Head Quarters Dist of Florida
Office Asst Commissioner B.R.F & A.L
Tallahassee, FLA October 13th 1866
Leuit W.G. Vance
S.A. Comm Bu.R.F & A.L
Brooksville FLA
You will forward as soon as practicable to this Office, a field report of the case of Isham Johnson, recently prosecuted before the Hernando County Court, Charged with Killing a steer giving me the facts of the trial, the names of the Judge and Solicitor and the name of witnesses that can be summoned to support the charge of violation of the provisions of the Civil Rights Bill.
I am surprised at the cause pursued by the Civil Authorities in this cases it being in direct opposition to the expressed desire of the military authority.
Enclosed is a copy of a communication from Leuit Roemen, 5th Artillery, Comd’r Tampa FLA, upon this subject.
Your Obs Servt.
Brt Major General USA
Asst Commissioner
cases the Bureau thought were tried unjustly would then be interfered with, by
the Bureau, and many times the cases would then be tried by the U.S. Circuit
Courts. This interference was conducted
under the Civil Rights Bill. More information about Isham Johnson is here.