Commencement for 236 Seniors Friday in ZHS Activity Center, Zephyrhills News, June 10, 1982 It will be a near-perfect setting Friday night when the Class of 1982 at Zephyrhills Senior High is graduated in Commencement ceremonies in the Activity Center. It will be the third year for the formal program climaxing 12 years of public education to have been held in the Activity Center, and this year’s class is the largest in the school’s history by two members. Last year 230 graduated and in 1980 the previous record was set with 234. The fourth largest class was the Class of 1979 with 206 seniors. Each member of the graduating class has received two tickets for reserved seating on the main floor, but additional seating for other family members, guests, and friends is plentiful in the bleachers and balcony, where no tickets are required. The processional opening the Commencement at 8 p.m. will be “Pomp and Circumstance” as played by Stephen Castor on the organ, and the Reverend Dan M. Gill, pastor of the First United Methodist Church, will give the invocation. Principal Larry Robison will lead the seniors and guests in the pledge to the flag and then will welcome guests. The Salutatorian address by Bryan Woodard will be followed by the traditional talk by class President James Wyatt. Following presentation of special awards by Ms. Mary Giella, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Pasco County School District, and the seniors will hear Valedictorian, Steven Kretschmar, address the audience. Presentation of diplomas will be by Mrs. Betty Thompson, School Board Member, District 2, assisted by Principal Robison. Following a benediction by the Reverend Mr. Gill, the class will recess to “March of the Priests” played by organist Castor. Ushers will be members of the junior class, including Arthur Ashcraft, Sheryl Bahr, Sandy Christopher, Angel Ferlita, Brenda Heim, Pam Hubbgel, Charlene Jarrait, Jan Jernstrom, Jennifer Knowles, Caroline LaCour, Tim Patrick, Kelly Reagan, Karen Rohm, Stacy Stinson, Alex Thompson, Mary Voytko, Roberta White, and Kim Whitworth. Senior Class Officers: President—Jim Wyatt Vice President—Tracy Farrell Secretary—Shawn Smith Treasurer—Debbie LaRussa Honor Graduates Steven Thomas Kretschmar, Valedictorian; Ronald Bryan Woodard, Salutatorian; and Stanley Asbury Castor, Amy Christina Kapetan, Deborah Lynn Hunt, James Louis Wyatt, III, George Conger Patton, Carl Duncan Arp, Holly Ann McLeod, Daniel Joseph Schmitz, Eric Scott Goltry, Julia Marie Cunningham, Deborah Angela LaRussa, Melinda Jo Meengs, Rosemary LaRussa, Lisa Marie Marsella, Darla Jean Suk, Gary Emery Coates, Esmond Scott Natali, William Roger Ogilbee, Carol Ann Evans, Bruce Alan Sofinski, and Marilyn Anne Wehling. Many Students Honored At Annual Awards Assembly, Zephyrhills News, 1982 Many Zephyrhills High School seniors were among the students recognized for academic achievement through the awarding of certificates, medals, pins and scholarships when Zephyrhills High School held its annual Awards Assembly in the Activity Center. The annual School Medal Awards for Citizenship presented by the American Legion were given Debra LaRussa and Quincy Oliver by Miss Lucy Mae Knox, with Linda LaHall and Bruce Sofinski as runners-up. American Legion Auxiliary Citizenship Essay Contest awards were given by Mrs. Lillian Scarford and Mrs. Marian Webster to Dawn Schraufnegel and her teacher, Paul Miller. Recognition of the appointment of Bryan Woodard to the Air Force Academy for a 4-year education valued at $100,000 was made by Stan Kendrick; Woodard also was awarded an Air Force ROTC scholarship valued at $25,000 which he will be unable to accept. The Florida Sons of the American Revolution $50 prize was awarded Woodard by Edward Frazee. The Daughters of the American Revolution District second prize of $75 as a Good Citizens Award was presented to Valedictorian Steven Kretschmar. Amy Kapatan was recognized as a National Merit Scholarship Commended Student. Principal Robison presented the following awards: Sandy Border and Jim Wyatt, Century III Leadership Awards; Bryan Woodard, ZHS Nominee for Outstanding Pasco County Student; Melinda Ashcroft, Shell Oil Company School Service Award and Lyn Thompson, Hugh O’Brien Leadership Award. Mary Kuusisto was presented the Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Star Student Award by Bernard Wickstrom. James Wyatt was announced as the winner of the $100 Karl Wickstrom Leadership and Friendship Award, the presentation made by Stan Stinson. Tammy Neukom and Travis Rogers were presented the “I Dare you” Danforth Foundation awards by Stan Kendrick. The $250 Gamma Chi Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa scholarship was presented to Duncan Arp. Gail Ripley, with Laura Robertson as alternate was awarded the $500 Kiwanis Club Scholarship. Laura Robertson was winner of the Lion’s Club $500 scholarship. The $1,000 SIRS/FAME Intellectual Freedom Essay Award was presented to Steven Kretschmar. Jimmy Wyatt was named the winner of the $350 John Wilkinson Scholarship. The $100 National Honor Society Scholarship was presented to Debbie LaRussa. The Student Council presented its Outstanding Member $100 award to Carolyn LaCour. Dr. Bob Judson of Pasco Hernando Community College announced grants-in-aid to the following seniors: Duncan Arp, Stan Castor, Gary Coats, Julia Cunningham, Rosemary LaRussa, Debbie Hunt, Amy Kapatan, Debra LaRussa, Danielle March, Lisa Marcella, Holly McLeod, Melinda Meengs, Scott Natali, William Ogilbee, Daniel Schmitz, Bruce Sofinski, Bryan Woodard, James Wyatt and Darla Suk. The University of South Florida awards were presented to Amy Kapatan, both the Alumni and Selby Scholarships; Steve Kretschmar, the Freshman Scholarship and Rick Steuart, a 4-year tuition scholarship. Also recognized were Jim Wyatt, George C. Wallace Scholarship to Troy State; Jodi Nutt, Florida Southern College; Julia Cunningham, $500 music scholarship, Florida Southern; and Evan Bell, $4,000 scholarship to Trevecca Nazarene College as an early admissions student. The $100 Art Club scholarship was presented to Jim Clark. The program closed with the introduction and installation of New Student Council officers for the school year starting in the fall. Jim Ellis was announced as the in-coming president. ZHS Graduates 236 Seniors of 1982, Zephyrhills News, June 17, 1982 Although a driving rain storm soaked some 3,000 people attending the outdoor graduation ceremonies at Pasco High School in Dade City Friday night, those attending commencement at Zephyrhills High School were luckier. The rain didn’t begin to fall until most of the parents, relatives and friends of the 236 members of the ZHS Class of 1982 had reached home after the ceremony. The Activity Center was packed to standing-room-only as the senior class entered to a procession of the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” as played on the organ by Stan Castor. There also was a procession of academics including the heads of each department of the faculty, and led by visiting School Board dignitaries and Principal Larry Robison. This was a new addition to the graduation ceremony for the first time last year. Following the invocation by the Reverend Dan Gill of the First United Methodist Church, Principal Robison led the audience in the pledge to the flag and introduced the faculty and guests, as well as each of the three speakers of the evening whose remarks follow below: Awards were presented on behalf of the School Board by Dr. Mary Giella, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Pasco County School District, and they included: Citizenship—Melinda Meengs and Steven Kretschmar Leadership—Debbie LaRussa and Bryan Woodard School Spirit—Quincy Oliver and Rosemary LaRussa Best All-Around Boy and Girl—Sandra Lee Border and Jimmy Wyatt. Diplomas were presented to the graduates by Mrs. Betty Thompson, School Board member of District 2 assisted by Principal Robison and Ms. Giella. The recessional also played by Stephen Castor was “March of the Priests” and followed a benediction by the Reverend Mr. Gill. Selected portions of the three speeches follow. For Freedom, Exercise Responsibility by Steven Kretschmar, Valedictorian Graduation “marks the beginning of our lives in a world we must create for ourselves, a world which is a composite of our individual strengths and weaknesses and the result of our individual efforts. It is a place where we choose our own destinies, perhaps not as directly as we might think but just as binding as every decision we make has consequences that we must recognize if we are to truly control our lives. The perception is the basis or our individual freedom, for if one is able to recognize the many results of his actions, one has the ability to pursue whatever course in life he wishes to attain. “However, this ability to evaluate one’s actions is only the foundation on which one must build. It is easier to calculate the method needed to obtain a goal than to actually obtain it, and some may not be willing to expend the necessary effort. To some, the effort required presents a major obstacle to their plans, and in time, it becomes comfortable for them to believe that they have no choice in determining their futures. Perhaps this is true because without the necessary motivation, one has no real choice. Every ambition we plan for ourselves has a price that must be paid, but this price is seldom measured in monetary units. It is measured in the conscious effort that an individual expends in pursuit of his ambitions; and all of us possess a wealth of effort to spend as we choose. Consequently, the choice as to what we will accomplish in life lies with us. Any obstacles that we may encounter can be overcome if we choose to overcome them, because the only limiting factors placed upon us are the limits we place upon ourselves. “These self-imposed limitations, however, are sometimes the result of dependence as our society is slowly assuming the responsibilities of the individual. Where this occurs, the individual is robbed not only of his motivation but of his independence as well. It becomes increasingly difficult to direct one’s life when control has been placed elsewhere, and without the challenge experienced in the pursuit of one’s ambitions, the human spirit will stagnate. Awareness of the results of diminished responsibility must occur if we are to recognize and oppose its effects. “This capacity for awareness is essential if we are to retain control or our endeavors. If we take the time to perceive and consciously analyze our surroundings, we will seldom be unprepared for the unexpected occurrences found so frequently in life. Life is by no means a constant medium through which we must struggle, and it provides no guarantees. We can only observe, think and act in the manner we feel is best suited to our individual needs. We can only observe, think and act in the manner we feel is best suited to our individual needs. We must remember that we are the determining element in the formation of our future and that this responsibility lies with each of us. I urge you to exercise this responsibility, for without it, we have no freedom.” Living In the Age of Limits, by Bryan Woodard, Salutatorian Under the American ideal, “the individual American is truly an individual; that is, he is free individually to succeed on his own—or to fail on his own. “That is in the American ideal—American dream. But it does not mean that everybody is either a complete success or a complete failure. The reality is that most of us either succeed somewhat or fail somewhat. Life is a matter of degrees of fulfillment and degrees of disappointment individually experienced. “But during the past two decades, the people have put pressure on politicians to close the gap between the ideal and reality. Consequently, although we still have a long way to go, we can at least feel that our laws now recognize that, in the past, the ideal was somewhat betrayed. “…we are facing what historians are calling, “The Age of Limits”—an age when young people’s expectations of receiving material and spiritual rewards for developing their talents are being checked, discouraged. For example, we are being told that buying a home…will be difficult to do, that sending our children to college will be nearly impossible, that must of our future income will go to Social Security taxes to support the older generation in retirement; and that high unemployment will be a steady fact of life. “Perhaps the past is the right place for you and me—the generation of the 80s—to look for ways to cope with the Age of Limits. For, in some of the obvious injustices that past generations have allowed to exist, those generations have nevertheless provided some good examples of meeting challenges. My education at Zephyrhills High School to mind a few of those examples we can admire.” The salutatorian cited the perseverance of the Puritans, the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and their capacity for compromise as a measure of their maturity, the commitment of Abraham Lincoln, the foresight of Woodrow Wilson, those who weathered the Great Depression, and the contribution of great American humorists, concluding: “Our generation, as we begin to take part in an uncertain future, would do well to take these examples from the past along with us. We can see in them that generations before us have endured hardships, and they have created a flawed but basically good nation. We owe it to them and to ourselves not to forget their commitment.” The Class of 1982’s Farewell by James Wyatt, Class President Class President Jimmy Wyatt brought tears to the eyes of many of his fellow graduates with one of the most moving farewell speeches of recent commencements at ZHS. After an introduction and words of welcome, he said, in part, “three years ago we began an exciting journey, hoping that its completion would echo our accomplishments in the form of a rewarding diploma. Today marks the completion of that journey. Not only does our diploma give us a sense of relief, but also it provides a special challenge for us. “For the past three years we have taken over 20 courses, we have studies for hundreds of quizzes and exams, we have written numerous papers on subjects in which we had little interest, we have subjected our minds with countless worries concerning grades and averages, and most of all, and we have tolerated many interesting techniques used by modern-day teachers. “After all the suffering, including all the sleepless nights, we have survived and therefore deserve to be graduating. “As we leave tonight we begin a new and challenging life. Many of us will begin college in the hopes of enhancing our education, others will pursue vocational and technical trades, and of course there will be those daring seniors who will seek excitement and fame through challenging military careers. There will be those students who will start a new life on their own, perhaps even with a sweetheart, who together will battle the elements of adult life.” He then read Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “If” and before thanking teachers, parents and fellow class members, concluded: “The friendships and the memories we have acquired through these years will never be forgotten. And as we move along the “Path of Life” we will look back on the good times, the happy times, and we will remember those dear friends who were by our side, especially when we needed them…I wish you all the best of luck and I hope you each have a full and happy life. God Bless You.” Rotarians Award $500 Scholarship To Grad, Zephyrhills News, 1982 Bruce Sofinski, a 1982 graduate of Zephyrhills High School was awarded the first annual scholarship of Zephyrhills Rotary club. Sofinski will enter the University of South Florida in September, and will major in pre-law. Sofinski served during the school year as the “School Daze” reporter for Zephyrhills News. He is a native of Auburn, New York a tennis player, was an Honor Roll students and member of the ZHS Marching Band Stage Band and symphonic bands while at Zephyrhills High. Boys State Starts: Locals Participate Approximately 200 American Legion Posts have selected delegate nominees to attend the 39th annual session of Florida American Legion Boys State. Among those attending from Zephyrhills will be Jimmy Ellis and Dale Parker, Jr. students at Zephyrhills High School. School Daze by Bruce Sofinski, Zephyrhills News, January 7, 1982 The end of the school quarter is coming and that only means one thing to a lot of ZHS students: semester exams. This year, unlike the past, everyone will have to take semester exams. In other years students with an A were exempt from taking these hour and a half marathons, but not anymore. Monday before a very vocal crowd of ZHS students and faculty the ZHS Varsity Basketball team won a very close game on a last second shot by Mike Knott. The final score was ZHS: 59 and South Sumter: 57. Now it’s time to meet two more VITs for 1981-82; this week we’ll meet Stan Castor and Debbie LaRussa. ZHS Honors Athletes at Awards Banquet, Zephyrhills News, March 18, 1982 The Bulldogs Booster Club and the Canine coaches held their sports award banquet last Wednesday at the ZHS commons honoring the outstanding athletes who competed during the high school winter season. The athletes honored were in boys and girls basketball, soccer and wrestling. The banquet started a half hour late due to a few spring teams which were still playing that afternoon. When those at the banquet had finished the meal, principal approached the podium as emcee and began by thanking the lunchroom staff for the meal. The principal recognized the varsity and jayvee cheerleaders and gave cheerleader, Rosemary LaRussa an award for her work helping Robison and Lorraine Castro in directing the squad. Soccer coach Dave Jones gave out the first athletic award for the night and handed Joe Galloway the Most Valuable Player Trophy for the second year in a row. Wrestling coach Phil Sinaguglia approached the podium with an armful of trophies for the varsity and jayvee wrestlers. He gave the Jayvee sportsman award to Dale Parker and awarded Tom Bower the Coaches’ award. Jeff Barrett received the most Improved Trophy while David Smith was awarded the Most Valuable Wrestler. Turning to the varsity squad, Sinaguglia gave the Coaches Award to Doug Geist while awarding the Sportsman Award to John Reagan. Mike Hayner was awarded Most Valuable Wrestler with Robert Illig receiving Most Improved. Girls Jayvee and Assistant Varsity Basketball coach Ernie Pittman introduced both teams and awarded the Varsity’s Most Improved Trophy to Laura Heller. Girls Varsity Coach Dale Palmer came to the podium and after awarding Robin Gaudreau the All-Gulf Coast Conference Team Patch, gave the varsity’s Most Valuable Player trophy to Susan Alexander, together with an all-GCC patch. Bulldog Basketball coach, Alan Reed, introduced both the varsity and jayvee round ball teams while jayvee coach Craig Milburn handed out the Most Improved Trophy, donated by the Zephyrhills News to Tony Linville. He gave Brian Woodard, the Best Defensive Player Award and handed the Most Valuable Player Trophy to Joe Hasting.
Michael Hayner who was the 1982 Most Valuable Player on the Zephyrhills High School Wresting
Team, has been known for many years as “Prince Iaukea” with the World
Championship Wrestling Association. His stats are as follows: height-5’11”,
weight 219 pounds and he is the holder of the following titles: World
Championship Wrestling (WCW) World Television Champion (2/17/1997 to 4/07/1997);
WCW World Cruiserweight Champion (2/20/2000 to 3/30/2000) and WCW World
Cruiserweight Champion (3/31/2000 to 4/2000). He began professional wrestling
in 1997 and received the Rookie of the Year Award from the WCW in 1997. He has
wrestled throughout the world and continues as of 2008 to be involved in the
sport. He has also wrestled under the following professional names as well: The
Artist (WCW), the Tongan Prince (XWF). Legion Ladies Name Girls State Delegate, Zephyrhills News, April 1, 1982 Carolyn Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, a junior at Zephyrhills High School will be sponsored by Zephyr Unit 118 American Legion Auxiliary to the 1982 session of the American Legion’s Auxiliary’s Girls State in Tallahassee. Kim Klaus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klaus has been chosen as alternate. ZHS Senior Named to Air Force Academy, Zephyrhills News, April 28, 1982 A Zephyrhills High School senior has been appointed by U.S. Senator Paula Hawkins to attend the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is Ronald Bryan Woodard, 17, who had to choose from three appointments to service academies. Woodard also was announced as a selection by Fifth District Congressman Bill McCollum to attend Annapolis, Maryland Naval Academy, and aw winner in the nationwide competition test of an appointment to the Coast Guard Academy at New London, Connecticut. An outstanding scholar who has earned a 4.0 (straight A) grade average all four years of high school, he is this year’s ZHS Student Council President, and last summer attended American Legion Boys State as a Zephyrhills delegate. Active in basketball the past two years, at the Winter Sports Banquet, he was awarded Best Defensive Player of the Year trophy. Woodard is the son of Dr. James E. Woodard, Tampa Downs Boulevard, Tampa. School Daze by Bruce Sofinski, Zephyrhills News, April 28, 1982 This week’s feature is on the Bulldogger and Drama Classes. The drama class will present three more plays this year. They are: “The Glass Menagerie,” “The Laughing Ghost” and “The Storm.” A tentative schedule has been announced. Both “The Glass Menagerie” and “The Ghost” will be presented April 29 in front of the student body and April 30 for the general public. “The Menagerie” has in its cast, Don Geiger, Tammy Neukom, Lisa Glosson, and Jack Griggs. “The Ghost” stars Marty Dennis, Brian Story, Michelle Ziegler, Shelley Howard, Lisa Biedelman, Tim Hannula, and Malinda Ashcraft. The Bulldogger, school newspaper, has suffered this year from a lack of experienced workers, and will have three more issues this year. One will precede the prom while the two others will be the Senior Edition, which includes the senior class last will and testament and a Memory issue made up of all the Bulldoggers which were published this year. Valedictorian $1,000 Winner on State Essay, The Zephyrhills News, 1982 Steven Kretschmar, who was announced last week as valedictorian of this year’s graduating class at Zephyrhills High School, this week was revealed as the winner of a $1,000 state scholarship. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Kretschmar, he has won the SIRS/FAME Intellectual Freedom Award. The Florida Association of Media in Education (FAME) and the Social Issues Resources Series, Inc. (SIRS) sponsored an essay contest for high school seniors throughout Florida. The contestants wrote papers on “Intellectual Freedom” of 1,000 words or less, and they were judged on originality, ability to select and analyze an important issue related to intellectual freedom, and ability to organize ideas logically and to express them effectively. Kretschmar first won for Pasco County, and will be presented a $25 check May 14 by the Pasco County Association of Media in Education as the countywide winner. He will be presented the $1,000 scholarship for first place in Florida at ZHS Commencement ceremonies June 11. Making the presentation will be a representative of FAME, according to Mrs. Betty Hall, Media Specialist. Legion Announces Two Students for Boys State, The Zephyrhills News, May 13, 1982 Zephyr Post No. 118, American Legion, will send two Zephyrhills High School juniors to the 1982 session of the American Legion sponsored Boys State, June 26 to July 3 on the Florida State University Campus in Tallahassee. Russell Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Ellis and Dale Lee Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Parker, have been selected as delegates to the week for intensified training in American citizenship and government offered at Boys State. Alternates chosen are Jimmy Otis Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy O. Williams and Kenneth J. Boyd, Son of Mr. and Mrs. William “Bob” Boyd. Runners-up for alternates are David D. Bright, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Bright and Rex Forrester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Forrester. STAR Student, Zephyrhills News, May 27, 1982 Miss Mary Beth Kuusisto has been chosen by the Guidance Department of Zephyrhills High School as this year’s STAR Student under the scholastic achievement recognition program of the Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Chamber. Spring Concert, Zephyrhills News, May 27, 1982 Special awards for attendance and contest honors will be given to young musicians today (Thursday) when Zephyrhills High School presents the annual Spring Concert of the Instrumental Music Department. The concert begins at 8 p.m. in the Activity Center with Bandmaster C. Paul Steuart on the podium. The Stage Band will open the evening with five selections, “Peter Gunn” by Mancini, “We’ve Only Just Begun” arranged by Schaefer, “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” arranged by Christopher, “The Brass Movement” by Cacavas, and “Starburst” by Wall. Next on stage will be the Concert Band, also playing five compositions including, “The Go-Go Generation,” by Roulier, “Kentucky 1800” by Grundman, “Kingswood” overture by Ployhar with Allyson Mullins as student conductor; “Brittania” by Edmunds and “cherish” by Kirkman. Intermission with the awards presentations will be followed by the Symphonic Band’s performance, which promises to be spectacular. The Symphonic Band will open with “Them Basses” by Huffing and “The Sounds of Simon and Garfunkel” by Simon, and then play “The Original Dixieland Concerto” by Warrington and Malinda Ashcraft as student conductor. Featured musicians on the Dixieland number will be Debbie Hunt, Kim Whitworth, Steve Kretschmar, Don Geiger, Scott Natali, and Rick Steuart. Pianists Julia Cunningham and Rick Steuart will be featured soloists with the band on “Selections from Love Story” by Lai, and the Symphonic Band will close the concert with the stirring “William Tell” overture. The public is invited and there is no admission charge. Alumni and Friends Ready for Reunion, The Zephyrhills News, June 24, 1982 Sunday, the 13th annual Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Reunion will be held at the Municipal Auditorium in Zephyrhills. There will be a host buffet lunch beginning at 1 p.m. Everyone is asked to bring one or two dishes and their own table service; ice, tea and paper napkins will be provided. There is no admission or any fee; a free will offering will be taken to cover expenses of the yearly get-together. The reunion is not limited to alumni, but includes all friends of Zephyrhills schools throughout the years. Present officers are: Don Whitworth, President; Mrs. Lillian Skogstad Graham, Vice President: Miss Rhonda Ferguson, Secretary; and Mrs. Leonara Pollock Stokes, Treasurer; with Mrs. Laray Mott Jordan and James Chapin, Co-Chairman of the Kitchen Committee. All are from Zephyrhills with the exception of Chapin who lives in Brandon. He will be one of may from throughout Florida who will join in the fun with old and new friends, former teachers, school board members and friends who will “remember when” ZHS school days,” during this reunion. This year the Golden Anniversary Class is 1932 and the Silver Anniversary Class of 1957 will be specially honored. Recognition will also be given to the one coming the greatest distance, the largest family group present, the largest class group present, and the teacher with the most former students present. Last year among the teachers present were: Dr. Vincent McGuire and Mrs. McGuire of Gainesville, Mrs. Bertha McKillips and Mrs. Mr. McKillips of Dade City; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Trottman, Johnny Clements, Mrs. Betty Jo Hyder and others, all of Zephyrhills. Many families have family reunions during the last weekend of June so the old hometown is the scene of family and school reunions. Saturday the class of 1957 will have their class reunion at Crystal Springs Recreational Preserve Park. The class of 1950 will have their reunion Saturday at the Bayhead home of Mr. and Mrs. Odis Hill of Dade city. Both will also attend the Alumni and Friends Reunion Sunday. See you there. |