New Teachers, Zephyrhills News, September 4, 1959 New Teachers Charles A. Henderson is returning as principal after an absent of two years during which he served in Bushnell. In addition six new teachers have joined the high school faculty. Ernest Kretschmar, who taught at Pasco High School the last two years, is returning to Zephyrhills, where he will teach Junior and Senior High mathematics. W.A. Washington who comes to us from Ada, Oklahoma will teach Junior and Senior High science at ZHS. From May, Florida, we have E. F. Reitz, Junior and Senior High social studies teacher, who also is in charge of the directed reading course. A recent graduate of the University of Tampa, James Eikeland is beginning his teaching career at Zephyr High. He is teaching two high school classes in educational television and is another Junior and Senior High social studies teacher. Two of the new members of the high school faculty taught in the Zephyrhills Elementary School last year. Mrs. Victor Hall will be the new high school librarian and Miss Carolyn Jones will teach Spanish I and II and seventh grade science.
New ZHS Assistant Principal, Zephyrhills News, August 21, 1959 James L. Turner, is the new assistant principal of Zephyrhills School.
An experienced administrator and teacher, Mr. Turner comes here from
Pahokee. He has a master of science degree from the University of
Baccalaureate Set, Zephyrhills News, May 22, 1959 A baccalaureate service this coming Sunday evening, a class night program on Friday evening next week, and commencement exercises Friday night, June 5, will mark the end of Zephyrhills school days for 48 seniors—29 girls and 19 boys. Miss Laura Ann Higginson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Higginson, and Miss Margie Braden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braden, have been chosen valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively. Other honor students are Marcia Betterman, Patricia Galster, Delilah Johnson, Artiste Parsons, Benny Brooks, Gayle Garrison, Lorelei Lincoln, Benjamin Smith and Sylvia Sutton. Completing the class roll are Charlie Ray Adams, Loretta Bamberger, James Burgess, Donald Edwards, Marvin Gill, Clifton Grimes, Mary Ann Hodges, Dorothy Hudson, Nancy Miller, Monica Prowant, Emil Reutimann, III, Jeffy Sanford, Bobbie Jean Temples, Shirley Walker, Patricia Whitehead, Carmen Yebba, John Andres, Sandra Craig, Robert Gerlach, Medford Griffin, Terrance Hancock, Robert Hinsz, Theron Howard, Alice Hutchinson, Richard Kirk, Joyce Lummus, Merle Padgett, Kay Pope, Barbara Shelton, Joyce Stover, Gwendolyn Stroup, Frederick Trebour, Marvin Wheeler, Sandra Wolancevich and Barbara Youmans. Baccalaureate Service-The sanctuary of First Methodist Church will be the scene of the baccalaureate service at 8 o’clock Sunday evening. Marvin Gill is senior class chairman for the annual event. Decorations will be by members of the sophomore class with Richard Miles as president. Ushers will also be sophomores. The Rev. Earl Thorp of New Orleans Baptist Church, Tampa, will deliver the baccalaureate service. The Rev. Henry L. Kinnard, Jr. will give the invocation. Class colors of red and white will be featured in decorations by members of the freshman class with Miss Judy Surratt as chairman. The class flower is the aster and the motto is “Not at the top but climbing.” Coach Johnny Clements will crown Zephilsco (summer annual) royalty. Miss Margie Braden, editor, will dedicate the annual, for which Mrs. George Swing has served as sponsor. Freshman will usher for Class Night. Members of the graduating class and their chaperones will leave for Miami Beach at 6 o’clock Saturday morning, May 30, for the annual 5-day senior trip. Traveling by school bus, driven by Cleo Bird, they will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John F. Clements, Mrs. Paul Braden, Stanley Kendrick and Mrs. Colen Collier. Commencement-Commencement exercises will be held in the new municipal auditorium on Friday evening, June 5 at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Robert Hooks, organist, will play the prelude, processional and recessional. The Rev. B.A. Oswald will give the invocation and Rev. H. Reid Newland the benediction Miss Margie Braden will give the salutatory address and Miss Laura Ann Higginson the valedictory. Benjamin Smith will give the president’s address and Benny Brooks will use “What’s Your Destination” as the subject of his address. Miss Margaretta C. Witt, school board member, and Principal Stewart. M. Brown will make awards presentations. Brown will present diplomas to the graduates. Miss Loretta Bamberger is general chairman for commencement night. Seniors Are Told Requirements For Going to College, Zephyrhills News, 1959 John Haynes, psychological consultant for Pasco County schools and O.S. Bandy, director of secondary education for the county were here from Dade City Tuesday for a counseling session with members of the Zephyrhills High school senior class. The session was arranged by Principal Charles A. Henderson after many class members evidenced a desire for additional information on scholarships, scholastic achievement tests, and guidance on choice of higher institutions of learning to attend after graduation. It was brought out a scholastic aptitude test is required by many colleges and universities as the preliminary step in getting scholarships and in some cases it is a prerequisite to gaining admission. Zephyrhills High School seniors have been counseled to write to the college or university of their choice to ascertain if the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is required prior to matriculation in order that they may take the test when it is given here October 20. Haynes and Bandy also discussed the national achievement scholarship qualifying test scores with individuals who took it last spring. They remained at the high school throughout the day to answer any questions by the group and to talk individually with any senior wanting further information. Class of 1959 Has Its 25th Reunion, Zephyrhills News, 1984 The Zephyrhills High School Class of 1959 met this past weekend for its 25th year reunion. Classmates and families gathered Saturday morning at the Zephyrhills Junior High School for a brunch and renewal of old friendships. Former teachers attending included Mrs. Celia Anderson, Mrs. Elsie Clark and J. Marion Brangle. A highlight of the day was a tour of the original building—in 1959—the high school—and some of the newer additions, led by Principal James Davis. Conviviality continued in the evening with dinner and a program at Plant City’s Holiday Inn Towne Hall. Carmen Yebba gave the invocation and Wade Bodiford served as emcee. Small trophies were awarded to Jim Burgess as The Most Changed; Carmen Yebba, The Least Changed, Jim Burgess, the Most Distance Traveled; Marvin Gill, Parent of the Youngest Child; and Medford Griffin for the Most Grandchildren. The Reunion Committee members were acknowledged and a special plaque was presented to Wade and Pat Whitehead Bodiford for the special contributions to the reunion. Donald Nelson ran films of previous reunions and a slide presentation of photos and yearbook scenes were shown. The evening continued with dancing to the music of the 1950’s and inevitable conversation. “Teachers recall that the Class of 1959 was made up of talkers,” a 1959 class member told the News.
Lynn Nichols is chosen to Attend Girls State Week Miss Lynn Nichols, a junior at Zephyrhills High School has been chosen to represent Zephyr Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary at the 1959 Girls State sponsored by the Department of Florida and to be held at Florida State University in Tallahassee July 5-11. Each year a member of the junior class is selected on a basis of scholarship, physical fitness and leadership ability. Miss Nichols was one of three girls recommended to the auxiliary committee by the faculty. The others were Carolyn Jarrett and Linda Freeburg. Members of the Girls State committee are Mrs. Charles F. Place, chairman, Mrs. W. Lincoln Rogers, Mrs. George Kummer, and Mrs. Robert E. Lang. The 1959 Girls State is 16 years of age and was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Mrs. R.R. Nichols, and the late Mr. Nichols, 1718 3rd Avenue. She ears A and B school grades. Miss Nichols is a former band member, is secretary of her class, treasurer of Beta Club and a member of the singing group known as the “Harmonettes.” She was chosen Homecoming princess in 1958 and says history and Spanish are her favorite subjects and enjoys being big sister to Susan, Karen and Robert Nichols. (Article courtesy of Susan Nichols Smith)
School Daze by Margie Braden, Zephyrhills News, April 24, 1959 It appears that the closer we come to the end of school, the busier we get. The Junior and Senior classes are working on their big projects, as well as all the clubs. Naturally the Juniors’ project is the upcoming prom and banquet which will take place the evening of May 15. Not too much has been said about their plans as they’re still trying to keep everything a secret. Members of the Senior class have divided into committees for class night, baccalaureate and graduation. Ushers for graduation, selected from the Junior class, are: Lynn Nichols, Patty Sante, Jeanette Howell, Bob Baggett, J.W. Wells and Jerry Peters. Other Juniors will help with the decorations. The Freshmen who will be ushering for class night are: Linda Cavin, Virgie Hinsz, Joan Shannon, Wayne Reutimann, Stevie Smith and Ralph Chamberlain. Judy Surratt is chairman of the class night decorating committee which is selected from the Freshman class. The band is certainly working in order to attend the state band contest which will be in West Palm Beach the second week in May. Last Saturday the aroma of baked goods filled the air downtown and many people bought the goodies. Profit from the sale came to approximately $48. Next on the list of project is another bake sale Saturday, plus a car wash. This evening the band members will be feted at a banquet given by the band boosters at the American Legion Hall. We are looking forward to this, as the evening is sure to be enjoyable. After the banquet guests will be invited to stay and dance. Forty-Eight To Get Diplomas, Zephyrhills News, June 5, 1959 Commencement exercises for the 48 members of the 1959 graduating class of Zephyrhills High School will be held in the new Municipal Auditorium at 8 o’clock this Friday evening. Four honor students will be programmed as speakers. Awards will be presented by Mrs. Margaretta C. Witt, school board member and Principal Stewart M. Brown who will make the diploma presentations to graduates. Decorations will be by Junior Class members, with Miss Dedi Anderson as president. Juniors will also usher. ![]()
Two parties This Thursday evening at 6 o’clock following their return from a senior class trip to Miami Beach, the graduates will be guests of honor at a dinner given by the Women’s Society for Christian Service of First Methodist Church in Stephens Hall. Mrs. C.N. Chamberlain is general chairman. After the commencement exercises Friday evening the seniors will enjoy a swim party in the municipal pool, followed by a supper in the VFW Hall and a midnight movie at the Home Theater, with Mrs. Paul Braden serving as chairman of the curtain-ringer-down party for the graduates. Three Principals Named—Brown and Ross Reappointed, Zephyrhills News, May 15, 1959 Stewart Brown has been reappointed principal of Zephyrhills High School. The Pasco County Board of Public Instruction on Tuesday also appointed Arleis E. Ross principal of the new Zephyrhills Elementary School and Thomas McCree of Volusia County, to the principalship of the on-the-campus Junior-High-Elementary School. The board granted Mrs. Stewart Brown professional leave for a year to pursue studies toward her doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Florida. Mrs. Brown has taught in Pasco County for 5 ½ years and has instructed in physical education in Pasco High School for the past two. Honor Retiring Teachers-By resolution the board honored three Pasco County educators on the occasion of their retirement after outstanding service in behalf of students in schools of the county. Lee Fox, Land O’ Lakes, D. Carl Cripe (a former ZHS principal) and Mrs. D. Carl Cripe, who reside on Fort King Road are returning after many years of teaching. It was Fox who started the Zephyrhills School Band years ago with only 16 instruments. An A.B. Dick Duplicator was purchased from Richardson Co., Tampa for use in the Zephyrhills schools at a cost of $275. The board adopted the school calendar for 1959-60. Members went on record to say they had met with Representative Joe A. McClain to enlist his support in the matter of securing additional operating funds for the coming year and found him most cooperative. A long-distance telephone call to Senator J.C. Getzen while the board was in session failed to bring satisfaction from that source. Mrs. Margeretta C. Witt, Zephyrhills board member, said that under Florida law the board is instructed to pay more to teachers for each additional year taught. “The state says pay but they don’t say where the money is coming from,” Mrs. Witt said. ![]()
Volunteers Again Work Hard at Job of Landscaping West School Campus, Zephyrhills News, October 23, 1959 Progress was made in the landscaping of Zephyrhills West Elementary School at a work session Saturday morning, when 12 interested persons met for the purpose. Spearheading the work were Councilman Ralph Barefoot, Mrs. W. Lincoln Rogers, and Gordon Winters representing Community Developing League, the Garden Club and PTA, respectively. A group composed of Reverend Henry L. Kinnard, Jr. Howard Taylor, Principal Arleis E. Ross, Mrs. Joe Lane Alston, Mrs. Marion Trefern, Mrs. Rogers, Garden Club Vice President, Mrs. Marie Kyle and two Past Presidents, Mrs. A. Bruce Rutherford and Mrs. Melville Hall, industriously weeded and mulched around plantings previously made. Mulch used was pine needles, two loads which had been hauled to the campus by Dee Whitmer. Barefoot and W. Lincoln Rogers went to the Paul Braden home and dug seven sizable ligustrum plants and daylilies, given by the Bradens, to be planted. Some 24 additional ligustrums, several of them gifts from the Blalock Nursery, were set as were camphor tress and bridal wreath plants. Pyrancanthas, already on hand, are to be espaliered against the outer east and west walls of the present classroom units to complete the first phase of planting in accordance with the master plan. |