on Circle Drive, was destroyed by fire. Known in earlier years as the Enchantment Inn, and also as the Sass Inn, it had been in business since 1912. It’s loss was a serious loss to the city.
By June of 1926, plans for the new Community Hotel were proceeding full steam ahead. The services of famous Sarasota architect Thomas Reed Martin had been secured, and he submitted plans for the interior and exterior of the building. Those plans called for a hotel of Spanish design with stucco finish, fifty guest rooms, a central courtyard, salon and dining room. It would be comfortably furnished and have steam heat.
On August 12, 1926, ground for the hotel was broken when Warren E. Burns turned the first soil with a golden shovel. The Burns-Becker Company was chosen to erect the new structure. Completion was expected by new year’s day of 1926. On November 8, 1926, the board of directors of Community Hotel, Inc. voted to name the new hotel, “The Hacienda”. A few days later, on November 13th, famous comedian Ed Wynn was the speaker at the official naming ceremony, saying it was his pleasure to be in “the most beautiful city imaginable”.

In order to keep the project on schedule, the Burns-Becker Company advanced $45,000 of the investment to complete the hotel. $30,000 worth of furniture was acquired from the Tampa Hardware Company in December of 1926, and Arthur A. Boardman was announced as the manager of the hotel.
The address of the new hotel, with its main entrance on the east side of the building, was 108 Riverside Place. Keep in mind that when the hotel was first designed and built, Main Street in New Port Richey dead-ended at Riverside Place, and did not extend across the Cotee River. The south-facing courtyard of the hotel was intended to be a private secluded area for guests … not as the main entrance it became in later years.
The informal opening was held on February 5, 1927, when the first guests were welcomed, dinner was served, and the building was opened for inspection by the public. According to the New Port Richey Press, 800 people attended the opening festivities. A week later, on February 12th, a dinner dance sponsored by the hotel management was held. Music was provided by Blue Steele’s Orchestra and the Sunset Hills Country Club orchestra.

The formal opening of the Hacienda took place on Feb. 17, 1927. The New Port Richey Press reported that more than 120 persons attended the event sponsored by the City Club of New Port Richey. Charles F. Hoffman, President of the City Club, was the toastmaster, and the speakers were New Port Richey Mayor Edgar A. Wright, Charles E. DeWoody, Dr. W. W. Hunt, and C. W. Lyons of Tampa.
From the beginning, the Hacienda Hotel was a big hit. The New Port Richey Press carried a photo of the Hacienda in 1930 with the caption: “Here were assembled at various times some of the most famous living celebrities of stage and screen, including Thomas Meighan, Leon Errol, Madeline Cameron, Frances Ring, Flora Zabelle, and numerous others as well as such noted writers as Bob Davis, George Ade, Ring Lardner, Hal W. Lanigan and others. Gay parties from St. Petersburg, Tampa, Clearwater and other cities motored here to enjoy the delightful atmosphere of this ‘Bit of Old Spain Amid the Palms.’” Others who stayed at the Hacienda in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s were Mrs. Arthur Hammerstein (formerly known as the actress Dorothy Dalton); songwriter Walter Donaldson; attorney Clarence Darrow; W. J. Wells, general manager of Macy’s and President of the Retail Managers Association of the U. S.; and Frank Case, owner-operator of the Algonquin Hotel in New York and a writer. Local lore has it that Gloria Swanson stayed at the Hacienda and even had her own room there. However, asked about this later in her life, Swanson replied that she had never visited the Hacienda.
According to newspaper columnist Wilfred Neill, “The Hacienda weathered the Great Depression. In the years that followed, the hotel’s ownership changed several times as stock shares were bought and sold. At one time, the hotel was owned by Maxine Stein, who also had a theatrical makeup company in Los Angeles. Later owners developed a Spanish theme. An addition to the hotel was named the La Fonda steak room. The cocktail room was renamed the Matador Lounge. Bullfight posters adorned its walls. Waitresses and barmaids wore toreador pants and bolero jackets.”
On Nov. 10, 1931, the St. Petersburg Evening Independent reported, “The Hacienda is to have a change in policy this season. The rates, both for rooms and for meals, will be lowered. Mrs. I. N. Vickers, proprietress of the Kentucky Inn, will have charge of the management and the dining room, and Mrs. Oneta DeWoody will be the hostess for the social activities. The hotel was built by community money and it is hoped it will now be used for the activities of the community.”
A newspaper advertisement on Aug. 15, 1933, showed that the Hacienda was under the same management as the Hotel De Soto in Tampa and the Tybee Hotel in Savannah Beach, Ga. In 1935 the Community Hotel Corporation sold the Hacienda to Robert Holmes Sr., whose sons Gray and Robert Jr., managed it.
On Nov. 14, 1944, the New Port Richey Press reported that the Hacienda Hotel had been sold the previous week to Rev. Dr. William T. Watson of St. Petersburg. The article reported that Watson was “a leader in religious work in St. Petersburg.” It also reported, “Owing to war conditions the hotel has not been operated to full capacity in the past three years.” Watson was the founder of the Florida Bible Institute at Temple Terrace.
In a recent letter to Bill W. Lanpher, President of Trinity College, Dr. Watson’s son recalled that his father purchased several hotels which he thought might be a good location for the Florida Bible College, one of which was the Hacienda. He wrote, “However, the town of New Port Richey did not want to lose their only hotel. We operated it as a hotel with no official connection to the school, of which I am aware. The school did hold their annual end of the year Banquets there.”
[It is claimed that evangelist Billy Graham worked as a waiter at the Hacienda while he was attending Bible College. However, according to his biography he actually worked as a waiter at the restaurant on the campus of Florida Bible Institute in Tampa, which he attended from 1937 to 1940. In 1969, Graham recalled that in 1937 while attending Temple Terrace Independent Bible School in Tampa, his first recreational trip and picnic was to New Port Richey.]
In 1950 Watson sold the hotel to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Schuldt, formerly of Omaha.
In 1951 Schuldt sold the hotel to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gates, who had operated the Delaware Towers at Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Merkatz, who had operated the Royal Inn at Woodbourne, N. Y.

In November 1953 the hotel was purchased by Mrs. Maxine G. Stein, formerly of Chicago. The newly furnished and redecorated Hacienda Hotel opened on Dec. 29, 1953. Ray Miller was the manager. The December 24, 1953, edition of the New Port Richey Press announced, “Currently plans are being prepared for the construction of a 75 foot swimming pool, a crescent drive from which a canopy covered walk will lead to the new Main Street entrance.”.
On June 5, 1954, the St. Petersburg Times reported: “TAMPA — A Chicago man filed suit in Federal Court here yesterday asking appointment of a receiver for the Hacienda Hotel at New Port Richey, its sale and dissolution of the owners’ partnership. The plaintiff, Raymond Miller, named Maxine G. Stein of New Port Richey as defendant. Miller said they each bought half-interest in the hotel in 1953. He alleged she agreed to pay him $20,000 for his half last February, but that she paid only $5,000. Miller said he is due $15,000 under that agreement and $5,500 spent for repairs.”
On Mar. 17, 1955, a New Port Richey Press article named Mrs. Maxine Stromsen as owner of the Hacienda Hotel. On Sept. 25, 1955, the New Port Richey Press reported that the hotel was sold by Mrs. Maxine Stromson to Mrs. Francis Supic, formerly of Milwaukee, and that it would reopen on Oct. 1 with Mrs. Supic’s son Karl J. Gabriel as manager.
On Mar. 26, 1959, the New Port Richey Press reported, “Robert Semple, former manager of Pinellas Poultry Co. of Clearwater, recently became the new owner and manager of the Hacienda Hotel. The Hacienda was purchased by Mr. Semple from Mrs. Frances Supic, who owned the hotel for approximately 3½ years. The new owner anticipates that a corporation will be formed in the near future. … He is being aided in the Hacienda operation by his wife, Jean Marie. Mr. Semple informs the Press that he will welcome any suggestions from the people of New Port Richey in order that he may make the facilities of the establishment, including the dining room and cocktail lounge, as attractive as possible. He has enlisted the aid of a new chef, Henry Weber, to enhance the food policy of the dining room. Mr. Weber has a vast background of experience in Florida restaurants, including the Ft. Harrison Hotel dining room in Clearwater.“.
The May 12, 1960, edition of the New Port Richey Press had an article saying that Robert Semple planned to construct a large swimming pool to be financed by the sale of memberships, and that use of the pool would be limited to members and hotel guests. The hotel staged a gala re-opening on Oct. 3, 1959, following improvements which were made during the summer months. There is no evidence that a swimming pool was ever part of the renovations.
On May 28, 1964, the New Port Richey Press reported, “Announcement was made last week of the appointment of Roy Benedict as manager of Hotel Hacienda, his duties encompassing supervision of all departments of the operation. He replaces Robert Semple, manager for the past five years, who left with Mrs. Semple and their infant daughter for an indefinite vacation.”
At some point, Semple sold his share of the ownership of the hotel to Des Little, according to the recollection of Semple’s son Bill.
On Oct. 12, 1967, the New Port Richey Press wrote, “It is our understanding that Des Little holds the controlling stock, if not all of the Hacienda Hotel, where he has recently made many improvements in the interior, and has other interests in various projects.”
On June 7, 1968, the St. Petersburg Times reported, “A fire occurred at the Hacienda at 5 a.m. yesterday, with 27 residents evacuated quickly and without injury. Des Little, vice president of Hacienda Motor Hotel, Inc., said that 12 rooms sustained major damage. The fire department reported the building as a 10 per cent loss.“. The article stated that the 59-room structure was purchased by its current owners in 1959.
In 1974 Jacqueline A. and Michael N. Battista purchased the hotel from Robert Semple, Des Little, and two other of their partners. They breathed new life into the old structure, which had become somewhat run down in the years prior to their purchase. The Battistas operated the hotel as a family business, and lived in rooms above the kitchen area. Many changes were made to the décor of the building to attract guests and once again make it into a thriving hotel and entertainment venue.
On October 24, 1974, the fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of New Port Richey was celebrated with a dinner at the Hacienda Hotel. The menu was turkey, cornbread, corn, and all the trimmings – duplicating the one that was served to celebrate the opening of the Hacienda.

Celebrity singer “Tiny Tim” played two shows per night at the Hacienda Hotel from September 28th through October 3rd in 1976. Known for his hit single “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” he gave dinner concerts with songs and a comedy act.
During the Bautista era of ownership, the Hacienda continued the tradition of being a popular spot for parties, wedding ceremonies, club meetings, and other community events. High school proms were often held at the property.
In addition to renovating the rooms and courtyard of the historic hotel, the Bautistas also took steps to upgrade the hotel’s restaurant into a truly world-class dining experience. They hired a renowned chef, and treated guests to fine cuisine and entertainment.
The Hacienda routinely was the host for elaborate parties with celebrity guests and top-name musical groups. Some of the stars that appeared there were The Ink Spots, Frankie Fontaine, and Rudy Vallée.

The ballroom of the Hacienda was alive with excitement early in 1977 as Guy Lombardo and his orchestra played for a dinner dance there. According to an article in the New Port Richey Press that appeared on March 2, 1977, the event was billed as a New Year’s Eve party – even though the new year had already come and gone.
The Battista era of ownership of the Hacienda was, however, not all fun and games. Lawsuits about financial matters and incidents of code violations were reported in the newspapers. In the mid 1980s, the hotel business was not as good as it once was, and the Battista Family looked for alternative ways to utilize the property. In July of 1985 they entered into a lease agreement with Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services (GCJFS) to operate the hotel as a home for the elderly – while continuing to operate the restaurant and host the occasional party or event on the premises. The lease agreement stipulated that the GCJFS had an option to buy the property within three years.
On July 26, 1985, the St. Petersburg Times reported that Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services Inc. had selected the Hacienda Hotel as the site of Florida’s first “House for Special Services,” and that the Hacienda was expected to cease being in the hotel business after 60 years of operation. The article referred to Michael Battista as the owner of the hotel.
On May 30, 1986, Florida Governor Bob Graham visited New Port Richey to help dedicate the Hacienda Home for Special Services. On Aug. 6, 1986, the Harry L. Green Hacienda Home for Special Services – more commonly referred to as “Hacienda House” – operated by Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services, opened in the former Hacienda Hotel. The program was initially described as an ACLF for persons 18 and older who were free of acute conditions or infectious diseases.
Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services did considerable renovations to the hotel to properly outfit it for its new use. They received a $459,000 state grant to help finance the improvements. And in September of 1989 they executed their option to purchase the Hacienda property from the Battistas. The original description of the facility as being an ACLF environment for physically impaired elderly patients eventually evolved into a home for clinically depressed mental patients. Local government officials and residents were not pleased with this transition. But a number of reports in local newspapers over the years of the operation of Hacienda House tend to indicate that it was successful, and a helpful environment for the patients it served. GCJFS received a number of state grants to help support the operation of the facility.

On Oct. 24, 1996, the Hacienda Hotel was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
On Aug. 12, 2003, the New Port Richey City Council voted to purchase the Hacienda Hotel from Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services for $2.2 million. The city subsequently leased the facility to that organization while it arranged relocation of the residents. In May 2006 New Port Richey City Manager Scott Miller reported that Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services would vacate the premises by June 1.
In 2012 the city abandoned a five-year relationship with Community Development Partners, which had planned to improve the facility but never followed through on its proposals. On Jan. 12, 2013, about 400 local residents turned out to volunteer to clean up the building.

In 2014 the state legislature allocated $1 million toward restoration of the Hacienda, and New Port Richey city council chose Florida Motel Inc. as the developer to renovate the building. In Feb. 2015 the city reached an agreement with father and son investors Yaakov and Avi Rosner of Florida Motel Inc. to operate the Hacienda as a boutique hotel. A video of the ceremony from the Suncoast News can be seen on Youtube HERE.
In December 2015 New Port Richey City Council members agreed to hire D. L. Porter Construction, based in Sarasota, for the renovation. And in 2016 the city deemed the Rosner team to have defaulted on the development agreement reached the previous year.
On Aug. 26, 2017, a community organization named the “Friends of the Hacienda and Historic New Port Richey” held a fundraiser in the hotel. It was thought to be the first social event to take place in the Hacienda in about 30 years.
In June 2018 the city approved a lease agreement with James Gunderson to restore the hotel. Gunderson had previously restored the Lakeside Inn in Mount Dora. Gunderson has an option to purchase the hotel once it is restored.
The Hacienda, through its long and storied history, is more than just a hotel. Through times of elegance and splendor, and periods of idleness and hard times, it has always been the centerpiece, the beating heart, of the city. This building has hosted the rich and famous, as well as the down and out, through different periods of its life. It has been the site for countless balls, parties, wedding celebrations, dinners and proms. This historic building can be proud of its contribution to the birth and continuing vigor of downtown New Port Richey.
The current address of the Hacienda Hotel is 5621 Main Street, New Port Richey, Florida 34652.

This article was added on March 19, 2024 by Paul Herman, digital media archivist, West Pasco Historical Society.
Much of the research for this page was done previously by Jeff Miller.
Page last edited by Paul Herman on March 22, 2024