Zephyrhills High School – 1962


Highlights of 1962

Fifty-nine Seniors Receive Diplomas, Eight are Cited for Special Awards, Zephyrhills News, June 8, 1962

Commencement exercises for the 59-member 1962 graduating class of Zephyrhills High School were held Tuesday evening in Municipal Auditorium.

In addition to the awarding of diplomas, speeches by scholastic honors winners and remarks by school officials, six scholarships for advanced study were presented.

The seniors, capped and gowned, filed in to the strains of “March of the Priests,” played by Miss Doris Gorrecht as a processional after an organ prelude. At the conclusion of the traditional ceremonies, Miss Gorrecht, who was officiating as organist for the 12th consecutive time, played, “Pomp and Circumstance” as the graduates left the scene.

The Rev. B.A. Oswald gave the invocation and the Rev. Robert N. Weaver the benediction.

Welcome Address

William McGavern, Salutatorian, welcomed the large audience with these words:

“Centuries ago the great Diogenes said ‘the foundation of every state’ is the education of its youth.” Tonight, having completed the course assigned to us by our counselors, we feel we are now a small part of the foundation of the State of Florida.

The work of our school years is completed but our education will continue so long as we live. Assurances of the good wishes of our townspeople have meant much to us. Your interest and friendship have been an inspiration and comfort to us and we are grateful. We realize that to some graduating from Zephyrhills High School is not the most important thing in the world, but all of you who remember your feeling of satisfaction at a similar time in your own lives will understand and sympathize with our emotions tonight.”

President Speaks

“Protecting our Heritage” was the topic of an address by Class President Tom Gill who told the audience that “Man as a creature capable of rational thinking has a free will which cannot be controlled by any other man, society or government and this freedom of will is the axiom upon which the entire American way of life is built.”  

Branding the doctrines of Communism at work today against our freedoms, Gill, also warned against several “unconscious forces which in the long run may be equally as dangerous.”

He listed conformity of society, stifling the freedom of expression, lack of intellectual and spiritual pursuits on the part of many citizens, government censorship and control in the latter category. In closing, Gill pledged, “We will endeavor to protect and perpetuate the freedoms which have made the United States of American and try to maintain, each in our own way, our country economically, socially, intellectually and spiritually, so that it may always be ‘The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave.”

Valedictorian’s Address

Miss Barbara Russ, Valedictorian, used the class motto, “We Build The Ladder By Which We Climb,” as her topic.

Stating, “Friendships have been the rails that support the rungs of our ladder,” Miss Russ expressed appreciation for helpfulness from the school board, faculty and interested citizens. She admonished undergraduates, “Do not waste time, you’ll regret it! Get all the knowledge you can, you’ll need it.” She concluded with “We realize we have often fallen short of attempted goals, but our failures may have helped to make our ladder stronger…though we may lack in wisdom we have a firm faith in high ideals. Behind are memories—ahead the future!”

Awards Presentation

Mrs. Margaretta C. Witt, member of the Pasco Board of Public Instruction and Chester Taylor, Jr., Pasco County Superintendent of Schools, made awards presentations.

I.A. Krusen, president of the Pasco County Board of School Trustees, assisted by Principal Charles A. Henderson, presented the diplomas.

Zephyrhills News, Graduation Whirl Begins: Miss Russ, McGavern Top 59 Senior Candidates, June 1, 1962

A class of 59 boys and girls, largest on record will be graduated from Zephyrhills High School in commencement exercises for 1962, scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, in Municipal Auditorium.

Miss Barbara Russ, daughter of Mrs. Ethel M. Russ, is the 1962 Valedictorian. William “Billy” McGavern, son of the Rev. and Mrs. C. G. McGavern, has been named salutatorian.

The class roster also includes: Lawrence Allegoood, Linda Anderson, Bruce Armstrong, Arthur Austin, Judson Baggett, Mary All Bialik, Clyde Bracknell, Delores Braxton, Linda Cavin, Ralph Chamberlain, Alice Faye Chestnutt, Larry Crosby, Donald Crutcher, Margaret Daughery, Elzie Dees, Tom Finnell, Betty Garner, Thomas Geiger, Susan Gill, Thomas Gill, Hazel Greene, Shirley Griffin, Samuel Gross, Virginia Hauff, Eupha Hilton, Bobby Hilton, Jeanne Hiott, Louie Holt, Joyce Hopkins, Brenda Howell, William Jeffries, Stewart Joyce, Larry Kearse, Frank Kersey, Marsha King, and Nancy Kocher.

Also, Dale Lindsay, Margaret Love, Charles Perry, Sharon Pach, Rose Petrie, Richard Prowant, Wayne Reutimann, Walter Rowland, Linda Robison, Stephen Smith, Judy Surratt, Joel Stephens, Harry Thain, Eugene Tilley, Lorraine Wallace, Norman Weaver, Margaret Welch, Sandra White, Juanita Widener, Pauline Widener, and Patricia Wolfe.

Of this number 11 graduates are honor students having held a B or better average during the first 3 ½ years of high school work.

The honor graduates are: Bruce Armstrong, Arthur Austin, Linda Cavin, Donald Crutcher, Betty Garner, Susan Gill, Brenda Howell, William McGavern, Barbara Russ, Judy Surratt, and Margaret Welch.

Order of Events-The annual Junior-Senior Prom, to be held this Friday evening in the Municipal Auditorium, will usher in a series of graduating events. A faculty committee composed of W.R. Jeffries, chairman, Mrs. George Swing, co-chairman; John Geiger, Arthur W. Riley, and Mrs. Jon Ferguson will supervise arrangements for the prom.

Junior Class President, X.L. Garrison, Jr. is being assisted by a committee including David Pattie and Judy Goulding, decorations and Oleta Price, seating and invitations.

Awards Assembly-Two awards assemblies will be held at the school next Tuesday, with 10th through 12th grade students meeting at 8:35 a.m. and 7th through 9th grade students at 9:35 a.m.

Included among the honors to be presented are: certificates of attendance, honor roll certificates, Danforth Foundation challenge awards, DAR citizenship award, the National Merit Scholarship certificate of Merit, Florida Forensic League Awards, American Legion Citizenship awarded to 8th grade students, athletic awards, Safety Patrol certificates, typing awards, home economics awards, cheerleader awards, DCT awards, prizes in the Civitan-sponsored essay contest, FFA awards and the Florida Power Community Development essay contest award.

Class Night Plans-The traditional class night will be held beginning at 8 p.m. next Friday, June 1, in the High school Auditorium. Miss Barbara Russ is serving as chairman while John F. Clements and Lamar Calhoun are faculty advisors.

“A typical day at Zephyrhills High School” is the theme of the program. Frank Kersey will moderate. Delores Braxton will give the class history, Lorraine Wallace the last will and testament and Margaret Welch the prophecy.

The 1962 Zephilsco, school yearbook, will be dedicated by Judy Surratt. Louie Holt will officiate at the crowing of Zephilsco royalty and Miss Russ will have charge of the presentation of the yearbook to the school.

Following Class Night exercises there will be a “signing party” and dance in Municipal Auditorium, a midnight move and a “dawn” swimming party.

Baccalaureate-First Baptist Church will be host for Baccalaureate beginning at 8pm. Sunday, June 3. Miss Doris Gorrecht will again be the organist. A trio composed of Mrs. Leroy Beddingfield, Mrs. Robert Hooks, and Mrs. P.H. Murphy, Jr. will sing, “Beautiful Savior” and several local ministers will participate in the program.

The Baccalaureate sermon will be preached by the Rev. Allen Higginbotham, pastor of First Baptist Church of Apopka.

(Zephyrhills seniors of Catholic faith, of which there are four, will participate in their own Baccalaureate; see story, elsewhere in this issue).

Elementary Graduation

Special ceremonies for graduation of 6th grade pupils into junior high will be held Monday, June 4. The program will begin at 9 a.m. at East Elementary School and at 10 a.m. at West Elementary School. Miss Alice Zimmerman is in charge of planning both programs.  Commencement will begin at 8 pm June 5 in Municipal Auditorium.  Miss Doris Gorrecht, who for 14 years has assisted in graduation activities in this capacity, will be organist. The traditional processional and recessional music will be played. Speakers will be: William McGavern, salutatorian; Tom Gill, class president; and Barbara Russ, valedictorian.

Awards will be presented by Mrs. V.E. Witt, Pasco County School Board Member, and County Superintendent of Schools, Chester Taylor, Jr.  Diplomas will be presented by I.A. Krusen, chairman of the board of trustees, assisted by Principal Charles A. Henderson.

Class colors are blue and white. The class flower is a white rose and the class motto is “We Build the Ladder By Which We Climb.”

Spring 4-H Boys Win Honor Awards, Zephyrhills News, June 1, 1962

Six Crystal Springs Boys 4-H Club members attended the annual awards banquet in Dade City Saturday.

Leader Walter Higginson was saluted for nine years of faithful leadership of the club, and members received the following awards: David Coell, dairy judging team; Joe Higginson, garden, dairy judging team and junior lamp; Paul Pattie, safety, dairy judging team, electricity and swine; Richard Morton, dairy judging team; Hal Morton, electricity and safety; and Jim Marsh, safety.

ZHS and Pasco Seniors Tour Washington, New York on Trip, Zephyrhills News, May 17, 1962, by Judy Surratt

On Wednesday, April 18, the seniors from Zephyrhills High and Pasco High School met at the train station in Trilby to start their senior class trip to Washington, D.C. and New York City.

By the time we ate dinner on the train; the two groups had met each other and were talking over plans for the coming week. Arriving in Washington about 7:30 a.m. we were escorted to a special bus for a tour which included the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, the Archives Building and the White House.

We then had lunch in the Supreme Court Cafeteria, after which we took a personally-conducted tour of Capitol Hill, including the Library of Congress and the United States Capitol. We then went to the Carlyle Hotel and there we learned our room assignments and when we were going to eat dinner.

Bright and early the next morning we again boarded the bus for a tour through the Smithsonian Institute, and then on to Washington Monument, which has 898 steps. Some of the group walked up and down the steps to be sure there were that many.

We then visited the home of our first President, George Washington, at Mount Vernon. Later we went through Arlington National Cemetery and witnessed the changing of the guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Saturday morning we left Washington for New York City. Our first tour in New York was of Radio City Music Hall where we saw the world’s largest theatre, the Easter stage show, the Rockettes and the movie, Moon Pilot. For dinner we ate in an Automat, which proved very exciting. The next morning was Easter Sunday and everyone attended church services either at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church or Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

Watch Easter Parade

We met afterward and proceeded to the United Nations for a personally conducted tour. By this time, the Easter Parade had gathered on Fifth Avenue and many stopped to watch it. The evening was free, so some groups went to China Town, some went ice skating or around Manhattan Island. On the return, a bus took us for a tour of upper and lower New York, stopping at Rockefeller Center for a look inside the R.C. A. Building. In the evening we were given tickets to see, “My Fair Lady.”

The next morning being free, we either went shopping or paid return visits to some of the places we had already seen. We left New York in the afternoon, eating dinner in Washington around 6:30 p.m. After we had boarded the train for home, groups could be seen laughing and talking over the exciting week we had just experienced. Many new friends and memories have been gained during the week—ones that will never be forgotten.

Laure Higginson Has Busy Summer, Zephyrhills News, June 8, 1962

Miss Laura Ann Higginson is enjoying a week with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Kenneth Higginson, before leaving for Tallahassee, where she will assist with the state 4’H Short Course.

She will then return to Zephyrhills for several days before leaving for summer camp work at the Foundation Youth Leadership Camp at Stoney Creek, Michigan. Miss Higginson has completed her junior year in home economics at Florida State University.

Two Juniors Selected As Delegates To Boys State, Zephyrhills News, June 8, 1962

X.L. Garrison Jr. and Robert Johnson, members of the junior class of Zephyrhills High School, have been chosen delegates to the American-Legion-sponsored Boy’s state to be held Sunday through next Saturday (June 10-16) at Florida State University.  Alternates are Johnny Clements and Kenny Bloom. Garrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. X.L. Garrison, is president of the junior class and was a member of the school’s championship basketball team. He plays in the Zephyrhills High School Band, is vice president of the student council. He was born in Columbus, Ohio.

Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johnson and is a native of Florida, born in Tallahassee. He plays in the Zephyrhills High School Band and is member of the Florida Forensic League. He has mechanics as a hobby.

Members of the Legion committee delegated to select the 1962 Boy’s Staters are Max E. Cook, chairman, Lester Bales, Jr., Lucy Mae Knox, Irene J. Popp, and Commander Carl D. Lippincott, ex-officio.

School Daze by Bobbie June Chambless, Zephyrhills News, Friday, September 21, 1962

Ray Newman was elected president when the Senior Class met Friday morning. Also elected were: David Patti, vice president; Chere Crosby, secretary and Ruthanne Frantz, treasurer. The class selected their colors, which will be aqua and white and their flowers which will be aqua carnations and white roses.

The Junior Class has started its annual magazine drive, which will continue through October 4. Over the weekend they collected $190.

During the Pep Rally Friday afternoon, X.L. Garrison Jr. Presented Principal C.A. Henderson a prettily decorated birthday cake on behalf of the student body. The cheerleaders led in the singing of “Happy Birthday.

Cafeteria Big Business

There is one phase of our school life that gets little publicity and about which the general public knows very little. That is our school cafeteria. The cafeteria has a staff of seven women: Mrs. Jean Sellars, Mrs. Pearl Taylor, Mrs. Sylvia Geiger, Miss Mertie Bird, Miss Florence Amos and Miss Janie Daniels. These ladies go to work at 7 a.m. and work until 2:30 p.m. They feed an average of 650 people per day (this is including the East Elementary School). To give you an idea of the quantity of food that are required to feed 650 people, here is an average day’s food—250 lbs of potatoes, 70 lbs of cabbage, 40 lbs. of spaghetti, 32 loaves of bread, 900 rolls and 120 lbs. of hamburger.  

I imagine you are thinking what I am—glad—I don’t have to peel 250 lbs. of potatoes whenever I cook them. The cafeteria has a yearly budget of $34,410.43. A total of $24,757.38 of this goes for food, $667.05 goes for non-food and $8,986 goes for salaries.

School Daze by Bobbie June Chambless, Zephyrhills News, September 14, 1962

Hello again,

There hasn’t been too much happening around old ZHS this week, Everyone is getting adjusted to their schedule, and as far as classes go, everything seems to be running smoothly. The various clubs and classes will meet Thursday and Friday to select their officers for the coming year.

There is a great deal of excitement about the first football game. The cheerleaders will lead the student body in a Pep Rally Friday afternoon and will be sporting new uniforms this year.

Cheerleaders this year are Glenda Temples and Sharon McKendree from last year’s staff, and Diane Clements, Pat Edmundson, Jane DeLong and Betty Smircich from last year’s Jayvee cheerleading staff.

School Enrollment Will Set Record, Zephyrhills News, August 24, 1962

Plan to Register Pupils At City Learning Centers

Plans for registering Zephyrhills High School students for the coming term has been announced by Principal Charles A. Henderson. Lewis K. Wynne, administrative assistant will direct the registration.

Students, grades seven through 12, will report to the school cafeteria for class assignment and payment of fees from 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. next Thursday and from 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. Friday, August 31.

New students will register at a table set up at the southeast entrance where home room lists will be posted on the bulletin board. Fees to be paid include $3 each for chemistry, biology and agriculture; $1 each for home economics and typing. All students will pay a 50 cents audio-visual fee.

Locker rent is $2 for the entire year

Elementary Registration

Registration hours for both Zephyrhills West Elementary School and Zephyrhills East Elementary School are from 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Friday, August 32, according to the respective principals, Arleis E. Ross and F.E. Renninger.

Zephyrhills News (photo) October 5, 1962

The 1962 ZHS Football Squad—All dressed up in their new football finery are the members of this year’s Zephyrhills Bulldogs.  Left to right in picture caption are Willie Canaday, Larry Weicht, Ronnie Griffin, Mike Lane, Frank Overhuls, and Allen Carmon. Second row—Custer Collins, Nelson Spoto, Andrew McHenry, Mike McGinnis, Sam Surrat Jr., Johnny Clements, Jim Daniels and Ronnie Cherry; Third row: Coach Bill Worthington, Ronald Carroll, Bob Combs, Frankie Jones, Ronnie Gross, Ed Strube, Jack Bentley, Myron Amison, Lewis Street and Assistant Coach Will McRaney; Fourth row—Marvin Reed, Lonnie Daughtery, Larry Turner, Ray Bolt, John Wintersteen, Jack Vincent, Don Zundel, and Hennon Styles; center, back—Lucky Arnold, Reggie Brown and Ernest Sheppard. Absent when the picture was taken was Bill Stanton.

Judy Goulding is Named Officer of Girls State City, Zephyrhills News, July 6, 1962

Judy Goulding, Miss Zephyrhills of 1962, who attended Girls State last week in Tallahassee, was elected an officer of City No. 1 in the week-long practice session in government.  

Miss Goulding also served as Pasco County’s representative in the House of Representatives.

Seminole Girls State is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary at Florida State University and 12 mythical cities were staffed with a mayor, commissioners, councilmen and other officers.

Royalty of Yearbook Crowned at Laugh-packed Class Night, Zephyrhills News, June 8, 1962

Miss Deloris Braxton and Clyde Bracknell were crowned 1962 Zephilsco queen and king Friday evening during traditional Class Night ceremonies held in the auditorium at Zephyrhills High School.

Miss Judy Surratt dedicated the 1962 Zephilsco yearbook to Ernest L. Kretschmar and W.R. Jeffries, faculty members.

Miss Barbara Russ, editor of the yearbook, presented copies of the school annual to Principal Charles A. Henderson, Mrs. George Swing and Mrs. Victor Hall. She told of new features of the 1962 edition.

Frank Kersey was moderator for the Class Night Program, theme of which was “A Typical Day at Zephyrhills High School.”

In keeping with the theme, the stage was transformed into classrooms and for the fun and frolic program, which include the presentation of the class history, written by Miss Braxton by President Tom Gill, the last will and testament, by Miss Lorraine Wallace and the class prophecy by Miss Margaret Welch.

The seniors sang the traditional “Halls of Ivy” to which members of the junior class responded with “Aloha.”

At the close of the program seniors and their dates went to the school cafeteria for a “signing party” at which senior home room mothers, with Mrs. Myron Prowant as chairman, entertained.

Copies of the Zephilsco were autographed and refreshments served during the party which rounded out a week of pre-graduation events.

Coronation Detailed

B.Y. Wickstrom, editor of the Zephyrhills News, officiated at the coronation event, for which an enlarged cover of the current edition of the school annual, fashioned by freshmen students, was used as a backdrop. Queen Delores Braxton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny P. Braxton and King Clyde is the son of Mrs. Maybell Bracknell.

Runners up who served as members of the royal court were Miss Susan Gill and Frank Kersey. Both Delores and Princess Susan were presented with arm bouquets.

Other candidates for queen were Marsha King, Linda Cavin and Sandy White. Other candidates for king were Billy McGavern, Norman Weaver and Judson Baggett.

Twelve girls and 12 boys were nominated by the yearbook staff on the basis of scholarship, activities and the quality of the student’s senior picture. The senior class then narrowed the field to five boys and five girls, the election being based on individual popularity. Final selection was made by Henry Morgan, popular television performer on “I’ve Got A Secret.”

Coronation of Queen Linda Cavin Is Highlight of Homecoming Night, Zephyrhills News, November 3, 1961

Highlighting the Zephyrhills High School’s 1961 homecoming festivities during halftime of the football game between the Bulldogs and the East Bay Indians at Charles B. Krusen Memorial Field Friday evening was the crowing of Miss Linda Cavin as queen and Frank Kersey as king.

Sharing coronation honors with them were Miss Bonnie Rannald as princess and Johnny Clements as prince.

Mrs. Hugh Burress, who as Miss Dorothy Daniels was last year’s homecoming queen, crowned Queen Linda and King Frank in ceremonies, emceed by David Smith, last year’s student council president.

Miss Cavin, 18, is the daughter of Mrs. Lonnie Cavin. For the coronation she was gowned in a strapless hyacinth-blue formal and carried an arm bouquet of chrysanthemums tied with ribbons in the orange and black school colors. She was escorted by Buzzie Reutimann.

Chosen for the honor by the high school student body, Queen Linda is a member of the senior class, is president of the DCT Club, a past president and currently chaplain of the Future Homemakers of America Chapter, has participated in the “Miss Pasco County” Beauty Queen contest and has reigned as “Miss Zephyrhills.”

Runner-up for queen was Miss Delores Braxton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Braxton. She was gowned in white and escorted by Ernest Peeples.

Kersey, 17, also a senior is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kersey. He was chosen king by his fellow football players, is a member of the Beta Club, and is co-captain of the Zephyrhills Bulldogs team on which he plays fullback.

Prince and Princess

Princess Bonnie, 16, daughter of Mrs. Alfred Rannald, and the late Mr. Rannald, is a junior. She was selected in balloting by the high school student body. For the coronation ceremony she wore a strapless mint green formal, carried an arm bouquet of chrysanthemums tied with the school colors and was escorted by Franchot Hutchinson.

Runner-up for princess was Miss Bobby June Chambless, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chambless. She wore a white formal and was escorted by Randy Lane.

Prince Johnny, 16, also a junior, is the son of Coach and Mrs. John F. Clements. He was chosen by the Bulldogs team members with whom he plays as left end. Miss Cletia Weaver, Miss Terry Lee Meyer, Miss Harriet Morton, and Miss Nancy Bentley, chosen from the 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th grades, respectively, served as maids in the coronation ceremonies.

Miss Weaver, daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. R. N. Weaver, was gowned in white. Her escort was Jack Bentley. Miss Meyer, daughter of Mrs. Eva Meyer and the late Raymond Meyer, wore a pale yellow formal and was escorted by Billy McGavern. Miss Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morton, wore an American Beauty formal and was escorted by Ronnie Cherry. Miss Bentley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bentley, was gowned in a Nile green formal and was escorted by Bob Nichols. Each of the maids had a “football” mum corsage, tied with the school colors.

Bands Form Football

For the ceremonies, The Zephyrhills High and Junior Bands, under the baton of Bandmaster John T.V. Clark, formed a huge football on the field. The homecoming royalty took their places in the center of the “football.”

After the game the royalty attended the Homecoming dance at the American Legion Hall, decorated for the occasion in school colors. The homecoming festivities were sponsored by the Zephyrhills High School Student Council with Jud Baggett as president and Lamar Calhoun as sponsor.

Barbara Russ was in charge of the ceremonies at the athletic field. Sue Snider was chairman of the dance after the game. Assisting arrangements were Gracie Lippincott and Sam Gross.

Zephyrhills Girl High in State Test, Zephyrhills News, September 29, 1961

Miss Barbara Russ, a member of the senior class at Zephyrhills High School, is a semi-finalist for the 1962 Merit Scholarship.

Of the 13,364 students who took the test in Florida, only 674 ranked as semi-finalists, and Miss Russ is one of the top 21 among these 674.

Each year the National Merit Scholarship Corporation of Evanston, Ill, representing about 400 businesses and corporations of the United States, administers tests and awards some 830 scholarships based on aptitude, scholastic achievement and need. The scholarship will pay up to the full amount of the cost of attending college, depending on the need of the student.

Students in 248 schools in Florida took the tests recently. To become a semi-finalist, a student had to have a selection score of 133 of better. Of the 674 students selected in Florida, Miss Russ was one of 21 students with selection scores of 150 or better and was one of seven with a score of 150. Five students scored 151, two 153 one 154, one 159 and one 160. The Zephyrhills girl will take the scholastic aptitude tests with the College Entrance Board Dec. 2, according to Principal C. A. Henderson. Miss Russ resides with Mr. and Mrs. George Simons at Bar-S-Bar Ranch on Sunshine Road.

Opening Day Enrollment 1,142; Expect 1,200 Total Next Week, Zephyrhills News, September 8, 1961

A total first day enrollment figure of 1142, an all-time high, has been reported for Zephyrhills schools. This represents an increase of 34 students over the registrations on the first day of school last year.

An additional 100 students, 60 in high school and 20 in each elementary branch, are expected to enroll by the end of the first two weeks of school. They will bring the enrollment total to well above the 1200 mark.

Of the 1142 enrolling for classes Tuesday, 517 are students in Zephyrhills High School, according to Principal Charles A. Henderson. East Elementary school has 395 with Assistant Principal James. L. Turner in charge; and 230 are in West Elementary School with Arleis E. Ross as principal.

An interesting coincidence is that the high school and West Elementary figures are the same as they were on opening day of school last year. East Elementary had a gain of 34.

Off to Smooth Start

Principals Henderson and Ross told the News the current school opening period has been the smoothest recalled. Full schedules were maintained on school opening day Tuesday and fewer class “overloads” than usual were noted. At the two East schools assemblies were held. Henderson expressed himself as being exceptionally well pleased with the general attitude of the students. “All are aware that college entrance requirements are higher and they seem more than ever before to realize the importance of getting an education,” the principal said.

A breakdown of the high school enrollment figures shows 115 students in the 7th grade, 117 in the 8th grade, 86 in the 9th, 95 in the 10th, 45 in the 11th, and 42 in the 12th. There are also 17 DCT students.  

Faculty Members Travel to Starke to Buy Materials, Zephyrhills News, September 1, 1961

A group of Zephyrhills High and East Elementary school faculty members headed by Principal Charles A. Henderson, drove to Starke Monday to inspect and purchase school supplies from the Florida Development Commission’s Surplus Property Disposal Division.

In the delegation were Henderson, Assistant Principal James L. Turner, Miss Victor Hall, Mrs. A.M. Gooding, Mrs. X. L. Garrison, W. R. Jeffries, Bill Baker, John Geiger, John T.V. Clark, Jr., and William A. Worthington.

Purchases included 120 library books, paper supplies, hand tools and other equipment for the vocational agriculture department, library chairs, padding material for football uniforms, and a tape recorder for use in the language and English departments.

Class of 1960 Reunion Draws 18 Grads and Families, Zephyrhills News, June 26, 1980

Forty-eight seniors graduated from Zephyrhills High School in June 1960. Saturday—20 years later—18 members of the Class of 1960 and their families enjoyed a reunion.

A family get-together was held in the Community Center, Zephyr Park with a buffet lunch catered by Larry Miller of the Rustic Oaks. Letters from members unable to attend were shared, as were memories of the good old school days at ZHS.

Saturday night husbands and wives enjoyed dinner at a restaurant in Lakeland. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baggett, Jessica, Kevin, Sarah and Bobby of Zephyrhills; Mrs. Jim (Judy Oliver) Padgett, Mark and Joy of Dade City; Mrs. Elaine (McKendree) Benjamin and Teryl of Zephyrhills; Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Cathy Skinner) Stokoe and Sherry of Virginia Beach, Va; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crist, David, Susan, Christina and Gary of Zephyrhills; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stokes, Paula and Mark of Zephyrhills; Mr. and Mrs. (Rae Foster) Maren of Gainesville; Mr. and Mrs. Norman (Louise Leopold) Henry, Andrea and Chris of Lakeland; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Kayleen and Janeen of Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dayton, Michelle and Karla of Zephyrhills; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laviano and Michelle of Zephyrhills; Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Lynn Nichols) Timmons, Traci, Tricia and Holly of Marietta, Ga; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riesen, Tina and Brian of Binghamton, NY; Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Janice Houck) Ryals, Jerry and Glen of Seffner; Mrs. Linda (Freeburg), Gary, Jay and Trevor of Zephyrhills; Mr. and Mrs. Al (Vivian Geiger) Bush and Jeff from Dade City; Mr. and Mrs. Donnie (Sharon Forbes) Nelson, Mike and and Lori of Zephyrhills; and Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Barbara Adams) Riffel of Lakeland.

Other guests attending the Reunion were former class member Gayelle Garrison of Dade City, who graduated early with the class of 1959, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Clements and Mrs. Lawrence Leopold. Special recognition was made regarding the following members: Richard Riesen—came the farthest distance, 1400 miles; Cathy Stokoe—most children (6 teenagers); Robert Baggett—most children present at reunion, 4; Judy Padgett—youngest child (10 months).

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