Many Awards Presented When 87 Seniors Are Graduated, Zephyrhills News, June 9, 1966 Commencement exercises for the 87-member graduating class of Zephyrhills High School, largest in the school’s history, were held Friday evening in the Municipal Auditorium. Mrs. John Braswell played a prelude of piano selections and the traditional “March of the Priests,” as the processional for the whit cap and gown-robed seniors. The pianist, at the close of the program played “Pomp and Circumstance” as the recessional, to the strains of which the graduates filed form the auditorium with the dark and light blue tassels changed from left to right positions on their mortar-boards and holding their cherished diplomas. The Reverend Leslie C. Poe, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, gave the invocation, and the Reverend Millard Mount, pastor of the First Christian Church, the benediction. Awards Presented Joseph Higginson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Higginson was recipient of the valedictorian medal. He also was recognized as having earned a Florida State teacher scholarship. Miss Janice McGuffey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McGuffey, received the salutatorian medal. She won a $6,000 Firestone scholarship in a nationwide contest which children of Firestone employees were eligible to enter. The scholarship medal was won by Don Heidler, son of the Reverend and Mrs. Robert Heidler and the citizenship award was won by Miss Gloria Kinnard, daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. Henry L. Kinnard, Jr and reigning “Miss Zephyrhills.” Tom Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Porter, won the school’s activities, athletic and best all around boy awards. Miss Harriett Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Harry Morton, and outgoing president of the Student Council, received both the school spirit for girls and best all-around girl award. Brant Blessing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blessing-won the school spirit award for boys. Miss Mary Fish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Fish, and Miss Joyce Allegood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Allegood, were given recognition for having earned Student Council scholarships. Miss Patty Carmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Carmon, was recognized as recipient of the Haydon Burns scholarship. Mrs. V.E. Witt, Zephyrhills member of the Pasco County School Board, presented the awards and Principal Raymond B. Stewart recognized the scholarship honors. County Superintendent Chester Taylor presented diplomas to the 87 graduates. Freedom Our Heritage Miss Janice McGuffey gave the salutatory address using “A Free People,” as her topic. Relating the Constitution of the United States of America, which guarantees to all citizens freedom of worship, speech and the press, stemmed from the desire for freedom in religious matters and in all areas of life, Miss McGuffey said that Americans are freer than any other people on earth. She said that the fourth freedom, not mentioned in the constitution but termed the freedom from want” by President Franklin Roosevelt, expresses a goal toward which all nations of the earth should aspire. Quoting “One person’s rights end where the other person’s begins,” the salutatorian said this theory would work perfectly if every person respected fully the rights of others. She concluded with “We owe a debt of gratitude to our forefathers for a priceless heritage of freedom we must never allow ourselves to take this freedom for granted because by neglect it could so easily be lost.” Cooperation is Essential Class President Gary Bracknell entitled his talk, “Cooperative Power.” Admonishing juniors and other underclassmen to make cooperation the keynote of school life and think seriously on responsibilities of leadership they will be assuming, Bracknell said, “Cooperation brings about the spirit of team play on the athletic field just as it brings students together on a higher academic level.” He defined cooperation as “the act of working together toward one goal” and said it is essential in any school where effective learning takes place. “Ideas must be shared, certain compromises must be made and each student is a member of a team working toward the common goal of a high school education.” Bracknell said. The class president said, “Cooperative power is the thing that has brought the United States to the place of leadership currently held among nations of the world. It will generate power to help you strengthen your will and it will influence your will and it will influence every phase of your student activities.” Pioneer Spirit Still Needed Joseph Higginson chose “Pioneers” as the topic for his valedictory address. He said that America is what it is today largely because of the pioneer spirit that dominated the thought and activities of settlers in the early years of her history. “They dared to face and endure the uncertainties and hardships that go along with pioneering so they could help establish a new way of life for themselves and for posterity,” he said. He said our pioneer forefathers did not have an easy life but driven by their pioneering spirit they pushed onward toward their goal and eventually every nook and corner of continental America was inhabited and united in one great nation. Admitting that it is good we do not have to endure the hardships and sufferings our forefathers did in the early years, Higginson maintained that their type of rugged, conquering, tenacious spirit is still needed in other areas of modern life, especially in the battle against Communism. “Never in our history have we faced so formidable a foe. Communism has no conscience nor scruples. Lying, cheating and stealing are considered shred politics and perfectly legitimate when they serve the best interest of communists,” Higginson said. The valedictorian continued by saying that the pioneering spirit also is needed today in areas such as medicine, cancer, heart disease and related illnesses yet to be conquered and that to advance industrially our nation must have pioneering scientists. Advancing the thought that the humanities need higher goals, new talented, inspired leaders to develop and guide the cultural and spiritual life of America, Higginson said our cities need good civic leaders who will stimulate the people to correct the decay or our morals and the apathy currently existing. In conclusion, the valedictorian said that all of us can be pioneers and better the world in which there is a ray of hope of better things to come and quoted: “So nigh is grandeur to our dust..so near is to man for when duty whispers low I can, Thou must thy youth replace.”
Myra Bialik and Bill Lyons Crowned As Yearbook Royalty at Class Night Event, Zephyrhills News, June 2, 1966 Students and friends of Zephyrhills High School seniors packed the school auditorium and stood on the lawn to watch through auditorium windows as the Class of ’66 presented its Class Night program Thursday. Walter Achillich and Myra Bialik shared honors as emcees, and the program opened with a “Mother Goose vs. Faculty” series of six skits, take-offs on the conduct of some classrooms during the past year. Teachers came in for some heavy punishment and parents in the audience got a view of what they hope classroom behavior is not like. The lights dimmed and in a red spotlight, led by two candle beareres and with Helen Chenkin playing a funeral dirge on the piano, the last will and testament of the class was carried in via a casket. Bob Price was frocked as a minister and brought up the rear of the procession. Sandy Clark and Alan Murphy read the will. The prophecy was read form the pages of the Zephyrhills News—an imaginary 1976 edition—supposedly brought to a remote desert island along with other provisions from two outcasts, Achillich and James Campbell. Pete Sante and Bill Lyons brought the “Mountain Dew” and the News. Lauren Reitz, Editor of the Zephilsco yearbook dedicated it to Principal Ray Stewart, for his hard work and the progress the school has made in the short time he has been here. She then crowned Miss Bialik as yearbook queen and Lyons as yearbook king. Selection was made by TV’s Doctor Killdare, the actor, Richard Chamberlain.
Zephyrhills News, September 22, 1966 Monday morning the senior class elected officers for the year. They are: Alice Back, president, Terry Alston, vice president, Patty Forbes, secretary, and Karen Desmond, treasurer. Plans are already being made for our senior class play. We have a choice among several very high quality plays, many of a different sort from the ones usually chosen for class ventures. We hope to give the play in November. To show that I’m not completely prejudiced in favor of the seniors, I shall also list the junior officers who were elected Friday. They are as follows: Janette Dunnigan, president; Larry Miller, vice president; Sharon Jefferson, secretary, and Wally Reeves, treasurer.
Trio Is Praised For Reports to Legion on Boys and Girls States, by Alice Hall, Zephyrhills News, Sept, 29, 1966 American Legionnaires, Auxiliary members and visitors gave three Zephyrhills High School seniors a standing ovation Wednesday evening at Legion Hall. The enthusiastic demonstration occurred after Richard Kinney, Raymond Hodges Jr. and Miss Alice Back completed reports on their attendance at Boys State and Girls State respectively in Tallahassee. They represented Zephyrhills Post 118, the Civitan Club and the Legion Auxiliary at the Department of Florida-sponsored citizenship training sessions held annually at Florida State University. Presented by the 7th District Commander Lucy Mae Knox, Kinney and Hodges told of the excitement of joining 550 boys form throughout Florida and getting engulfed in activities immediately after alighting from the special bus on which they traveled to the capital city. Both conveyed the impression Boys State brings out the best in boys and that staff headed by past department commander Elmo Hood of Winter Haven was composed of genuine leaders, thoroughly capable for giving guidance in the American processes of citizenship training to the young Floridians. Kinney entered the chaplain contest by writing a prayer, weathered his defeat in good humor, and then ran for mayor. After again, failing to corral a sufficient number of vies, he ran for and was elected to the city council, tried out for Federalist Party chairman, losing by four votes but won the party whip office. The young Zephyrhillsian’s speaking ability stood him in good stead in winning the party whip spot over Willie Moon, a Negro boy who “took defeat like a true sport and came back strong for the next race.” He told of seeing the Boys State Senate and House organize at the capital building after elections were completed and of hearing Governor Haydon Burns address them in joint assembly. He quoted the governor as saying, “if you’re old enough to fight at 18 you’re old enough to vote.” Kinney thanked the post for sponsoring him to Boy’s State, saying attendance there will help him to be a more patriotic citizen and quoting “To be born is an accident, to live free is responsibility and to die free is an obligation.” Hodges studied Law Hodges told of studying law while Kinney studied civil service in the Boys State School of Instruction, with each receiving diplomas. He too suffered some disappointments in political campaigns, losing the races for city councilman and Supreme Court justice but winning the nomination as county juddge. Being a law student he went to the new Florida Bar Building after touring the capital with Kinney and other Boys Staters. Both he and Kinney were recipients of courtesies at the hand of Agriculture Commissioner Doyle Connor. “We worked hard, enjoyed the entire program, including recreational features and know we benefited by attending Boys State,” Hodges said. Commander Max Cook admonished both Boys Staters as well as Miss Back to share what they had learned with fellow students at Zephyrhills High School. Girls State Impressive Miss Back, presented by Mrs. Frank Bowen, auxiliary president was a member of the some 264-girl student body. She described the formal opening of Girls State as impressive. The Zephyrhills senior said one of the most beneficial parts of the program was instruction in how bills are drawn up and passed. She too ran for several officers, including tax assessor, and lost but came back each time with her own slogan, “I’m Back Again.” After losing in the race for senator she was appointed secretary to a representative. She also was elected Federalist party whip. Parliamentary procedure instruction received also was beneficial to Miss Back and Miss Back particularly enjoyed a tour of the governor’s mansion. At the capital they were greeted by Secretary of State Tom Adams, Attorney General Earl Faircloth and other cabinet members. The Girls Stater brought back many memories of an old fashioned political rally, pep rallies, committee hearings, voting machines, the huge library of the Florida Supreme Court and an all-around informative good time. Refreshments were served the students as separate business sessions of the Legion and auxiliary were convened.
Three Students Are Chosen to Attend Schools in Citizenship, Zephyrhills News, April 28, 1966 Three outstanding members of the junior class at Zephyrhills High School have been chosen to attend the 1966 sessions of Boys and Girls State sponsored annually by the American Legion and Auxiliary and held each summer at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Richard Kinney, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kinney and Raymond Hodges, Jr., 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hodges, will represent Zephyr Post 118, American Legion and the Zephyrhills Civitan Club, respectively at the week-long period of training in American Citizenship at Boys State. They were selected by a committed headed by Legionnaire John Clements from a number of students recommended by the faculty. Miss Alice Back, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Back, was chosen by an auxiliary committee composed of Mrs. Charles Place, chairman, Mrs. C. N. Chamberlain and Mrs.Syrilla Shultzman to represent Zephyr Unit 118 at Girls State. The committee also selected Miss Nancy Bentley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bentley, and Miss Marcia Deming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deming, as first and second alternates. Kinney is president of both the Future Farmers of America Chapter and the Interact Club. He played football and basketball and is a member of both the Zephyrhills High School Student Council and Beta Club. Hodges is the newly elected vice president of Bets Club and has as hobbies fishing, golfing and horseback riding. Miss Back also is a member of the Beta Club and is active in both the Future Homemakers of America and the Future Teachers of America.
Zephyrhills Girl Named Winner of Study Aid Grant, Zephyrhills News, April 21, 1966 Janice Jo McGuffey, 17, who recently was honored as Zephyrhills High School’s “Future Homemaker of the Year,” came in for additional honors last week. She was named as one of 10 United States recipients of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company which could total as much as $198,000 for those students in their four years of college. All are sons and daughters of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company employees or former employees. Miss McGuffey is the only winner who resides outside the state of Ohio; seven of the winners are from Akron, hometown of Firestone. In addition the firm awarded savings bonds and honor certificates to 158 other of the many applicants for the 10 scholarships. Janice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. McGuffey, Highway 301 North. A senior at Zephyrhills High School, Miss McGuffey plans to major in accounting in college, preparatory to a career in that field. She is co-editor of the school’s newspaper, is on the annual staff, is a member of the Beta Club, and was last year’s representative at Girls State. She also is a member of the band and the Future Homemakers of American. Before moving to Florida, she was a pupil at Lockwood Elementary School in Akron. Her father was in the Akron Plant 1 receiving department before his retirement in 1956.
Twins Winners in TV History Quiz, Zephyrhills News, December 1, 1966 A pair of Zephyrhills High School twin boys captured first place in the annual WEDU-TV World History Student Quiz, competing against students from four other Tampa Bay area schools in the program telecast November 22. Craig and Dale Palmer, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Palmer, 903 8th Street, accumulated a total of 39 1/2 points while their nearest rivals had 17 points. The quiz was conducted live and all schools which normally receive educational TV programs were invited to enter teams. Craig and Dale were selected by Victor Smith, their teacher, because of their high school averages during the first two 6-week periods. Following the contest all participants were treated to a guided tour of the WEDU facilities by their television teacher, Robert Young. In addition to the World History program, ZHS teaches an American History section via TV. Interested parents are invited to preview these programs daily except Friday at 12:35 and 2:40.
Zephyrhills Girl Elected President of State FHA, Zephyrhills News, April 21, 1966 A 10th Grade student at Zephyrhills High School has been elected to the highest office within the organization of members of the Florida Association, Future Homemakers of America. Miss Loretta Coumbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coumbs of Lane Road, was chosen president at the group’s annual convention held last week at the Deauville Hotel, Miami Beach. She will serve as president-elect this year and as president of the state organization next year. Other members of the Zephyrhills delegation in attendance at the convention include: Miss Gloria Kinnard, who as state treasurer, presided at one of the sessions; Sue Douglas, District 6 chairman who also presided at a session; Miss Helen Chenkin and Miss Hope Wintersteen, delegates from the local chapter; and Miss Alice Back, who was candidate for state parliamentarian. Mrs. R.H. Johnson, FHA advisor who was named to the District 6 advisory board and will serve statewide accompanied the delegation to the convention.
Bulldogs Win Regional, Zephyrhills News, March 10, 1966 When the four best basketball teams in the state of Florida begin action in the annual Class B Tournament at Gainesville tomorrow (Friday), Zephyrhills High School will be there. Just as they have for six of the last seven years, the Bulldogs of ZHS will begin tourney play determined to go all the way and return the state trophy to the City of Pure Water. Game time for opening action for ZHS is 2:30 p.m. Friday in the University of Florida field house, and the opponent is Jupiter of Region 4, the southeast coast. It was the Jupiter Yellow Jackets the ‘Dogs defeated to go to Gainesville last year; this year, playing in a different regional, Jupiters upset favored Avon Park 54 to 49 to gain the state meet. Others in this year’s meet are Chattahoochee, defending champs, and MacClenny, region 2 winner who upset favored Oviedo, although MacClenny has a record of 29 wins and not one defeat. Chattahootchee’s record is 27-1. Jupiter’s is 15-10 and the Bulldogs is 18-6. Coach Morris McHone of the ZHS squad believes MacClenny is the tourney’s “team to beat” and that the Baker county high school team will beat Chattahoochee. “They’re not too tall, but I hear they are a really fine club,” he told the News, “maybe one of the best.” At present, however, Coach McHone and his Bulldogs are making plans to handle Jupiter, a tall team which has played mainly Class A and AA teams during the regular season, since there are few class B schools in the Jupiter area. Jupiter has three players who lead rebounding, one of them 6-5, one 6-2 and one 6-1. They also are a good ball-handling team, and defeated Mulberry in regional play by eight points. Tournament games will be broadcast live over both WPAS (1400) of Zephyrhills and WPLA (910) of Plant City. Both stations also will bring listeners the finals game Saturday at 4:30 if the Bulldogs defeat Jupiter.
Chaplain Asks Love at Baccalaureate Service, Zephyrhills News, June 3, 1966 One danger of Communism is that to Communists it has become a religion, Zephyrhills High School graduates were told by the speaker at the Baccalaureate service Sunday evening in the First Methodist Church. Using “The Importance of Christian Belief,” as his topic, the Reverend Stewart I. McRae, Chaplain of Florida Southern College, defined theology as a doctrine of man’s belief concerning God. Mr. McRae went on to say that God is creator of mankind, the sustainer, the judge, ruler of the universe, and the embodiment of love. “The greatest thing we need to get across is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man,” he said. Quoting Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian, Chaplain MacRae said, “God is not at the borders of life, but at the center of life. God is the greatest of all. He is love.” “Accept the high ideals of tomorrow as a challenge and go forth into the world holding fast to the belief that a living God is at the helm and will guide your destinies,” Chaplain MacRae admonished the 87 graduates. Miss Doris Gorrecht played an organ prelude prior to the traditional “March of the Priests” processional, to the strains of which the 87 mortar-board and gown robed seniors entered two and two and took their places on either side of the center aisle in the spacious sanctuary. The Reverend Harry L. Kinnard, Jr., pastor, gave the invocation, and Mrs. P .H. Murphy Jr., contralto, sang, “I Shall Never Pass This Way Again” with Miss Gorrecht playing the organ accompaniment. Principal Raymond B. Stewart welcomed the large audience and announced commencement exercises for 8 p.m. this Friday in Municipal Auditorium, extending an invitation to the public to attend. At the close of the service the Reverend B.A. Oswald gave the benediction and Miss Gorrecht played “Marche Pontificale,” to the familiar strains of which the seniors filed out of the church. Members of the sophomore class featured the senior colors of blue and white in decorations and served as ushers at the baccalaureate service.
Awards Ceremonies, Zephyrhills News Awards assemblies at Zephyrhills High School were held Wednesday in the school auditorium for 10th, 11th and 12th grades beginning at 8:25 a.m. and the junior high assembly immediately following. Miss Harriett Morton, president of the Student Council, conducted the formal opening of both assemblies and presented Miss Eugenia Moshonas, guidance counselor, who served as mistress of ceremonies. In addressing the groups, Miss Moshonas said, “Today honor awards will be bestowed upon students who in conformance with high standards have achieved distinction in the various fields of knowledge, skills in sports and leadership.” Honor Roll Principal Raymond B. Stewart presented Honor Roll Certificates as follows: Senior High (9th, 10th, 11th grades)—Marcia Deming, straight A student; Renee Geddes, Danny Pollock, Alice Back, Pat Burns, Thea Dunnigan, Pat Forbes, Bonnie Thain, Joan Thompson, Sheila Williams, Gloria Kinnard, Linda Nelson, Mary Fish, Janice Williams Lexis, Joe Higginson, Alan Murphy, Brant Blessing, Tom Porter, Patty Carmon, Carol Grace, Nancy Bazzell and Janice McGuffey. Junior High (7th and 8th grades)—Brenda Horne, Andrij Neczwid and Patty Hayden—straight A students; Jeff Brown, Joyce Anderson, Debbie Finnell, Valerie Wickstron, Lois Wells, Leon Taylor, Jo Ann Breckenridge, Beverly Horne, Valerie Smith, Richard McLellan, Kathy Shannon, Gloria Rose, Donna Sanson and Carolyn Weicht. Other Awards Principal Stewart presented special medals to Harriett Morton and Robert Price for outstanding service to the school during the past term. Joseph Higginson was the recipient of the Reader’s Digest Award presented by Mrs. Jesse Kaylor. The Danforth Foundation “I Dare You” awards, also presented by Mrs. Kaylor went to Harriett Morton and Tom Porter. Daniel R. Heidler was announced by Mrs. Kaylor as being the Zephyrhills winner of the Florida Power Corporation essay writing contest, using as topic “Individual Responsibility in Community Development” with his essay now being considered in the area competition. Ferrell Gray, president presented Civitan Club awards to Tom Porter, Patricia Carmon and Linda Sante. The Betty Crocker Homemakers Award, presented by Mrs. R. H. Johnson went to Janice McGuffey. Miss Moshonas presented the Florida Student and Star Teacher awards to Joseph Higginson and Ernest Kretschmar, respectively and the Florida Board of Regents Award to Higginson and Alan M. Murphy. Joyce Allegood and Mary Fish were recipients of the Student Council’s $50 Scholarship awards, with Miss Morton making the presentation. The Student Council service award went to Andij Neczwid. Spelling awards went to Cheryl Trogden for Pasco County and Valerie Smith for Zephyrhills High School Special recognition for scholarship was given three Zephyrhills High School senior boys at the Awards Assembly Wednesday. Alan Murphy, awarded a certificate of Merit from the Florida Board of Regents for his academic achievement based on 12th grade test score; Robert Daniel Heidler, who scored the highest (.486) of any ZHS senior on the Florida 12th grade testing program, and who also was the Zephyrhills winner in the Florida Power Corporation writing contest; Joe Higginson, valedictorian was also presented the Florida Board of Regents certificate.
Jade East Theme for Exotic Prom As ZHS Juniors and Seniors Pick Royalty, Zephyrhills News, May 26, 1966 “Jade East” was theme for the annual Junior-Senior Prom Saturday evening in Municipal Auditorium. Sandy Simons was chairman and Miss Alice Back, co-chairman of the committee which produced an exotic, oriental setting for the traditional event honoring members of the 1966 graduating class. Also assisting as committee members were other juniors including: Marcia Deming, Linda Wilson, Pat Burns, Terry Alston, Pattie Forbes, Bobbie Craig, Joan Thompson, Glennis Massey, Mary Stanley, Steve McGinnis and Charles Oswald. John Geiger, William Kustes and Donald Hormuth, junior class sponsors, served as advisers to the committee on arrangements. The theme was kept a closely-guarded secret until the “unveiling” Saturday evening. Japanese lanterns hung from a green and gold ceiling and 22 murals, done by the Misses Deming and Wilson, covered the walls of the spacious auditorium. Tables were centered with cherry blossom-entwined candles and to further carry out the “Jade East” motif green suede covered programs were ornamented with the Ming tree emblem. “The Jades,” a Lake City orchestra, provided music for dancing from 8 p.m until 12 midnight. Climaxing the traditional party was the crowning of Brant Blessing king and Helen Chenkin queen by Miss Back, as co-chairman of the prom. Some 200 guests, including faculty members and a group of Junior class mothers who assisted with arrangement, attended the end-of-school event.
Van Gray, Richard Kinney Win District Titles for ZHS’s Future Famer Chapter, Zephyrhills News, May 5, 1966 Zephyrhills Chapter, Future Farmers of America, added still more laurels to its crown Friday with first place wins by its president and vice president in two divisions of District 5 contests. They were held at Seminole High School in Largo. Richard Kinney, president, won the public speaking award over five contestants who, like himself, had established eligibility to enter the meet by winning in their Sub-District contests. The Zephyhillsian, who competed against two Sub-District winners from Polk County and one each from Hillsborough, Hernando and Pinellas Counties, will represent District 5 in Area contests at Wauchula later this month. There he will compete with the District 6 winner, and if successful will later compete with two other Area winners in State contests at Daytona Beach in June. Van Gray, vice president, won the District 5 harmonica playing contest, also against five contestants, and will represent the district at the State contest in June. The Zephyrhills parliamentary procedure team composed of Arthur Chadwell, Jim Allegood, Tom Hayford, Joe Wells, Larry Clark and Benny Poe bowed to a Lakeland team in that division Friday. Other winners were: Brandon, tractor driving; Turkey Creek, vocal quartet; and Brandon, string band. Chapter Advisors W.R. Jeffries and R.A. Cobb accompanied the local FFA delegation to Large for the district event.
School Daze by Marcia Deming, Zephyrhills News, September 8, 1966 While, or shortly after watching the Zephyrhills High School Band perform at a football game or concert, you may have envisioned a group of us getting together weekly for a terribly serious rehearsal. This ain’t necessarily so (pardon my grammar). We do get together for weekly practice, but we’re not always serious, as Mr. John T.V. Clark, our director, may sometimes have had cause to regret. Take our first practice of the year, which was held last Thursday night. The football field had only recently been resodded, so we were to march out on the parking lot. Earlier that day, Mr. Clark had used kerosene on the lot to make out several 5-yard divisions, but by evening it had not killed enough grass for the lines to show sufficiently. So Mr. Clark had us all form a long row and follow him up and down, back and forth, tromping down the grass in each line so that it could be easily seen. As we walked along, some of the group began changing as if we were following the Great White Hunter through the African wilds. Others threw clumps of freshly mown grass at each other, while those near the head of the line and those toward its end exchanged hellos and odd comments every time they passed each other. Generally everyone had a ball. Later on we settled down enough to begin learning some new marching techniques which we hope to use this season. Then we retired to the bandstand to play a few numbers and elect our officers. This year our band captain is Sandy Simons, and our Lieutenant is Thea Dunnigan. Congratulations to them both. It’s a tribute to Mr. Clark, who deserves a tribute, that he’s always able to calm us down enough to get things done and still have fun. We feel that he’s one of the best band directors in Florida, if not the best, and if we work half as hard as he has with us, we’re certain to make it to the State contest this year.
School Daze by Sandra Clark, Zephyrhills News, February 24, 1966 The Beta Club has an assembly at ZHS last Wednesday morning. There were nine students who were tapped for membership in the Beta Club, which stands for academic achievement and qualities of leadership. The student’s personality has a lot to do with his being a member. Those who were tapped are: Glennis Massey, Doug Gall, Danny Pollock, Janette Dunnigan, Loretta Coumbs, Eloise Hall, Riki McGinnis, Acie Ellerbe and Rene Geddes. I’m sure everyone knows about the ZHS band selling candy. The money will go toward new uniforms. When you see a band member coming up the walk, be sure to dig out your money and buy at least one bar of that delicious chocolate. The seniors are realizing that school is soon coming to a close. We have already been measured for our caps and gowns. The seniors also received their senior band letters. That letter is something well worth waiting for. Friday was day of entertainment for grades 7-12. In the afternoon the Student Council sponsored a movie called, “Sancho—The Morning Steer.” Everyone enjoyed it so much and all are looking for another movie. Below is the list of honor roll students for fourth 6-week period. We’ll have the semester honor roll next week: Straight A Seventh Grade—Brenda Horn, Andrij Neczwid Eighth Grade—Patty Hayden Sophomore—Danny Pollock DCT—Nathan Bleich, Patty Carmon, Janice McGuffey, Linda Sante A-B Honor Roll Seventh Grade—Joyce Anderson, Jeff Brown, Dennis Finnell, Randy Jordan, Valerie Wickstrom, Leon Taylor, William Shannon. Eighth grade—JoAnn Breckenridge, Cliff Brown, Dennis Hartley, Mike Penn, Valerie Smith, Betty Worthington, Cheryl Trogden. Freshmen—Judy Money, Kathy Muse, Richard McClellan, Sue Thompson, Kathy Shannon, Gloria Rose, Carolyn Weicht. Sophomores—Rene Geddes, Janette Dunnigan Juniors—Terry Alston, Alice Back, Pat Burns, Marcia Deming, Pat Forbes, Bob Nichols, Joan Thompson, Mary Stanley, Suzanne Winters, Sheila Tullis Seniors—Brant Blessing, Robert Heidler, Joe Higginson, Tom Porter, Joyce Allegood, Myra Blalik, Helen Chenkin, Mary Fish, Cheryl Kingston, Gloria Kinnard, Linda Nelson, Glorida Pope, Marilyn Rooks, Diane Schall, Janice Williams. DCT—Nancy Bazzell, Mary Ann Gerlach, Carol Grace, Lynn Shelton, Sandra Miller.
Dogs Travel to Fort Meade After 26-6 Homecoming Loss, Zephyrhills News, November 17, 1966 The Fort Meade Miners will be victims of the Zephyrhills Bulldogs Friday night if the Orange and Black’s game plan works to perfection—but it probably will require perfection and then some for the ZHS team to top Fort Meade, losers only once all season. The game will be much like the Mulberry encounter,” Coach John Clements said this week, “except that we went into the Mulberry clash carrying injuries and this time our boys are healthy.” Fort Meade was idle last week while Zephyrhills was playing host to Brewster in the Bulldog homecoming game. The Rams carried home the win by 26 to 6. Coach Bill Campbell’s Miners are strong and powerful; they run from wing-T formation, but they can be stopped. Mulberry did that job and Mulberry downed Zephyrhills at 38-0. But other games have seen Fort Meade victorious, over Hardee 28-0, Frostproof 40-6, Brewster 41-7, Pinecrest 54-13, Turkey Creek 34-17, and Hernando 27-7. Too Much Romeo There was too much Romeo for Zephyrhills “Capuletes” to handle at Krusen field Friday night. Despite the Bulldog homecoming-inspiring determination, the visitors scored two quick TD’s in the first period and kept the hosts rocked back on their heels the rest of the time, largely thanks to the play of one boy, quarterback Bob Romeo. Of the four Ram scores, Romeo ran for one and passed for two others. ZHS early-game defenses were down. The team held Brewster on three plays after the kick-off, but then permitted a long run for a Brewster first down on its own 47. Romeo then faked a pass before skirting right end for a 54-yard TD gallop. The Rams kicked the point. On the second play after the kick-off the Rams recovered a ZHS fumble on the 15. The next play Romeo ran to his right then passed diagonally to the left hand corner to Ricky Hay good in the end zone. The kick was missed and the score was 13-0 as the first quarter ended. The Bulldogs got on the scoreboard early in the second frame when Albert Perry made a sensational pro-type catch of a Richard Kinney pass for a 20yard TD. Perry caught the ball with his arms around the neck of a Brewster defender. A run by Larry Miller for the extra point was short. The Clements-men were then only seven points down, but a defensive error put them 14 down at the half. On a 4th down they had Romeo trapped behind the line, but played “follow the leader” until he could get off a TD pass to Tim Lindsey in the end zone. A kick for the extra point was good with a last minute to play Photos of new 1966 ZHS building and new tile floor below: ![]() ![]() |