HISTORY OF PASCO COUNTYEmmaus Baptist ChurchEstablished 1879 – Demised 1937Section 4, Township 25 South, Range 20 EastTwo Miles West of San Antonio, Pasco County, Florida1879. Works Progress Administration Church Records: Church organized. “Services held under trees and arbors few months in 1879 during erection of building.” First settled clergyman was Rev. R. E. Bell who served 1879-1883. In 1940, the location/address was Highway #210, 2 miles N. E. of Pasco (aka Pasco Station) between San Antonio and Pasco. A 1922 Pasco County bond measure created the Dade City & West Coast Road, a hard surface macadamized road with eight inches of crushed rock, named Pasco Road on December 15, 1923. It became SR 210 about 1939 and SR 52 in the late 1940s. Prior to the early 1920s, Emmaus and Emmaus Baptist Church were served by dirt roads and the Orange Belt Railway (first passenger train through San Antonio in 1888). It became Florida Central & Peninsular in 1896 and Atlantic Coast Line in 1902. [www.landolakes.patch.com, www.fivay.org/railroads] 1879. South Florida Baptist Association – In (then) Hernando County with 14 members. Petitionary letter from the “Emens” church. R. E. (Robert E.) Bell, pastor; J. W. Jackson, delegate. 1880. South Florida Baptist Association – R. E. (Robert E.) Bell, pastor; J. W. Jackson, G. G. McKindree, delegates; +17 baptisms; 35 total; 4th Sunday. 1881. South Florida Baptist Association – R. E. (Robert E.) Bell, pastor; J. S. Goss, Lewis Gaskins, delegates; +2 baptisms; +1 letter; -1 death; 35 total; 4th Sunday. 1882. South Florida Baptist Association – R. E. (Robert E.) Bell, pastor; A. J. Hayman, Lewis Gaskins, delegates; +3 baptisms; +2 letter; -2 expulsions; 39 total; 4th Sunday. 1883. South Florida Baptist Association – R. E. (Robert E.) Bell, pastor; J. W. Jackson, Lewis Gaskins, delegates; +3 letter; -2 expulsions; -2 dismissed; 38 total; 4th Sunday. 1883. An 1883-1884 list of (then) Hernando County schools shows teacher R. E. Bell and trustees J. W. Jackson, G. G. McKendree, and J. S. Glass. Before Pasco County was created (1887), Hernando County school board minutes show that Robert O. Carter appeared before the board and promised to give up intoxicants if the board would give him a school, so they assigned him to teach at the Emmaus School. (www.fivay.org/education2.html) July 11, 1884. Fort Dade Messenger:
1884. South Florida Baptist Association – J. T. (Jesse Thompson) Pittman, pastor; 4th Sunday. 1885. Hernando Baptist Association – J. T. (Jesse Thompson) Pittman, pastor; +1 baptism; +3 received; 38 total; 4th Sunday. (HBA was organized this year.) 1886. Hernando Baptist Association – R. E. (Robert E.) Bell, pastor; McKendree, clerk; San Antonio address; 35 members; 4th Sunday; $1 for Minutes. 1887. Hernando Baptist Association – No pastor; J. S. Goss, representative; +6 baptisms; -2 expelled; 48 total; 4th Sunday; $8. 45 to Hernando Baptist Association for missions; $1.25 contribution. (This part of Hernando became Pasco in 1887; name changed to Pasco Baptist Association during meeting.) 1888. Pasco Baptist Association – J. T. (Jesse Thompson) Pittman, pastor; E. A. Tucker, Hy Edwards, representatives; +3 baptisms; +2 letter; -1 expelled; -7 lettered out; 48 total; 3rd Sabbath and Saturday before; $50 contribution; E. A. Tucker on Pasco Baptist Association S. S. committee. 1889. Pasco Baptist Association – (J. T. Pittman, E. A. Tucker and Henry Edwards listed as Pasco Baptist Association ordained ministers w/San Antonio addresses.) No pastor; R. B. McKendrie, messenger; “requested prayers of the association”; SS: 4 officers, 25 pupils; SS work $12; church property value $250; printing minutes $1.50; home church work $75; No baptisms; +3 letters; -1 lettered out; -1 deceased; 51 total. 1890. Pasco Baptist Association – (J. T. Pittman and Henry Edwards listed as Pasco Baptist Association ordained ministers w/San Antonio addresses.) No pastor; R. B. McKendree, clerk; J. S. Goss and L. L. Jackson, messengers; -1 deceased; -5 expelled; 45 total; SS: 5 officers; 18 pupils; 23 enrolled; 16 average attendance; J. W. Jackson, San Antonio, superintendent; SS work $10; 1 church edifice; will seat 150; church property value $250; church expenses $50; printing minutes $1; ministerial education $1; total expenses $52. 1891. Pasco Baptist Association – Emmaus not represented at annual meeting; no stats, contributions. 1892. Pasco Baptist Association – J. C. Phillips, San Antonio, pastor; J. S. Goss, San Antonio, clerk; J. W. Jackson, messenger; Stats: org 1879; +6 baptisms; -1 erasure; -1 death; 15 males; 28 females; 46 total; J. W. Jackson, SS superintendent, San Antonio; home church $52.65; minutes $1. 1893. Pasco Baptist Association – Banner H. Guy, San Antonio, pastor; J. S. Goss, San Antonio, clerk; +1 restoration; -1 excluded; -4 letters; 43 members; 13 males; 26 females; 39 total; church property value $500; .75 cents for minutes; home church $35; total $35. 75. 1894. Pasco Baptist Association – J. I. (James Irvin) Spivey, San Antonio, pastor; J. S. Goss, San Antonio, clerk; Mr./Mrs. J. W. Jackson, messengers; -4 letters; -1 exclusion; 13 males; 24 females; 37 total; church property value $500; J. W. Jackson, SS superintendent; 4 officers, 15 pupils; SS expense $1; home church $26.80; minutes $1.10; $27. 90 total. 1895. Pasco Baptist Association – J. I. (James Irvin) Spivey, Pasco, pastor; J. S. Goss, messenger; J. S. Goss, San Antonio, clerk; 37 members last year; +2 baptisms; -1 letter; 14 males; 24 females; 38 total; church property value $100; Pasco Baptist Association $2; home church $10.45; home missions $2.05; minutes $2; total $14; SS – no report. 1896. Pasco Baptist Association – J. E. (James Irvin) Spivey, Pasco, pastor; J. S. Goss, San Antonio, clerk; R. B. McKendree, messenger; 20 cents to PBA; no SS report; $31 foreign missions; $31 total; 38 members last year; +4 baptisms; +4 letters; -3 letters; 16 males, 26 females; 42 total; church property value $300. 1897. Pasco Baptist Association – No pastor; J. W. Jackson, messenger; Mrs. A. A. Abbott, SS superintendent; 3 officers, 16 pupils; 20 volumes in library; $2.50 expense; 16 males; 26 females; 42 total; $17 expense; $3.95 PBA; $6.05 Society. 1898. Pasco Baptist Association – J. W. H. Powell, pastor; J. S. Gause, San Antonio, clerk; +2 letters; -1 death; 43 total; $24.28 expense; $1.00 repairs; 40 cents PBA; $4.43 foreign missions; $2.88 home missions; $4.64 state missions. May 17, 1899. Florida Baptist Witness – “Pasco Union – Our union was saddened by the death of Brother Powell. He was pastoring three churches in our association – Richland, Emmaus and Lacoochee – was well beloved by his people.” (Note: J. W. H. Powell died April 22, 1899.) 1899. Pasco Baptist Association – No pastor; J. W. Hudson and Robert McKendree, messengers; hosted Pasco Baptist Association annual meeting; collected $8.85 for PBA; Mrs. A. Abbott, SS superintendent; 5 officers, 20 pupils, $5.37 expense, $1.25 missions/benevolence; $45.50 church expense; $3.47 PBA; $5.54 foreign missions; $4.57 home missions; $2.25 state missions; $1 Minutes; +1 letter; -4 letters; -2 deaths; 15 males; 25 females. 1900. Pasco Baptist Association – No pastor; J. W. Hudson, messenger; $1 PBA; 43 members 1899; +2 baptisms; +2 letter; -2 letters; 18 males, 27 females; 45 total; (Mrs.) A. A. Abbott, San Antonio, SS superintendent; 4 officers; 15 pupils, $7.42 expense. Oct. 18, 1900. The San Antonio Herald: “The construction of the Emmaus Church is being rapidly completed. The Edifice, when finished will be a handsome structure and credit to the congregation.” March 22, 2011, email from Nola Langley, wife of Rev. Tom Langley, former DOM, PBA. 1900. Works Progress Administration Church Records: Original building “torn down and the present building was erected.” “Wood, painted white, rectangular.” Church dedicated. 1901. Pasco Baptist Association – S. C. (Samuel Craft) Sloan, Kathleen, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; J. W. Hudson and L. R. Abbott, messengers; $1.10 to PBA; 44 members 1900; -18 letters; 6 males; 20 females; 26 total; L. R. Abbott, San Antonio, SS superintendent; 5 officers; 18 pupils; SS expenses $3.43; church expenses $60. 20; value of house $350; value of church property $100; church property value $450; state missions $3; home missions $2.30; foreign missions $1.05; association purposes .50; aged ministers $1; miscellaneous $1. (-18 letters – PBC org’d?) 1902. Pasco Baptist Association – S. C. (Samuel Craft) Sloan, Kathleen, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; Sisters A. A. Abbott and S. W. Hill, messengers; $1.25 to PBA; hosted union meeting in August, collected $20.50; 26 members 1901; -1 exclusion; 25 total; Mrs. A. A. Abbott, San Antonio, SS superintendent; 3 officers; 25 pupils; Kind Words literature; $6.50 contributions; 1 of 5 Pasco Baptist Association churches w/SS; church expense $127.50; SS expense $3; state missions $1.50; home missions $8.70; foreign missions $4.40; poor/home charities $32.10; association purposes $1.25; ministerial education $4; association missions $3; total $183.70. 1903. Pasco Baptist Association – Joe (Joseph) H. Smith, Lacoochee, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; Sister A. A. Abbot and J. W. Hudson, messengers; J. P. Tanner, San Antonio, SS superintendent; 4 officers, 17 pupils; +2 baptisms; 28 total; pastor’s salary $45.85; building/repair $25.45; home missions $2; foreign missions $2.25; other $17.44; orphanage $4.70; church property value $350. 1904. Pasco Baptist Association – Jos. (Joseph) H. Smith, Lacoochee, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; J. S. Goss and J. W. Hudson, delegates; Pastor’s salary $62; -2 letters; -1 exclusion; -3 total; 20 present membership; incidentals $2; association missions $2.10; home missions $3; foreign missions $2; other $10.45; orphanage $2; $2.25 to PBA. 1905. Pasco Baptist Association – A. A. (Albert Abel) Keith, Owensboro, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; Sisters Pauline Hill and Eugenia Alexander, messengers; I. O. Barksdale, San Antonio, Sunday School superintendent; 5 officers, 30 pupils; contributions $13.10; expense $15.24; Southern Baptist Convention Series literature; +5 baptisms; +5 letters; +1 restoration; -2 letters; total 35 members; pastor’s salary $100.35; building/repairing $105.48; incidentals $12.10; SS expense $15.24; the poor $7.25; association missions $8.40; foreign missions $2; visiting ministers $4.20; orphanage $5; church property value $450. Hosted Pasco Baptist Association union meeting; collected $22.95. 1906. Pasco Baptist Association – J. T. (Jesse Thompson) Pittman, Dade City, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; Miss Pauline Hill, San Antonio, Sunday School superintendent; 2 officers/teachers; 15 pupils; building/repairing .50; church property value $450; 21 members 1905; total 19 members. 1907. Pasco Baptist Association – No pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; church property value $450; visiting ministers $12.50; associational missions $1.50; total $14; +2 letter; -1 erasure/exclusion; 33 members 1906; 30 members 1907. No Sunday School. 1908. Pasco Baptist Association – S. S. (Seymour Sidney) Pickett, Tampa, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk and messenger; +2 letter; +2 baptism; -4 letter; 30 members 1907; 30 members 1908; No Sunday School; church property value $450; pastor’s salary $22; visiting ministers $26; incidentals $4.50; total $52.50. (J. W. Hudson also on Pasco Baptist Association executive committee from EBC.) 1909. Pasco Baptist Association – S. S. (Seymour Sidney) Pickett, Tarpon Springs, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; J. W. Hudson, Z. McKendrie, C. P. McKendrie, messengers; J. W. Nash, San Antonio, SS superintendent; 4 officers/teachers; 25 pupils; $5 expenses; CS literature; +12 letter; +13 baptism; +10 restoration; – 6 letter; -3 erasure/exclusion; 30 members 1908; 56 members 1909; church property value $450; pastor’s salary $80; clerk/minutes $1.50; poor $2; visiting ministers $2.50. June 16, 1910. Florida Baptist Witness – May – Union Meeting at Emmaus. 1910. Pasco Baptist Association – O. N. (Oscar Nathaniel) Williams, Dade City, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; J. W. Hudson, W. M. Mason, messengers; J. S. Bragdon, Pasco, SS superintendent; 4 officers/teachers; 23 pupils; $28.43 expenses; Convention Series literature; +1 baptism; -4 letters; -1 erasure/expelled; 56 members 1909; 53 members 1910; pastor’s salary $69; building/repairing $400; clerk/minutes $4.25; incidentals $2.50; associational missions $2.10; orphanage $2. 1911. Pasco Baptist Association – O. N. (Oscar Nathaniel) Williams, Dade City, pastor; G. W. Nash, San Antonio, clerk; W. N. Mason, V. H. Soar, Oscar Coxwell, messengers; church property value $450; pastor’s salary $70; SS expenses $17.50; associational missions $2. 1912. Pasco Baptist Association – No pastor; J. W. McKendree, R. R. McKendree, A. A. Wilson, messengers; V. H. Soar, Pasco, SS superintendent; 8 officers/teachers; 48 pupils; +16 baptisms; -4 letters; -1 expulsion; 53 members 1911; 64 members 1912; pastor’s salary $78.50; associational missions $1; state missions $2.67; orphanage $1.50; minutes $2.50. 1913. Pasco Baptist Association – O. N. (Oscar Nathaniel) Williams, Dade City, pastor; F. S. McKendree, Pasco, clerk; R. B. McKendree, messenger; preaching 1st Sunday; church property value $500; +2 baptisms; -1 death; 65 members; pastor’s salary $70.93; state missions $1.65; home missions $2; foreign missions $2; associational missions $1; orphanage $7. 22; minutes/clerk $2. Apr. 1, 1914. Tampa Tribune – “BLANTON. Mr. and Mrs. Durward Hancock, and Messrs. Evans, Neal Hancock, and Irving Sellers drove to Emmans Sunday to attend the big union meeting of Baptists.” August 31, 1914. Photo of Emmaus Baptist Church, a gift from Mary Stewart West of Richland Baptist Church to Judith Richbourg Jolly on March 13, 2011. Original found in scrapbook of her mother, Annie Bell Stewart. ![]() 1914. Pasco Baptist Association – No Pastor; W. M. Mason, San Antonio, clerk; J. W. Nash, W. N. Mason, A. A. Wilson, messengers; F. S. McKendree, SS superintendent; 7 teachers; 45 pupils; SS expenses $15; +28 baptisms; -35 letters; -2 expulsions; -2 deaths; 39 members 1914; net decrease -11; pastor’s salary $65; minutes/clerk $1; state missions $7.50; total $73.50; church property value $500. (Most of the 35 lettered out likely went to Pasco Baptist Church, organized 1914. PBC reported 31 members per 1914 Pasco Baptist Association records.) 1915. Pasco Baptist Association – O. N. (Oscar Nathaniel) Williams, Dade City, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; W. M. Mason, J. W. Nash, messengers; J. C. Barksdale, San Antonio, SS superintendent; 6 teachers; 36 pupils; $4.40 SS expenses; 3rd Sunday preaching; pastor’s salary $35; 40 members; church property value $600; minutes/clerk $1. 1916. Pasco Baptist Association – O. N. (Oscar Nathaniel) Williams, Dade City, pastor; J. W. Hudson, Dade City, clerk; Mary Hancock, J. W. Nash, J. W. Hudson, messengers; J. W. Nash, San Antonio, SS superintendent; 5 teachers; 32 pupils; $6 expenses; -2 letters; 38 members; 3rd Sunday preaching; church property value $600; pastor’s salary $15; state missions $8.50; missions/benevolence $8.50; minutes/clerk . 50. 1917. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. 1918. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. 1919. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. March 1920. School board members, county superintendent, and attendance officer inspected the schools in western Pasco County. Their notes show “EMMAUS, attendance small, account sickness. Work in school was good.” 1920. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. 1921. Pasco Baptist Association – Not in stat tables; not in roll call. 1921. Did Emmaus become a Landmark church, as some in Pasco Baptist Association did? In response to the SBC 75 million campaign, The Florida State Association of (Original Landmark) Missionary Baptist Churches was “was organized at First Missionary Baptist Church, Auburndale, Florida” in 1920. In 1921, O. N. Williams, former EBC pastor, was listed in the 1921 FSA records.) Feb. 11, 1921. Dade City Banner:
1922. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes in microfilm. 1922-1924. Works Progress Administration Church Records – “lapsed 1922-1924.” 1923. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes in microfilm. Mar. 14, 1924. Dade City Banner: “EMMAUS BAPTIST CHURCH – There will be preaching at Emmaus Baptist church near Pasco next Sunday morning at eleven o’clock, March 16, by Rev. L. Chitty. Everybody invited to attend.” (Note, Rev. Chitty, a former SBC/FBC minister, became part of the 1920/1921 Landmark group.) 1924. Pasco Baptist Association – No Pastor; T. R. Alexander, Route A, Dade City, clerk; F. A. Alexander, Sister T. R. Alexander, messengers; A. D. Abbott, Route A, Dade City, SS superintendent; 18 pupils; $6 expenses; +21 letters; total members 21; $16 to $75 Million Campaign. (Indicates a reorganization for the church because number received by letter was the total membership this year.) 1924. Works Progress Administration Church Records – “Church reorganized 1924, came back to former building, 16 members present, appointing of Deacons, Trustees, Clerk. Deed was made to Southern Baptist Convention. Prior to that time property had belonged to Emmeus (sic) Baptist Church.” Nov. 12, 1924. Tampa Tribune:
June 21, 1925. Deed Book 66/Page 137, Pasco County, Florida.
Aug. 14, 1925. Dade City Banner:
1925. Pasco Baptist Association – J. N. (John Newton) Vandiver, Dade City, pastor; T. R. Alexander, Dade City, clerk; A. D. Abbott, Dade City, SS superintendent; 24 pupils; +1 baptism; 22 members 1925; 3rd Sunday preaching; pastor’s salary $120; incidentals $100; building and repairs $170.31; minutes/clerk $3; missions/benevolence $35; BYPU & SS $34.78; ministerial help, meeting, supplies $25; other $30.94; all missions, Christian education, benevolence $13.39. (Note: J. N. (John Newton) Vandiver was called as pastor of College Street Baptist Church, Dade City (present-day First Baptist Church, Dade City) on December 5, 1924. He likely served the newly reorganized EMB in between his Sunday services at FBC. 1925. Pasco Baptist Association – Mrs. T. R. Alexander was WMU stewardship chairman for PBA. July 30, 1926. Dade City Banner:
1926. Pasco Baptist Association – J. N. (John Newton) Vandiver, Dade City, pastor; T. R. Alexander, Route A, Dade City, clerk; Mrs. A. A. Abbott, Lake Jovita, Mrs. A. D. Abbott, Route A, Dade City, messengers; A. D. Abbott, RFD, Dade City, SS superintendent; Mrs. T. R. Alexander, Route A, Dade City, WMS president; organization date 1896 (error); country church; 3rd Sunday preaching; +1 baptism; 25 members 1926; 35 SS enrollment; gifts to local church work $120; missions, education, benevolence $420.11; value church house/grounds $2,000. 1927. Pasco Baptist Association – No pastor; M/M A. D. Abbott, Mrs. T. R. Alexander, messengers; T. R. Alexander, Florida Baptist State Convention Annual messenger; 25 members; 1 SS, 37 enrolled; 1 BYPU, Rodney Abbott, president, 20 enrolled; church expenses $79; gifts to the CP $160; special for missions $98.35; 4 members tithe; church house/grounds value $2,000; Mrs. A. A. Abbott, Rt A, Dade City, RFD, WMU president, 13 members, 4 tithers, 7 Sunbeam members, 1 Royal Service subscription, 13 Home & Foreign Fields subscribers, 1 study course, 6 awards, $36.80 to missions, $5 orphans home, $88.89 other objects (end WMU report); Rodney Abbott, R. A. leader; Mrs. R. C. Sessons, Sunbeam leader; A. D. Abbott, SS superintendent; memorial page- Mr. J. W. Hudson. Next session (1928) of Pasco Baptist Association would be held at Emmaus near Lake Jovita. 1928. Pasco Baptist Association – Church hosted Pasco Baptist Association annual meeting October 25-26, 1928, per 1927 and 1929 minutes. No 1928 Pasco Baptist Association minutes on microfilm. June 1, 1928. Dade City Banner:
1929. J. C. (Joseph Commodore) Rodgers, Bushnell, pastor; +3 baptisms; 26 members; 1 revival; 3rd Sunday preaching; 6 families receiving Florida Baptist Witness; SS enrollment 21; pastor’s salary $60; church house/grounds value $2,000; local church expenses $10.10; missions $54.59; Mrs. A. A. Abbott, WMS president, 14 members, 2 RS subscribers, 6 Florida Baptist Witness subscribers, $23.48 missions, $35.82 local aid, 3 personal service (end WMU report). (PBA officers/leaders from EBC – T. R. Alexander, executive committee member and clerk; Mrs. Tom Alexander, committee on memorials; Rodney Abbott gave Christian education report.) 1930. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. 1931. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. 1932. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. 1933. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. 1933. Works Progress Administration Church Records – C. C. (Charles Cecil) Hancock, RFD #1, Lakeland, pastor. “Present Clergyman, C. C. Hancock. Dates of Tenure 1933-1937.” 1934. Works Progress Administration Church Records – C. C. (Charles Cecil) Hancock, pastor. (See 1933 entry.) 1934. Pasco Baptist Association – No pastor; H. C. Douglas, Ehren, clerk; 18 members; pastor’s salary $82.25; total church expenses, including pastor’s salary $108.79; no church budget; house/grounds value $2,000. 1935. Pasco Baptist Association – No minutes on microfilm. Mar. 15, 1935. Dade City Banner:
Sept. 6, 1935. Dade City Banner:
Sept. 20, 1935. Dade City Banner:
1935. Florida Baptist State Convention Annual – C. C. (Charles Cecil) Hancock, Lakeland, pastor; 3rd Sunday preaching; 34 members; SS enrollment 26; pastor’s salary $55.55; all home church expenses $93.31; missions/benevolence $21.68; total $114.99; church property value $2,000. 1935. Works Progress Administration Church Records – C. C. (Charles Cecil) Hancock, pastor. (See 1933 entry.) 1936. Works Progress Administration Church Records – C. C. (Charles Cecil) Hancock, pastor. (See 1933 entry.) 1936. Pasco Baptist Association – EBC “not reported.” 1937. Works Progress Administration Church Records – C. C. (Charles Cecil) Hancock, pastor. (See 1933 entry.) 1937. Pasco Baptist Association – EBC – “no report.” 1937. Works Progress Administration Church Records – “Church defunct 1937.” 1938. Pasco Baptist Association – EBC “removed from . . . association roll until they prove they have become active again.” (Item No. 41 – page 11) 1939. Works Progress Administration Church Records – T. R. Alexander (author) “History of Emmaus Baptist Church, 1879-1937.” “Written in 1939. In ‘Church Record’ book in custody of T. R. Alexander, RFD #2, Dade City, Fla. (Despite much effort, this book has not been located. Very likely, it no longer exists. JRJ.) ca. 1941. “People had begun to move away (from the Emmaus community) during 1941 WWII into Tampa to work at the shipyards and in other more steady work, so eventually there was not enough financial stability in the community where Emmaus was located.” (April 14, 2012, phone conversation with Mr. Ted Williams, Dade City, former Pasco County Property Appraiser and descendant of J. W. and Martha Jackson, pioneer EBC members.) 1942. Pasco Baptist Association – Item 21. “Rev. Tyner reported that the Dade City church has paid the State Board $100 for the old Emmaus Church Building, and according to the trust agreement concerning the building, said money is to be used for Pasco Association. Motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed to recommend proper disposal of the money.” (page 10) 1943. Pasco Baptist Association – Executive Committee Minutes – Item 11. “The recommendation of the executive committee concerning the sale of the Emans Church building and the one hundred dollars received. Upon a motion by Bro. S. S. Mathis and second by Bro. D. F. Barry (died December 30, 1941), the money was to be used for missionary purposes within the association at the discretion of the executive committee – voted and carried.” (page 4) 1948. Pasco Baptist Association – Item 8. “Motion was made that when a buyer is found for the old Emmaus property, that the moderator and clerk be authorized to sign the deeds. Motion adopted.” (page 9) Executive Committee Recommendation – “That the association authorize the sale of the land upon which the old Emmaus Church stood. The building has been torn away and the land can have no value to the association. Respectfully submitted: S. S. Mathis, Chairman.” (page 16) 1949. Those who remained in the Emmaus community scattered as a result of the 1949 open range legislation. The people had one year to fence their cattle, and it was a financial hardship for the smaller cattlemen. (April 14, 2012, phone conversation with Mr. Ted Williams, Dade City. See 1941 citation.) 1949. Pasco Baptist Association – “The matter of disposing of the old Emmaus property was called to the attention of the Association. Motion was made that a committee composed of Brothers Gilbert, Burnett, and Tyner, be elected to investigate this matter and report to the Executive Committee.” (Note: No later report discovered.) (Perhaps FBC owned only the building; not the land. See 1960 Florida Baptist State Convention Annual deed.) Nov. 1, 1960. OR 159/Pages 404-406, Pasco County, Florida
(Note: Page 406 has two notarized statements. (1) Katherine Gill, N. P., certified her knowledge of Preston B. Sellers and this transaction. (2) Harold L. Ripple, N. P. , certified his knowledge of Jno. Maguire and this transaction.) Nov. 5, 1962. OR 217/Pages 269-270, Pasco County, Florida
(Note: Page 270 has two notarized statements. (1) Unreadable, N. P. , certified her knowledge of Henry A. Parker and this transaction. (2) Lillian F. Wolfe, N. P. certified knowledge of Jno Maguire and this transaction.) Closure of the railroad that ran between the church and cemetery 1970 property, per April 14, 2012, phone conversation with Mr. Ted Williams. Per May 26, 2012, letter, “The railroad tied Trilby, San Antonio (Emmaus)/St. Leo, Pasco Station, Ehren (pronounced Aaron), Drexel, Odessa and Clearwater together somewhere near 1900.” 1978. “This depot—San Antonio’s third—replaced a 1927 facility which burned in 1948. It is the last one remaining on the Orange Belt Railway which crossed Pasco County in 1888 to connect the St. Johns with the Gulf. The tracks were removed in 1978 . . . .” Copied from historical marker placed on the building in 1993 by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners and the Pasco County Historical Preservation Committee.” (www.sanantoniofl.com) Oct. 28, 1980. Letter from Tom Langley, Pasco Baptist Association Director of Missions, to William J. Guess, Director, Church Extension, FBC. The cemetery is rarely used, unkept and no one really knows who gives permission for burial. One acre could probably be taken out without violating the restrictions in the deed. The location makes it undesirable for a church site at this time. (Note: Above letter written in response to letter of inquiry from James Alexander, descendant of T. R. Alexander, to the Florida Baptist Convention, regarding whose responsibility it was to care for the cemetery) 1988. Chain link fencing put around the cemetery by Dixie Wells, assisted by Mr. Ted Williams, former Pasco County Property Appraiser, per my phone conversation with Mr. Williams on April 14, 2012. Dec. 12, 1995. OR 4041/Page 1285, Pasco, Florida – Warranty Deed – The Florida Baptist Convention, Inc. conveyed the Emmaus Cemetery property to Florida Baptist Investment Services, Inc. Jan. 21, 1996. “. . . the State Board of Missions approved the transfer of nine Convention-owned properties to Florida Baptist Financial Services, which properties were to be used for capitalizing loans to new churches. The Emmaus Cemetery of Pasco County was one of those properties.” (January 25, 2012, email from Don Hepburn, FBC, to Judith R. Jolly, researcher/member of Board of Directors, Florida Baptist Historical Society) Jan. 2, 1997. OR 4027/Page 1529, Pasco, Florida – Quitclaim Deed. The Florida Baptist Convention “remised, released and quitclaimed . . . all the right, title, interest, claims and demands . . . party of the first part has in and to the following described land . . . Begin at the northeast corner of that certain tract of real property known as Emmaus Cemetery a distance of 48 feet, thence run a distance of 65 feet for point of beginning, thence run West 10 feet, thence run South 20 feet, thence run East 10 feet, thence run North 20 feet to Point of Beginning” to Brad Michel Short, 4416 Pocahontas Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525. Dec. 30, 1998. OR 4073/Page 1685, Pasco, Florida – Quitclaim Deed. The above 1997 cited property was released and quit claimed to Katherine Kolodziel, 4416 Pocahontas Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525. Mar. 22, 1999. Email from Audrey Abreu, member of San Antonio Community Church “I know the state asked San Ann to take over when we built the church. (SACC constituted November 1999. Building erected a few years thereafter.) Mar. 22, 2011. Email from Nola and Tom Langley, former DOM, PBA. “When Tom as DOM, FBC wanted Pasco Baptist Association to take ownership and be responsible for taking care of cemetery. Pasco Baptist Association decided not to accept or assume responsibility of the cemetery.” (Rev. Tom Langley was DOM, PBA, 1973-1984.) Jan. 21, 2012. Conversation with Rev. John Kuespert, DOM, PBA. “The FBC has offered/would like to transfer the cemetery property to PBA so that it may be better maintained, but Pasco Baptist Association is unable to assume that responsibility.” April 14, 2012. Phone conversation with Mr. Ted Williams, Dade City. As a young boy he attended 5th Sunday sings and dinner on the grounds with his family. He said the church was located “right where those oak trees are,” in front of cemetery. Again, I asked about driving toward the cemetery on the dirt road and asked, “Where would I see the church?” He replied, “Right in front of the cemetery, right where those oak trees are.” Sept. 2, 2012. Mike Wells, Pasco County Property Appraiser web site shows Emmaus Cemetery property owned by Florida Baptist Investment Services, Inc. Judith R. Jolly, Dade City, Florida Member, Board of Directors Florida Baptist Historical Society September 27, 2012 (research ongoing) The following two photographs were taken March 19, 2011, and September 26, 2012, by Judith R. Jolly, Dade City, member, Board of Directors, Florida Baptist Historical Society. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Addendum: September 26, 2012. As a result of posting pictures on Facebook of our visit today to the cemetery and finding it totally overgrown and almost unrecognizable, I was contacted by Mr. Jim Hendry, Dade City. Per his request, I contacted Rev. Eddie L. McClelland, Executive Director-Treasurer of the Florida Baptist Foundation, Florida Baptist Convention, Jacksonville. Rev. McClelland gave grateful permission for Mr. Hendry and his Bible study class at Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa, to ‘adopt’ the Emmaus Cemetery as an ongoing maintenance project. It is most fitting that Mr. Hendry’s Bible study class is the Emmaus Road Adult Bible Fellowship. November 3, 2012. About 20 members of Idlewild’s Emmaus Road class, including Mr. Hendry, organizer, Mr. Jim Willis, teacher, and Mr. Marcus Smith, director, met early at Emmaus Cemetery for a workday. They were joined by Rev. Lawson Jolly and Mrs. Judith Jolly, Florida Baptist Historical Society, and Rev. John Kuespert, Director of Pasco Baptist Association, and his wife Mrs. Melissa Kuespert. After several hours of work the cemetery was once again the beautiful and serene place it was originally intended to be. Mr. Hendry indicated the class members hoped to make the workday a biannual project, with the next date likely coming in late spring/early summer 2013. Judith R. Jolly, Dade City, Florida Member, Board of Directors Florida Baptist Historical Society April 28, 2013 (research ongoing) A deed from 1883 shows that John G. Howell and wife Elizabeth Ann Howell donated land for the Emmaus church. Elizabeth Ann Burnham Jackson Howell was a widow (and second wife) of William Staten Jackson. Emmaus trustee James W. Jackson was son of Elizabeth Ann, and stepson of John G. Howell. James and his wife, Martha Goss, are buried at Emmaus Cemetery. (Information from Patricia Raposa.) |