High School’s Largest Class To Graduate on Friday Night, Zephyrhills News, June 7, 1973 Commencement exercises for 135 members of Zephyrhills High School’s Senior Class will begin Friday at 8 p.m. in the school gymnasium. The 1973 class is the largest group of students to graduate from the 63-year old Junior-Senior High School. Last year’s class was 124 which set the previous record. The program will open with “Ode to Joy” played by Ray McLellan followed by the invocation by the Reverend Millard Mount. Two of the three featured speakers will precede the presentation of awards. Salutatorian Debra Cowling will address the audience on “Eldorado” and Class President Mikel Walker will speak on “Time.” Principal James E. Davis will officiate over the presentation of awards to outstanding members of the senior class, and will announce scholarships which have been granted to members of the class. Following Michael Cox’s valedictory address entitled, “Flight,” District 2 School Board Member, Mrs. Bonnie Zimmer will conduct the presentation of the diplomas, assisted by Principal Davis. The program will close with the tradition recessional, March of the Priests” followed by the benediction by Reverend Mr. Mount. Ushers, all members of the junior class, will include: Jaye Mattison, Class President, chairman; B.J. Coyne, Nancy Deem, Brenda Kendrick, Penny Stover, Susan Sunka, Daniel Denney, Carl Hill, Armondo Maniscalco, Walter Poplick Jr., Daniel Richwine, and John Vincent.
Three Juniors Are Chosen By Legion To Attend Florida Boys State Week, Zephyrhills News, May 10, 1973 Zephyr Post 116, American Legion will sent three Zephyrhills High School juniors in the 1973 Legion-sponsored Boys State session to be held at Florid State University in Tallahassee, June 24-30. Gerald Eysaman, Jr. son of Mrs. Clara M. Eysaman; Armando Maniscalco, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ogdin and Paul Regan, have been selected to attend the annual training in American citizenship. The post’s Boys State committee is composed of legionnaires, Lucy Mae Knox, chairman; Max E. Cook and Harold Owens. The committee also selected as alternates, Walter Poplick, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poplick; Carl Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hill; and Daniel Richwine, son of the Reverend and Mrs. R. K. Richwine. Miss Knox said the Zephyrhills Club and the Merriel Miller Dancers again are assisting the Legion Post in financing the three delegates’ week at Boys State.
James Davis Appointed As New Principal At Zephyrhills High School, Zephyrhills News James E. Davis, a member of the Zephyrhills High School faculty and administrative staff since 1966 Tuesday was officially appointed the new principal for ZHS. He succeeds Raymond B. Stewart, who resigned last month to accept the appointment as Superintendent of Schools. Faculty and staff held an informal reception for Davis honor at a brunch break Wednesday morning, serving punch and cake. Also honored at the reception was Melvin Dennard, here since 1967, who was named by the School Board Tuesday as the new ZHS Assistant Principal. As his first official act Wednesday, Principal Davis appointed Richard Prowant to serve as the new Dean of Boys effective with the new year starting July 9. About Principal Davis James Davis, 31, a native of Brandon, where he graduated from high school in 1959. After six months in the Army Reserve, he enrolled at the University of South Florida, where he was graduated with a bachelor of arts in education in 1964. He taught and coached one year at Pasco Junior High, Dade City and one year at Van Buren Junior High, Tampa, before coming to ZHS in 1966 as a ninth grade teacher. He coached track five years and assisted in football two years and was appointed as Dean of Boys in 1968. He became Stewart’s assistant in 1971. Davis earned a master’s degree at Western Carolina University in administration and supervision, Culowhee, North Carolina in 1971 with a minor in psychology. With his wife, Claudette, Principal Davis resides on Simons Road. Their children are: Kimberly, 6, Kelly, 4, and James Jr., 10 months. Asked to comment on his appointment, Davis said: “I am certainly happy I have the opportunity to represent ZHS as its principal, in working with Mr. Stewart. I know he developed an educationally-sound school curriculum and his interest was always for the student and the community. I hope I can continue this relationship, expressing my own ideas in some areas.
Secret of Happiness Told 135 Seniors in Baccalaureate Talk, Zephyrhills News, June 7, 1973 True happiness in life comes to those who finally decide to allow God to rule their lives. The Reverend Robert B. Russell made this his theme for an inspirational address to the 135 members of the Zephyrhills High School Class of 1973 at the annual Baccalaureate service Sunday evening at the First Baptist Church. “Somehow or other, my young friends, you will find eventually that you have to let go, giving up trying to find happiness through a dedication to pleasure, or through the pursuit of success, or through reliance on personal ego, and let the Lord rule your every day in every way, he said. Using the Biblical story of Giddeon and his faith and trust in God as an example, the speaker pointed out that the class graduates at a time of unparalleled opportunity to achieve success, unparalleled opportunity for freedom, for security of risk and confusion. “You face a real challenge, and to find your way in the midst of all this, I invite you to join me in asking about every person you meet and know, “who or what is ruling his life?” He told the seniors generally the rulers are pleasure (sex, drugs, drink), success (the lust for money, power, prestige) or ego (I know all the answers, am master of my own fate). “Yet I have yet to find a single person who follows any of these rulers who knows true happiness,” the speaker said. Mrs. J. T. Cunningham was organist for the service and special music was by the High School Chorus singing three selections under the leadership of Paul Steuart. Superintendent of Schools, Raymond B. Stewart, saluted the graduates as my class through almost all of your four years, and Principal James Davis introduced the speaker. The invocation was by the Reverend Roy Fiske and the benediction was by John Huff.
Graduation marks an achievement to be proud of…and marks, too, a time to plan the next step toward your life’s goal! From insert in Zephyrhills News—-June 1973 Valedictorian: Michael Thomas Cox; Salutatorian: Debra Jeanne Cowling; Class Officers: President—Mikel Walker; Vice President—Bob Smith; Secretary—Vicki Griffin; Treasurer—Phyl Jarrett with Principal—James E. Davis and sponsors: Mr. David Camper, Mr. Scott Johnson, Mr. John Huff, Mrs. Caroline Marlette, and Mr. James Steele III. Honor Students are: Michael Thomas Cox, Debra Jeanne Cowling, Robert Charles Bagley, Ruth Elizabeth Butler, Debra Diane Clark, Deborah Kay DePoy, Sharon Lois Dockery, Syble Marie Ferguson, Darrell Neil Fiske, Carol Anne Gill, Sheila Hormuth Huber, Kathleen Ann Jordan, Robert Wallace Kretschmar, Marcella Lynn McEldowney, Robin (Bob) Daniel Smith III, Bonnie Jane Stinard, Mikel Edward Walker, and Mary Carol White. Class Flowers: Red and White Roses Class Colors: Red and White Class Motto: “We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools…”
Community Stunned As Wreck Takes 3 From Zephyrhills, Zephyrhills News, September 20, 1973 Bloody Highway 301—In need of 4-laning for the past ten years and not likely to get 4-laning for another ten—claimed four more lives Friday. Of the four, three were Zephyrhills residents, and two were members of the famed Reutimann’s auto racing family. They were killed in a head-on collision between two pick-up trucks about 6:40 p.m. on Highway 301 about 2 ½ miles south of the city limits, or just south of the entrance to Rucks Dairy Emil Reutimann, 56, former City Councilman, longtime member of the Zephyrhills Volunteer Fire Department, former owner of Reutimann Chevrolet Agency, but more particularly known statewide as a builder and driver of race cars. His son, Dale, 17, a graduate just last June of Zephyrhills High School and a skilled race car driver in his own right, who was rapidly securing a niche for himself on the Florida racing circuit, and James Gordon Stone, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stone, 26 Zephyr Avenue, a sophomore at Zephyrhills High School, a close companion of Dale Reutimann and a member of the Reutimann Racing Team’s pit crew (mechanic team). The City of Zephyrhills established the following resolution which was approved by the City Council at a special meeting Tuesday afternoon Resolution Whereas, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to call from our midst to the Great Beyond a former city councilman who was a pioneer member of a prominent pioneer Zephyrhills family and Whereas, the tragic home going of Emil “Booby” Reutimann has left his native community bereft of a dedicated citizen who served its interests to the best of his ability, contributing generously and unselfishly to its development and beautification, and Whereas Emil “Booby” Reutimann will long be revered in memory by those who treasured his friendship, benefited from close association with him, acknowledged his contributions to the cause of good government and community betterment, and loved him for the conscientious citizen he was, now therefore be it RESOLVED… The City of Zephyrhills has suffered the loss of a valued former official, booster and friend and further be it RESOLVED, this resolution is to be sent to the family and a copy is to be incorporated into the minutes of this special meeting of Zephyrhills City Council on September 18, 1973 Paul Dickinson—President, City Council
ZHS Graduates 135, Gives Deserving Seniors Awards, Zephyrhills News, June 14, 1973 With proud parents and relatives looking on, 135 Zephyrhills High School seniors marched across the school’s gymnasium stage Friday night to receive their diplomas from District School Board Member, Mrs. Bonnie Zimmer. The threat of early evening rain failed to materialize but the heat in the fan-cooled gym was as depressive as always for the graduation of the largest class in the history of the school. Although the evening was humid, hearts were light inside the spacious gymnasium, where the class entered to the strains of “Ode to Joy” as played by Ray McLellan. Leading the processional were Wesley Cleveland and Virginia Potwin. The invocation opening the service was by Reverend Millard Mount who also gave the benediction. “March of the Priests” was the recessional and Jeff Huff and Linda Jesse led the march out of the gym. Assistant County Superintendent, Michael Buckley presented the awards for individual recognition as the winners were announced by Principal James E. Davis, who also called out the names of the graduates for Mrs. Zimmer. Lamar Stephens of the faculty acting on behalf of the Karl Y. Wickstrom family of Miami, presented a Leadership and Friendship plaque and a check for $100 to Van McKenzie, Student Council President, as the senior who through those traits most honored the memory of the late Karl G. Wickstrom, a member of the class killed in a bike-truck accident last July. The other awards winners were: Citizenship: Debra Cowling and Darrell Fiske; Best All-Around, Syble Ferguson and Mikel Walker; Activities, Phyllis Jarrett and Walker; School Spirit, Sharon Dockery and McKenzie; and Delta Kappa Gamma Teaching Scholarship, Betsy Butler. Traditional recognition of students who have earned academic or athletic scholarships for advanced education was omitted this year. These include: Valedictorian, Mike Cox, appointment to the Air Force Academy; Salutatorian, Debra Cowling, University of South Florida academic scholarship; Dale Myers, music scholarship to St. Leo College, Jay Linville, basketball scholarship to Central Florida Junior College, Ocala; and Chuck Lail, golf scholarship to Lake City Community College. Salutatorian’s Talk Traditionally the three featured speeches were kept short by the seniors honored to deliver them. Salutatorian Debra Cowling entitled her remarks, “El Dorado” and said in part” “As graduates moving through the mainstream of a modern and often confusing world, we will set for ourselves certain goals to guide us and give us some meaning to our lives. “In this manner we are not unlike the two gentlemen whose lives were dedicated to the search for El Dorado—a mystical, elusive phantom of perfect happiness and success.” The pair finally admitted defeat, but it occurred to one of them “That even though they had failed to discover El Dorado, in the searching they had encountered many admirable people, in searching they had climbed heights never reached before, and in searching they gained a knowledge of the world few men possessed. Did they not in that achieve something?” she asked. Miss Cowling concluded, “As travelers we all have an El Dorado inside of us, some impelling image which keeps us reaching. Thus although we may never achieve it, I urge that we remember that it is often the journey towards it that is really important in life and not the goal—for in the words of a very wise man, Robert Louis Stevenson, whom I quote, “an inspiration is a joy forever,” but the true success is to labor.” Class President Speaks. Mikel Walker, President of the class, used as his subject, “time.” He opened by recalling a popular riddle back in the graduates’ junior high school days which asked what it is which can devour all things, slay kings, gnaw steel, beat down mountains, etc., the answer being “time.” “If time can do all this how are we to tame time’s powers?” he asked. “By using time wisely, profiting from our learning and experience.” Looking back in future years at the results in life of the year’s class, will others judge that the seniors used their time with wisdom and foresight? He asked. “Time once spent can never be recalled, and its passage is marked by results which can never be changed. We can watch it slip by, or we can use it wisely; the decision, graduates, is yours. I challenge you to use your time wisely.” Valedictorian’s Remarks It might have made Archie Bunker cry to see Mike Cox march to the stage to make his valedictory address, for his hair style and his moustache with chin whiskers are a relatively new sight on the high school scene. Cox opened with a quotation from the popular essay-novel entitled “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” in which the hero, a seagull, says after learning to fly, “How much more there is now to living…there’s a reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill! We can fly! Cox said that “In many ways life is like the flight of birds…it is (often) a total existence in the present in which the only goal is to get through to another day. “Then there is the high flight into Adventureland; the parties, the fun, the material possessions. This is an existence totally in the present; all concerns are self-centered and selfish. “And there are those who fly backwards, living in the past and existing on memories. Finally there is the low flight through the fogbanks, where life is full of dreams of the future, yet they get nowhere and accomplish little. “But as I see it, life is a flight into oneself. Life is self-discovery….we must combine our past learning and experience with an awareness of the reality of the present and a concern and planning for the future, and then ask, “Who am I? Cox continued that “To begin to answer this eternal question, one must journey into oneself. Our inner being is infinite and continually growing…so we must take a look at ourselves, decide who we are, how we fit into our surroundings and where we are flying. Then as we gain self-understanding, we also received self-responsibility. We alone must make the decisions confronting us at this time, and only by understanding who we are can we decide what we wish to do. The valedictorian concluded, “so I leave you with this; the greatest success in whatever one does, comes when one understands himself. For one who understands who he is also realizes in which direction he wishes to fly and at the same time how he himself can get there.”
Janet Edmonston and Joe Wells Reign As Royalty of 1973 Prom, Zephyrhills News, May 24, 1973 Janet Edmonston was crowned as queen and Joe Wells as king of the 1973 Junior-Senior Prom Saturday night in the Municipal Auditorium. An estimated 300 persons enjoyed “Hawaii 73” in which the barren auditorium was transformed into a real sand beach complete with seashells just inside the entrance. Jaye Mattison, Junior Class President and Prom Chairman, welcomed students and guests, who were seated by reservations at tables flanking the dance floor. Music was provided by “Jefferey,” a Chicago-based rock band provided as a last minute switch when the original band, “Salvation Alliance,” was unable to appear. “Jefferey” was popular with the students and chaperones alike. Other members of the prom committee were Susan Sunka, Debi Nelson, and Brenda Kendrick, assisted by others from the junior class. Prom escorts and servers dressed in Hawaiian grass skirts or beachcomber attire were Jan Jordan, Karen Calhoun, Betsy Dobson, Judy Padgett, Linda Geiger, Dale Maggard, Doug Lail, Cliff Hebel, and Randy Bahr. Many mothers of the juniors assisted the students in the kitchen with the serving of myriad refreshments, including “great” punch consumed by the gallons. The serving area featured a “little grass shack” built by fathers of the juniors. Picture Caption—1973 Prom Royalty—Queen Janet Edmonston and King Joe Wells smile happily following their coronation Saturday night as the Prom Royalty at the annual Junior-Senior social event in the Municipal Auditorium. It was unusual that Joe and Janet were a dating couple for the dance; usually the king and queen are attending the prom with other dates. Seated with them are Jaye Mattison, Class president and Prom Chairman; Susan Sunka, Coronation Chairman; Jan Jordan, a serving girl; Larry Beddingfield, Miss Mattison’s escort; Brenda Kendrick, who crowned the king; her escort, Doug Lail, who crowned the queen; Ricky Nations, Miss Sunka’s escort and Randy Bahr, a serving boy.
Homecoming Royalty, Zephyrhills News, November 22, 1973 Featured in the coronation of Homecoming Royalty at halftime of Friday night’s football game were three six Zephyrhills High School students. Miss Sue Sinacola was crowned as Queen and her king, chosen by the football team, was Carl Hill (no. 10). Princess was a happy Patty Rutherford, and her Prince was Larry Hilton (no. 60). Flanking the group was Marta Meengs, Freshman maid and Carla Burkham, Sophomore maid.
Football Team Begins Drills With 8 Lettermen Back in Fold, Zephyrhills News, August 16, 1973 Hopefuls for the 1973 Bulldog football team began practice Wednesday after a somewhat disappointing turnout for physical examinations at the gym Tuesday night. While 27 of an expected 32 candidates for the varsity squad came for physicals from team physician Dr. John Russell, just 16 of an expected 30 candidates for the junior varsity squad showed. “We are now trying to line up some more Jayvee players for Coach Ron Cherry’s jayvee squad.” Head Coach Bob Alwood told the news, “We aren’t sure if the problem is double sessions 45-15 or what, but any team needs at least 25 boys if it is to hold scrimmages, for example and have some reserves for injuries.” Coach Terry Martin and his assistant, Don Woods, were excited about the big turnout Wednesday morning for the first call for junior high gridders—75 boys. Practices for the Junior High will be 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. daily. The varsity and jayvees are working out at 6 p.m. daily, but are not allowed to put on pads until Thursday of next week. The varsity schedule, which opens September 14, has been previously announced. The Junior High Bull puppies will play six different teams this season, the first time a home-and-home arrangement with just three schools has not been followed. Coach Martin said the tentative schedule includes: Mary Help of Christians, Temple Heights, and St. Mary, all of Tampa; Hernando of Brooksville; Shorecrest of St. Petersburg, Sanders of Land O’ Lakes; and perhaps Citrus of Inverness instead of St. Mary. The dates, places and times will be scheduled by Athletic Director Kit Broadbelt. The Junior High squad has 13 boys returning from last years strong team including Phillip Fries, Robbie Frost, Alan Lanier, Joie Galyan, Pat Gill, Mike Boyette, Thomas Hembree, Thomas Heath, Roy Luce, Richie Forrester, Terry Moates, Crawford Johnson, and Sidney Williams. Eight Lettermen On Varsity Of the 29 who are listed as definite for the varsity grid squad, eight are lettermen from last season’s hard-fighting Bulldog aggregation. Although the team failed to win a game last year, there were few occasions when the squad quit—in fact, almost none. Coach Alwood has praised the continued efforts of his team last year, and believes the good spirit of determination will carry over into this “rebuilding” season. The eight veterans include senior quarterback, Carl Hill, senior guard, Wes Hamen, Senior Tackle, Jamie Park, junior end, David Bailey, Junior Guards Don Raupach and Larry Hilton, junior quarterback Tom Fuller and junior halfback, Wade Cutler. Other strong candidates include sophomore halfback, Terry Martin, a transfer from Jesuit and junior center, Al Sanchez, a transfer from Okeechobee. Other new Players on the squad new at ZHS since last season, are senior halfback, Richard Burkham and Steve Cobb and senior ends, Mike Garner and Paul Regan. Up from last year’s strong Jayvee Bull pups team are senior guards, Harry Ross and Lew Williams, senior halfback Steve Chatlos, Junior ends Mike Vedder, Daniel Herndon, and Wayne Lewis, junior tackles, Don Passmore, Jeff Kinsman, Bobby Casey and Ronald Strickland, junior center Carl Johnson, sophomore tackle Jon Park, sophomore center Randy Osteen, sophomore end Buzzie Young, sophomore halfback John Fries and sophomore fullback Richard Kretschmar.
DCT Program Has 27 Students Now Working in 19 Businesses, Zephyrhills News, August 23, 1973 Twenty seven students are enrolled in the Zephyrhills High School work experience program called DCT (Diversified Cooperative Education), it was announced this week by J.C. Steele, coordinator. While enrolled in the program the students spend part of each day in formal classroom work and the remainder working in a paid job placement. Nineteen business firms have employed the students since the opening of school July 9, and with 45-15 in operation, many of the students have enjoyed fulltime employment during their 15-day (3 weeks) breaks. Additional employment opportunities are needed for DCT students and those enrolled in other cooperative education programs and anyone who would wish to provide a job for a student should call Stanley B. Kendrick, work experience coordinator for the school. Nancy Lail has been elected president of the DCT Club, according to Coordinator Steele, who listed students and their employers as follows. Mark Arner, McClellan Ford; Jackie Arnold, Sperry’s Refrigeration, Becky Blieich and Cathy Tullis, both Bank of Zephyrhills; Cyndi Cowling, First Presbyterian Church; B.J. Coyne, Candy Lane and Debbie Woolfolk, all East Elementary School; BeBe Daughtery, Saint Leo college; Frank Duncklee and John Vincent, both Back Construction Co.; Cindy Helm, Zephyrhills News, Shirley Hill and Laura Mason, both West Elementary School; Larry Hilton, Hilton Construction; Harold Hinsz, Steel Construction Co.; Bonnie Huston, I.G. Edwards Insurance; Dave Johnson, WPAS Radio; Byron Jones and Nancy Lail, both Citizen Bank of Pasco, Jeff Kinsman, Whitworth Construction; Denise Lubahn, Standard Auto Parts; Joe Mason, Midget Auto Clinic; Pat McCleary, Winters’ Mobile Home Park; Sally McKee and Cheri Wynne, both Zephyrhills High School and Sheila Meyer, assigned to DCT office. Other officers are Debbie Woolfolk, vice president; Byron Jones, Chaplain; Betty Coyne, Secretary; Sheila Meyer, treasurer and Denise Lubahn, Historian. The ZHS 1973 Bulldog Football team consists of Jody Ross, Manager, Tom Fuller, John Fries, Wade Cutler, Larry Hilton, Terry Martin, Harry Ross, Mike Speight, Pete Hicks, Manager, and Warren Kemp, Manager, Steve Chatlos, Wes Hamann, Wayne Lewis, Carl Johnson, Randy O’Steen, Richard Burkam, Jeff Kinsman, and Mike Ravello, Manager, as well as Jamie Park, Richard Porter, trainer manager, Al Sanchez, David Bailey, Carl Hill, Jon Park, Richard Kretschmar, Mike Garner, Warren Kretschmar, Manager, Don Raupach, Buzzy Young, Mike Zamzes and Mike Vedder. Coaches are Alan Knight, Specialty Teams, Bob Alwood, Head Coach, Wally Brown, Line Coach.
ZHS Senior Gets Appointment To Air Force Academy, Zephyrhills News It was announced late Wednesday that Michael Cox, 18, Zephyrhills High School Senior, has been appointed to attend the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colorado. The appointment was announced by US Representative C.W. “Bill” Young, Republican, St. Petersburg. Rep Young was Zephyrhills representative in Congress until the reapportionment following the 1970 consensus. Cox is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Cox, Ft. King Acres. He is drum major of the ZHS band. Here is the text of the telegram received Wednesday by Cox: “It gives me great pleasure to advise you that you have been accepted for admission to the United States Air Force Academy. Confirmation of your acceptance will be sent to you by the Department of the Air Force within a few days. Congratulations on your appointment and best wishes for your future success.”—C.W. “Bill” Young, Member of Congress.
Future Farmers-Banquet, Zephyrhills News, May 10, 1973 More than 300 persons attended the annual “In Appreciation” Banquet of Zephyrhills High School’s Future Farmers of America in Municipal Auditorium Monday night witnessed award presentations. Dick Gavin of Lakeland Area 4 vocational agriculture supervisor; presented Proficiency Awards to: Robert Douglas for crop production; Mikel Walker for both agriculture electrification and home improvement; Chuck Combs for agricultural mechanics; Vicki Griffin for dairy production and Pam Griffin for livestock production. The Chapter Scholastic Awards were presented by Pasco County Superintendent of Schools Raymond B. Stewart to Mikel Walker of the senior chapter and to Charles Back of the junior chapter. Back also was presented the Public Speaking Award by W.J. Loften, the vocational agriculture chairman at University of Florida, Gainesville, as well as the Star Green hand award by Mr. Homer Thompson, vice president of the Federal Land Bank, Tampa. H.C. Douglas, Jr., local cattleman and citrus grower, presented the Star Chapter Farmer award to Mikel Walker, president of the Senior Chapter and emcee for the banquet. Vicki Griffin won the I.A. Krusen $500 Memorial Scholarship with W.R. “Ron” Jeffries, assistant administrator of vocational agriculture at Tallahassee, making the presentation. Harry S. Carlton, chairman of the board of the Federal Land Bank, presented senior and junior chapters, whose sponsors, Marcus Shackelford, Jake Redmond and Tom Hayford, received gifts from the chapters with Jim Johnson handling the presentations. Names as recipients of Honorary Chapter Farmer Degrees were Principal James B. Walker, David Welsch, manager of Two Rivers Ranch and Dr. William C. Jeter, Area Veterinarian. The invocation for the banquet was by the Reverend Charles Roesel, while Cindy Griffin gave the welcome and Harold Griffin the response following opening ceremonies. Junior Chapter members recited the creed and Vicki Griffin introduced the guests, including parents, honorary members, alumni club members, Leon Milton of the School Board, Principal James Davis, faculty members, Paul Dickinson and Sam Surratt of City Council and guests from the Dade City and South Sumter FFA Chapters. A review of chapter accomplishments was led by Robert Douglas and Jim Johnson. Special awards were presented by the FFA chapters to Tom Kitts of Tampa for his help to the poultry judging teams, Don Wakeman of Gainesville for helping the livestock judging team, and Dr. James Carpenter of Gainesville for helping the meats judging team. Wakeman and Carpenter are UF professors. Each of the judging teams was recognized for its accomplishments during the year in the areas of dairy, poultry, land and meats. Also heart in brief remarks were Tom Umiker of Turkey Creek, state first vice president and Freddie Hewett of Gainesville, state fourth vice president.
Cheerleaders Named for 45-15 at ZHS, Zephyrhills News, May 10, 1973 Cheerleaders for Zephyrhills High Schools’ coming Extended School Year are being announced by Miss Cheryl Renneckar, sponsor. They were chosen in try-outs last week and include: Varsity: Nancy, Deem, Jaye Mattison, Susan Sunka and Debbie Woolfolk; juniors: Carolyn Cox, Betsy Dobson, Sally McKee, and Shelly Palmer, sophomores. Junior Varsity—Torri Burns, Suzanne Pulliam, Diane Ravello and Christi Spoto; freshmen, Deanna Bishop, Chris Funnell, Luan Gore and Carol Green, 8th graders. Junior High—Robin Bamberger, Debbie Bacon, Kathy Brown, and Donna Taylor; 7th graders; Leticia Chappell, Jan Galyan, Gwen Nance and Sheryl Smith, 6th graders.
Appointed by Governor Askew To Fill Term of Late Rodney Cox, Zephyrhills News, March 29, 1973 Raymond B. Stewart, 43, principal of Zephyrhills High School for the past nine years, Tuesday afternoon was named as the new Superintendent of Schools for Pasco County. Governor Reubin Askew made the appointment by acting on the recommendations of Democratic Party Patronage Committee, of which T. Scott Jordan of Zephyrhills is chairman. Stewart’s appointment was “effective immediately” and he was in Tallahassee Wednesday for a swearing-in ceremony. James Davis, assistant principal at ZHS will be named by the School Board, which usually makes such appointment by acting on the recommendation of the County Superintendent. In announcing the choice, a spokesman for the Patronage Committee told the News, “The committee recommended two top men to Governor Askew, Stewart and Thomas Weightman of New Port Richey, who has been acting superintendent since the death of Superintendent Rodney Cox. Both men are very well qualified and the choice must have been a very difficult one.” Stewart told the News his first action upon being notified of his selection—about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday—was to telephone Weightman and urge him to stay on as Stewart’s assistant superintendent. The appointment will be for about 18 months; Stewart will have to run for the office in November 1974, seeking the final two years of Cox’s unexpired 4-year term. Stewart then would have to seek reelection yet again in November of 1976. He told the News that although he will be accepting the appointment at a critical time for Pasco County—the eve of the start of the 45-15 Extended School Year program—he believes that by firm adherence to his personal educational philosophies he can make a viable contribution to Pasco County’s educational situation. Stewart described that philosophy as being basically a recognition of the role of Superintendent as chief administrator, and of the School Board as chief policy maker. “In some areas of the state we have seen Superintendents too heavy in policy-making, or School Boards too involved in administration. It is a delicate balance, and I am looking forward to working with the School Board and the teaching personnel of Pasco County for the benefit of the children and the future of the county,” he said. He pledged to do his utmost to make 45-15 a success, and noted that “I have always enjoyed a challenge.” “My main regret will be leaving the faculty and students of Zephyrhills High School and the community as far as my work is concerned, for I have thoroughly enjoyed my past nine years. This is an extremely warm and friendly town and I hope to maintain my residence here. “My work in Zephyrhills has been made a great deal easier through the cooperation of the community and business people as well as from an excellent faculty,” he added. The father of four children, two of them currently attending Zephyrhills school, Stewart was born in Patterson, New Jersey, and was graduated from Manatee High School in 1948. He was a construction worker until 1952 when he attended the University of Tampa an earned a BS degree. He earned a master’s degree in school administration and disciplinary studies from Florida State University in 1963.
State High School Golf Tourney, Zephyrhills News, April 26, 1973 Silver Springs Shores Golf Pro Stan Shaw welcomed a hundred Florida high school golfers who participated in the state golf championships at his course near Ocala recently. Chuck Lail was a participant.
Dogs Host Miners, Seeking First Win, Zephyrhills News, November 9, 1972 One of the tougher teams among smaller Central Florida high schools this season, the Fort Meade Miners will come to Krusen Field Friday night for what the visitors expect will be an easy time of it, a game with the Zephyrhills High Bulldogs. But Coach Bob Alwood and his Canines, recovered from most of the season’s injuries and aware that Ft. Meade has several injured players, have others plans. Except for three costly lapses on past defense last week, the Orange and Black would have posted its first win of the year, instead of giving East Bay its first win on the Indians’ Homecoming 6-14. Yardage-wise the Alwoodmen out-gained East Bay and posted more first downs, but it’s the score that counts. ”Our offense is coming around and Ft. Meade is not going to find us to be any pushover,” Alwood predicts. Ft. Meade, of course, is eager to show the Zephyrhills’ 6-0 quarter win in the pre-season Jamboree was a lucky fluke. The Miners have rolled over all but one of their opponents this season losing only to Lakeland Santa Fe 6-28. The Dogs lost to Santa Fe 0-27. Wins for Ft. Meade have been over Hardee 13-6, Frostproof 28-16. Avon Park 19-8, Wymore Tech 7-6, Sebring 28-7, and last week Tampa Bay Tech 13-7. The Dogs fell to Tampa Bay 2-42. Zephyrhills and Ft. Meade have met seven times and the Bulldogs won only once. Coach Alwood believes this year’s Bulldogs defense is capable of stopping the Miner offense—especially with Alonzo Evans and Arthur McKenzie out of action for Coach Blaine Turner—but admits the Miners are stronger and are capable of creating their own breaks in any game. Ft. Meade runs the wishbone on double-flanker offense and prefers a 4-4 defense. Coach Alwood is blue over another loss to injuries: Bob Lauderbaugh, one of his top defensive ends, is out for the last two games with a calcium deposit in his upper arm muscle. But Alwood is making good use of Doug Minidis, a transfer student from Michigan, in a fill-in roll. About East Bay Loss The game with East Bay was a defensive clash as the Dogs marked up just over 100 yards rushing and held East Bay to a minus-10 on the ground. But the Indians picked up 97 yards passing, including their two touchdowns, both on virtually identical plays, the first a 21-yard serial snagged by Roy Wright near the start of the second period, and the second a 35-yard bomb following a recovery of a Bulldog fumble also caught by Wright. The Indians kicked both extra points. Late in the third period the Dogs punted and then recovered the ball when the receiver bobbled it. A spirited drive, interrupted by the change of the quarter was highlighted by a fine fourth-down gain by Garry McCullough and capped by Van McKenzie’s 5-yard TD sprint. Although the officials ruled that McCullough’s catch of a Craig Devonshire pass for a 2-point conversion was beyond the end zone, game films clearly show that McCullough was well inside the legal territory. And although the Bulldogs lost the game with bad pass defense, it was a peculiarly-officiated clash as the referees called the Dogs time and again for lining up improperly in the backfield, an error of which they had not previously been guilty in the seven prior games. Coincidentally the calls usually came after good Dog gains. Then there was the erratic operation of the field clock, which cost ZHS a chance to score in the closing moments. But beaten fair and square, the Bulldog coaching staff plans no protest. The Orange and Black was inside the East Bay 20 four times and was unable to score. “You can’t win that way, officials or not,” Coach Alwood mused.
Other Weekend Games In other games played this past weekend by Zephyrhills opponents of this season, Gulf upset Hernando; Tarpon Springs blasted Pasco; Mulberry won over Bartow; Santa Fe edged Clearwater Catholic; Citrus downed Lake Weir and North Marion fell to Ocala Vanguard. The 1972-73 Bulldog Basketball team is composed of Craig Devonshire, Chuck Lail, Wade Cutler, Walt Poplick, Jr., Larry Green, Wesley Haman, Larry Williams, Joe Wells, Brett Halcomb, Doug Lail, Bob Smith and Jay Linville. Manager is Chris Nance and Coach is Dave Camper
1973 ZHS Bulldog Baseball Team, Zephyrhills News, April 19, 1973 The fighting Bulldogs posed for a news photo and are Skip Riley, Van McKenzie, David Calhoun, Lloyd Henry, Rodney Peeples, Scooter Nance, Tom Fuller, Mark Coyne, Mike Vedder, Jeff Shoop, Bob Smith, David Bailey, Carl Hill, Bobby Lauderbaugh. Coach is Wally Brown and Scorekeeper is Dana Riley. ![]() ![]() |