HISTORY OF ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOLHighlights of 1964![]() ![]() Awards, Diplomas Awarded to Seniors As ZHS School Year Ends, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, June 11, 1964 Commencement exercises for the 84-member 1964 graduating class of Zephyrhills High School, largest in the school’s history, were held Friday evening in Municipal Auditorium. Following a prelude of organ selections, Miss Linda Hayden played the traditional “March of the Priests” as the processional for the white-capped gowned seniors. Later as the graduates left the auditorium with their diplomas, the organist played “Pomp and Circumstance” as the recessional. The Reverend Cassian Foley, priest in charge of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, gave the invocation and the Reverend B. A. Oswald, pastor of the First Baptist Church, the benediction. David Kaylor gave the salutatory address using as his topic, “Your Faith Must Be Justified.” Paying tribute to those who planned and laid out the educational course members of the class had pursued, the salutatorian said, “In earning our diplomas, we have enacted the paradox of giving ourselves a greater challenge, that of justifying the faith or our parents, teachers and community who have given us this education.” He said, “We feel as if we must proceed from this auditorium full of energy and confidence that we can carry on into a purposeful life–then we will have earned the trust that you have placed in us.” Ray Preston Bolt entitled his class president’s talk “On The Fringe of Destiny.” He said that “while we have the good fortune of being born into a nation with endless possibilities, we have the even better fortune of being born into a government dedicated to preserving these possibilities for every person.” And “Our enthusiasm will not be dulled by the thought of social security to help us when we are old or unemployed–the existence of such a program is very good but we prefer to take care of ourselves.” James Daniels, valedictorian, chose “What Will Tomorrow Be?” as topic for his address. In its development he pointed out that the laws of human conduct which were important 100 years ago are still vital today and will endure indefinitely; that each age works the principles of human conduct and ideals into its own system of life, government and economy.par Continuing, he said, “There is no rule to insure against the abuse of power or the exploitation of men or to insure the free and fullest development of each person’s capabilities. Not even a country such as ours can assure these human rights unless we, the people, have the faith, patience and courage to work unceasingly for the rights of people.” Awards Given Pasco County School Superintendent Chester Taylor presented six of the school’s top awards. he gave the valedictorian and salutatorian medals to James Daniels, Son of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Daniels and David Kaylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kaylor, respectively; the best all-around awards to John Wintersteen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wintersteen, and Cletia Weaver, daughter of Reverend and Mrs. Robert N. Weaver; the journalism award to Anna Jo Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Tucker; and the athletic award to Mike McGinnis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGinnis. County School Board Chairman C. P. Mc Cabe presented five awards including the scholarship medal to Daniels, the school spirit awards to Wintersteen and Miss Weaver; the citizenship medal to Ray Bolt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bolt; and the activities medal to Mike McGinnis. Other presentations included Zephyrhills Rotary Club $200 scholarships by the Reverend Millard Mount to James Daniels and Diane Davidson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson; Zephyrhills High School Student Council $100 scholarships by David Myers to Jere Alston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lane Alston and Ray Bolt; Delta Kappa Gamma $135 scholarship by Principal Charles A. Henderson to Diane Davidson and a Business University of Tampa $120 scholarship, also by Principal Henderson to Sunnye Lanham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lanham. Mrs. V.E. Witt, county school board member from Zephyrhills, assisted by Principal Henderson, presented diplomas to the graduates. Nancy Overhuls was general chairman of the graduation event for which members of the junior class used the senior class colors, white and red, in decorating. Members of the junior class were ushers. After the graduation ceremony, the seniors were entertained at an all-night party for which Richard Gaskin served as chairman. homeroom mothers assisted. Mrs. Ray Bolt was in charge of the dance in Municipal Auditorium and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hiott, were in charge of arrangements which included a movie at the Home Theater. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Clements presided at a “splash party” at Municipal Pool. A breakfast at Sunland Restaurant concluded the festivities. CHARLES A. HENDERSON, ZHS Principal ![]()
“Outer Limits” Prom Theme, Zephyrhills News, May 28, 1964 “Outer Limits” was the unusual theme of the Junior-Senior Prom Saturday evening in Municipal Auditorium. A large committee headed by Larry Turner, Junior Class President, literally transformed the spacious auditorium into an out-of-this-world setting for the traditional event, at which members of the senior class are guests. Assisting with the transformation process were David Myers, Charlene Collier, Ronnie Carroll, Marcia McGinnis, Linda Hayden, Barbara Thompson, Lillian Johnson, Kaye Henry, Joe Maniscalco, Doris Posey, Dickie Dibble, Michael Massey, Susan Bucey, and Charlene Breckenridge. Guidance in the dreaming up of “outer limits” props was given by Class Sponsors Lamar Calhoun, John Geiger and Joe Baldwin. As guests entered the “outer world,” they passed through a darkened corridor where blinking lights and “Twilight Zone” music contributed to a weird atmosphere. The walls of the auditorium proper were covered with murals featuring craters, rocket launching pads and the like. Green lights glowed in the blue crepe paper draped ceiling. Thick black plastic sealers around the windows excluded outside light. On stage the theme, “Outer Limits” in glitter letters was silhouetted against black plastic-covered walls enhanced by “satellites” suspended from the ceiling. “The Intruders,” A New Port Richey Richey orchestra, played for dancing. Band members stood in a crater-like pit to perform. Tables were ornamented with rocket centerpieces, nose cone mint cups, “outer space” napkins, and memory book-programs. Royalty Crowned Highlighting the prom intermission time was the crowning of Thomas Simard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Simard, as king and Barbara Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hughes, as queen. In ceremonies at which President Turner officiated. Servers included Gloria Kinnard, Janice McGuffey, Carol Grace, Patty Carmon, Mary Fish, Bonnie Durland, Laurel Reitz, Hope Wintersteen, Dick Daniels, Bill Lyons, Walter Achillich and Joe Higgins.
Baccalaureate Sunday for 84 Seniors; Graduation June 5, Zephyrhills News, 1964 Baccalaureate services scheduled for 8 p.m. Sunday at First Methodist Church will climax a full week of activities for members of the 1964 Zephyrhills High School graduating class. The Reverend Ralph C. Arbaugh, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Lakeland, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon and has chosen, “Behold the Dreamer Cometh” for his topic. Assisting ministers will be the Reverend Henry L. Kinnard, Jr., pastor who is scheduled to give the invocation and the Reverend Donald F. Snyder, who is to give the benediction. Miss Linda Hayden will be the organist and Miss Leslie Smith is general chairman. Graduation exercises will be at 8 p.m. next Friday, June 5, in Municipal Auditorium. Class Night Held Highlighting weekday events for the 84-member graduating class, largest in the history of Zephyrhills High School, was the annual class night observance Tuesday evening in the auditorium. “That Was The Year That Was” was theme of the program replete with nostalgic back-tracking down memory lane which also included the traditional singing of “Aloha” by members of the junior class and “Halls of Ivy” by the soon-to-be graduates. Coach Charles McKinney and Vo-Ag Instructor W.R. Jeffries who with Athletic Director, John F. Clements are sponsors of the senior class, supervised arrangements for the class night activities, which also included a reading of the seniors’ last will and testament by President Ray Bolt. Zephilsco Royalty A long-anticipated phase of class night was the official dedication of the 1964 Zephilsco, school yearbook by Mr. Jere Alston, business manager, and the crowing of the yearbook royalty by Howard Kersey, editor, following presentation of copies of the 1964 edition to Zephilsco sponsors Mrs. George Swing and Mrs. Victor Hall and to Principal Charles A. Henderson. John Wintersteen was crowned king of the 1964 Zephilsco and Miss Cletia Weaver was crowned queen. Parents of the new royalty are Mr. and Mrs. John Wintersteen and Reverend and Mrs. R. N. Weaver. Runners-up to the king and queen were Mike McGinnis and Miss Connie Praay. Others in the competition, from among whose pictures comedian Red Skelton selected the winners include Ray Bolt, Sam Surratt and Bob Combs for King; and the Misses Peggy Horning, Gloria Pope and Nancy Overhuls for queen. Miss Kay Henry, 1965 Zephilsco editor, introduced members of her staff.
Honor Students To Be Guests At PTA Recognition Program, Zephyrhills News, May 21, 1964 Some 75 students will be honored at a dessert banquet and student appreciation program at a Zephyrhills High School PTA meeting at 7:30 this Thursday in the school cafeteria. In the group will be straight A students for the first semester including Richard McLellan, Kathleen Shannon, Joan Thompson, Terry Lee Alston, Alice Back, Marcia Deming, Charles Oswald, Joe Higginson, Barbara Thompson, Noreen Krystofiak, Kaye Henry, Linda Hayden, Larry Turner, David Myers, Caroline Houston and Sandra Owens. Honor graduates to be given recognition include James Daniels, James McLeod, Lonnie Daughtery, Mike McGinnis, Gloria Pope, Sheilah Hussey, Connie pray, Nancy Overhuls, Judy Smith, Gertrude Braxton, Jere Alston, Leslie Smith, David Kaylor, Howard Kersey, Caroline Houston, Ray Bolt, Dianne Davidson and Sunnye Lanham. Among students to be honored for having earned recognition themselves and the school in several fields of endeavor are: Barbara Thompson and Linda Hayden, high scorers in the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Tests; Lillian Johnson, Future Homemakers of American state historian: Gloria Kinnard, Doris Posey, Kaye Henry and Helen Chenkin, FHA students who earned enough points to be delegates to the state convention; Barbara Hughes, Caroline Houston and Diane Hudson, DCT state convention delegates; Raymond Chancey, winner of the Future Farmers of America district tractor driving competition; Dennis Hiott, Jack Vincent, Henry Hill, Tommy Dodd, Jimmy Lindsay and David Hutchinson, winners of the FFA District string band contest; Henry Hill and John Wintersteen, FFA state farmer degrees.
David Myers and Larry Turner Chosen to Attend Boy’s State, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, May 14, 1964 The Zephyrhills High School juniors have been chosen to attend the 1964 session of Boy’s State sponsored annually by the American Legion of Florida State University in Tallahassee. David Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Myers, 516 Stebbins St. and Larry Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner, 204 17th Street will be sponsored by the Legion Post and the Civitan Club, respectively at the citizenship training course, July 5 through July 11 on the FSU campus. Selection of young Myers was made by a committee headed by Legionnaire Max Cook while Civitans with Delmar French as president chose Turner. Both boys were highly recommended by school officials, who worked in cooperation with the sponsoring groups. Myers has been active in the overall class program and has distinguished himself in scientific work. He currently serves as chairman of the Student Council Scholarship Committee and will be instrumental in selecting the recipients of two $100 scholarships the Zephyrhills High School Student Council will award at commencement time. He plans to become a doctor. Turner is president of the junior class. He plays football, basketball and goes out for track. He is also a member of the Zephyrhills High School Band and continually plays a leading role in school and class activities, meantime maintaining a high scholastic standing. DCT Banquet Set Monday Evening at Plant City Ranch The 8th annual DCT Employer-Employee banquet will begin at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Branch’s Ranch according to Stanley Kendrick, Diversified Cooperative Coordinator for Zephyrhills High School. The presentation of certificates of appreciation to some 21 employers participating in the program will be featured. Featured speaker will be Bernard Y. Wickstrom, editor of the Zephyrhills News. DCT students and their employers expected to attend include: Lucky Arnold, A & P Store; Terry Bodiford, Marion Smith Florist; Paul Carlsen, Thriftway Supermarket; Paulette Davis Adams, Fred Wells Tile Company; John Fisher, Raymond’s Body Shop; Bob Frantz, Thriftway Supermarket, Joe Geiger, Family Cleaners; Jim Gill, Lewer Wholesale Feeds, Dennis Hiott, Hiott Dairy, Caroline Houston, Bank of Zephyrhills; Diane Hudson, Scotty’s City Drug; Barbara Hughes, Hardy’s Department Store; Mike Lane, Back Construction Company; Joe Lewis, Grogan’s Upholstery. Also, Paul Metivier, Family Cleaners; Sandra Owen, Crystal Pure Water; Paul Pattie, PremaCure Lumber Company; Brenda Peiffer, Johnston’s Insurance Company, Larry Weicht, Paul’s Richfield Station; Reuben Wells, Thriftway; and Don Zundel, Family Cleaners.
Legion Hears Talks on Boys, Girls State by Alice Hall, Zephyrhills News, October 1, 1964 Applause rang through Legion Hall when Three Zephyrhills High School seniors completed reports on their attendance at the American Legion and Auxiliary-sponsored Boy’s State and Girls State in Tallahassee this summer. Consensus was that Zephyrhills Post 118, the Civitan Club and the Legion Auxiliary had chosen wisely as regards outstanding leadership ability in sending David Myers, Larry Turner and Diana Clements to Florida State University for week-long sessions of intensified training in American citizenship. Legionnaire Max Cook, Boys State chairman, presented Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Myers, to the large assembly of Legionnaires, auxiliary members and interested townspeople. David was a resident of Kirkman City, Kelly County, in the mythical state of Seminole, which was composed of eight counties and 17 cities, and its population belonged to either the Federalist or Nationalist parties. The Zephyrhillsan was a Nationalist and had Florida Highway Patrolman Whitney Knutson as counselor. Campaigning for political offices was vigorous from the time the 550 Boys Staters arrived on campus until after city, county, and state elections were held, according to Myers, who was appointed to the election board and also was supervisor of state elections. He told of gaining insight into the organization of party caucuses, political maneuverings, and the mechanics of government at the several levels through active participation in the program. Myers elected to attend the School of Law in preference to those on Legislative procedure and Law Enforcement, had words of praise for the corps of instructors and was impressed by Americanism speeches given by fellow students from throughout.
Five Prizes Awarded ZHS Future Farmers, Zephyrhills News, May 7, 1964 Members of the Zephyrhills Chapter Future Farmers of America, brought additional honors to the school and community Friday by winning two first, two second and a third place ribbon in competition with other chapters of the area in the District FFA meet at Plant City. Raymond Chauncey won top honors in a tractor driving contest, turning a superb performance despite a downpour of rain. The Zephyr Plowboys copped top honors in the string band division. Members are Jack Vincent, Henry Hill, Dennis Hiott, Tommy Dodd, Jimmy Lindsey and David Hutchinson. Jimmy Lindsey placed second in the harmonica playing competition. John Wintersteen, Jed Wilkinson, Larry Turner, David Hutchinson, Ronnie Carroll, and Jim Dungan, working together as a parliamentary procedure team, placed second in the district competition. Third place winners in the horseshoe pitching contest were John Tullis and Walter Achillich. Vo-Ag instructor W.R. Jeffries, the team’s sponsor, told the News the Zephyrhills Boys have now established eligibility to enter state contests to be held June 9-12 at Daytona Beach. School Daze by Jere Alston, Zephyrhills News, April 9, 1964 Junior Varsity Cheerleaders were chosen Monday afternoon after school. They were picked on their ability to do quite a variety of jumps and cheers. The most important points were coordination, voice, appearance, personality and grades. They must have at least a C average. Judges were Gertrude Braxton, Mr. C. A. Henderson, Mr. John Clark, Mrs. Constance Kaylor, Mrs. Lillian Johnson and Mrs. Joan Witten. The new cheerleaders are Rosemary Storer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storer; Rene Geddes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geddes; Susie Overhuls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Overhuls; Janette Dunnigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kustes; Melanie Massey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Massey, Sharon Sabo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sabo. Alternates are Debbie McRaney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will McRaney, and Kathy Muse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Muse. The outcome of the varsity cheerleader try-outs will be announced Monday or Tuesday. Lillian Johnson, Helen Chenkin, and Gloria Kinnard will attend the State FHA convention held in Clearwater on Tuesday. Lillian is running for the office of State Historian. The girls will be accompanied by Mrs. Robert Johnson. Mr. Spoto treated our basketball “champs” to a steak dinner Monday evening at the Branch’s Ranch, just outside of Plant City. Henderson Resigns As Principals at ZHS, Zephyrhills News, August 6, 1964
Replacement Sought, Board Sees 7 Prospects Charles A. Henderson, principal of Zephyrhills high School from 1956-57 and again since 1959 has resigned to accept the position of principal of P.K. Yonge Laboratory School at the University of Florida in Gainesville. The position was offered to Mr. Henderson while he was at the university this summer doing advanced degrees work. Who his replacement will be has not as yet been announced by the office of County Superintendent of Schools Chester W. Taylor Jr. or Mrs. Margaretta C. Witt, school board member from Zephyrhills. At least seven applicants for the vacancy have been interviewed and an announcement is expected momentarily; it is certain that final approval of a new principal will be made no later than Tuesday, when the county board next meets in regular session. In announcing his decision to accept the P. K. Yonge offer, Principal Henderson told the News that: “My decision was reached only after long deliberation. I wish to make it clear that the offer was made to me, and that I was not seeking a change; however the financial advancement was considerable, and the challenges will be exciting, and although I had many goals as yet unrealized for Zephyrhills High School, I felt I must answer as opportunity knocks. My years and experience in Zephyrhills have been ones of deep pleasure and accomplishments, and I wish only the best for the school and all of my fellow teachers, associates in the community, former pupils, students and school patrons,” he said. Henderson, 37, first came to Zephyrhills in 1955 from Pasco High School in Dade City where he then was assistant principal.
Palmetto Assistant Principal Named to Head ZHS, Zephyrhills News, August 13, 1964 Ray Stewart, assistant principal for the past eight years at Palmetto High School in Manatee County Tuesday afternoon was hired to be the new principal of Zephyrhills High School. He succeeds Charles A. Henderson, principal here from 1955 to 1957 and again since 1959, who resigned to accept the position of principal of the P.K. Yonge Laboratory School at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Mr. Stewart’s appointment was announced by Chester W. Taylor, Jr. county superintendent of schools, and Mrs. Margaretta C. Witt, school board member from Zephyrhills. Stewart, 34, is a native of New Jersey who moved to Florida with his parents when three years of age. His parents now reside in Bradenton. He attended the public schools of Manatee County and was graduated from Manatee County High School in 1948. He attended the University of Tampa on a football scholarship—he was an all-star end in high school—and was graduated with a bachelor of science degree in education in 1952 from that institution. Since that time he has attended summer school and last year earned his master’s degree in administration from Florida State University in Tallahassee. He has been employed the past 12 years in the manatee County School system, by which he was originally hired as a teacher-coach for a junior high school. After three years there he went to Manatee County High School at Bradenton as a coach and teacher of American history and in 1955 was assigned to Palmetto High School, at Palmetto, a brand new high school. Stewart watched Palmetto high grow and it was his third year there, 1958, that the school graduated its first senior class. In that year too, the Palmetto football team went to the state tournament. The following year the football team went undefeated and won the Tampa Bay Conference crown, while the basketball team returned again to the state tourney in Gainesville. (In both years, Coach Stewart’s charges were eliminated in first round games, however). From 1958 through 1963 Coach Stewart’s football teams won 42 games, lost only 16 and were tied four times.
Triple Play Thriller For Crowd , Zephyrhills News, June 11, 1964 A triple play, one of the sensations of baseball, was turned in Monday night by the Zephyrhills Legion team as Dade City was defeated here by a score of 7 to 4. It was only the second triple play veteran Coach John Clements can recall ever having seen. The other was made a few summers ago also in Legion ball. The summer team was leading 7-2 in the first of the sixth inning and pitcher Larry Chauncey was doing well, although Dade city had tallied one run and the bases were loaded with nobody out. The batter hit a sharp grounder through the mound, Shortstop Tom Porter moved behind the mound to make a brilliant stop and a perfect throw to Jerry Laviano at second to get the runner coming from first. Laviano then whipped the ball to Larry Weicht at first to put out the batter. One run, the man on third, had scored, but the third base coach motioned the runner from second to try for home too, and Weicht nailed him at the plate with a bullet throw to catcher Frank Overhulls. Clements said occasionally a triple play will come about as a result of some mental error by the batting team, but he pointed out the triple play Monday night was a result of “heads up baseball all the way.”
Athletic Letters Given 102 at High School Awards Ceremony, Zephyrhills News, June 4, 1964 Athletic Director John F. Clements, Coaches Will McRaney, Charles McKinney, W.S. Worthington and William Kustes, presented baseball, football, basketball, track and golf letters to 102 players at the annual Zephyrhills High School awards assemblies in the school auditorium Thursday. Mrs. Jesse Kaylor made the presentation to 10 cheerleaders’ letters. Baseball. Varsity baseball letters presented by Coach Clements went to Allen Carmon, Larry Chauncey, Joe Grogan, Frankie Jones, Frank Overhuls, Nelson Spoto, Ronnie Carroll, Jimmie Dungan, Ronnie Hill, Dean Martinson, Tom Porter and Jack Vincent. Recipients of junior varsity baseball letters were Frank Patszalek, Jimmy Chauncey, Tommy Harrelson, James Tucker, Jerry Laviano, Van Gray, James Campbell, Claud English, Randy Sperry, Tommy Dodd, Cliff Cooper, Rodney Price, Clyde Rowland, Herman Mason and John Tullis. Football Coach McRaney presented varsity football letters to Mike McGinnis, Larry Turner, Jack Vincent, Allen Carmon, Frankie Jones, Nelson Spoto, Glenn Praay, Frank Overhuls, John Wintersteen, Lonnie Daughtery, Ronnie Carroll, Ernest Sheppard, Gary Bracknell, Jimmy Daniels, Reggie Brown, Sam Surratt, Ronnie Cherry, Ed Strube, Dennis Hiott, Ronnie Gross and Ronnie Griffin. The Coach presented Jayvee football letters to Van Gray, Ryan Gray, James Tucker, Jack Lane, Douglas Prowant, Nelson Peeples, Homer Quick, Alan Murphy, Robert Bolton, Jimmy Chauncey, James Daughtery, Ricki Howell, Ricki McGinnis, Frank Patszalek, Bob Nichols, Dexter Uterhardt, Bill Swan, Roy Hutto, Steve McGinnis, and Jerry Laviano. Mike McGinnis also received the “Football Player of the Year” award presented by Bill Bailey of radio station WPAS. Named along with McGinnis as winners of the WPAS “Football Player of the Week” awards were Glen Praay, Ronnie Gross, Frankie Jones, Jack Vincent, Allen Carmon and Ronnie Carroll. Basketball-Coach McKinney presented varsity basketball letters to Jack Bentley, Ronnie Carroll, Mike McGinnis, Fletcher Padgett, Robert Price, Larry Turner, Jimmie Dungan, Ray Bolt, Ronnie Cherry, Frank Overhuls, Tom Porter, Nelson Spoto and Jed Wilkinson. Recipients of Jayvee basketball letters were Jerry Laviano, Steve McGinnis, Glenn Praay, Joe Grogan, Danny Linville, Bill Lyons, Mark Higginson, Larry Chauncey and Ricki McGinnis Track-Coach Worthingson presented track letters to Ronnie Carroll, Frank Overhuls, Glen Praay, Nelson Spoto, Mike McGinnis, Tom Porter, Ed Sorenson and Larry Turner. Golf-Coach Kustes presented golf awards to Dickie Dibble, Mike McGinnis, Billy Lyons and Alan Murphy.-Cheerleaders Recipients of varsity cheerleader letters were Gertrude Braxton, Harriet Morton, Myra Bialik, Peggy Bracknell, Dyanna Church and Vonda Kinsey. Jayvee cheerleader letters also presented by Mrs. Kaylor went to Suzanne Winters, Terry Snyder, Jannette Dunnigan and Nancy Davis.
Silver Tea Set by FHA, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, April 2, 1964 Zephyrhills Chapter of the Future Homemakers of America will be the hostess group for a silver tea featuring table settings and flower arrangements from 3:30 until 5 p.m. Saturday, April 18, in Municipal Auditorium. “Months of the Year” is the chosen theme for the event. Prior to the formal opening, a panel of judges will evaluate the several tables with their appointments and floral decorations. The committee in charge of the event, to which the public is invited, includes: Miss Gloria Kinnard, secretary; Miss Barbara Thompson, refreshments; Miss Diane Clements, arrangements; Miss Alice Back, clean-up; and Miss Kaye Henry, publicity. Categories suggested by the committee for use by FHA members as themes for their decorative entries include New Year’s and basketball for January; Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays, Valentine and Leap Year for February; Spring, St. Patrick’s and Easter in March; baby and bridal showers in April; May Day, Mother’s Day and the prom in May; graduation, wedding, vacation and Father’s Day in June; Independence Day and beach stays in July; Bon Voyage and nautical in August; Labor Day and school days in September; Halloween, Columbus Day and football in October; Thanksgiving and Veteran’s Day in November; Christmas and Chanukah in December; and in a suggested miscellaneous category—hobo, “Sweet 16,” and “Country Style.” Mrs. Robert H. Johnson, home economics instructor, is advisor to the sponsoring group.
Class B Champions, Zephyrhills News, March 19, 1964
McGinnis, Spoto on All-State B Quintet Mike McGinnis, Zephyrhills talented athlete, was a unanimous choice to the Class B All-State Tournament Team selected by the sportswriters covering the meet at Gainesville last weekend. McGinnis, along with his teammate Nelson Spoto, was also named to the team, helped the Bulldogs capture the Class B championship. It was the second time in three years that Zephyrhills had won the B title. Another unanimous choice was Ted Gottfield of Mount Dora which Zephyrhills beat 32-29 in the finals. Ron Mikell, Mount Dora and Marvin Lassiter, Malone, were also named to the 5-man Class B squad. A Strong Finish-March 12, 1964 The ZHS “B” basketball team, losers of their first eight games, came back to win 13 of their next 15 outings and compile a 13-10 season record. Coach Will McRaney pointed out that the team did this despite the handicap of an outdoor court; and on only two days all season was the full court made available to the reserve squad to practice. In photo—left to right are Randy Hodges, Doug Prowant, Terry Linville, Michael Cleary, Arthur Chadwell, Sandy Simons, Charles Oswald, Raymond Hodges and Tommy Dodd. Regulars are in back, left to right—Jerry Laviano, Danny Linville, Steve McGinnis, Glenn Praay, Richard Classey, Joe Grogan, Bill Lyons, Mark Higginson, Larry Chauncey and Rick McGinnis. Classey and Chauncey were the team’s most consistent scorers. Grogan and Laviano led the rebound department and Praay and Rick McGinnis were top ball handlers, the coach said. Varsity Team in TV Interview on WEDU (3) Tonight Tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 the Zephyrhills Bulldogs will be featured in a TV interview over WEDU, Channel 3. The varsity state champs, accompanied by Coach Charles McKinney, Athletic Director, John R. Clements and County School Superintendent Chester W. Taylor Jr. traveled to Tampa Tuesday morning to tape the program. Accomplishments of the season were discussed, trophies displayed and a 12-minute discussion of physical education and its purposes included. Following the filming Superintendent Taylor was host for a victory dinner honoring the team at a Tampa cafeteria. The interview will be seen on the program “Education In Action,” which is sponsored by seven West Florida counties on a rotating basis. Basketball—Everything to Ray Bolt, The Tampa Tribune, December 2005 Many thought ZHS Ray Bolt was the heart and soul of the last Zephyrhills High boys basketball Team to win a state title. ![]()
Dogs Close Season With Game At Dade City Saturday Night, Zephyrhills News, February 13, 1964
The Zephyrhills High School Basketball Team will be seeking its 20th victory of the season tomorrow (Friday) night when the ZHS quintet invades the Tampa Jefferson gym for a game with Brewster Tech. Then Saturday night the Orange and Black will close the regularly-scheduled season with a rematch with Pasco High of Dade City in the county seat’s National Guard Armory. Zephyrhills, defeated only four times this y ear, won over the Pirates last year, 55 to 45. Of the four losses, Coach McKinney’s crew have absorbed, two have been to still undefeated Hernando—once by 53-48 and once by 57-55; one by Class AA Ocoee by 52-51 and to Class AA Plant City in the season opener, 52-46. The team on Monday will begin intensive workouts for the Tampa Bay Conference tournament, opening February 20 in Mulberry. Past Week’s Action During the past week the Bulldogs added more bones to their collection, defeating St. Leo Friday, 80-42, Citrus of Inverness Saturday 77-41, and Mulberry on Tuesday 79-68. The team started slowly against St. Leo and trailed 16-15 at the end of the first quarter, but roared back to outscore the visitors 25-14 in the second quarter, 24-3 in the third period and 16-9 in the last stanza. Mike McGinnis netted 31 points and Jed Wilkinson, leader in rebounds, added 17. Tom Porter’s 10 and Ray Bolt’s 8 added luster to the victory. The last quarter of the clash was played in the rain on the primitive outdoor ZHS slab. There was no B team game. Citrus Game Runaway The “Dogs played one of their finest first halves of the season at Inverness Saturday night and led 38-9 in intermission. |