Girls State Delegate Is Ready for the World, Zephyrhills News, June 29, 1978 A Zephyrhills girl went to Tallahassee last week, met state officials, wrote bills for the Legislature and got herself elected to the House of Representatives. A political activist? Not before her participation in the American Legion-sponsored Girls State, but Mona McIntosh is bubbling with enthusiasm about her state and country about government and about people.
Many ZHS Students Recognized At Annual Awards Day, Zephyrhills News, June 8, 1978 Patricia Barrentine and Jeff Strout received Zephyrhills High School Service Awards at the annual Academic Awards ceremony last Thursday in the commons area. Principal Raymond B. Stewart presented medallions to Miss Barrentine and Strout in the first of dozens of awards made during the morning affair. Music for the event at the opening and closing was provided by the ZHS Stage Band. Opening ceremonies, including a welcome and introduction of guests, were by members of the National Honor Society. On hand to lead the pledge to the flag was Miss Lucy Mae Knox, American Legion Deputy Chaplain. Miss Knox then introduced the 1978 delegates to Boys and Girls State this summer in Tallahassee: Steve Spanger, Cliff Gehrke, Mark Barclay, Alan Corbin and Mona McIntosh and alternates, Paul White, David Deaton, Bob Boyd, Shane Forrester and Darlene Roman, all juniors. Dr. Jerry Kantzer, provost of Pasco Hernando County‘s east Campus, awarded full tuition scholarships to Bonnie Gray and Arlene Camper. Thor Wickstrom was recognized by Principal Stewart as the school’s outstanding senior and the nominee for Pasco County’s Scholar. He was also presented a State Fair scholarship to Valencia Community College by ZHS Boys Guidance Counselor, William Weiskopf. A $200 scholarship in memory of Mrs. John T.V. (Audrey) Clark, longtime social worker who died this spring, was awarded to Patricia Barrentine by Beverly Dennis of the Gamma Chi Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa Teacher Sorority. Patty Morrison, President of PHCC’s Phi Beta Lambda, a business honor society, awarded a book-fee scholarship to Willa Bahr in memory of Katherine Pete. Jeff DeWitt was honored with the National Merit Scholarship. Test’s Certificate of Merit and Chet Wyzkowski received applause as a National Merit Test Commended Student. Both presentations were made by Weiskopf. The coveted Danforth “I Dare You” awards were given to seniors, Joyce Cafferty and Bruce Clark. The awards were made by Stanley Kendrick and are chosen by vote of the faculty members. The 32 honor students of the 188-member senior class were recognized in order of their class rank: Valedictorian Lenne′ Hunt, Salutatorian Daniel Deaton, Pat Gill, Chet Wyzykowski, Fred Rhoda, Thor Wickstrom, Linda Ketterer, Myra Smith, John Wallis, Terry Duffield, Debbie Bacon, Cindy Flack, Jeff Strout, Patricia Barrentine, Jeff DeWitt, Ron Wells, Debbie Farmer, Linda Perrone, Theresa Errickson, Ruth Tucker, Beth Melms, Bonnie Gray, Marie Bement, Bruce Clark, Wayne Sholder, LeAnn Brown, Patricia Inman, Beth Strefling, Donna Thomas, James Waddey, Linda Peters, and Cheryl Pelt. Literacy Awards ZHS faculty members Gail Reynolds, Susan Wonder and Kathryn Lowry presented a number of awards for contribution to school publications including: Quill and Scroll Yearbook awards to Arlene Camper, Michelle Hale, Myra Smith, Jeff Strout, and Patricia Barrentine. The Bryn Alan Photography award went to Paul White. Zephilsco Yearbook Appreciation Awards to Angie Baker, Mike Barclay, Allison Camper, Teresa Cicanese, Alan Corbin, Don Deaton, Suzanne Green, Kathy Johnson, Ron Peel, Julie Stansbury, Cyndee Thomas and Dwayne Lane. Quill and Scroll Membership Awards and Pins went to Bulldoger School Newspaper Editor, Thor Wickstrom, and Assistant Editor, Debbie Ramsey. Quill and Scroll Non-member awards went to Dan Deaton, Cliff Gehrke, Julie Hastings, Mary Hossler, Teresa Lovette, Amie Monbarren, Kevin Zieggler, Jeannie Reams, Darlene Roman and Steve Spanger. Echo School Literary Journal awards went to Tammy Crowe, Editor, and Elaine Smith, best written essay, Jayne Harper, best poetry and Jerry Sauls, best art. They were given by Bob Horan, faculty advisor. Zephyrhills Yearbook dedication was given to C. Paul Steuart, band director. In addition humanities honorable awards were given by Mrs. Lara Frederick to Myra Smith, Chet Wyzkowski, Nancy Duffield, Thor Wickstrom, Patty Landreth, Lenne Hunt and Patricia Barrentine. Faculty Awards For the first time in many departments, student recognition and awards were given by the faculty in: Agriculture to Jeff Strout by Bruce Anderson, Ag. Teacher; Architectural Drafting I to Mindy Smith and Architectural Drafting II to Chris Bahr by Teacher, Robert Horan. In Art, Mrs. Judy Mason recognized Thor Wickstrom for honorable mention in the Scholastic Magazine’s art competition and an Art Club check for $100 for use in purchasing art supplies in art school. Business education awards were given to Linda Ketterer as the most outstanding business student by Mrs. Idel Lane. Other business awards were given to Patti Burdge, shorthand I; Linda Ketterer, shorthand II, Kim Helm, typing I; Linda Locke, typing II; Debbie Boyette, typing III; John Wallis, Pat Gill and Norman Graham, accounting; and most improved business student awards to Gloria Ward, Tony Provencal, Becky Benton, Karen Spears, Linda Locke, Tracy Stephens, Beth Crandall and Linda Perrone. Chorus recognition went to Brenda Harding, Debbie McCurdy, Debbie Norman, Joyce Stover, Martha Carnes, Tina Wolf, and Kati Wilson by Mrs. Debra Bailey and to Miss Wilson and Miss Harding as outstanding chorus members and to Mary Ann Hope, Diane Kennedy, Debbie Tee, Karen Holt, Regina Thomas and John Lovett. Drama awards were given by teacher, Dave Camper to Mike Barclay, best actor; Darlene Roman, best actress; Michelle Hale, best supporting performer; Shane Forrester, best backstage technician. Foreign language awards were presented to Mrs. Sandy Golder to Myra Smith in French I and Pamela Gore and Marjukka Valkama in French II and by Mrs. Aleyda Cuevas to Sheri Swan in Spanish I and Pam Peter and Margaret Harrold in Spanish II, with honorable mention to Beverly Williams, Michael Farrell, Donna Sanford, Joseph Cappucilli, Mary Weddington, Laurie Ketterer, Bryan Sholder, Loren Reed, Don Jernstrom, Robert Briggs, and Joey Larussa. Guidance Appreciation awards were given by Stanley Kendrick to Sue Carrigan, Allison Camper, Pat West, Jone Mills, Angie Baker, Julie Stansbury, Marie Bement, Patti Landreth, and in bookkeeping to Robin Winkler, Cheryl Harris and Charlene Winkler. Home Economics Wards were presented by Miss Sue Croley to Esther Miller, Publix Award. The Math awards for highest scores on the annual high school math exam went to Melanie Horton, James Caffee and Aaron Gray and were presented by Math teacher, Ron Mason. Media Center recognitions by Mrs. Betty Hall were given to Mike Barclay, Ron Peel, James Waddey, Steve Spanger, Joe Reed, Tammy Crowe, Jackie DeBoe, Kathy Johnson, John Lovette, Craig Karppe, Celia Schneider, Pat Gill, Greg Hauck, Betty Moore, Kathy Malmquist and Alan Corbin. Science awards were given by Mr. William Boyd to Beverly Williams and Donna Woods in biology and Anna Rochele in general science as well as Aaron Gray and Steve Spanger in Physics. Fred Emery for Science Club; Gwen Roberts, most improved in biology; Sandy Sanders, most improved in general science and Nancy DeBoe, best general science. Social Studies awards went to Rhonda Ferguson and the Hugh O’Brian award was also presented to Rhonda Ferguson by teacher, Tony Demma. In Vocational Studies awards were given to Terry Duffield, outstanding student and state extemporaneous speaker contest winner by J.C. Steele III. National Honor Society awards that were letters for their sweaters were presented by faculty sponsor, Dale Palmer who saluted an all-academic team whose members received straight A’s two out of the first three quarters: freshmen—Kim Van Pelt and Nancy DeBoe; Sophomores—Mickey Farrell, Sharon Hasting, Tracy St. Onge, and Gabby Vincent; juniors—Greg Cowling, David Deaton, Kim Helm, Vicky Hughes, Elaine Smith and Tammy Stewart; and seniors, Debby Bacon, Pat Gill, Lenne Hunt, Beth Melms, Linda Peters, Fred Rhoda, Myra Smith and Chet Wyzykowski. Student Council awards were presented to Karen Holt as the most outstanding member by faculty advisor and math teacher, Jim Bailey. He also awarded five scholarships to Chris Bahr, Jeff DeWitt, Pat Gill, John Wallis and Chet Wyzykowski.
Boys Staters learn Politics Exciting and Well Worthwhile, Zephyrhills News, July 20, 1978, by Beverly McNeese, Staff Writer American politics—to some it is a bore, a drag, a waste of time but to four Zephyrhills High School boys, politics is freedom-America. I attended the annual Boys State Convention in Tallahassee where they learned the real meaning of politics, freedom and the privilege of participation in politics. The boys entered into a mock session of city and state election. It was an experience, that doesn’t come along often. Here are the boy’s thoughts of their journey into the political world. By Mike Barclay We arrived at Boys State in Kellum Hall at FSU in Tallahassee which was our home for the week. We received our party tags, shirts and rooms. Each boy shared a room with a member of the opposing party which created many deep discussions about the “better” candidate. My county had more posters up than any other county in the dorm. Sunday was a day of getting acquainted with our imaginary city, Adamsville. Getting to meet people from all over the state was one of the exciting things about Boy’s State. Right away I started campaigning for the office of City Council, which was the right, moves because I won the office and even became Chairman of the City Council which was my highest office. The guidelines were established on Monday. We had our first election in the cities and we broke up into parties and got our Party Whip and nominees for the state offices (I ran for Governor but was defeated within my party). There were also some speakers on Americanism. Later that evening we had a social at the president’s house. Tuesday we elected representatives and senators. Wednesday my party continued campaigning. Thursday we were allowed free time in the new capitol building. There I sat in on the House and Senate meetings, the legislature never seemed so interesting until that day. Thursday night we all went to the auditorium for the election of State offices. My party, the Federalists, with our candidate, David Christian, won the governor’s seat. We got mailing lists for almost everyone in our city. “We will get together sometimes and have a good reunion,” we decided. “That morning I was happy to be on the bus going home and sad to be leaving my new friends and the great city of Adamsonville. By Cliff Gehrke The instant we got off the bus we were met by hopeful candidates for the office of governor or our imaginary 51st state. After getting settled we had our first city meeting. Thee we met the total constituency of our fair city. The City Counselor reviewed the rules with us and after the meeting we went into political parties, the Nationalists and the Federalists. Following a welcome by Director Robert Francis, we continued with city meetings. I was appointed into the city council of Anderson. I learned brotherhood and how politicians operate. During the week we had our pictures taken with our cities, went to the FSU presidents’ home, went to the capitol to use the Senate and House Chambers and was welcomed by Governor Reuben Askew. By Alan Corbin After the first couple of days at Boys State, everything seemed to fall into place and we started enjoying the experience of making new friends, learning the true meaning of Americanism. I loved that Americanism is more than just singing the National Anthem or exploding fireworks on the Fourth of July. Americanism is the dove of America and all that she stands for and is the responsibility of every American to uphold her ideals—loyalty and honestly-to this end. The Boys State government was set up on the three levels: state, county and city. I took part in all of the elections and ran for many of the offices in the city and county. Although I didn’t get elected into an office was appointed deputy of Powton City and attempted to arrest our own police chief and sheriff for sleeping in a General Assembly. On the state level I was elected to the House of Representatives and was able to represent Boys State in the real House at the capitol. By Steve Spanger American Legion Boys State was the rediscovery of the American in America, stressing individual importance and responsibilities in society. It was the broadening of Americanism that no longer limited to the conformist attitude of an American reviewed by many. Instead the fact that we as Americans must broaden the horizons of Americanism, setting the standard by which we are to be judged by others, was evident that Boys State was the American realization. With the boys was Miss Lucy Mae Knox who acted as a counselor for the event. Miss Knox’s Comments Miss Lucy Mae Knox, on the boy’s state staff for the third consecutive year, pointed out that the Legion had some outside help in financing the Boys Staters this year. She said checks were received from Flagship Bank of Pasco and Ellis First National Bank to help with the expenses. “There were 559 great guys there this year,” she said. They were a low key group but high pitched in enthusiasm and desire. Miss Knox told the News she averaged four hours of sleep a night for the week-long activity, but enjoyed every minute of the work as Boy’s State Postmaster. She also served as chairman of the Memorial Service conducted in the House of Representatives. “The service honors former leaders of the Boys State Program as well as all former Boys Staters who have died I the previous year, she said. She was assisted by the two Boy’s states chaplains. Two Boys state delegates are chosen each year to attend Boy’s Nation in Washington, D.C. One of those chosen this year was one of the chaplains. Miss Knox, a longtime leader in American Legion affairs in the state, has been working on Boys State project of 18 years and attended the Boys State graduation for 10 years before being chosen as a counselor.
Coach John Blackburn, Head Football Coach for ZHS There’s a promising new figure that has descended upon our high school and community. New from the standpoint he recently arrived from Macon, Georgia, and the promising head coach of our mighty Bulldogs. The man I am referring to is Mr. John Blackburn. The 7th year coach became aware of the opening position of ZHS from a friend of his coaching at Lakeland. He came down to check us out and comments that his feelings of Zephyrhills are, “I love it!” The school’s beautiful, and the athletic facilities will be tremendous one they are completed. I like it all.” His immediate goals are, besides shaping his 1979-80 Bulldogs, to join a church in the community and to settle his wife of 4 years, Sandra. And his twin 19-month old daughters, Allison Leigh and Jessica Elaine into their new surroundings. Mr. Blackburn will begin his 4th year teaching and will be instructing comparative educational math and economics. He states that his main reason for teaching is “because of the kids.” Coach Carl Summers, Assistant Football Coach for ZHS Recently I had the experience of interviewing our new assistant coach, Mr. Carl Summers. Many of you might be familiar with him because of his impressive appearances as a teacher since he came to Zephyrhills from Macon, Georgia. There he was a teacher at Central High School. Mr. Summers intends to make Zephyrhills his home for his wife
and two daughters. He came to Zephyrhills with Mr. Blackburn to
investigate the school; they liked the system and decided to stay. Mr.
Summers’ first impression of ZHS was “Super!” He felt
that, “All faculty and students concerned have a genuine interest
and devotion to all aspects of school and community life.” He
plans on becoming an active member of the community and by his past
record he will be a very welcome addition. Coach Summers has been
involved with the Lions Club, American Legion, Jaycees, Kiwanis and
VFW. He was a scout master and also the youth director of his church.
Mr. Summers was in the Marine Corps and served in Vietnam where he
received 2 Silver Stars and a Purple Heart.
ZHS Graduates 188 Seniors; Many Awards Are Presented, Zephyrhills News, June 15, 1978 Because it was the largest class ever graduated at Zephyrhills High School at 188 seniors, even with a limit of two tickets per senior there was standing room only for Commencement Tuesday night. Packet into the commons area and sweltering as normally adequate air conditioners attempted to overcome the heat given by the press of humanity, students and citizens still enjoyed yet another colorful, eye-dewing and moving graduation exercise. Previous largest class was 163 seniors in 1975. Last year’s at 159 seniors is now the third largest ever. With an estimated 1,100 seats in place for the diploma-awarding, and with standing room only, school custodians believe this year’s throng was even larger than last year, and is figured at about 1,300 persons. Although the ceremony did not begin with the traditional processional until 8 p.m., there was a line of parents at the Zephyrhills High School front doors when the doors were unlocked at 6 p.m. and by 7 p.m. almost every seat reserved for parents was filled. Miss Mary Giella, Assistant Superintendent and Jay B. Starkey, School Board Member, were on hand to assist with the ceremony. Starkey presented the diplomas as they were handed to him by Principal Raymond B. Stewart, and as J.C. Steele III, faculty commencement chairperson, called out the names of the senior. Miss Giella turned tassels as the graduates left the stage. Others present on the platform were the Reverend Louis Meyer, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, who gave both the invocation and the benediction to the Commencement. Guests were introduced by Steele. Speakers on the program were Chris Bahr, president of the Class of 1978, Lenne′ Hunt, Class Valedictorian and Daniel Deaton, Class Salutatorian. Honor grads were presented by Miss Giella as follows: Citizenship—Lenne′ Hunt and Bruce Clark; School Spirit—Trish Inman and Fred Rhoda; Activities—Patricia Barrentine and Jeff Strout; Athletics—Sheryl Arnold and Shawn Regan; Best All-Around—Patti Landreth and Thor Wickstrom. Ivan Corbin, acting on behalf of the Karl Y. Wickstrom family of Miami, presented a Leadership and Friendship Plaque and a check for $100 to Patti Landreth as the senior who though those traits most honored the memory of Karl G. Wickstrom, a ZHS senior when he was killed in a car-bicycle accident in July of 1972. Corbin was last year’s winner of the award. Organist for the processional led by Miss Hunt and Mr. Deaton was Mrs. Marjorie Mead. Ushers were members of the junior class and included Cindy Dann, Lynda Furney, Karen Holt, Jone Mills, Darlene Roman, Vilna Simmon, Mike Barclay, Bob Boyd, Alan Corbin, Mark Rickard, Steve Spanger, and Paul White. As an interesting sidelight to this year’s Commencement, a local Boy Scout official pointed out that while the national average is one Eagle Scout to every 300 Boy Scouts, the Class of 1978 has as members six Eagle Scouts. They are Homer E. Brooks, III, Bruce W. Clark, Jeffrey A. DeWitt, Willie T. Quick, Jr., Michael Schaffner and James K. Waddey. Valedictorian’s Speech by Lenne′ Hunt Honored Guests, members of the faculty, fellow students, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I would like to take this time to thank my parents, family and friends who have inspired as well as encouraged me during these formative years. Without the love and guidance of all of these, and especially my parents, members such as this would not be possible. Today marks an ending and a beginning. The time has come for us to put away our dolls and batman capes and look ahead to new responsibilities. We’ve come through a learning stage and now must test that knowledge. We must now see how wise we are and how much we have yet to learn. Senior year has provided a time for us to get acquainted with ourselves, our hopes, our dreams, abilities and limits. It is the final stage in preparing us to live independently within our world. Many of us are uncertain as to what the future holds, or even where we should go to find our future. But we do know who we are and what we stand for and with this knowledge we will see our hopes survive. Each of us must find the truth that we can live by, that will sustain us. Forging ahead, we must leave the secure familiarity of our memories, while striving to reach the goals we have set. Much can be learned from past experiences, but we cannot live in the past. Once truth is learned it must be applied to our future. From here we are starting anew. The world awaiting us is in need of newness and freshness. In the Bible a wise man of old once said, let no man despise your youth, but be an example in the way that you live. Wisdom is the quality of being wise, the practice of truth. For us to cope with our responsibilities, we must have wisdom. It is easy to look beside us and see others who aren’t taking their responsibility seriously, and tragic to see the end result of these lives. It is far more difficult to assume responsibility ourselves. Wisdom doesn’t exclude happiness. It doesn’t call for us to take on the burdens of the world. It does, however, help to attain peace within ourself. Having attained peace within, let us make our wisdom work to help someone else. Our world seems to be deteriorating rapidly. There is more and more hatred and mistrust. This is why we must let wisdom, include kindness and love. Perhaps it is foolish to think that we can instigate changes for the better, but we might keep o hoping and working for that change. The world has to be different because we have lived. I’m not sure that I’m totally ready to accept new responsibility but I must at least try, as must we all. If there is one hope I could give to you or one goal to strive for, it would be this—that each of us would learn wisdom and with it kindness, and with that wisdom we’ll work together to make our world better, happier and more at peace. Whatever your goals, I wish you all the best that life has to offer, and may God bless you. Thank you. Salutatorian’s Address by Daniel Deaton In 1968, a young American entered the Summer Olympics in the swimming competition. Since he had prepared a good bit, he was expected to do quite well. Unfortunately he received only one bronze medal, which was a rather disappointing showing. He almost gave up swimming after those Olympics, but he decided to give it one more try. He set a goal to come in first place in every race he swam in. He committed himself to that goal, and worked very hard in his efforts to reach it. He was determined to win those gold medals. In 1972 Olympics, Mark Spitz won every event he swam in, for a total of seven gold medals. No one had ever done it before. Mark Spitz was a winner, but he didn’t become number one overnight. He had a real desire to win, and he paid the high price that was necessary to become a world champion by giving it everything he had. Whether we realize it or not, each of us can be a winner in life! What does this involve? Part of being a winner is having the right goals, for without something to work toward, we wouldn’t accomplish anything. Our high school days are over now, and in the next few months, we have a lot of life-changing decisions to make. We have to decide where to go to college or get a job, where we want to live and who we will marry. All of these decisions are determined by our goals and what we want to accomplish in life. What do you really want to get out of life? Are you satisfied with the direction in which your life is going? If not, now is the time to change it. Another real key to being a winner in life is having a good personality. When we’re dead and gone, people won’t remember us by how much money we had, or by how popular we were. They will remember us by the kind of people we were. All of us have our good points and bad points. And all of us have room for improvement. Some qualities of a good personality that we can develop are honesty, kindness, friendliness, respect for others and having strong moral character. Being optimistic and being able to find something to compliment others about is an excellent quality to have. I need to work on this myself. These qualities will help you become a person others will enjoy being around and will make you genuinely popular. We are participating in the greatest game we will ever play, the game of LIFE. In this game, the stakes are eternal life and death. You only get one chance (one series of downs) to score. The plays you call, the decisions and choices you make determine whether you gain the victory or suffer the defeat. As in any game, there is a high price to pay to be a winner. It requires a strong commitment to Jesus Christ and the high ideals He has set before us. We must deny self and put Christ and others before ourselves. Along with the high price you pay to be a winner goes a great reward. It includes lasting happiness and peace as you move toward the goal line, knowing you’re going to win. And when you reach the goal life, in the game of life, your reward is an eternal one, instead of one temporary fame. Anybody can be a loser. It takes no effort to lose. However there is still a high price that you will pay as a result of your choice not to be a winner. For as the winner triumphs, the loser suffers in defeat and embarrassment. Bet we’re not alone in this game; God wants to help us if we’ll only let Him. He’s in the business of making winners out of losers, and if God is on our side who can be against us? But in this game, the plays you call are up to you. You can choose to pay the price now and enjoy the rewards of winning, or take it easy now and miss out on real life and suffer the consequences later. You’ll pay a high price either way; why not be a winner? When the game of life is over, and God, the referee with the final say, makes His judgment, will you be a winner of a loser? Try God’s wan and be a winner! Class President’s Talk-Chris Bahr We the seniors of 1978 would like to thank you, the parents, teachers and guests for coming to witness our success. I’d like to extend an exceptionally warm welcome to the parents and teachers, for they are a part of our success. To the parents who created us, loved us, and helped us, may I say, “Thank You.” I know all of my fellow students have thought of what they are going to do for the rest of their lives. Many have not decided. Whatever is in the future, it is the job that is most important. For the kind of job we get will determine the lifestyle we will live. To be happy in what we do is a measure of success more than the money we can make. A happy ditch digger can be a success just as much as the president can. The only job benefiting all of you is the best job you can possible get and want. The way to achieve this is to do the best that you can. Some of us will choose college to further our education and knowledge while others will go on to other fields. The temptation of having a once-in-a-lifetime party every evening at college is not the way to do the best you can. Not studying in college is a waste of time and money. Take the case of two college juniors. After yawning one said, “What shall we do tonight?” “Let’s toss a coin and decide,” replied the other. “If it’s tails, we’ll call on Rosie and Susie, and if it’s heads, we’ll study.” Self-discipline is the key to being a success in college and afterwards. We have a moral responsibility to ourselves and to society to advance our minds to the fullest. Looking back to our freshman year I think (“What A motley crew we were.”). Recognition came when in our sophomore year our homecoming float smoked up the whole town. It’s been great being president of this fine group of friends. I thank you for pulling with me during homecoming, and throughout the year. It’s been the greatest time of my life. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Even though we will all go separate ways, we all know our class reunions will be fun and something to look forward to. In closing I would like to leave you with this poem—“The best verse hasn’t been rhymed yet. The best house hasn’t been planned. The highest peak hasn’t been climbed yet. The mightiest rivers aren’t spanned. Don’t worry and fret, faint-hearted. The chances have just begun. For the best jobs, haven’t been started. The best work hasn’t been done.”
Renninger To Direct New School; Cox Elementary Assistant New West Head, Zephyrhills News, February 3, 1978 West Zephyrhills Elementary School Principal, Ferd E. Renninger, will be the first principal for the new elementary school now being built west of Zephyrhills High School. Renninger has had 20 years of experience in education, 15 of them in Zephyrhills in administration. He came in 1962 from Lakeland. The new principal for West Zephyrhills Elementary…will be Louis Freijo. Freijo is certified in elementary administration and has been employed by the Pasco County system for the past seven years.
Girl Golfers Finish 3rd In District Tourney, Zephyrhills News, April 27, 1978 While the Zephyrhills High School girl’s golf team had a terrific season record with 10 victories and only four losses, some of the team’s players will be completing in the State Finals. That’s because in the District Tournament at Cypress Woods course near Winter Haven Tuesday afternoon, the ZHS girls finished third behind two powerful big school teams. And the finish was very close. “Just a few strokes could have made a big difference”—Coach Madonna Jervis Wise said. Winter Haven won the meet, on its home course with a 396 total, while Lakeland Kathleen came in second with a 409. Just three strokes behind at 412, were the ZHS girls. Zephyrhills won the District Meet last season, although the team’s 1977 season record was not as good. Jone Mills, with a score of 95, was the fifth high individual of the District Meet, and was presented a special award. Other Bulldog golf girls included Melanie Bahr with a 194; Celia Schneider with a 105; Cheryl Pelt with a 107 and Pam Peter with a 120. A Memorial to a Memorial, by Cindy Roman from Bulldogger Student Newsletter, Volume XIII, No. 4, Homecoming, 1978 Nineteen-seventy-eight marks the last year for football games at Krusen Memorial Field. As the new stadium takes over, Krusen will be retired as a football field. Although almost everyone know where and what Krusen Field is, few people know the history of the field. World War II marked the time period when the field took on the job as an air base for a fighter squadron. After passing through many hands, the city to the government for war and back again (Krusen’s didn’t donate that land, it was some other land nearby)-the city took it over. Being a small town many years ago, the now middle school housed the Zephyrhills students from grades 1-12 with ease. Football games in this rural town were played at a small field near Krusen Field in the afternoon because there were no lights to play under at night, But Zephyrhills was to grow and a new field was added to accommodate the many fans. About the year 1955, the Quarterback Club was organized. This group of people worked in cooperation with the city to build a new field since the old one had been outgrown. Arguments were made that the city would own the property and take care of it, but problems arose with this set-up. Leaving the field to the school board for a dollar a year was the answer. The school board agreed to pay the expenses of operating the field. So many people, groups, clubs and businesses were (and are) involved with the development of Krusen Field. To start work on the field the county donated the use of their equipment; there was much fill work to be done. The scoreboard was donated by the Bank of Zephyrhills; the lights set up by Florida Power Company, the fence, the restrooms and now the electricity bills were footed by the city. The Pepsi-Cola Company also contributed by building the concession stand if Pepsi was to be patronized for a certain length of time. The Quarterback Club, who runs the stand (in cooperating with the fans), then raised money to purchase new bleachers for the field. Few people realize the cost of the stands; each part of them cost around $14,000. Many businessmen helped by writing repayable notes to purchase different sections. The new field was dedicated to Charles B. Krusen, son of Mr. And Mrs. I.A. Krusen, in about 1955. The choice of Charles B. Krusen was done for a young man about 21 who died about 1945. Being a small town, the old favorite was chosen by the Quarterback Club. The life of Krusen Field from 1955 when it was conceived to 1960 when the first stands were finished, to its retirement is recognized as one filled with many events. December 3rd marks the day when the new stadium, its successor, will be opened for public inspection. Krusen Field will be retired as a recreation field for baseball, softball, soccer and other sports. The old field will be “put out to pasture.” No matter what the field will be when the stadium takes over, it will never become outdated or useless. Many people will retrace memories of great wins and tragic losses, of good times and bad. Parts of Krusen will live on as old home bleachers are moved to the new stadium for visitor bleachers. Even though Bulldog football games won’t be played there any longer, other games will-Charles B. Krusen Memorial Field serves its community well.
Commencement for 188 Seniors Tuesday in ZHS Commons Area, Zephyrhills News, June 8, 1978 Members of the largest Zephyrhills High school graduating class ever enrolled will receive diplomas in formal exercise Tuesday at 8 p.m. The 188 listed seniors—including 22 honor students—will be presented their recognition of completion of their high school education in the student commons area of the school, located at 1975 12th street. As they have the past three years, graduates and parents alike will enjoy air conditioned comfort rather than the sweltering heat of the gymnasium. But in a marked change from past years, graduates will not receive awards from Pasco Schools Superintendent Tom Weightman; in fact only two county officials—Assistant Mary Giella and School Board Member, Jay Starkey, will be on hand to congratulate ZHS graduate. Graduation ceremonies will begin Tuesday evening with Mrs. Marjorie Mead’s organ prelude. The Reverend Louis Meyer, pastor of Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, will give the invocation, after which guests will be introduced by J.C. Steele III, one of the seven class sponsors and commencement chairman. Following the presentation of awards Lenne Hunt will make her valedictorian address just before the awarding of the diplomas by Starkey and Stewart. Picture Caption with article—Presented scholarships at the Awards Day ceremony at ZHS were three girls: Arlene Camper and Bonnie Gray, winners of Pasco-Hernando Community College full-tuition scholarships and Patricia Barrentine, winner of the Alpha Delta Kappa “Audrey Clark” Memorial Scholarship grant.
Three ZHS Art Students Win Honors In Big Area Exhibit, Zephyrhills News It was a happy day for three Zephyrhills High School art students for their parents and friends—but it was an especially rewarding day for Mrs. Judy Mason, ZHS art teacher. The trio of students had been named among the major winners in the Tampa Bay Regional Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition, a feat which Mrs. Mason modestly credits to “the overall art program in elementary and junior high here as well as high school.” But those who know best about the dedication to teaching in her chosen field shown by Mrs. Mason, her three prize-winning students, say a lion’s share of the credit for their accomplishment should go to Judy Mason. Of the three winners, one is only a junior. She is Cheryl Ordenes, whose pencil portrait of a young girl won a Gold Key Award, the highest of the regional awards. The other two are seniors. Patti Landreth’s pencil portrait of a young woman was named a Blue Ribbon Finalist, and after March 4, will be sent to New York City for national judging. The big winner and in fact the dominate painter in the exhibition is Thor Wickstrom, who walked off with seven awards, including having his portfolio be the only one selected for national judging in April for a possible scholarship to one of the nation’s major art schools. The Scholastic Art Exhibition will continue on the main floor of Robinson’s Department Store at the University Square Mall, Tampa, through March 4. Sponsored nationally by Scholastic magazine and locally the past two years by Robinson’s the competition includes drawings, graphics, paintings, photographs, sculpture and ceramics. The University Square show includes work by Students from more than 20 high schools in Hillsborough, Polk, and Pasco Counties. The 17-year old Wickstrom—whose name is recognized by the News’ readers for the cartoons he has drawn over the past two years for these pages—won the following in the competition:
“We have need for growth here in the high school, but there are no art teachers in our elementary schools now, and none at the junior high level. They say there is not enough money to fund the units for art,” Mrs. Mason said. “But I believe all of our students have benefited from the strong overall art program we used to have—at all levels,” she said.
ZHS Girl Golfers Counting on Experience This Season, Zephyrhills News, The ZHS Girls golf team has experience on its side this season. The team began practicing in January with eight returning lettermen. Team members opening the season match were: Jone Mills, playing first position, Melanie Bahr, Celia Schneider, Cheryl Pelt, and Pam Peter, according to head coach, Madonna Jervis Wise. The team’s two veteran sophomores are Pam Peters and Wanda Tucker. The girls rely heavily on these two hard-working team members who do contribute to the overall performance of the team. They will undoubtedly be playing in several 1978 matches. The only Rookie is Ronda Ferguson who shows tremendous promise.
ZHS Picks Thor Wickstom as ‘Student of The Year,’ Zephyrhills News, April 27, 1978 Zephyrhills High School students and faculty have selected Thor Wickstrom from the seniors as “Student of the Year” and have nominated him as the school’s candidate for Pasco County “Outstanding Student.” The announcement was made by Stanley B. Kendrick and Bill Weikopf of the guidance office. The 18-year old senior ranks seventh in the senior class with a grade point average of 3.83 and on the Task test composite ranked in the 93rd percentile. In making the selection of the County winner, Thomas Weightman will name a 5-member committee from the district staff, usually with a representative from each of the five high schools. The selected student will then be recognized as Pasco County’s Outstanding Student.
FFA Delegates Now Home After State Meeting, Zephyrhills News, April 27, 1978
Eight members represented Zephyrhills High School at the Future Homemakers of American (FHA) state convention in Orlando, April 19-22. Those members chosen to go were: Patty Paige, Penny DeLotte, Amy Wilson, Michelle Long, Margaret Fried, Christine Owens, Darnell Ross, and Sheri Swan. Advisors accompanying the group were teachers, Mary Ellen Burnett and Sue Croley.
4-H District Winners, Zephyrhills News, May 4, 1978
Earning the right to compete in the Florida’s 4-H Congress state finals events July 24-28 at the University of Florida at Gainesville were four of the Zephyrhills students: June Neumann, junior winner in horticulture and Jodi Nutt, who teamed with Laura Mester in a senior team demonstration in agriculture. Also Don Jernstrom, senior winner in veterinarian science and Ronda Ferguson, senior winner in public speaking.
Parade, Coronation and Dance Will Be Highlights of ZHS Homecoming, Zephyrhills News, November 2, 1978 A series of special contests and dress-up now underway at Zephyrhills High School to boost enthusiasm for the annual Homecoming celebration on Friday and Saturday are underway. Big events will include a bonfire today (Thursday) after band practice and coronation rehearsal, and the annual Homecoming parade through downtown Zephyrhills Friday starting at 3:30 p.m. Teresa Ashbaugh is parade chairman. Candidates for Homecoming Queen are: Angie Baker, Brenda Howell, Cindy Dann, and Darlene Roman. The King and Prince will be elected from within the football squad by the players while the student body votes on the Queen and Princess. All graduates of ZHS plus other friends, who like to dance, are invited to the Homecoming Dance, which will be Saturday night in the high school commons.
The ZHS Girls Tennis Team, Zephyrhills News The ZHS Girls Tennis Team has swung into action with an energetic group of players ![]() |