HISTORY OF ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOLHighlights of 1976Knight Moves; Sikes Hired, Tampa Tribune, 1976 Alan Knight has stepped down as head football coach at ZHS to take over as dean of boys and will be replaced by Dan Sikes, Principal Ray Stewart announced. “I am thrilled to death that my close friend Dan Sikes will be taking over the program, said Knight. “ I will receive my Master’s Degree in June from the University off South Florida. I feel that my future lies in administration and look forward to my new position here.” Sikes was head football coach for the past two years at Land O’ Lakes High School. Earlier this year he resigned to become assistant football coach at Hillsborough High in Tampa. “I’m just a country boy at heart, said Sikes. I will finish out the year teaching physical education in Tampa, but am conducting spring football practice at Zephyrhills. “Alan and I are very close friends and it will be great together at Zephyrhills High. Dan Sikes to Succeed Knight as Grid Coach, Zephyrhills News, 1976 A new football coach will be at the leash next fall when the Zephyrhills high School Bulldogs take to the gridiron for the 1977 season, Principal Raymond B. Stewart Announced today. He is Dan Sikes, who will assume the post of head football coach when the start of the new school year in September pending approval of the Pasco County School Board… Sikes, head coach at Land O’ Lakes High School for the past two years has been teaching at Hillsborough High School in Tampa the past month and one half. He will succeed Alan Knight, popular head coach the past three seasons. Coach Knight’s teams had an over-all record of 11 wins, 18 losses and one ties. His boys went 1-8-1 his first year, 7-3 his second and were 3-7 last year. Coach Knight told the News he will stay on as defensive coach and line coach for one year, for the benefit of the new coach in order to provide a smooth transition. Coach Sikes will be head coach and offensive coach. Don Woods also will continue on the football coaching staff and a fourth coach will be named to the group, principal Stewart said. Prior to coming to Land O’ Lakes when that school started its first football program two years ago, Coach Sikes was head football coach at Brandon High School and held the position of varsity assistant at another high school in Hillsborough County. He played his college football at University of Tampa. ![]()
ZHS Graduates 157 Seniors; Many Awards Are Presented, Zephyrhills News, July 1, 1976 Almost every seat was taken in the student commons area of Zephyrhills High School Tuesday as 157 seniors, the second largest class ever behind last year’s 163—were awarded their diplomas. Almost 1,000 seats had been placed for the ceremony, and counting more than 100 standees, school custodians estimated the crowd at well over 1,200 friends, relatives, and graduates. Mrs. Agnes Deal, area School Board Member, presented the diplomas assisted by Principal Raymond B. Stewart and J.C. Steele, faculty commencement chairman, who also was emcee and introduced guests. Tassels were turned by Mrs. Bonnie Zimmer of the School Board. The three other members of the board also were on hand including Jay Starkey, Dr. Robert Hartzell and Harley Gilmore. As the seniors left the stage a class flower was presented to them by junior ushers. The flowers were donated by Citizen’s Bank of Pasco and Marion Smith Florist, Steele told the News. Others present on the platform were the Reverend James Errickson of the Church of the Nazarene who gave the invocation and benediction and Superintendent of Schools, Thomas E. Weightman, who announced the names of the winners of special awards. Three addresses on the program were those of Senior Class President, Charles Back; Valedictorian Elizabeth Stanley and Salutatorian Kathy Flack. Presented the annual special awards by Superintendent Weightman were: Most athletic—Sandra Bahr and Richard Burkham; Citizenship—Debbie Claywell and Greg Mills; Most School Spirit—Christi Spoto and Mike Doerr; Activities—Cindy Craig and Charles Back; Best All-Around—Christi Spoto and Charles Back; Scholarship—Elizabeth Stanley and Kathy Flack. Mel Williams, acting on behalf of the Karl Y. Wickstrom family of Miami, presented a Leadership and Friendship plaque and a check for $100 to Charles Back as the senior who through those traits most honored the memory of Karl G. Wickstrom, a ZHS senior when he was killed in a car bicycle accident in July of 1972. Williams was last year’s winner of the award. Organist for the processional led by Miss Stanley and Back was Miss Luan Gore, a junior student. Valedictory Address In her valedictory on behalf of her class, Miss Stanley said: “Mr. Stewart, honored guests, parents, friends and class of 1976, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Graduation is an exciting time. It is parties and fun; laughter mingled liberally with tears; and memories of the moments we have shared together. It is caps and gowns and the sound of “Pomp and Circumstance.” It is a turning from the past and a looking toward the future. It is a time for us to pause and ask ourselves, “Who Am I? Why Am I here? And Where Am I going?” Particularly for us the class of ’76, it is a time to become vitally award of the mantle of responsibility that is being passed to our shoulders. “America, the cradle of liberty, is still a great nation. We enjoy more freedom and a higher standard of living than any other people on earth. Ours is a precious heritage for which a great price has been paid. We must not sit idly by and see it slip from us! Our parents, our teachers, and the many others who have gone before us have given us much. Do we now have the sense and the responsibility and the courage to accept it? “And not only are we heirs of the past, but trustees of the future. As father of our country, George Washington’s greatest concern was the generations to come. This is evidenced by his personally supervising the planning of Washington, D.C. even down to the planting of the trees. Today the beauty and majesty of our capital city is enjoyed by people from all over the world, all because this man’s foremost thought was always for the future,” she said. “It is now up to us as young Americans to see that this nation’s next 200 years are as exciting and demanding as dedicated to “Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness” as were the first 200. We must hold aloft the torch of freedom and guard it until we pass it on to succeeding generations. “History tells us that no democratic nation has ever lasted more than two centuries. Why” Mainly because people began to take what they had for granted and refused to get involved. Today there is a spirit of complacency and apathy among us as America drifts closer and closer to bondage. Our political parties are wondering where the young people are. We need to awake and be up and doing. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. “Times today should present a challenge to us all. It is not a time to give up, but to look up. Let us not look at the mud, but the stars. Before it is too late, we must put passivity and complacency aside and with the “Spirit of 76” get on the offensive and defend the right. Duty whispers low. “Thou Must. Youth replies, “I Can.” May these diplomas which we are about to receive ever serve as reminders to us of the great responsibility that is ours. “In conclusion, on the eve of the Country’s 200th birthday, I would like to share with you those words which I believe we can hear America saying, “Give me men to march my plains. Give me men a time like this demands. With strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands -Men whom the lust of office does not kill. Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy. Men who possess opinions and a will. Men who love honor, men who will not lie. Men who will put their trust in God.” Salutatorian’s Address In her remarks Salutatorian Kathy Flack said, in part: “1976 was a very important year. Not only to the graduating seniors but also to our nation. To the Class of ’76, the diploma which we are about to receive, represents twelve years of learning how to solve situations which we will be facing throughout our lives. To America it is the time for the celebration of our 200th year as a free and self-governing country. America grew from a seed of the will to do and dare, and the will to get up and go on. This seed of freedom was planted two centuries ago by men and women who had the courage to make a stand and fight for their beliefs. “We too, must fight for freedom. For freedom is not something that can be inherited from past ancestors. Each generation must desire and earn for itself the privileges that only freedom can offer…. Later in her talk, she said, “Our forefathers did not establish a country where everything would be done for us but a place where we would have every opportunity to do for ourselves. We must first recognize our opportunities which are not always visible to us. We then had the freedom of choice to decide which path we will travel. It is up to us whether we succeed or fail since it is our decision. Finally, we must take action. Remember that even if you’re on the right track you’ll be run over if you just sit there.” President Speaks In his remarks to his fellow classmates, Senior Class President Charles Back had this to say: “Just 200 years ago our nation won its independence. The Bicentennial is a time for us as Americans to review and reaffirm the basic principles on which our nation was founded. These principles of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are valid today, and will be for tomorrow. “In our heritage we find men who molded American. Men like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They understood the challenge of change. They fought for their beliefs. They took risks. But what about tomorrow?” “There once was a wise old man who was known far and wide for being able to answer any question that was asked of him. One day two young girls decided that they would ask the man a question that could not be answered. First, they would find two small birds and ask him, “What have we in our hands? He would reply of course—girds. Then they would ask. Are they dead or alive? If he replied, “They are alive; they would squeeze their hands ever so lightly and kill the small birds. They found two small birds and went to see the old man. “Would you answer some questions for us? They asked. I would love to, the man replied. “What have we in our hands? The girls asked. “Why small birds, the old man answered. And are they alive or dead? The old man paused and looked down at the ground for a while. He then looked up and straight into the eyes of the girls and replied, “young ladies—the question of whether those birds are dead or alive is in your hands.” “Fellow graduates, we are the future of America. The decision is in our hands as to what the future of America will be. Society has labeled our generation as wreck less, irresponsible, lazy and incapable of directing America’s future. “This presents a challenge to us as the youth of America. As tomorrow’s leaders we must accept challenges and insure that America’s flag continues to fly high and proud. “I urge each of you to take advantage of the many opportunities that you are offered and not to sit back and let them pass you by. I challenge you to go through each day with the same determination and dedication that lives in our American heritage,” he concluded.
Elizabeth Stanley, Kathy Flack Are Top Scholars in Class of 1976, Zephyrhills News, June 24, 1976 Elizabeth Stanley has been announced as the valedictorian of the 153 member Zephyrhills High School graduating class of 1976 with Kathy Flack as salutatorian or second ranking scholastically. In addition the names of 25 honor graduates of this year’s class were announced by Mrs. Betty Jo Hyder, guidance counselor on behalf of Principal Raymond B. Stewart. In order to be an honors graduate a senior must have attained a “B” average for the four years of high school and have scored at least 300 on the statewide 12th grade test. The ranking is based 80 percent on the grade average and 20 on the test scores. There are members of the graduating class who scored about 300 on the test but did not maintain the required grade average. Miss Stanley had a grade point average of 4.0 straight A and scored 477 on the 12th grade test (out of a possible perfect score of 495). Quizzed by the News, Miss Stanley modestly admitted she has had two B’s since the seventh grade, both in physical education, which grade does not count toward the academic ranking. Miss Flack carries a grade point average of 3.8 and scored 406 on the 12th grade test.
Commencement for 153 ZHS Seniors Tuesday in School Commons Area, Zephyrhills News, June 24, 1976 Members of the 1976 graduating class of Zephyrhills High School again one of the largest ever to participate in Commencement exercises here—will received diplomas in formal exercises Tuesday evening starting at 8:15 p.m. The 153 listed seniors will be presented their recognition of completion of their high school education in the student commons area of the school.
Debbie Padgett, Kevin Ryman Chosen Junior-Senior Prom Royalty, Zephyrhills News, June 10, 1976 Miss Debbie Padgett was crowned as Queen of the 1976 Zephyrhills High School Junior-Senior prom while Kevin Ryman was crowned the King. The selection was by secret ballot vote of those attending the prom. Coronation of the royalty came during a band break at the gala affair with Miller Newton representing the Student Council and Miss Jean Hawes, the faculty in doing the honors. The couple was crowned with a pair of aluminum pan crowns hastily manufactured by Miss Hawes from cookie plates and a flower centerpiece after the purchased crowns were stolen from the Municipal Auditorium kitchen where they had been stored, and from right beneath the noses of busy parents preparing and serving prom refreshments. Zephyrhills Police Department assisted Miss Hawes by providing staples and scissors for her crown making efforts. The dance by the Royal Couple following their coronation was a highlight of the affair. Another feature of the evening was the appearance during an earlier break of a group of dancers from Lois Ann’s Studio of Dance. Performing in the Salsoul’s version of “Tangerine” were the Misses Alice McCracken, Paula Register, Beth Walker, Suzanne Walker, Debbie Wallace, and Kimberly Whitworth, and the Mrs. Leroy Hauff, Surindar Bedi and Steve Swan. They also demonstrated a new dance, “The Bus Stop” using three male student volunteers from the prom guests. The band for the prom, called “The Riddler” and from Orlando was judged to be one of the best in years for the big night of fun and in contrast to many previous years, the good band kept students at the dance until it ended at 12 midnight, rather than a mass exodus for late restaurant dinners’ commencing about 10:30 or 11 p.m. ![]()
Girls Track Team Eyes State Meet, Zephyrhills News, May 13, 1976 The Zephyrhills High School girls track team tied for first place in the District 2A track meet at Dade City’s Pasco High Stadium last Friday, after supposedly finishing the meet in second place. The girls were very happy with a second place performance but a discrepancy in the scoring was found resulting in a point being taken off the South Sumter score to even up the tallies at 891/2 points apiece. The tie made both teams victors. The point discrepancy was noticed by Coach Allan Poe of Pasco Comprehensive on the scoring of the high jump event. South Sumter had been given credit for a fourth place finish when they had actually placed sixth. The lady Bulldogs placed very well and qualified 11 girls to go to the State 2A Track Meet tomorrow (Friday) at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Sheryl Arnold won the high jump event in which the mistake in scoring had been made. First place tallies were also taken by Helen Norris in the mile; Wanda Wilson in the 440 yard run. Linda Avery in the discus and the mile relay team of Wanda Wilson, Sue Walker, Brenda Howell and Sheryl Arnold. Second place tallies were turned by Tami Delafield in the 880 yard run; Kathy Chartrand ran in the 110 yard hurdles; Linda Avery again this time in the shot put; and the 880 yard relay team of Shirley Alexander, Karen Spears, Kathy Chartrand and Gloria Ward. First and Second place winners were eligible for the State Meet. Another great team effort is the reason for the good showing. If the girls show the same enthusiasm tomorrow, the State trophy could well be theirs.
Zephyrhills Girl is District 12 VFW Contest Winner, Zephyrhills News, January 22, 1976 Cynthia Wynne has won first place in the district for the Veterans of Foreign Wars “Voice of Democracy” speech contest.
Dunnellon, Wildwood Next for Bulldogs, Now at 10-3, Zephyrhills News, January 22, 1976 It’s tough to play a weak team and then have to prepare to meet one of your toughest opponents of the season, but that’s what’s happened with the Zephyrhills Bulldog basketball team this week. Tuesday night they loafed over Land O’ Lakes, everybody’s doormat in its infant season this year, 70-29, and now await an encounter in the Dog House Friday night with Dunnellon, ranked as high as second in the State 2A poll this season.
ZHS Student Ranked Among Nation’s Top 5% In Merit Scholarship Test, Zephyrhills News, May 6, 1976 Glen Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Howard, 5 Hart Lane and a Zephyrhills High School Junior, has been announced by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as having placed in the top 5% of over one million students tested in 1975. The recognition was formally given by Principal Raymond B. Stewart and the school Monday morning as the PSAT/NMSQT Selection index score was released. Principal Steward told the News, “He is to be commended for this outstanding record and test score. Sharing in the honor are his parents and the faculty members who have helped him to develop his academic skills.”
Girls Golf Team Wins At East Bay, Zephyrhills News, April 15, 1976 The Zephyrhills High School girl’s golf team took a victory Monday in a match with East Bay High School by a wide margin of 225-262. Andra Douglas led the golfers with a nine hole stroke total of 50. Melonie Bahr followed with a 52 to help lead the girls to victory. Coach Ann Crawford noted that the girls did not play exceptional golf but provided the necessary totals to beat East Bay.
ZHS Grad of 1970 Being Seen in National News Pictures, Zephyrhills News, March 25, 1976 A Zephyrhills High School graduate is receiving national attention as a member of the “AFA” 15. It’s not another radical group on trial for violation of laws. The AFA 15 are the first women who have the distinction of being the first women to attend the Air Force Academy. Second Lieutenant Irene Graf is 23 and holds a degree in Chemistry from the University of Florida. Miss Graf’s picture has been taken hundreds of times in the last few weeks since the program began. The fifteen women officers began their training in January and will be enrolled as full-time cadets next summer.
Principal Ray Stewart Rescues Boy Swimmer At Bus Drivers’ Picnic, Zephyrhills News, July 1, 1976 ZHS Principal Raymond B. Stewart is an expert swimmer—in fact he once taught Red Cross life saving at the Municipal Pool and Saturday he put his skills to work in rescuing from drowning a 16-year old Dade City area youth. The incident happened at the annual Pasco County School Bus Driver’s picnic at the E. Moody Lake Home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Williams on Amberla Road, Dade City. Mrs. Williams, Dade City Bus Route Manager, and her husband who also is employed at the bus garage, were hosts to about 60 drivers, their families and friends, including Superintendent of Schools Thomas Weightman, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Ron Forgeson, Superintendent of Transportation Don Halle and others, including school principals. While several men were gathered around a barbecue pit area, about a dozen children were frolicking in the Williams swimming pool. Cries for help from several children eventually were heard over the normal picnic sounds, and Principal Stewart was among the first to reach the pool. He dove into the pool fully clothed to reach the 16-year old youth who, unable to swim, was motionless on the bottom of the deep end of the pool. A few children had attempted to reach him with a pool skimmer, but the boy was too far gone to grasp the pole. The youth was the friend of one of the driver’s sons, and the wife of the driver also had dived in fully clothed to try and reach the boy. Another child also was trying to rescue the child and had to be hauled out by Stewart. The youth, 5’6” and about 130 pounds was taken home after his normal breathing was restored. “We fished Mr. Stewart’s glasses out of the pool Monday and I brought them over to him,” Mrs. Williams told the News. “At last report his watch is still not working. While Principal Stewart downplays the heroism of the incident, a new wristwatch might be a suitable token for a quick-thinking act at a time it was needed.
Greg Mills Is Nominated as Pasco’s Outstanding Student, Zephyrhills News, May 27, 1976 Kathleen S. Edwards, a senior at Land O’ Lakes High School who almost alone organized that school’s first Student Council, has been chosen as the winner of the 1976 Pasco County Outstanding Student Award. She was selected from among four candidates including Greg Mills of Zephyrhills High School who was nominated by the ZHS faculty for consideration for the annual county wide honor. According to the ZHS faculty nomination form, Mills carries a 3.55 grade point average and scored 403 on the Senior Test composite. The school board committee was presented a long list of Mills many achievements and the nomination concluded with a statement from Principal Raymond B. Stewart that “Greg Mills is an excellent student who respects and practices the American creed of democracy, honesty and willingness to work to achieve success.”
ZHS Band to Play at Space Center, Zephyrhills News, August 5, 1976 Visitors at the Kennedy Space Center will be treated to a concert by the Zephyrhills Symphonic Band August 17. Bandmaster C. Paul Steuart said about 80 students will perform during the afternoon concert, although 140 uniformed students will attend.
ZHS second-fastest Growing School In County, Zephyrhills News, August 5, 1976 Zephyrhills Senior High School was the county’s second fastest growing school during the 1975-76 school year, a countywide report shows. Only Hudson Senior High School, one of the newest schools, grew faster than Zephyrhills ![]() ZHS History Class Projects At Fair, Zephyrhills News, March 6, 1976 Two Zephyrhills High School history classes combined efforts to present a Bicentennial Program for the Pasco County Fair February 27, 1976. The presentation began with a short satirical play entitled, “George Washington Swept Here.” The play dealt with the birth, school days and the courtship of the father of our country from a human point-of-view. Mrs. Madonna Wise’s U.S. History Class presented the play as a class project. Students performing in the play included: George: Robert Woodrich; Martha: Debbie Kimball; Abigal: Luan Gore; Augustine: James Johnston; Villan: Red McClellan; Schoolmaster: James Partin; Uncle Sam: Mark Clanton; Spirit of ’76: Valerie Tippett and Debbie Pelfrey; Director: Dale Bruce; Nurse: Rhonda Bem; Liberty Bell: Tina Moore: and Mrs. Chamberlayne: Sharon Fibelkorn. Miss Debby Bacon was pianist with David Hughes in charge of equipment and props. A bicentennial sound-on slide presentation was given as a conclusion to the play by two ZHS students, Wesley Wallick and Gary Woolfolk. The slide presentation was done by Mrs. Terry Turner’s U.S. History class as a special Bicentennial Project.
Many Area Youths Among Winners for County 4-H, Zephyrhills News, October 14, 1976
Zephyrhills 4-H Members honored at the Saturday night’s annual county awards program were gathered around Mrs. Rosemary Trottman, a lifelong resident of Zephyrhills who was a member of the Zephyrhills Tomato Club back in 1913. The Tomato Club for girls was matched by a Corn Club for boys and both clubs were the forerunners of modern day 4-H The 15 Zephyrhills 4-Hers won a variety of honors at the reception and program. An awards program highlighted by a reception climaxed the 1975-76 year for Pasco County 4-H Clubs Saturday night as National 4-H Week drew to a close. The annual 4-H recognition was in Zephyrhills Municipal Auditorium with Mrs. Jan B. Dillard and Mrs. Cheri Gregory of the County Extension Service staff advisors for 4-H in charge of arrangements. Linda Dukes served as emcee. She is president of the 4-H County Council. She was assisted by David Herring. The program opened with the pledge to the flag led by Jodi Cochrane and the 4-H pledge led by Missy Hush and the 4-H creed by Mike Nutt. Devotions were by Martha Ross. In a 4-H awareness program, Steve Lane’s topic was public speaking. Greg Seigrist gave an electrification demonstration. Diane St. Romaine spoke on the County Council and Scott Black, Kathy Hormuth, Martha Ross and Jan Jernstrom, and Don Jernstrom helped with “Share the Fun.” Reports on the Citizenship Short Course were given by H.V. Newlin on the 4-H Congress by Tina Dukes and on the Teen Leadership Forum by Linda Dukes and on Leadership Camp by Ronda Ferguson. Mrs. Dillard introduced guests and then presented awards for the district events. Congress certificates, state honors and judging teams while Mrs. Gregory gave the awards for the county poster contest and club reporters and recognized friends of 4-H. County Commissioner Bill Hamilton presented county record book awards and David Herring gave the formal closing prior to the reception. Special awards were Valerie Trippet of Zephyrhills, achievement; David Herring and Kathy Nawlin, Outstanding 4-Her of 1975-76; Ronda Ferguson and Scott Black, Essay Contest Winners. Record book winners for the past year include: Valerie Tippett, Erik Dukes, Clark Mickler, Jesse Bryniarski, Don Jernstrom, Debbie St. Romaine, H.V. Nawlin, John Huggins, Rita Boyd, Elaine Cochrane, Martha Ross, Bob Hunt, Tina Dukes, Valerie McBride, Jody Cochrane, Bryan Lofley, Jane Futch, Nancy Nawlin, Greg Seigrist, Jan Jernstrom, Scott Black, Marilyn Sumner, Jimmie Huggins, Kathy Nawlin, Ronda Ferguson, David Herring, Joan Sumner, Kathy Norton and Greg Partridge.
Lead the Bulldog Band, Zephyrhills News, September 23, 1976
When the ZHS Marching Band takes the field Friday night at Pinellas Park, it will be lead by two drum majors, Fred Rhoda, and assistant drum major, Luan Gore. The 150-piece Orange and Black musical unit will present the first of its series of fine halftime shows for fans at the Pinellas Park field. ![]() Categorically Speaking, The Zephyrhills News, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, October 28, 1976 Categorically Speaking Team Wins—Pictured discussing their victory last Saturday over Manatee High School in the Channel 8 WFLA TV high school quiz show called “Categorically Speaking” are members of the team, from the left: Glen Howard; Debbie Kimball, Mark Clanton; Debbie Sobers, Bobby Boyd and Kevin Pappan. Aaron Gray, not pictures id the team’s other alternate. Coach of the team is Mrs. Madonna Wise of the ZHS faculty, assisted by Mr. Ernest Wise of the ZHS faculty. The opponent school and the date for the second round of competition has not as yet been announced.
Recalling Past Times Most Fun at ZHS Alum-Friends Reunion, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, July 1, 1976, by Jaynell J. LeHeup A very enjoyable and successful Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Reunion was held Sunday, June 27, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Zephyrhills Park. After a bountiful buffet style dinner there was a business meeting presided over by Mrs. James (Sarah Parsons) Ward, Dade City. She especially thanked Lillian Greene and Jaynell LeHeup for their help in publicizing the Reunion and sending notices to members. Mrs. Greene read the interesting Secretary’s report which detailed last year’s meeting. W.R. “Bill” Eiland, treasurer, reported there was $16 in the Treasury to turn over to the new officers. Everyone introduced themselves and their guests and Mrs. Greene read letters of regrets from two who were unable to attend. Lugenia Culbreath and Wynfred Briggs. D.A. Storms of Plant City and his son, Nat, of Valrico Brandon, gave items of interest concerning several they knew of, who were not able to be present. Family groups recognized were the Motts (J.H. Mott, daughter of Mrs. Harold (Grace Mott) Emory and her husband of Lake Wales, Mrs. James (Laray Mott) Jordan, Fort Benning, Georgia; Mrs. Don (Althea Mott) Baldwin and Mr. Baldwin, Jacksonville and their son-in-law and daughter and Mrs. Mott’s son and Daughter-in-Law, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Mott, Jacksonville, Norris had given the invocation before the dinner. The Lefler sisters, four of whom were present with their husbands, Helen (Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mickey of Gainesville), Mary, (Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mangin) of Belleair Bluffs), Irene (Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Faussett of Brandon), and Jean (Mr. and Mrs. Axel Munch), Brandon; their fifth sister, Joan Glaser of Gainesville was not able to attend. The Hougaboom Sisters, Mrs. Alvin (Stella) Russell, Mr. Russell and her son, Louis King, and his wife, Alice, and three sons, Mrs. John (Myrtie) Stephenson and Mrs. Stephenson. The Russell’s were also recognized for having 22 grandchildren and five grandchildren. The Greene Family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greene, with two of their daughters, one son and one son-in-law present and two of Mr. Greene’s sisters, Mrs. Byron (Anna Greene) Farmer, Zephyrhills and Mr. and Mrs. Preston J. (Mary Greene) Alford, Jr. of Lakeland. The Storms family, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Storms of Plant City, Mr. and Mrs. Don Storms of Lake City, she being the former Miss Phyllis Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Nat Storms of Valrico, Brandon; she is the former Miss Alice Jenkins. The Ferguson brothers, Jon of Jacksonville and his wife Nadine and their children and Jim of Zephyrhills, his wife, Arneta Howard Ferguson and their daughter, Ronda. Two Classes Saluted–Two classes specially saluted at the reunion were the Class of 1926 celebrating its 50th anniversary and the Class of 1951 celebrating its 25th anniversary. Those from the Class of 1926 present were Mrs. Corrine Gill Lanier of Knights, Mrs. Esther Plank Austin of Zephyrhills and Mrs. Alice Cripe Daniel of Dade City. Those from the Class of 1951 present were Mrs. Hilda Nesbitt Guynn of Clearwater, Mrs. Helene Rexroad Barker of Cathedral City, California; Mrs. Barbara Sabin Bandermeier of Miami; Jon Ferguson of Jacksonville; Jim Ferguson of Zephyrhills; Rex Gilbreath of New Jersey and Mary Greene Alford of Lakeland. Next year the classes specially honored will be 1927 and 1952. Mrs. Stella Hougaboom Russell reports that members of the 1927 class were Eula Shaw, Margaret Kunze Edwards, Edwina Ruff Beaver, Helen Koontz Cook (deceased), Ira Jones and Stella Hougaboom Russell. She hopes that as many as possible will get in touch with her before next year’s reunion to make plans for their get-together. There were 19 present from the Class of 1940 who were also having a Class Reunion Sunday immediately following the Alumni and Friends Reunion. Don Storms of Plant City was recognized for being the earliest ZHS graduate present. He also had the distinction of receiving two graduation diplomas from ZHS, the eleventh grade graduation in 1913 and then when it (ZHS) became a 12-year graduation, in 1914. Mr. Storms also brought his very interesting photo albums with pictures from Zephyrhills earliest days right up to pictures from last year’s reunion, which he graciously shared with others. Quite a few other people also brought school-day pictures and yearbooks. James Kenyon, Class of 1916, Tampa shared a 1916 issue of “The Zephyr,” Zephyrhills School newspaper of that era, and memories of the championship ZHS basketball team of 1916. ZHS Alumni of the 40s and 50s remarked that they too remembered the outdoor courts at ZHS, but not always championship teams! Former ZHS faculty members present were: Dave Boatwright, New Port Richey, who had four former students present; Mrs. Nadine Ferguson, Jacksonville, two former students present; Mrs. Celia Linkey Anderson, Dade City 25 former students present; Mrs. Rosemary Wallace Trottman, Zephyrhills, seven former students present; Mrs. Bertha McKillips, Dade City, 22 former students present. Mrs. Mary Mangin, Largo, five former students present; Nick Mangin, Largo, nine former students present; Mrs. Esther Austin, Zephyrhills, three former students present; and Mrs. Sarah Ward, Dade City, seven former students present. Interesting person notes on this are that Mr. Boatwright, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Trottman, Mrs. Mangin, Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Ward are all alumni of ZHS as well as former faculty members. Mrs. Trottman told that she now has a book at the publisher’s about early days in Zephyrhills. It is hoped that a copy will be available for next year’s reunion. There were ten former members of ZHS bands in attendance. Mrs. Larry (Helene Rexroad) Barker of Cathedral City, a suburb of Palm Springs, California; was recognized as having come the farthest distance to attend the Reunion. New Officers Named–New officers elected for 1976-77 were Dr. Emerson Arnot, Zephyrhills, President; Dr. Arnot with time out from service in the Armed Forces during World War II, was a member of the Class of 1947. His wife the former Miss Joan Johnson, 1952 and “Miss Pasco County” of 1951, was elected secretary. Two of the Lefler sisters were elected to the other officers, Mrs. Nick (Mary Lefler) Mangin, 1940 chosen vice president, Bellair Bluffs and Mrs. Axel (Jean Lefler), Brandon, class of 1950, was treasurer. The hat was passed for donations as there was no dues for membership in the Association. Total collected was $74.34. Any member of the Alumni and Friends Association who lives out of town may ask to have their name and address put on the mailing list and the secretary will mail post card to these. The new president is mayor or Zephyrhills and takes over from the daughter of a former Zephyrhills mayor, the late B.F. Parsons. All former presidents were present. They were W.R. Bill England, Nat Storms, Jim Ferguson and Louis King. J.H. Mott was recognized as not only being the father of eight ZHS graduates but of having started 15 young men from Zephyrhills on railroading careers. Given a vote of thanks for their work in setting up the Center for the dinner and also cleaning up afterwards were Mr. and Mrs. James Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greene, Mrs. Anna Farmer, John Rasmussen, and Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson. The new Zephyrhills High School was open for those who wished to make a tour of this fine modern educational plant. Persons making the tour were welcomed by John F. Clements who has been a popular member of the faculty since1948 and Bill Douglas, Class of 1948, now athletic direction at his Alma Mater!
Mouse That Roared Comedy on Stage at ZHS Commons Two Nights, Zephyrhills News, December 16, 1976 “The Mouse That Roared,” a musical comedy will be presented Thursday and Friday at Zephyrhills High School by the Drama Class. The public is invited to attend the play to be presented in the Commons Area on the stage under the direction of Ms. Jean Hawes, drama teacher. The play tells the story of the tiny European country of Grand Fenwick which declares war on the United States—and wins. Members of the cast include: Ivan Corbin, Alan Corbin, Bonnie Gray, Glen Howard, Jeff DeWitt, Tim Potwin, Beaty Cunningham, Pat Barrentine, Linda Greene, Regina Banks, Marcy Bednar, Carol Jacobs, Debbie Chauncey, Myra Smith, Mindy Smith, Paula Shortt, Tammy Crowe, Sabrina Bruce, Gerri Geddes, Carol Zinn, Carl Forry, Melvin Wade, Kevin Poe and Lenny Bahr.
1976 Homecoming Royalty, Zephyrhills News, November 11, 1976 The homecoming royalty chosen to reign over the 1976 Homecoming game Friday night at Krusen Field were King Ricky Padgett, named by the football team; Queen Andra Douglas, chosen by the student body. The students also chose Miss Trish Inman as Princess and the football team chose Phil Fries as Prince. Miss Douglas is the third in her family to be Homecoming Queen—her two sisters, Suzanne Douglas (Mrs. Fletcher Padgett) and Ginger Douglas (Mrs. Carlos Galavis) also were Homecoming Queens. ![]()
Parade, Coronation, Dance Highlight ZHS Homecoming, Zephyrhills News, November 4, 1976 A series of special contests and dress-up days are now underway at Zephyrhills High School to boost enthusiasm for the annual Homecoming celebration Friday and Saturday. The events during the week are under sponsorship of the Varsity Cheerleaders, while the coronation, parade and dance are under sponsorship of the Student Council. The ZHS Bulldogs will be looking for a victory Friday night over Clearwater Catholic High School in the big football game which will be preceded by the traditional Friday afternoon parade, and followed by an alumni dance Saturday night. Classes and clubs are making final alterations on floats today (Thursday) which will be judged Friday during the parade, which begins at 3:30 p.m. according to Trish Inman, parade chairman. The parade will come west on 5th Avenue and turn around at 7th Street to head back east. Chairman of the float committee is Beaty Cunningham and he said the parade float theme will be “Song Titles.” Floats will be judged on originality, construction, and appearance and the trophy will be awarded at halftime Friday night. Judges will be Mrs. Vivian Avadikian, ZHS Bookkeeper, Mrs. Judy Mason, Art Teacher, Bill Eiland, Chief of Police and City Councilman Emerson Arnot and Sam Surratt. In addition to the floats the parade will feature the ZHS Marching Bulldog Band, the four queen and three princess candidates as well as Freshman Maid, Valerie Shultz and Sophomore Maid Elaine Smith, and the cheerleader squads who will conduct a pep rally at 5th Avenue and 8th Street. The floats and candidates also will be presented at Krusen Field and trophies will be awarded for the “most spirited class” and the best float. A pre game pageant including announcement of “Spirit Week” costume and contest winners will include marching by the Clearwater Catholic Band about 7:15p.m. Only the ZHS Band will march in the intermission period because halftime is limited to 15 minutes and with the coronation ceremony, no one wants to run overtime, going overtime can penalize the home team on the second half kickoff. Escorts will bring princess and queen candidates to the field and the freshmen and sophomore maids and escorts will also be part of the entourage on the field. Bandmaster C. Paul Stuart issued again his annual invitation to any former band member who still has his or her instrument to come to the Friday night football game and sit with the band and play during the game. “Many of the songs are the same as in the past, and others are such that good musicians can join in. We are always pleased to have former members of the Bulldog Band lead an extra musical voice at Homecoming time.” The Bandmaster told the News. Practice for Homecoming activities is today (Thursday) at 5 p.m. with band practice, which will precede the Bonfire and the Pep Rally sponsored by the National Honor Society. That event will itself follow at 7:30 p.m. Junior Varsity football game between the ZHS Bull pups and Pasco Junior High from Dade City. NHS President, Scott Boyd is Bonfire and Pep Rally Chairman. Kevin Pappan, Student Council President, is chairman overall of the Student Council portion of Homecoming. Although it was agreed last year that this year’s Homecoming theme would be “Bicentennial: Phase II,” Student Council President Pappan said members of the Council decided that most students are now tired of the Bicentennial and by vote decided to adopt the “Song Titles” theme for the parade floats. Royalty chairman is Pat Barrentine and elections were held yesterday at the school. Candidates for Homecoming Queen include Monica Pedigo, Wendy Flannery, Diane Bailey and Andra Douglas. Princess candidates are Trish Inman, Nancy Dockery and Trish Sullivan. The Football King is chosen from among senior gridders by the members of the football team, as will the Prince from the juniors on the team. All students vote for Queen and Princess. Luan Gore is chairman for the halftime activities. Emcee will be Pat Sheppard, president of the Zephyrhills Community Theater. Saturday at 8 pm. to midnight a Homecoming Dance will be held in the Municipal Building with Glen Howard as chairman. Dancing will be to the music of “Just Boys,” a local group led by ZHS student, Bobby Woodrich. Alumni are invited and tickets will be on sale at the door.
Girls Stater, Alternate, Zephyrhills News, March 13, 1975 Chosen to represent the American Legion Auxiliary at the Annual Girls State week of citizenship training in Tallahassee this summer is Johnanna Newton. Her alternate is Suzanne Pulliam. The girls, both juniors, will share what they learn at Girls State with their fellow students in their senior year.
“HI-Q” Stars ZHS Students on 13 Saturday, Zephyrhills News, January 23, 1975 Four Zephyrhills High School students will appear on local television on Saturday on a quiz program when ZHS team faces a Dixie Hollins High School squad on Channel 13, “Hi-Q.” The program taped last Saturday will be broadcast at 5:30 p.m. Mrs. Madonna Wise, Coach said. Team members are Elizabeth Stanley, Hal Copper, Robert Cox, and Karen Scharlau, all seniors at ZHS. Alternate is Theresa Robinson, a junior. Coaching with Mrs. Madonna Wise, a history instructor, were Mrs. Jesse Pugglesi, English and Mrs. Joyce Snow, Science.
ZHS Senior Honored by General Mills, Zephyrhills News, February 13, 1975 Karen M. Calhoun has been named ZHS 1975 Betty Crocker Family Leader of Tomorrow. She won the honor by scoring high in a written knowledge and attitude examination administer to high school seniors here and throughout the county on December 3. She will receive a specially designed award from General Mills, sponsor of the annual Betty Crocker Search for Leadership in Family Living and becomes eligible for state and national awards.
Charles Back Named ZHS Star Student, Zephyrhills News, February 20, 1975 Charles Back, a junior at ZHS has been chosen as that school’s STAR student and nominee for selection as Pasco County’s STAR Student. Back is junior class president, is a member of the Students Council of the Bulldogger school newspaper staff and is on the honor roll. Back is president of the Future Farmers of America and is member of the chapters’ Parliamentary Procedure Team which last year placed second in the state.
Delegates, Alternates Named for Boys State Session, Zephyrhills News, May 8, 1975 Three regular and two alternate delegates have been chosen from Zephyrhills High School’s junior class to attend Boys State this summer in Tallahassee. Charles Back, Greg Mills and Eric Pirtima are the three regular delegates who have been chosen by a committee from the American Legion. Chosen as first alternate was Richard Kretschmar while Terry Martin is second alternate.
ZHS Band to Bring Back Drum Majorette: Errickson, Gore Selected, Zephyrhills News, May 8, 1975 Monty Errickson, assistant drum major of the ZHS Marching Band has been selected to be drum major for the school year starting in July. And for the first time in several years, the school will have a girl drum majorette, Miss Luan Gore. Contestants for the two positions were judged on conducting, marching directions with a baton, voice commands, strutting, goose stepping and questions pertaining to the band. Judges were Bandmaster C. Paul Steuart JR, High School Bandmaster and John T.V. Clark and Mrs. Steve Brown of the ZHS faculty. Others who competed for the two positions and who deserve recognition for having been so honored were: Glen Howard, Bobbie Woodrich, Steve Jones, Beatty Cunningham, and Kerry Ryman. Asked by the Bulldogger, ZHS student newspaper how she felt about being the first Drum Majorette since the 1950’s, Miss Gore said, “I’m thrilled to death and I’m looking forward to boosting up the spirit of the band next year. I’m also really glad to bring back Drum Majorette.”
6 ZHS Students Named Outstanding Teenagers, Zephyrhills News, February 13, 1975 Six Zephyrhills High School Student s have been selected as Outstanding Teenagers of America for 1975, ZHS principal Raymond B. Stewart has announced. Selection for the outstanding teenager’s awards program automatically qualifies these students for further state, regional and national honors, Mrs. Betty Jo Hyder, guidance counselor said. Outstanding Teenagers are: Randy Bahr, Rodney Lee Ferguson, Karen Marie Scharlau, Johanna Ruth Newton, Teresa Kay Robinson, Cynthia Marie Craig. ![]() ZHS Welcomes Eight Faculty Members, Zephyrhills News, July 22, 1976 Zephyrhills High School has eight new instructors for the new school year which began July 6. They new instructors are Mrs. Sandra Goalder, Mrs. Margaret Jones, Mrs. Ann Benedini, Mrs. Lynn Harris, Bruce Anderson, Gerald Newton, Robert Dodd and Ernest Wise. The News has attained a brief biographical sketch about the new instructors. Mrs. Sandra Goalder is returning to ZHS after two years spent as a social worker in Tampa. She taught here from 1972 through the 1974 school years. In 1972 she received her master of arts degree from the University of South Florida in Tampa in linguistics and her bachelor of arts from William and Mary College in French. Mrs. Goalder teaches French and freshman English and lives in Tampa. Mrs. Margaret Jones comes to ZHS from her previous teaching job at Pasco Comprehensive High School in Dade City. She is a 1961 graduate of Florida State University in Tallahassee and teaches general science and biology. Mrs. Jones resides in Dade City. Mrs. Ann Benedini taught at the Zephyrhills Middle School last year and is starting her second year of teaching after completing her fist year at Zephyrhills Middle School. She is a 1975 graduate of USF with a degree in special education. At ZHS Mrs. Benedini instructs students with specific learning disabilities. She lives in Tampa. Bruce Anderson is a 1975 graduate of East Texas State University in Denton, Texas. Last year at East Texas, while working on his master’s degree in agricultural education he taught as a graduate assistant. Mr. Anderson is teaching agriculture and lives in Zephyrhills. Gerald Newton has taught for the last two years at Gulf Junior High School in New Port Richey. He is a 1973 graduate of St. Leo College with a bachelor of arts degree in physical education. Mr. Newton coordinates the work experience program for freshmen and sophomore students. He hopes to possible do some athletic coaching at ZHS as he has previously coached basketball and track. Mr. Newton lives in Dade City. Robert “Bobby” Dodd is beginning his third year of teaching. He has previously taught at Pasco Junior High School in Dade city. Mr. Dodd is still working on his degree at USF and teaches construction trades. He is returning to his Alma Mater as he is a graduate of ZHS. Mr. Dodd lives in Dade City. Ernest Wise is a science and social studies teacher with two years previous experience at Bayonet Point Junior High School. Mr. Wise is a 1974 graduate of California State College in California, Pa. He is residing in Zephyrhills. Mrs. Lynn Harris will be teaching on Track D for this season and is not in school yet. She will be teaching business education and comes to ZHS from her previous teaching job at Pasco Comprehensive High School.
Star Student and Girls State Delegates Selected At School, Zephyrhills News, March 11, 1976 Zephyrhills High School is proud to announce the selection of the1976 STAR student and representatives to Girls State. Scott Boyd, a junior, has been selected for the Star Student. Luan Gore and Diane Bailey also juniors, have been selected to be representatives to Girls State. Scott has very good credentials for his selection as Star Student. He has carried a 4.0 grade point average throughout high school and is vice president of the National Honor Society, star of the varsity basketball team having an 18.7 points per game average for the 75-76 season, a member of Student Council and presently a member of the varsity track team. Star Student selection is made every year. The program is sponsored by the Florida Chamber of Commerce. Criteria for the award are as follows: 1) must be a high school junior; 2) experience in the work worked and an appreciation for the free enterprise system; or the work worked and an appreciation for the free enterprise system; 3) a record of high academic achievement; 4) must have demonstrated school and community leadership ability. Scott will now be eligible to compete in the district Star Student semi-finals before moving to the state competition in Tallahassee. Diane Bailey and Luan Gore have been selected to go to Girls State, which is sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary. The girls had to go through preliminary screening by the faculty members and were selected on the basis of their achievement, all around school participation and their interest in government. Diane is vice president of the junior class, Bulldogger feature editor and commentary, marching band majorette, and carries a high academic grade average. Luan is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council Representative, drum major for the marching band, Bulldogger News Editor, junior class treasurer, member of Pep Club, stage band and the girls track team. Luan also carries a high academic grade point average. Diane and Luan will travel to Tallahassee for one week at Florida State University along with 265 other girls to take part in the program which teaches the girls various phases of government. At the end of the week elections will be held and a complete staff of government heads will be selected. All three students plan to attend college after graduation. Diane Bailey would like to major in political science and journalism. Luan Gore would like to pursue a music major with an English minor and Scott Boyd plans to continue playing basketball and major in physics.
International Phenomena and World Understanding Social Studies Goals, Zephyrhills News, July 22, 1976 Social Studies in Pasco County is beginning to play its proper role as an integral part of every school’s curriculum. Michael H. Ream, Social Studies Supervisor, points out that social studies lessons will become more planned and visible due to the introduction of the new program under development for the past three years. Elementary teachers have not only participated as developers of the new program, but also have been able to use the social studies skill program as a guideline for constructing their own lesson plans. Eventually, this program will give assistance not only in the area of what to teach, but also what materials to use, and how to assess pupil’s progress. Teachers are beginning to notice that problem-solving is one of the basic skills a student must achieve in order to be considered literate, Mr. Ream stated. Even primary students can be an active participant in the learning process by using problem-solving techniques. The kindergarten classroom can be an exciting environment. Children want to learn about shapes, space and color-the globe. Is there a better tool to use? Special globe projects have been implemented in various kindergartens in order to take advantage of this early childhood curiosity. Problem-solving skills have also become part of the consumer education studies in many of the schools. Educators, businessmen, legislators and parents have expressed a concern for economic literacy of pupils. Therefore at present all graduating seniors are required to receive two credits of social studies with the inclusion of economic/consumer education. Pilot projects in consumer education have been planned for the next school year. International education area studies have also been introduced to the secondary schools. Mr. Ream believes that the study of International phenomena will gain new priority in the curriculum in years to come. Only recently foreign students from the University of South Florida studies and planned simultaneously with students at Land O’ Lakes Junior-Senior High School by using common learning objectives regarding United States foreign policy. A workshop for international understanding has already been planned for this summer. Social studies has now been expanded to include behavioral sciences as well as the traditional history and geography. The inclusion of these and other areas in both the elementary and secondary schools will provide a broader basis for instruction, hopefully, producing well-rounded, socially competent individuals. Picture Caption with story says: “Enjoy History Classes”—Students in Mrs. Madonna Wise’s history class at Zephyrhills High School are pictured reviewing small group assignments which make social studies a more interesting subject.—County photo
ZHS Student’s Essay Wins Bicentennial Norway Visit, Zephyrhills News, May 20, 1976 Thor Wickstrom, 16, a sophomore student this year at Zephyrhills High School, Saturday was announced as one of eight winners in Florida of a Bicentennial essay writing contest sponsored by Youth for Understanding Exchange Student Program and the Florida Junior Chamber of Commerce. As his prize the Zephyrhills youth will travel to Norway to live for two months in the home of a Norwegian family, representing the United States as one of 184 Bicentennial Couriers going to countries all over the world. He will carry Bicentennial greetings and invitations from government officials in Florida to the local provincial and national government representatives of Norway. The essay contest program was selected by the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration in Washington, D.C. as its international youth project for the 200th birthday celebration. The ZHS student and seven other Florida students were presented certificates of achievement by the Florida members of that group’s annual convention awards luncheon in Lakeland Saturday. Spotos, Doerr Win Service Laurels At Annual ZHS Awards Day, Zephyrhills News, June 24, 1976 Christi Spoto and Mike Doerr were honored Friday when they were presented the annual School Service Awards at the Awards Day program at Zephyrhills High School. Cyndi Craig, president of the Student Council, presided over the annual festivities, at the climax of which Kevin Pappan was installed as the Student Council President for the school year beginning July 6. Following an opening salute to the flag led by American Legionnaire, Lucy Mae Knox, she presented Boys State Certificates to Ivan Corbin, Glen Howard, Scott Boyd and Pappan while Ms. Betty Jo Hyder, guidance counselor, presented Girls State certificates to Diane Bailey and Luan Gore. Special Athletic Awards included recognition by Principal R.B. Stewart of four championship teams with their captains being introduced with their trophies. These included: Girls Track, Boys Golf, Varsity Football and Boys Tennis. The Danforth Foundation’s “I Dare You” Award was presented to Keith Reeves and Janet Samples by Dave Camper of the faculty. Bulldogger co-editors, Elizabeth Stanley and Kathy Flack, also were recognized by Camper who gave Journalism Service Awards to Howard and Anita Scharlau. Mrs. Gail Reynolds of the faculty presented the Quill and Scroll Awards to Jeff Lewis and the Misses Stanley, Flack and Craig, and Zephilsco” Yearbook Photography Award to Greg Fisk and Andra Douglas. Diane Bailey was the winner of the Literary Achievement Award for the best short story and Pappan of a like award for the best poetry, both presented by Ms. Jean Hawes of the faculty. Linda Green, editor presented “Echo” Literary Magazine Awards to Ruth Tucker for literature and Debbie Pelfrey for art; Miss Pelfrey also won the first place prize of $50 in the Bicentennial Fireplug Painting Contest, with Miss Spoto taking the second place $25 prize. Awards were made by Mrs. Judy Mason of the Faculty. Mrs. Victor Hall, librarian presented a Media Service Award to Rodney Partin, while Home Economics Awards were given by Mrs. Carolyn Emery of the faculty to Miss Stanley in the Betty Crocker competition and to Teresa Frost as the Publix Outstanding Senior. Following announcement by Ms. Hyder of the Valedictorian and Salutatorian, Dale Palmer of the faculty announced National Honor Society Scholarship Award winners. Kathy Flack, Salutatorian, was awarded the prime scholarship with alternates being Eric Pirtima, first alternate and Suzanne Pulliam, second alternate. Miss Craig, also editor of the yearbook, announced the dedication of the year’s Zephilsco to James Bailey of the faculty. Bailey thanked the students then presented the annual Math Award to Miss Stanley and announced Miss Craig’s selection as “Student Council Member of the Year.” Other students honored during the Awards Day ceremonies included: National Honor Society students received “Z” letters—Laura Fowler, Kim Heim, Elaine Smith, Lenne Hunt, Don Piat, Scott Boyd, Ivan Corbin, Judy Cowling, Luan Gore, Marta Meengs, Monica Pedigo, Jimmy Whitacre, Cynthia Wynne, Charles Back, Kathy Flack, Suzanne Pulliam, Janet Samples, and Elizabeth Stanley. Honor Students—Straight A’s—Laura Fowler, Elaine Smith, Lenne Hunt, Scott Boyd, Ivan Corbin, Luan Gore, Cynthia Wynne, Kathy Flack and Elizabeth Stanley; A-B Honors—Kim Heim, Cindy Flack, Pat Gill, Fred Rhoda, Don Piat, Thor Wickstrom, Diane Bailey, Judy Cowling, Chris Funnell, Carol Green, Marie Kretschmar, Marta Meengs, Kevin Pappan, Melodie Shive, James Whitacre, Tara DeBoe, Charles Back, Janet Samples, Ray McLellan, Bobby Boyd, Jenne McLeod, Faith Biagiotti, Norma Melhorn, Sharon Fibelkorn, Kathy Simcoe, and Monica Pedigo. Outstanding Senior Art Students—Susan Halfhill, Joy Korteling, Cheryl Tucker, Carol Anne Connolly, Debra Giles, James Kramer, Theresia Frost, Suzanne Pulliam, Christina Spoto, Tony Keeling, Lee Baker, Barbara Wood and Barbara Zobrist. ZHS Gridder Dennis Farr Named to 2A All-State Football Team, Zephyrhills News, January 22, 1976 Perhaps for the first time ever a Zephyrhills High School football player has been named as a member of the Class 2A All State football team selected by the Florida Sportswriter’s Association. He is Dennis Farr, A ZHS defensive back, who was one of the best in Central Florida 2A gridders so honored, the other being Roy Silvers, offensive tackle of South Sumter in Bushnell. Randy Tilley, bulldog defensive end, earned a spot on the honorable mention All State Team. Farr made the team in his regular position as defensive halfback and the selection thrilled head coach, Alan Knight. ![]()
From Zephyrhills News, March 11, 1976 Photo of ZHS just prior to opening of new school plant in 1976. Last photo of ZHS in this building. ![]() Mrs. Caroline Marlette, Instructor of English was named the Pasco Teacher of the Year for the entire county in 1975. |