Parent-Teacher Meeting, Zephyrhills News, August 27, 1957 With Halloween so near, McGinnis appointed the following carnival committee: Mrs. Roy Tanny, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hester, Mr. and Mrs. George Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lane Alston, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Krystofiak, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones, Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Dean and Brantley. The president introduced the new supervising principal, Stewart Brown, who in turn introduced the faculty. There are 41 teachers this year, with one place yet to be filled. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Roy Beddingfield presented Mrs. Murphy who sang, “Bless This House,” Mrs. Murphy was accompanied by Mrs. Hooks. The next regular meeting of the P.T.A. will be October 17, and the topic of the program will be “Why PTA Should Be Interested in Industry for Zephyrhills.”
Zephyrhills News, April 19, 1957 Congratulations to Ann Smith who was chosen as 1957 Girls State representative. Her alternates are Donna Clark and Clara Mae Adams.
Glenn Miller to Leave Tomorrow for Boy’s State, Zephyrhills News, June 15, 1956 Glenn Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Miller leaves tomorrow for Tallahassee where he will attend the 1956 session of Boy’s State as representative of Zephyrhills Post 118, American Legion. Boy’s State is sponsored annually by the American Legion, Department of Florida. Its chief objective is to provide leadership training in citizenship to boys, members of junior classes of the high schools of Florida.
A Reunion For More Than Just Graduates, St. Petersburg Times, June 25, 2004 The last weekend in June means one thing to former Bulldogs: reunion time. The annual Zephyrhills High School Alumni Reunion is this weekend, a two-day gathering of everyone with a connection to the school established in 1910. “We call ourselves the Zephyrhills High School alumni, friends, parents and teachers reunion,” said Margaret Seppanen, class of 1956. “Everybody’s invited.” The reunion begins Saturday morning at the Depot Museum. At 11 a.m., alumna Jackie Lewis Puskas (class of 1964) will unveil a stained glass window she made in memory of her brother, 1965 graduate Johnny Lewis, who died serving in Vietnam. The larger event, which is in its 35th year, is Sunday at the Lion’s Club on Dean Dairy Road. It’s a potluck dinner that draws about 250 people. Registration begins at 11 a.m., and dinner is at 1 p.m. There’s a business meeting and door prizes, with things usually winding down by 4 p.m. The reunions first took shape when the class of 1950 threw its 20- year celebration. To increase attendance, they began inviting members of the classes just ahead of and behind them. Eventually, the event came to encompass all classes. Seppanen, who works at the Depot, has attended for the past 10 or 15 years – she’s not exactly sure. “Time goes so darn fast,” she said. But the dinner is always a fun mix of familiar faces and a handful of new ones. “There are always a few more every year,” she said. “Some of the same ones make sure they get into (Zephyrhills) the last weekend in June.” Old yearbooks and newspaper stories will be displayed. Seppanen said some stories speak of the difficulty of running a school when the city was first established. Sometimes teachers were not paid, or they were paid in IOUs. Clereen Brunty, an organizer from the class of 1973, said awards will recognize the oldest and youngest graduates and the person who traveled the farthest to attend. A group of about 25 people celebrating their 50th reunion is expected, she said. “We want to keep this going forever if we can,” Brunty said.
Laura Higginson Named President of Zephyrhills 4-H, Zephyrhills News, September 27, 1957 Laura Higginson was elected president of the Zephyrhills 4-H Club on Monday Afternoon in the Florida Power Home Service Center. Other officers elected are: Ann Brooke Smith, vice president; Leslie Smith, secretary and treasurer, Barbara Higginson, Council Delegate, Betty Jo Hall, song leader and Ellen Barefoot, reporter. Miss Caroline DeVore, assistant Home Demonstration Agent, gave the girls their record books and explained projects. ![]()
Received Diplomas, Zephyrhills News, June 14, 1957 The 45 members of the ZHS graduating class, the largest ever were given diplomas Thursday evening against a backdrop featuring their motto, Not the End, but the Beginning.” Well in advance of the announced hour, the Home Theater was filled to capacity and many stood to witness the impressive ceremonies. The stage was appropriately decorated with red and white, the class colors, interspersed with greenery. In front of the speaker’s stand was a symbolic “tree of knowledge,” adorned with miniature white mortarboards and diplomas. Graduates filed in to the strains of “March of the Priests,” played by Mrs. Robert G. Hooks, as a processional. The Rev. Pal Wright, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, gave the invocation. Gives Salutatory Address-Elizabeth Cutshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Cutshall, used “A Fortunate Generation” as subject of her address as class salutatorian. She described the pattern of living in America as heritage handed down through countless generations and reminded her audience of the advantage of living under the protection of a form of government that recognizes the worth of its individual citizens, their right to plan and work and enjoy the fruits of their labors. “There are no limitations placed upon the members of the senor class –our opportunities are limited only by our determination, our vision and our ambition,” she declared. Class President Speaks-James Kearse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kearse, used “New Worlds Before Us,” as subject of his address. “We graduate from high school into a push-button age,” the class president said as he warned fellow members against waiting for “an electric eye to push the buttons for us” and admonished them to continue to seek knowledge and wisdom in preparation for the tasks ahead. He paid tribute to those in the past who have forged ahead seeking to make this a better world. Kearse said “in graduating, we join the hunting expedition of modern youth in the age-old quest of civilization to make our generation contributors to the fund of knowledge and activity necessary to bring the right answers to today’s new questions.” Larry Hill Speaks-“Ideals for Tomorrow” was the subject chosen by Larry Hill, class treasurer. He told his listeners the vision of a peaceful world ruled by law and order and built on the principles of freedom for the individual in a democratic society will continue to be the ideals that will guide young people of today as they work out their destinies. “there is no easy road to a peaceful and orderly world—there is nothing so permanent as change,” Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Auston Parker Hill, said as he challenged fellow graduates to remain eternally vigilant to maintain democracy as an ongoing process under which human beings may continue to work and strive to keep themselves free. “Youth Has a Challenge”-Joe Thorn said, “Initial initiative and the desire to accomplish is as strong today within our hearts as it was in those of our pioneer ancestors.” Pointing out that our national life is shifting from a predominantly rural society to an urban one, Thorn said a challenge to young people to equip themselves to find their rightful places in humanity’s assembly line in the interest of developing products to stamp our disease, fabrics with which to clothe people of the world, formulas to help men grow enough food to wipe out the hunger regions of the world will not go unheeded. Valedictory Address-Janet Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson, chose “With Faith in the Future,” as the subject or her valedictorian’s address. Paying tribute to past generations who founded universities, organized symphonies, built factories, developed the countryside, provided railroads, highways, airplanes, telephones, telegraph, radio, television and “brought us to the present state of society in which we are so thankful to live” the 1957 class valedictorian said “Faith in God and in the future will go with us from Zephyrhills High School and help us as we carve for ourselves a niche in today’s world.” Diplomas and Awards Presented-I.A. Krusen, chairman of the Board of Pasco County School Trustees, assisted by Supervising Principal, presented diplomas to the largest graduating class the local school has had. Mrs. V.E. Witt, assisted by Henderson was in charge of awards presentations. Recipients were Janet Johnson, valedictorian; Elizabeth Cutshall, salutatorian and scholarship, Paul Canaday, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Canaday, school spirit and best athlete; James Kearse, activities; Glenn Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, citizenship. Award for the best all around girl went to Drena Hampton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. Hampton while Joe Thorn, whose guardian is Coach Johnny Clements, class sponsor, received the best all around boy award. The Rev. B.A. Oswald, pastor of First Baptist Church, gave the benediction and Mrs. Hooks played “Pomp and Circumstance” as a recessional. Other honor students were Ada Austin, Mary Frances Gill, Drena Hampton, Margaret Keen, Jerry Lee Fisher, Frank Greene, Jean Sutherland and Barbara Streeter. Canaday and Jackie Massey were class vice president and secretary, respectively. Edwina Jones, James Witt, Clara Mae Adams, David Fedor, Steve Huber and Keith Lane, members of the junior class served as ushers. Decorations also were by members of the junior class. Following the ceremonies LeRoy Lincoln feted graduates at an open house at the Cottage. Also included in the courtesy hospitality was Coach Johnny Clements, class sponsor and Mrs. Clements.
Boys State Representatives, Zephyrhills News, June 28, 1957 William McCallister, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McCallister, is representing Zephyr Post of the American Legion at the Annual Boy’s State at Florida State University in Tallahassee, this week.
Seniors Present Baseball Comedy as their Program for Class Night, Zephyrhills News, June 7, 1957 With final examinations safely behind them members of the 1957 graduating class romped through Class Night with vim, vigor and vociferousness in the Zephyrhills High School auditorium Friday evening. The drawing of the stage curtain revealed a baseball scene replete with players on the diamond, Mary Ann Mattingly and Charlotte Collins selling programs and a crowd in the bleachers singing, “Take me Out to the Ball Game,” carrying out the announced theme “Play Ball, directed by Mrs. Jesse Kaylor. Plot of the program was the dedication of a new ZHS baseball park. In the dedicatory address, class president, James Kearse, pointed up how baseball teaches high ideals of living as Elizabeth Cutshall, Barbara Welsch, Charlotte Collins, Margaret Keen, Mary Ann Mattingly and Barbara Streeter danced in upon the diamond. Larry Hill, announcer gave the class prophecy in the form of a radio broadcast and an argument between Joe Thorn, team manager and Fred Holt, umpire, over ground rules brought many a chuckle form the audience. The singing of the football song, Fred Holt doing a take-off on Elvis Presley with “hound dog,” introduction of beauty queens LeNore Lincoln and Drena Hampton with Virginia Edgeman and Sally Krusen as attendants, and a group of Rock n’ Roll dances added to the enjoyment of the evening. Mary Frances Gill gave the class history and Barney Beach read the Class Will and Testament at the conclusion of which he presented Charles A. Henderson, supervising principal, a gift for the school on behalf of the seniors….a framed picture of senior class members. Seniors sang, “Thanks for the Memory,” and Junior class members dedicated a song, “Farewell to Thee,” to the graduating class. Zephilsco Royalty Chosen-Following the intermission during which the stage was reset the 1957 Zephilsco, school, annual, was dedicated to John F. Clements, senior class sponsor by the editor, Miss LeNore Lincoln. With the statement “I feel deeply honored,” Coach Clements accepted a copy of Zephilsco from Miss Lincoln and a gift from J. Marion Brantley, a faculty adviser. Brantley then called Miss Sarah Peck, 1956 annual queen to the stage as well as Lamar Massey, 1956 Zephilsco King. He read a letter from C. Leroy Little, Jr. commercial photographer of Tennile, GA., who headed the panel of judges in picking the current year’s royalty from photographs submitted, the judging points being beauty, personality and good naturedness as portrayed in photographs submitted for judging. For Miss Zephilsco the popular selection was Miss LeNore Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lincoln. Miss Virginia Edgeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Edgeman and Miss Jackie Massey, daughter of Mrs. Isaac Massey and the late Mr. Massey were runners up. Misses Barbara Welsch and Drena Hampton also placed 4th and 5th respectively, in the competition. Paul Canaday, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Canady, was chosen King of Zephilsco while runners up were Larry Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Parker Hill, and Glenn Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller. Barney Beach and James Kearse were chosen for 4th and 5th places, respectively. Miss Peck crowned her successor and the pearl encrusted tiara rested easily on the much-honored head of Miss Lincoln, only recently crowned Miss Zephyrhills in connection with Founder’s Day. Brantley presented gifts to the Zephilsco royalty. Members of the freshmen class ushered and were in charge of decorations. Class Feted In Park-Following the delivery of the annuals and signing party and autographing of the same members of the class went to Zephyr Park where Home Room Mothers, Mrs. Fred W. Gill, Mrs. Merle Bright, Mrs. C. E. Coolidge, Mrs. C. L. Fisher, Mrs. Edna Welsch, Mrs. Albert Lincoln, and Mrs. Melson Dees, hosted the group at a wiener, Sloppy Joe, sandwiches, cold drinks and all the trimmings spread.
Church Filled As Greene Addresses School Graduates, Zephyrhills News, June 7, 1957 The sanctuary of First Methodist Church held a capacity audience Sunday evening when relatives and friends of members of the graduating class of Zephyrhills High School gathered for the annual baccalaureate services. Following an organ prelude by Mrs. Robert G. Hooks, class members entered to the strains of “March of the Priests” used as a processional. The Rev. Charles W. Greene, pastor, gave the invocation and the Zephyrhills High School Glee club, under the direction of Miss Alice Zimmerman, sang, “God is Ever Beside Me” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” St. Petersburg Pastor Speaks-Guest minister who delivered the baccalaureate sermon was the Rev. Charles M. Leaming, director of Faith Temple, St. Petersburg. Taking his test, “The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom,” from Psalms III, Mr. Leaming said “Faith in God and His Word are basic foundation stones in any true educational system.” He stated his opposition to the modern trend to take religious education from school curriculums. Admonishing graduates to guard well their great responsibilities the speaker warned they should not consider their education complete until they have explored the “laboratory of the spirit.” The Rev. Leaming listed religion, consecrated teachers and a more consecrated government at work, both at home and abroad, as vital needs of the day. The benediction was given by The Rev. Cecil G. McGavern, pastor of Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. Gwen Stoup, Loretta Bamberger, Margie Braden, Medford Griffin, Buzzie Reutimann, and Jerry Sanford, members of the sophomore class, served as ushers. Mrs. Hooks played “Marche Pontificale” as the recessional
Rocket to Stars Theme Used as 200 Enjoy Banquet and Prom, Zephyrhills News, May 24, 1957 Juniors of the Zephyrhills High School feted members of the 1957 graduating class and guests at a gala banquet and prom Friday evening. Approximately 200 persons banqueted in the school dining hall then went to the American Legion Hall where dinner jacketed young swains and their dates in formal evening gowns, danced to the music of the John L. Brown Orchestra of Tampa. Miss Edwina Jones and Charles Bloom, co-chairmen, had planned to perfection for the banquet theme of which was “Rocket to the Stars.” A large plaque with the theme words outlined in silver on a star-spangled midnight blue background arranged by George Trebour, provided an effective backdrop for the speaker’s table, which was decorated to represent the milky way and the appointments of which were in keeping with the theme. Star-shaped nut cups, sugar trays and the like added color accent to the white angel hair milky way foreground. Place cards, each one of different design, were by Miss Gloria Lewis, and her mother, Mrs. Gladys Morris. A 5-foot red and white rocket was the focal point of the decorations, which also employed smaller rockets, also using the senior class colors and sky-colored angel hair. Seated at the speaker’s table were Supervising Principal and Mrs. Charles A. Henderson, Coach and Mrs. George Swing and Mrs. Jesse Kaylor, junior class sponsors; Miss Elizabeth Cutshall, president of the Beta Club and senior class salutatorian, David Fedor, vice president of the junior class who served as master of ceremonies, James Kearse, senior class president; Miss Barbara Peeples, treasurer of the junior class; Coach Johnny Clements; School Board Member Mrs. Margaretta Witt and School Trustee Chairman and Mrs. I.A. Krusen. Mrs. O.A. Allen, catered the baked ham banquet, menu for which was described in celestial terms in handsomely decorated printed “Keepsake” programs. The invocation was given by Principal Henderson, David Fedor gave the “launching off” address. Other speakers included Miss Peeples, Kearse, Clements and Miss Cutshall. FFA Quartet members James Daughtery, Ralph Massey, John Hicks and Marvin Gill, accompanied at the piano by Miss Delilah Johnson sang “Teen Age Prayer” and “I’m Redeemed.” Miss Margie Braden and Miss Lorelei Lincoln, gaily costumed, entertained with a calypso number and Miss Martha Brown played, “Stardust” and “Allegheny Moon.” Admonishing the students to store up all possible knowledge, put money into savings and investments, rather than in fine automobiles and clothes, the senior sponsor, Mr. Clements, said, “A good rule to follow when one doesn’t know what to do today is to ask oneself what you will wish you had done when tomorrow is gone.” Mrs. Kaylor, one of the junior sponsors, entertained with a dancing skit with words appropriate to the occasion Mother’s Assist-Miss Peeples and Miss Clara Mae Adams, co-chairman of the prom, were assisted by Mrs. Logan Peeples, Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs. Roger Sibley, Mrs. David Massey, Mrs. R.M. Brown, Mrs. Henry Bloom, Mrs. Austin Smith and Mrs. John M. Jones, Jr., Homeroom mothers. Members of the sophomore class serving at the prom were Loretta Bamberger, Patricia Whitehead, Carmen Yebba and Donald Edwards. For the big social event of the school year, historic Legion Hall had been transformed into a veritable “Starlight Garden,” by cooperative members of the Junior Class. Overhead stars twinkled in a midnight blue sky, effectively concealing the ceiling of the large hall. Artificial and real flowers, effectively combined with ferns and greenery trailed over a stone garden wall surrounding the dance floor, adding to the garden motif. Stardust glittered on the dance floor while the stage where the orchestra played had received a specialized star-spangled decorative treatment. The entire wall fronting the auditorium was employed to point up the theme, Starlight Garden, with the words in silver silhouetted against the blue background. Tables were arranged around the dance floor, cabaret style. Punch was served from a wishing well which seemed a part of the stone garden wall, so effectively was its staging. The foyer also was decorated in keeping with the theme.
School Daze, Zephyrhills News, April 19, 1957 The seniors left Wednesday morning for Tallahassee. The bus driven by Mrs. Austin Smith, left school at 9 a.m. Of the 45 seniors, 38 went along on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Clements and Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Kendrick were the chaperones. The seniors will complete their tour of Tallahassee, the capital building, and the FSU campus Friday morning and begin their journey homeward, stopping at Weekiwachi Springs, on the way, to watch the mermaids. Everyone at ZHS was glad to have Mrs. Otis Allen back at school this week. We certainly missed her in the cafeteria, although Mary Ann Simons did a marvelous job of keeping up our morale by giving us the bright smile and cheery greeting which we have all grown accustomed to receiving from Mrs. Allen. Congratulations to Ann Smith who was chosen as 1957 Girls State representative. Her alternates are Donna Clark and Clara Mae Adams.
Brown Named Principal After Henderson Resigns, Zephyrhills News, April 19, 1957 The News learns, unofficially, as it goes to press that Stewart Brown will be supervising principal of the Zephyrhills schools next year, succeeding Charles A. Henderson, who has resigned. Henderson was reappointed to the position at a special meeting of the Pasco County School Board of Public Instruction on March 20, but his resignation was submitted later. Henderson leaves the principalship to begin a 3-year training program with Mutual of New York Insurance co., through and affiliation with the Touchton Insurance Agency of Dade City. He will remain a resident of Zephyrhills and operate in a territory which includes Pasco, Pinellas and Hernando Counties. Brown, former assistant principal of the Zephyrhills school during the tenure of D.G. McPherson, has been principal of the Pasco Junior High School in Dade City for the last two years. The Brown family live just north of Zephyrhills on Fort King Road, and Mr. and Mrs. Brown have continued to be active in the social and civic life of the community. ![]()
Crowing Ceremonies and Marching Band Add Color to Gridiron Finale, Zephyrhills News, November 23, 1956 Colorful Zephyrhills High School Homecoming festivities began Friday evening at toss-up time, when the Bulldogs co-captains, Glenn Miller and Joe Thorn and their sponsors, Miss Ann Smith and Miss Margaret Keen were spotted meting the Crystal River captains and their sponsors on Krusen Field…..Miss Drena Hampton, crowned by Miss Carol Hughes, with a tiara, given last year by former Mayor and Mrs. I.A. Krusen for the purpose, carried an arm bouquet of gold chrysanthemums presented b y Miss Clara Mae Adams as vice president of the student council. Miss Hughes was the 1955 Zephyrhills Homecoming Queen. Following the game, in which the Bulldogs trounced the Pirates 14-9, the royal party, students and guests danced to music by Clancy Uterhardt and his band at the American Legion Hall.
Made by Zephyrhills High School’s Athletic program in Last 15 Years, by Alice Hall, Zephyrhills News, September 21, 1956 The Zephyrhills Quarterback Club, organized in 1941, to promote athletics in an athletic-less Zephyrhills High School, is vigorously prosecuting plans for a banner year. Charles E. Gibson was the first president of the club 15 years ago. Members headed by Lester Bales, Jr. as president, working on bleacher repairs at Krusen Field Saturday morning, had a remember-when gab session. Some recalled that in the beginning there was nothing in the way of organized athletics, the few boys who went out to practice had no suits and other equipment was not in existence locally. This was taken care of gradually. Came World War II and a stand still for the local program. After the war new life was breathed into the organization and its program. Many recalled the first Quarterback Club banquet for football players, now named the “Bulldogs.” There were no trophies presented in those days and with dollars hard to come by, the club felt elated to be financially able just to host to squad members at the dinner. Little by little the back-stopping movement grew and spread and as time went on business and professional men and women, church leaders, farmers and others pushed forward the program. The need for a coaching staff at the local school was pointed out. Quarterbackers work in cooperation with the coaches. Krusen Field was dedicated with the Quarterback Club being instrumental in securing the lighting system for the field, as well as metal portable bleachers. A shower building was renovated and toilet facilities added; assistance was given in purchasing uniforms and equipment, providing insurance coverage for squad members and helping “keep the show on the road” generally. In recent years, an added feature of the annual banquet has been the presentation of the Quarterback’s Club’s trophies for the best line and best backfield player—in addition to the Sportsmanship trophy Dr. A. M. Riley presents annually. Also after normalcy returned after the depression time, Quarterbackers began hosting the football squad at a major gridiron event in the state, usually at Gainesville. Plans at present are to take the boys to the Homecoming Game at University of Florida on November 3, when Florida plays Auburn. Byron Hill, in charge of securing tickets, has arranged for 65 tickets this year and Quarterback members will, as heretofore, provide transportation for the squad. Not only has the club been interested in football, Softball, little league and athletics generally have been sponsored, with emphasis always on good sportsmanship and encouraging youths who will be citizens of tomorrow in the know-how of playing and working together today for the good of the entire team. The annual membership drive now in progress has netted upward of 100 members already. Spokesmen for the group say the doors of their organization are always open and they hope to welcome enough members to “go over the top” of a 200-member goal set at the outset of the season.
Class of ’57 Has Park Reunion, Zephyrhills News, August 20, 1970 Members of the 1957 graduating class of Zephyrhills High School held a Saturday reunion at Zephyrhills Park, their first official get-together since their graduation. Of the 48 members of the class, 13 were present, with their families. The group enjoyed a luncheon of barbecued chicken, prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hinsz, along with potluck dishes furnished by others present. Everyone visited while the children (32 of them) played in the park. Class members present included: Linden T. LaViano, Frank Green, Drena Hampton Lane, Janet Johnson Cruver, and Elmer Hinsz, all of Zephyrhills; Murrel Nesbit Patterson of Lakeland, Jerry Lee Fisher Nathe of Arcadia, James Kearse of Inverness, Bob Flanagan and Virginia Edgeman Scamard, both of Tampa, Lee D. Cumbie of Cape Coral, Lynn B. Steve of Largo, and James Fuller of Kathleen. After lunch, parents and children enjoyed a refreshing dip in the city pool. Later in the afternoon, two more classmates joined the group. They were Lady Jacqueline Massey Washburn of Balm and David Bright of Zephyrhills. The class voted to hold a reunion every year on the first Saturday of August at Zephyr Park, hoping that eventually all members of the class can be contacted and at one meeting or another, be present for a reunion. Several addresses are still being sought. They include: Charlotte Collins, Larry Hill, David McKee, Grace Shelton, Sallie Krusen, Paul Canady, Odel Dees, Joe Thorne, Lenora Lincoln, Wilma Hussey, Margaret Keene. Anyone having these addresses, please contact either Mrs. Keith or Mrs. Clifford Curve.
ZHS Class of 1957 Draws 19 of 47 Members to Reunion, Zephyrhills News, July 3, 1977 Nineteen members of the Zephyrhills High School Class of 1957, together with their families gathered in the Community Center, Zephyr Park, Saturday to celebrate their 20th reunion, some traveling from as far away as Tennessee and Virginia for the occasion. Included in the group were 39 children of the class members and only one grandchild, that of Mrs. Audrey Oliver Neal of Richland. Personal observations included that the largest member was Frank Greene of Zephyrhills and the smallest, Jackie Massey Washburn, also of Zephyrhills. The man with the longest hair was Bob Flannagan of Odessa and the shortest hair was Linden Laviano, a major in the Marine Corps. Sporting the “least” hair was a tie between Raymond Bodiford of Zephyrhills and Lee Cumbie of Fort Myers. The ones with the most children present was Lynn Steve of Port Richey with six boys and Glenn Miller of Jacksonville with five children, two boys and three girls. After the potluck dinner a business session was held during which each member stood and introduced his or her family and told occupations. Following a short trip down memory lane, the meeting dismissed for visiting and cakes, decorated by Mrs. James (Casey) Kearse of Inverness and Mrs. Ellen (Blake) Morris of Zephyrhills. Mrs. Janet Johnson Cruver was chairman of the local arrangements for the reunion assisted by Kearse of Inverness, who was class president, with both of them inspired and urged on by Major Laviano, whose desire it was to hold a reunion of the class.
ZHS Alumni Boost Stadium Fund, Zephyrhills News, June 9, 1978 A large, enthusiastic crowd of home-towners, out-of-towners, and guests picnicked at the 9th annual reunion of the ZHS Alumni and Friends….gathering before noon at the Zephyr Park…. Those recognized for being from the farthest distance this year were not from California. They included… the former Ada Austin, who has been a Christian missionary along with her husband in Thailand for the past 16 years. |