HISTORY OF ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOLHighlights of 1958First Youth Dance at Teen Center Attracts 115; May Queen Elected; Code of Conduct Approved by Group, Zephyrhills News, May 15, 1958 Set Good Examples Mayor Asks The first dance sponsored by the Zephyrhills Youth Council and held at the VFW Hall Saturday evening was described by the sponsors as an overwhelming success. Miss Margaret Nelson was general chairman of the event which was attended by approximately 115 teenagers of the community with several couples from Dade City as guests. In a gaily-decorated hall, enlivened with garlands of plumose, ferns, roses, pastel streamers and balloons in pastel shades, the couples danced until the stains of “Home, Sweet Home,” signaled the midnight hour. Music was a hi-fi set provided by Gary Crist. Jerry Peters served as music chairman. Officers Installed—Mrs. Harry L. Rice, Mayor of Zephyrhills, installed the officers of the Youth Council, They were Marvin Gill, president, J.W. Wells, vice president; Jerry Peters, corresponding secretary; Marion Canaday, recording secretary; Mary Alice Gill, treasurer; and Benny Brooks, sergeant-at-arms. Mayor Mrs. Rice
told the officers they are assuming a leadership among young people of the
community, and would be setting examples, requiring the best energy and
devotion of which they are capable. She enjoined them to command respect, share
responsibilities, cooperate with adult advisers and with council members, be
diligent in their several duties, and honest at all times. The mayor stressed
the desirability of the council’s conducting club activities in such manner as
to attract all the youth of the community, and she admonished officers to be
governed by provisions of the bylaws of the organization. Each boy received a
boutonnière and each girl a corsage. Mrs. Rice was presented a special corsage.
Miss Jeannette Howell and Wayne Turner won a jitterbug contest prize. A feature of the youth dance was the auctioning of a handsome cake made and contributed for the purpose by the mother of one of the teenagers who wanted to help the group, “Get a little nest egg started.” Ralph Massey won the cake which brought $3.75 into the treasury. He cut and served it to the guests. Roy Beddingfield, supervisor, was acclaimed by teenagers for his assistance with preparations for the first teenage dance. The PTA president and former councilman, in turn, praised the youths for their exemplary behavior. Decorations were by Bobby Hinsz, chairman and a committee which included Sandra Pricher, Jerry Sanford, Wayne Turner, Margaret Nelson, Adelma Sergey, Benny Brooks, Mary Frances Turner, Ralph Massey, Fay Massey, Charles Shanks, Marvin Gill, Jerry Peters, Charles Bloom, Mary Alice Gill, Marion Canaday, Bill Simons, J.W. Wells, Lloyd Cherry, Gary Crist, and Beddingfield. J.W. Wells handled broadcast facilities. Chaperones included Mayor and councilmen. For Social Training, Fellowship—Purpose of the Zephyr Youth Club Council as set forth in the bylaws drawn by officers and a committee of teenagers is as follows: To unite teenagers of the community in close bonds of good fellowship through creating greater interest in the worthy use of leisure time, providing a variety of constructive and recreational activities, developing good social relationships; and affording youth of the community an opportunity to participate in democratic living by assuming and carrying out their share of the management of their own organization, with the guidance and assistance of adult advisors. Officer of the council are elected to serve during the summer program (May through August) for which dues of one dollar for each member were set up, with an admission of ten cents at the door of each event. Members may bring a guest to activities once free, for twenty-five cents twice more, after which buying a one dollar membership card will be in order. Special dances require a donation of a quarter, minimum. Membership of the Teen Club Council is restricted to 20, with vacancies to be filled from a list of endorsed nominees kept on file. A council member missing three consecutive meetings is to be dropped from membership unless his or her absence is excused by a majority vote of council members. Each council member is required to give at least three hours service to the Center each month, with attendance at meetings counting for ½ hour. Service at the door and behind the concession stand is required of each member. Rules Set Forth—Rules governing conduct at programs and activities stipulate members shall conduct themselves as ladies and gentleman; drinking will not be permitted and admission will not be granted any person who has been drinking elsewhere; there will be no smoking, profanity, gambling, loitering, or other unseemly conduct. Members may not transfer membership cards and each shall obey without protest, the wishes and instructions of persons in charge. Property destroyed or mutilated must be replaced by the person responsible for the damage. No shorts will be permitted, although Bermuda shorts and the like may be worn on activities night, which is Tuesday. Dresses or skirts and blouses must be worn by girls and sport shirts and slacks by boys attending Saturday night dances. A sign-in and sign-out record is kept. Boys may sign out three times during an evening to go outside to smoke. ![]() Nine Seniors Get Awards; 52 Given School’s Diploma, Zephyrhills News, Friday, June 13, 1958 Diplomas and Awards I.A. Krusen, Chairman of Pasco County School Trustees, assisted by Supervising Principal, Stewart Brown, presented diplomas to the 52 members of the graduating class. Mrs. Margaretta C. Witt, Pasco County School Board Member, assisted by Brown, made awards presentations. Receiving awards were Edwina Jones, Valedictorian; Barbara Peeples, Salutatorian and school Spirit Award; Ann Brooke Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Smith, activities award; Donna Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Mayer, citizenship award; Ralph Massey, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Massey, best all around boy; Clara Mae Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, best all-around girl; Roy Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lane, athletics award for boys; and Richard Whitaker, with a high score of 473 points out of a possible 495, scholarship award. The Reverend Charles W. Greene, president of the Zephyrhills Rotary Club, presented the club’s awards of a $50 bond each to Barbara Peeples and to Steve Huber. Following the benediction by Reverend Francis T. Riley, graduates filed from the stage to the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” which had been tape-recorded by the band. Valedictory Address-Edwina Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jones, Jr., paid tribute to parents, teachers and others who helped prepare class members for commencements which she likened to a paratrooper jump. “We are jittery and thoughtful as we wait for the signal to jump into the world beyond the school we leave. We must be careful, cautious and on guard against the pitfalls and stormy weather of which our teachers have forewarned us,” she said. The valedictorian predicted that when the “jump” is made some members will drift with the wind, never lighting; some will tangle in their parachute lines; some make hard, bumpy landings; while others, after much time and maneuvering will “come through” to land well. She emphasized that the type of landing members will make will depend largely upon how well their 12 years of preparation have been spent, and she said now is the time to draw upon the stored knowledge acquired in high school and to continue to add to the supply. Bandy Promoted-The board set up the position of Director of Education of Pasco County and named O.S. Bandy, Pasco High School Principal during the past term to the post. Approved also was Superintendent Taylor’s appointment of Ezra David Hayler as supervising principal of Pasco High, subject to the written recommendations of county school trustees and subject further to the approval of the state department of another supervisory unit for the county. Taylor said the policy of the state department is to allow one supervisory unit for each 100 teachers and that the county has been entitled to an additional unit for several years. The board reappointed 24 white bus drivers, including Cleo Bird, Mrs. Grace Tyre, Mrs. Austin Smith, Harry Wheeler, and Mrs. Bernice Rooks for the Zephyrhills area, and four Negro school bus drivers.
King and Queen, Zephyrhills News, Friday, June 6, 1958 Felton Howard and Margaret Nelson were disclosed as the king and queen of the Zephilsco, high school yearbook, at the senior’s class night program. They were selected for the honor by out-of-state judges from amount 10 candidates nominated by the class.
Girls’ State Delegates to Be Plant City Guests, Zephyrhills News, 1958 Seventh District representatives to the American Legion’s Auxiliary-sponsored Girls’ State for 1968 will be entertained by the Normal McLeod Auxiliary Unit at the post home in Plant City from 2 until 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J.W. Kuhn, immediate past president of the Plant City auxiliary, is the recently appointed chairman of Girl’s State. Miss Margie Braden is the local auxiliary’s representative. Hinsz is Attending Boy’s State Week-Bobby Hinsz left Sunday for Tallahassee, where he is attending the 1958 session of Boy’s State, sponsored, annually by the American Legion, at Florida State University. Hinsz represents Zephyr Post 118 at the session, which is being directed by Clyde V. Hayman of Winter Haven. The purpose of Boy’s State is to train high school juniors in American citizenship and acquaint them with the workings of the state government.
School Daze by Margie Braden, Zephyrhills News, September 19, 1958 With school well underway, some of the classes and activities have been organized and officers have been elected. Class presidents are: Seniors: Benny Smith; Juniors: Dedi Anderson; Sophomores: Richard Miles; Freshman 9A: Sandra White; 9B: Tom Gill; Eighth Grade 8A: Ann Lewis; 8B: Susan Nichols; Seventh Grade 7B: Mike McGinnis. Other class officers are: Seniors—Benny Brooks, Vice President, Mary Ann Hodges, Secretary-Treasurer; Bobbie Jean Temples, Reporter. Juniors—Robert Campbell, Vice President; Lynn Nichols, Secretary; Bonnie Reed, Treasurer and Louise Leopold, Reporter. Sophomores—Don Dunford, Vice President; Judy Carlson, Secretary; Enzell Ward, Treasurer; and Dottie Daniels, Reporter. 9A—Linda Cavin, Vice President; Wayne Reutimann, Secretary; Judson Baggett, Treasurer; Clyde Bracknell, Reporter. 9B—Norman Weaver, Vice President; Ernest Trebour, Secretary; Steven Swan, Treasurer; Steven Smith, Reporter 8A—Andrew McKindree, Vice President; Carolyn Bamberger, Secretary; Ray Beaver, Treasurer; Jimmy Nelson, Sergeant At Arms. 8B—Johnny Clements, Vice President; Betty Jo Holt, Secretary; Judy Goulding, Treasurer; Judy Trebour, Reporter. 7B—Gloria Pope, Vice President; Linda Loysch, Secretary; Nancy Overhuls, Treasurer; Judy Trebour, Reporter. Student Council- President of the Student Council is Bobbie Hinsz with Libby Jordan serving as Vice President, and Sandra Pricher, Secretary. Members of the council are: Marvin Gill, Carolyn Jarrett, Jerry Peters, Judy Carlson, Margaret Love, Judy Surratt, Sam Gross, Janet Wells, Custer Collins, Franchot Hutchinson, Gilbert Miller, Sharon McKindree, Joe Geiger, Mary Ann Trebour, Pat Jackson, Karma Herring, and Freddie Lott. F.H.A. officers are: Monica Prowant, President; Mary Alice Gill, President-Elect; Bonnie Reed, Vice President, programs; Dedi Anderson, Vice President, recreation; Shirley Temples, vice president, projects; Sandra Craig, chaplain; Loretta Bamberger, treasurer; Laura Higginson, secretary; Mary Ann Hodges, reporter. School Annual-The Zephilsco staff is as follows: Margie Braden, Editor; Benny Smith, Associate Editor; Lorelei Lincoln, Business Manager. Other staff members: Mary Ann Hodges, Buzzie Reutimann, Richard Kirk, Artiste Parsons, Laura Higginson, Loretta Bamberger, Marvin Gill, Donald Edwards, Carmen Yebba, Benny Brooks, Dot Hudson, Marcia Betterman, Bobbie Hinsz, Gayle Garrison, Bobbie Jean Temples, Charlie Rae Adams, Rae Foster, Louise Leopold. Sponsors for the annual are Mrs. George Swing and Mrs. Childers. Congratulations to Dedi Anderson, who has been selected as majorette. She will join Drum Major Rae Foster, Mary Ann Hodges, Bonnie Reed, Sharon Forbes in presenting routines with the band.
School Daze by Margie Braden, Zephyrhills News, September 12, 1958 With the third week of school approaching, everyone is beginning to get used to the schedule and settling down to the routine of studying. Beginning this Thursday, Donald Whitworth, representative from the Bank of Zephyrhills, will be continuing the savings program which was begun last year by the bank. This program enables students to bank their money right at school in a short amount of time; and once the money is deposited the total begins increasing by the interest rate of 3%. Whitworth will be in Principal Ross’s office in the grammar school every Thursday at 1 o’clock to carry out this program. Last Friday six juniors, Dedi Anderson, Lynn Nichols, Patty Sante, Linda Freeburg, Louise Leopold and Bob Baggett, accompanied by Principal Stewart Brown, attended the ground-breaking ceremonies for the University of South Florida. Present were juniors from around the state who took part in the spading after Governor Leroy Collins had begun the ground breaking with a gold shovel, which was presented to the university. The Diversified Training Class is being continued this year under the sponsorship of Stanley Kendrick and has an enrollment of eight seniors and four juniors. These students attend school every morning and work in the afternoon. This is a most beneficial class, since the students are placed in work for which they are suited and like. To be a member of the D.C.T. one must have 10 credits and have taken such courses as are required. The library is open during the lunch hour every Tuesday and Thursday and every day until 3:30. This is so that students who do not have an opportunity to go into the library with some class will be able to check out books. There are a majority of English students who have to write book reports every month. One is able to find books and magazine articles on almost any subject. Sponsors for organizations and activities have been selected and they are as follows: American Junior Red Cross—Mrs. Constance Kaylor; Journalism—Mrs. Alpha Gill; Junior Prom and Banquet—Mrs. George Swing, J. Marion Brantley; Future Homemaker’s of America—Mrs. Marjorie Parantha; Future Farmers of America—Charles Williams; Cheerleaders—Miss Ann Grayson; Safety Patrol—Mrs. Constance Kaylor; Student Council—Mr. G. Alvis; Beta Club—Mr. Brantley; Annual—Mrs. Swing and Mrs. Childrens. Activity meetings will take place every Thursday and will be staggered so that every club will have at least one meeting a month. Don’t forget: on September 19 we’ll have our first football game with New Port Richey, and the Juniors’ dance after the game. Let’s all go out to support the school and the boys and attend the game and the dance. Also on the 19th the first issue of the Bulldog Bulletin will come out. Members of the Journalism are working hard to put out a good paper, and will be taking orders for the paper the week before. Don’t forget to subscribe for it. The price is ten cents. Sponsor for the Journalism Club is Mrs. Gill, and Editor is Bobbie Jean Temples, with Charlie Rae Adams acting as sports editor. The FHA executive board had a meeting last week and planned its project. Hobo days will be held on November 4 and March 20. The purpose of Hobo days is that the girls do odd jobs to raise funds for the club. If any person has some work he would like done, contact Monica Prowant, president, and she will make arrangements for that day. The money goes into the club treasury and is used for projects and conventions.
Enjoy Class Reunion, Zephyrhills News, January 6, 1972
Enjoy Class Reunion—The New Year’s holiday was the occasion for a reunion of 16 members of the Zephyrhills High School class of 1958, who were guests of the Sunland Restaurant, New Year’s Day evening for snacks and visiting. Fifty of the original 55 class members are living. In all 40 persons attended, including John Clements, faculty member who was class sponsor. A portable TV set was provided by Dale’s Firestone Center in order that bowl games could be viewed. The 15-year picnic reunion in the summer of 1973 has been tentatively planned. Pictures in the photo are: Mrs. Floyd (Margaret Nelson) Cherry of Zephyrhills; Mrs. John (Darlene Wilson) Bamberger of Zephyrhills; Mrs. Bill (Mildred Smith) Carter of Temple Terrace; Mrs. Albie (Clara Mae Adams) Fowler of Dade City; Mrs. Floyd (Barbara Peeples) Kersey Jr. of Zephyrhills; Mrs. Carlton (Ruthie King) Kennedy of Zephyrhills; and Mrs. Roy (Gloria Lewis) Jones of Zephyrhills. Also were Brantley Smith of Zephyrhills; Murray Thomas of Plant City; Marion Nesbitt of Richland; Ralph Massey, Donnie Nelson and Larry Bassell, all of Zephyrhills. Class Sponsor Clements of Zephyrhills, Harold Hunt of Gainesville, Roger Sibley Jr. of Zephyrhills and Charles Bloom of Des Plaines, Illinois, Mrs. Bamberger, Mrs. Kennedy and Bloom arranged the reunion.
ZHS Student is Award Winner at Newspaper School, Zephyrhills News, June 29, 1972 A Zephyrhills High School student was a top award winner at the 14th annual High School Journalism institute conducted last week at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He is Karl Wickstrom, who will be a senior in the fall, and editor next year of the school newspaper, son of News editor and Mrs. Bernard Wickstrom, was honored at the institute’s closing banquet with an award for “Best Front Page” layout and design. Last week the institute was devoted exclusively to the high school newspaper and this week is for members of the yearbook staffs. Students resided in dormitories on the UF campus. Expenses for the ZHS student’s stay were paid by the publications department of the school. The institute was sponsored by the UF college of Journalism and Communications, the Division of Continuing Education and by the Florida Scholastic Press Association.
Two to Report on Girls’ State and Boys’ State Work, Zephyrhills News, August 15, 1958 American Legionnaires and Auxiliary members on Wednesday evening will hear first hand reports of the 1958 Boys’ State and Girls State’ Sessions, held last month at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Bobby Hinsz, son of Mrs. Arthur Hinsz and the late Mr. Hinsz, was sponsored by Zephyr Post 118, and Margie Braden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braden was sponsored by Zephyr Unit 118. They will report on their attendance at Boys’ and Girls’ State, respectively, at a joint meeting of the patriotic service groups at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Miss Doris Gorrecht, music counselor for Girls’ State, will be a special guest and will give highlights of the annual event from the counselor’s viewpoint.
Exam Exemptions Given 31 Seniors With High Grades, Zephyrhills News, May 30, 1958 Under a new policy established by the Zephyrhills High School faculty in January, 31 members of the 1958 graduating class have won exemption from final examinations in 15 subjects. The ruling provided exemption from examinations in the second semester of the senior year if students maintain an “A” average over the three six weeks grading periods in any subject and had no grade lower than a “B” in citizenship. An “A” average is construed to be two “A’s” and a “B”. Supervising Principal Stewart Brown has released this listing of senior exemptions based on the foregoing high grading: Bookkeeping, Donna Clark; Business Mathematics, Joanne Ellerbee and Christine Luker; typing 1, Tawana Campbell and Martha Brown; Office Practice, Gloria Lewis, Ann Brooke Smith, and Mildred Smith; Home Economics, Lois Day, Wanda Hazlewood, Julianne Baggett, Clara Mae Adams, Margaret Nelson, Kay Anderson, Darlene Wilson, and Christine Luker; Trigonometry, Edwina Jones and Margaret Nelson; American History, Donna Clark, Ann Smith and Mildred Smith. Physiology, Martha Brown, Tawana Campbell, Mildred Smith, Glenda Sutton and Darlene Wilson; Physics, Edwina Jones and Richard Whitaker; Business Law, Donna Clark, Roy Lane, Margaret Nelson, Barbara Peeples, Ann Brooke Smith, Darlene Wilson and Bob Lorenz; World History, Gloria Lewis, George Trebour, Steve Huber, Carsie Kirkland; American Government, Barbara Peeples, Bill McCallister, Richard Whitaker, Agriculture, Ralph Massey. English IV, Clara Mae Adams, Beverly Bond, Martha Brown, Tawana Campbell, Donna Clark, Edwina Jones, Gloria Lewis, Margaret Nelson, Barbara Peeples, Mildred Smith, Glenda Sutton, Mary Frances Turner, Darlene Wilson, Bill McCallister, James Witt and Kay Anderson; Business English, Beverly Bond, Lois Day, Wanda Hazlewood, Ann Smith, Kay Anderson, Frances Stanley and Janet Williamson. 50 Members of Safety Patrol- Presentation of merit awards to 50 members of the Zephyrhills School Safety Patrol was a feature of the annual awards assembly in the school auditorium yesterday morning. Recipients of the certificates, along with words of commendation from Supervising Principal Stewart Brown and Patrol Supervisor Stanley Kendrick included: Jere Alston, Bruce Armstrong, Ellen Barefoot, Jack Bentley, Kenneth Bloom, Ray Bolt, Marlene Borden, Gertrude Braxton, Joyce Carlson, Alice Carr, Anita Chancey, Charleen Collier, Nancy Daffer, Jimmy Daniels, Anna Jo Davis, Barbara Dunford, X.L. Garrison, Jr., Raye Gaskin, Susan Gill, Glenda Haggood, Gerald Hicks, Trisee Hicks, Eupha Hilton, Betty Holt, Caroline Houston, Elaine Howard, Barbara Hughes, Patty Jackson, Eddie Johnston, Donald Lee, Leitha Rae McAdams, Mike McGinnis, Gilbert Miller and Rex Morgan. Also Myrtia Nelson, George Overhauls, Jerone Outlaw, Charles Perry, Brenda Peiffer, Ronny Riley, Tommy Ross, Karyl Schreiner, Leslie Smith, Steven Swan, Glenda Temples, Judy Trebour, Mary Ann Trebour, Cletia Weaver, Larry Weicht and Donald Wheeler.
Seniors Frolic at All-Night Party, Well-Chaperoned, Zephyrhills News, June 6, 1958 An all-night planned and supervised party was arranged for 52 members of the Zephyrhills High School graduating class following commencement exercises at the Home Theater last evening. Mrs. Robert Campbell was general chairman of the party, plans for which included a dance at the American Legion Hall immediately following graduation, a midnight show at the Home Theater, a swim party in the municipal pool and breakfast at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitaker and Mrs. Roger Sibley were chairman for the dance; John F. Clements, senior class sponsor, and Mrs. Campbell was in charge of arrangements for the theater party. Mrs. Logan Peeples and Mrs. W. D. Hilton, the swim party; Mrs. R.M. Brown and Mrs. Austin Smith, the breakfast.
ZHS Alumni Boost Stadium Fund, Zephyrhills News, June 9, 1978 A large, enthusiastic crowd of home-towners, out-of-towners, and guests picnicked at the 9th annual reunion of the ZHS Alumni and Friends….gathering before noon at the Zephyr Park…. Those recognized for being from the farthest distance this year were not from California. They were however, from the Class of 1958 who had enjoyed their class reunion the previous evening; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloom and children from Littleton, Colorado and the former Ada Austin, who has been a Christian missionary along with her husband in Thailand for the past 16 years.
Football Page, Zephyrhills News, September 19, 1958 Time for the Big KICK-OFF-First Game at Home Friday September 19—Zephyrhills vs. New Port Richey—Krusen Field—Game Starts 8 p.m. 1958-59 Varsity Roster Coaches—Johnny Clements, Joe Holland, Jack Wilson Left Ends—Benny Smith, Richard Riesen, and Jerry Stanford Left Tackles—Sam Gross and L.B. Jones Left Guards—Donald Edwards, Richard Miles and Ronald Tanney Centers—J.W. Wells, Richard Miles, and Berman Baker Right Guards—Carmen Yebba and Paul Yebba Right Tackles—Steve Lincoln, Gary Martinson, and Marvin Gill Right Ends—Charley Adams, Marvin Wheeler and David Smith Quarterbacks—Benny Brooks and Woody Cone Fullbacks—Bob Hinsz, Don Dunford and Buzzie Reutimann Right Halfbacks—Larry Kearse and Enzell Ward Left Halfbacks—Medford Griffin and Randy Lane
Reunion Draws 34 1958 ZHS Graduates, Zephyrhills News, 1978 Thirty-four former students and two teachers made their way back to Zephyrhills last weekend for the 20-year reunion of the ZHS graduating class of 1958. Some 18 of the 55 class members didn’t have far to come—they still live in Zephyrhills. Others, like Lois Day Kretschmar, made the thousand mile trek to be with former classmates. Mrs. Kretschmar now lives in Lakewood, California. Class members met for a gala picnic Saturday at the Zephyr Park Community Center which was followed by a banquet at a Plant City restaurant that evening. Mrs. Constance Kaylor of Zephyrhills, English and Business teacher at the school joined the group for their noon picnic and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kendrick, also of Zephyrhills, attended the banquet. A highlight of the affair was a long distance telephone call from former ZHS principal, Stewart Brown, and his wife, Frances, who taught at ZHS. The Browns called from North Carolina mountains where they were vacationing to wish their former students well. Other honored graduates were Frank Sekach, most children, Bob Lorenz, most changed; Ralph Massey, least changed; Murray Thomas, only grandparent; and Bill McCallister, least hair. The class voted to have another reunion in five years reported Mrs. Barbara Peeples Kersey, who presented those who attended with an orange and black Bulldog-covered booklet listing the known addresses and occupations of graduates.
ZHS Alumni and Friends Reunion Honors Classes of 1930 and 1955, Zephyrhills News, July 3, 1980, by Jaynell LeHeup Each year it gets bigger and better—that is the general consensus about the ZHS Alumni and Friends Reunion! The 1980 Reunion was Sunday at the Community Center, Zephyr Park. There wasn’t just a full house—there was such an overflowing crowd that it was voted to try to obtain the larger Municipal Auditorium for the 1981 Reunion. —-New officers elected to organize and take charge of the 1981 Reunion are Donnie Nelson, President, Class of 1958….and Mrs. Floyd (Margaret Nelson) Cherry, Class of 1958, Treasurer.
Class of 1958 Has 25 for 25th, Zephyrhills News, July 7, 1983 Alumni from the ZHS Class of 1958 pose for a 25th reunion picture—Bonnie Reed Elmore; Clara Mae Adams Fowler, Dade City; Mary Francis Turner Hickey, Orlando; Barbara Peeples Carmany, Class President; Darlene Wilson Bamberger, Vice President; Mildred Smith Carter, Class Secretary; Margaret Nelson Cherry, Class Reporter; and Ruth King Kennedy; Kay Anderson Willard, Brandon; Julianne Baggett Bennett, Tampa; Chuck Daniels, Tampa; Felton Howard, Ralph Massey, John Mihalakis and Gloria Lewis Jones, all of Zephyrhills; Bernice Arnold Bright, Odessa; Donnie Nelson, Zephyrhills, Charles Bloom, Littleton, Colorado, Keith Lane, Zephyrhills; and Mrs. Constance Kaylor, who with John Clements was unable to attend were the senior class sponsors back in 1958. Since it was the 25th reunion of Zephyrhills High School’s graduating class of 1958, it worked out just right that 25 of the alums attended a 4-hour party and buffet supper June 25 at the Alice Hall Community Center. However, had one more arrived, 26 would have been an even 50% of the class’s 53-student total.
Name Plate To Be Placed on Recent School Buildings, Zephyrhills News, August 22, 1958 The Pasco County Board of Public instruction has purchased, and will have installed prior to the opening of the fall term, designatory plaques for use on buildings constructed at several of the school plants in the county system, within the past few years. The Zephyrhills Cafetorium erected in 1955, and Dade City Cafetorium, 1957, will carry bronze plaques listing building name and date of erection, names of the chairman, vice chairman and members of the board of public instruction, the superintendent of public instruction, the attorney, architects, and engineers, contractor, manager and principal. Mickens High, erected in 1956, and Moore Elementary, 1952, Dade City Negro Schools, likewise will have bronze plaques carrying building name and date of erection, names of board of public instruction members, superintendent of public instruction, attorney, architect and engineers, contractor and school principal. Aluminum for others-Engraved hard aluminum plaques will be installed at Zephyrhills Vo-Ag Building, erected in 1956 and Zephyrhills Boy’s Shower and Locker Room, 1957; Pasco High School Boy’s and Girls’ Shower and Dressing rooms, erected in 1956 and Pasco Elementary Addition, 1958. Also three additions to the Sanders Memorial School at Land O’ Lakes which were erected in 1952, 1954, and 1958, respectively will each have engraved hard aluminum plaques installed. Each of the aluminum plaques is engraved with the building name, date of erection, names of the members of the board of public instruction, that of the superintendent of public instruction and the attorney. Plans to Install Made by Rotary; Brown President, Zephyrhills News, May 16, 1958 In a business session held in conjunction with the weekly luncheon meeting at the Cottage Thursday, Zephyrhills Rotary Club made plans for the installation of new officers on June 10. Stewart M. Brown, supervising principal of Zephyrhills schools heads the roster of new officers to be inducted. President Charles W. Greene named several committees for the event, to
be held at Stephens Hall. Rotary Anns in charge of decorations will
include: Mrs. H.C. Douglas, Jr., chairman, Mrs. Scott Jordan, Mrs. H.G.
Brownlee, Mrs. John E. Wilkinson, and Mrs. Stewart Brown.
School Daze by George Trebour, Zephyrhills News, February 21, 1958 The junior class, busy as usual, have selected the cast for their class play, “Spooks and Spasms, “which is to be presented on March 21 at 8 p.m. in the Zephyrhills High School Auditorium. The play a mystery-comedy which promises to provide thrills and chills for both young and old has as its cast the following “mighty” juniors: Laura Higginson, Donald Edwards, Delilah Johnson, Lorelei Lincoln, Monica Prowant, Benny Brooks, Marcia Betterman, Benny Smith, Bobby Hinsz, Robert Gerlach, and Margie Braden. Junior class sponsors are Mrs. Katherine Swing and J. Marion Brantley. Students participating in the forensics tournament on Saturday at St. Petersburg Junior College where they will discuss the nature of United States foreign aid, will be: affirmative debaters—Robert Lorenz, and Laura Higginson; negative debaters—Marvin Gill and Edwina Jones; extemporaneous speakers—Gayle Garrison and George Trebour. Their sponsor is Mrs. Constance Kaylor. A big bouquet of congratulations to Steve Huber, upon his being named as all-conference basketball player for ZHS. Steve truly deserves this honor in helping make this year’s basketball season a rather successful one along with the excellent support of his team.
Robert Ramsey Nichols, 41, of 1718 Third Avenue, died of internal hemorrhages at Bay Pines Veterans Hospital early Saturday morning. He had been hospitalized there since November but had returned to Zephyrhills for the holidays with his family. He was a popular member of the Zephyrhills High School faculty. Mr. Nichols had been a victim of arthritis of the spine, first diagnosed in 1941 and growing progressively worse through the years. With courage and without complaint, he continued his work until his recent hospitalization. Surgery last Thursday revealed for the first time that he was also ill of cancer of the pancreas. “Nick” Nichols was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, May 16, 1916, and was educated in Buffalo, New York and Florida Southern College, where he received the B.A. degree in education. A veteran of World War II, he served with the United States Navy in Europe for several years. A note about the Nichols family from Robert Ramsey’s daughter, Lynn Nichols Timmons, who served as an accomplished teacher in the Zephyrhills Schools as her career as well…