![]() ZHS Homecoming, Zephyrhills News, December 1, 1950 Miss Mary Ann Vestal ruled as queen over the Zephyrhills High School Homecoming Game last Wednesday night and Miss Paula Staples as the princess. Others appearing in the half-time festivities were: Miss Lynda Wheeler, candidate for queen, Miss Vonda Clardy, candidate for princess, Miss Bunny Sue Sibley, candidate for princess, and Miss Julia Belle Pracher, candidate for queen. Roger Whitworth was crowned king and Jake Sapp as prince. Miss Jean Johnson, the 1949 Homecoming Queen crowned the queen. Bulldogs Lose to Gobblers; Turn to Basketball Court, Zephyrhills News, December 1, 1950
Opening Cage Battle Tentatively Set for Dec. 12 After closing their football season with a 26 to 7 defeat at the hands of the Turkey Green Gobblers last week, Zephyrhills High School athletics have turned their attention to basketball and will begin practice Monday for their opening game. This probably will be with Webster on the Webster court on the night of December 12. Johnny Clements is the ZHS coach.
School Gets Seven Lots Not 11 Owned by City, Zephyrhills News, December 1, 1950
Property is Purchased From Private Owners The Zephyrhills school came a step or two nearer to ownership of the block of land now used as a football practice field when the Pasco county board of public instruction, at its meeting Monday approved the purchase of seven lots in this block. Eleven lots in the block are in the hands of the city of Zephyrhills and negotiations for their acquisition by the school board appears to be in a stalemate. Seven carry a price tag of $1,250 and the other is held on tax certificates, $400.
Local Duke Student Named to Sorority Job, Zephyrhills News, April 25, 1952 Nancy Kathryn Skinner of Zephyrhills has just been selected recording secretary of Alpha Chi Omega, Duke University sorority. It was announced here today. A Dean’s List students at Duke, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Skinner of Zephyrhills. Miss Skinner is a graduate of Zephyrhills high school, 1950. Quarterback Club to Increase Seats At Football Field, Zephyrhills News, September 15, 1950
Seek Installation In Time for First ZHS Game-Increasing the Krusen Memorial Field seating capacity by from 500 to 600 seats in time for the opening of the Zephyrhills High school football season is a project undertaken Tuesday night by the Quarterback Club. The move was decided upon at the first fall meeting of the club and a committee was appointed to see that it is carried out. The need for additional seats was stressed by Dr. A.M. Riley, club president, who proposed portable bleachers that can be used for football, basketball, baseball and softball games. As a means of meeting the expense of their installation he proposed that an agreement be made with the high school whereby a section of seats be turned over to the club for sale as reserved seats, the reserve price going to the club. The committee which will work out the plan is composed of Byron Hill, Phil Guy and C.H. Richards. Dr. Riley was backed in his plea for more seats by “Johnny” Clements, ZHS football coach, who said that his team needed more equipment and that with additional seating capacity he believed there would be sufficient increase in revenue to supply the team’s requirements. Coach Clements, in seeking future football material, turned over to the club a list of 55 boys he would like to have tried out on the grid iron. In order to stimulate interest among these and other boys the club voted to stage a “weenie” roast at the Boy Scout camp next Tuesday night. The roast will be 8 p.m. and every club member has been called on to bring a boy as a guest. Dr. Riley reported the club had ended its last year with approximately $330 in the bank with to start the coming season.
281 Enter High With 392 Signed Up in Lower Grades, Zephyrhills News, September 15, 1950 Zephyrhills public school opened Monday (Sept. 11) with a record enrollment of 673 students, 281 in the high school. This enrollment is 20 more than last year, and just 19 short of the required number of 300 for a permanent high school. The high school has one new faculty member, Mrs. Betty Milton, Freshman sponsor and science instructor. Johnny” Clements is the senior sponsor in addition to direction athletics and physical education classes. “Happy” Clark is back to handle the helm for a junior class of 34 members and will also continue as assistant coach and social studies instructor. Thirty-nine sophomores will keep “Bill” Moore occupied along with his other assignment of mathematics instructor. 48 Eighth Graders-Mrs. Betty Milton enrolled 58 Freshman. Mrs. Kelly, substituting for Mrs. Mack Matthews, who is ill, opened with 48 eighth graders under her guidance. The seventh grade exceeds all other upper classes with an enrollment of 78 students under the direction of Mrs. Constance Kaylor. Other teachers and instructors in the high school are: Mrs. Alice Atwater, mathematics; Miss Matilda Clement, English; Mrs. Alpha Gill, commercial subjects; Mrs. Ceila Anderson, librarian; John Clark, Band; Terry Kirton, agriculture, and Miss Marjorie Parantha, home economics. Four New Teachers-Three hundred and ninety-two pupils were enrolled in the lower six grades Monday morning with an increase expected in the next two weeks, weather permitting. The grammar school will again be crowded and four additional teachers have been added. They are Mrs. Florence Morgan, Mrs. Isabel Marnes, Miss Lois Johnson, and Robert Dooly. In addition there are: Mrs. Mabel Campbell, Mrs. Willie Mae Ellmaker, Mrs. Anice Fernandez, Mrs. Vianna Gill, Mrs. Helen Hamilton, Mrs. Modesta Hart, Mrs. Hattie Price, Mrs. Rosemary Trottman, and Mrs. Eva Zarth. Mrs. Rose Allen is in charge of the school cafeteria with Mrs. Harry Lamb as her assistant. Mrs. Ruth Lamb will handle the bookkeeping and secretarial duties and George Zarth is the custodian.
In Pasco—Attendance Is Placed at 3,900 Pupils Daily, Zephyrhills News, 1950 Fourteen schools for white children and five for colored are attended daily by approximately 3,900 pupils in Pasco county, according to figures just announced by the office of the county superintendent of public instruction at Dade City. The schools are served by 59 busses and are so located throughout the county that they offer education facilities to children even in the remotest area. Dade City, the county seat, has one of the finest high schools in the state. It is now in its first year of operating, having been completed just before the opening of the present term last September 7. It was built and equipped at an estimated cost of $400,000 with the contract for the building calling for $365,000. The balance was spent for equipment including $14,000 for the science department alone. It is occupied by both senior and junior high students with pupils of the primary grades being instructed in a building of their own. The Zephyrhills high school was built during the WPA years but since has seen several additions made since then. These include a six room annex for intermediate grades constructed in 1947-48 and a cottage for the use of the home economic department. A unique feature is a small fish pond located on its grounds. The 1947-48 term was the first to see employment of a full time agricultural instructor and the donation of a 20-acre tract of land by the city of Zephyrhills for the use of the agricultural students. Lacoochee and New Port Richey also have senior-junior high school buildings. Members of the Pasco County Board of Public Instruction are: James F. Croley, Dade City, Chairman, Margaretta C. Witt, Zephyrhills, R.D. Stevenson, Elfers, C.P. McCabe, San Antonio and Edgar H. Kirkland, Lutz. Mark St. Clair is Superintendent.
Class of 1950 Draws 13 to 25th Reunion, Zephyrhills News, July 15, 1975 The Zephyrhills High School Class of 1950 enjoyed its 25th reunion at the Community Center in Zephyr Park Saturday night. Special guests were the former class sponsor for both the junior and senior years, Mrs. Alice Atwater of St Petersburg, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Eva Zarth of Hammond, Indiana, a former elementary teacher in Zephyrhills and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kirton and daughter of Tampa. Mr. Kirton was the vocational agriculture teacher at ZHS in 1949-50. Class members present included Mrs. Carrie Lou Partridg Bassett of Jacksonville, John Atkinson of Key West, Bob Clardy of Stone Mountain, Georgia; Mrs. Jean Lefler Munch of Brandon, Jim Hennessy of Zephyrhills, Earl Wells of Lakeland, Odis F. Hill and Roberta Leeson Hill, both of Dade City; Mrs. Lillian Kress Greene of Zephyrhills, Mrs. Virginia Wasner White of Miami; and Mrs. Martha Jean Forbis Skinner of Zephyrhills. Other guests were Mr. Bassett, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Clardy, Mr. Munch, Mrs. Hennessy, Mrs. Sarah McAvoy, Mr. Greene and Mr. White. Former homeroom parents who helped put on the class reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Stephenson, Mrs.Vinnie Partridg, Mrs. Ella Coell, and Mrs. Angie Skinner. Odis F. Hill served as master of ceremonies and Bob Clardy gave the invocation. Mr. and Mrs. Hill won the prize for having been married the longest as their 25th wedding anniversary is July 16. Back in the 1950 yearbook they had been voted “Class Sweethearts.” Mr. and Mrs. Bassett won the prize for being the most newlywed–having married in June of 1972. Mr. and Mrs. Clardy won the prize for having come the farthest distance from Stone Mountain, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Greene, parents of seven children received the prize for the most children and Mr. and Mrs. Munch won the prize for the most grandchildren with four. Mrs. Greene and the homeroom parents were thanked for all their work on arranging the reunion. They were also assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Hill and Miss LeHeup. It was voted to hold the next class reunion in five years and as many as possible plan to each year attend the general reunion which is held each year on the last Sunday of June. The next class of 1950 Reunion is slated for Saturday just proceeding the Sunday of the Alumni Reunion. Several of the class members did attend the next day’s reunion, where they were joined by W.R. England of Tampa and Mr. and Mrs. John Myron Jones III of Davenport, who had been unable to attend the Saturday night party.
Alumni and Friends Reunion Set June 24, Zephyrhills News, 1984 The Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Annual Reunion held the last Sunday of June each year will meet this year on Sunday, June 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Zephyrhills Municipal Auditorium in downtown Zephyrhills. In June of 1970, the ZHS Class of 1950 had their 20th anniversary reunion. Wishing to get together with friends and former classmates from other classes as well as their own this class started the ZHS Alumni and Friends to meet with them on the last Saturday of June for a dutch treat picnic at Crystal Springs Recreational Preserve Park. The next year the group decided to hold their third meeting at the Bank of Zephyrhills Community Room, then the next year to the Municipal Auditorium. Then for many years the group gathered at the Alice Hall Community Center in Zephyr Park.
ZHS Alumni Boost Stadium Fund, Zephyrhills News, June 9, 1978 A large, enthusiastic crowd of home-towners, out-of-towners, and guests picnicked at the 9th annual reunion of the ZHS Alumni and Friends. Following their meal, a collection for the ZHS Stadium was taken…. The fund was enriched when Mrs. Carrie Lou Partridge Bassett of Jacksonville, Class of 1950, gave a $100 donation to the fund in the memory of her late father.
Young Stage Stars Answer Curtain Call, Zephyrhills News The senior class at Zephyrhills high school recently staged their class play, “The Baby Sitter.”
Contractor Pleads Not Guilty; Faces Court September 20, Zephyrhills News, September 15, 1950 Dade City—Two new steps are scheduled next week in the long investigation of the Pasco County School Board of public instruction and the construction of the Negro school at Lacoochee. The first will be a hearing before Governor Fuller Warren for members of the board and the second the trial of C.S. McDaniel, Sr., Deland and Daytona Beach contractor on a charge of embezzlement. A Pasco county grand jury meeting in July, returned presentments after a four-day investigation recommending that the board members and school superintendent be suspended for malfeasance and misfeasance in office and indicted McDaniel on three charges of embezzlement. Summoned by the Governor-The school board members were summoned to Tallahassee by Governor Warren in letter sent to each member and to the county school superintendent, Mark St. Clair, Walter C. Craig, school superintendent at the time the Lacoochee school building was started and P.S. Tyson of Zephyrhills, a member of the board that authorized first construction work on the school. The hearing is set for 10 a.m. Monday. Others who were notified of the hearing and asked to appear are Chester B. McMullen of Clearwater, state attorney: Thomas Bailey, state superintendent of schools: C.M. Gay, state controller: Richard Erwin, attorney general; Bryan Willis, state auditor, the foreman of the grand jury which recommended removal of the school board and numerous witnesses who appeared during the grand jury investigation. McDaniel Trial set-The investigation was touched off last Spring by a state audit report which charged that the financial condition of the board was “very poor” and that school funds had either been “wasted or misappropriated.” McDaniel appeared in the Pasco county court of records Tuesday of this week and pleaded not guilty to the three embezzlement charges. His trial was set for September 20, two days after the governor’s hearing. The contractor supervised construction of the Lacoochee school on a fee basis and the charges against him grew out of the alleged disappearance of lumber, tools and other materials supposedly used in the construction work.
ZHS Senior Tells Future Students What to Expect, Zephyrhills News, 1949
Writes on “Thrilling Day” at Zephyrhills High School Editor’s note—Earl Wells, Zephyrhills high school senior, all-around athlete and young man about town grabbed himself a typewriter the other day and dashed off some sage advice for prospective students at ZHS. He entitled his tome, “A Thrilling Day At School.” In it he warns the newcomer just what he or she can expect. It follows… By Earl Wells Up in the morning at the break of day, gobble a bite to eat while on your way out the front door and then scamper like a frightened hare to the Red Brick Building, better known as a school. This is the routine of many of our student body members day after day. Well, we arrived at the dungeon safe and sound– on time to our amazement. Upon entering the prison, we probably become engaged in a heated discussion on some popular subject. After a few minutes of arguing, and disagreeing, we are summoned by a loud tingling (the morning bell) to enter our room for a roll call. After lingering here for a few shakes, we enter an inner cell of the dungeon which we know as a class room. Suppose we look at the fairer sex and their interests before we journey to the morning classes. Work on Accounts-You will probably find the girls trying to balance one account with another in bookkeeping class or trying to interpret those little scratches which they call shorthand. A little later we find these girls engaged in baking or should we say, burning a cake or maybe pricking their fingers to the tune of a sewing machine in the process of making an article so well-known as a dress. Now that we have taken care of the lassies, let’s take a look at the industrious boys before adjourning for noon. The boys usually start off trying to solve a problem in physics or perhaps they will be found in deep concentration in study hall. Soon after the problem is solved we find them in agriculture doing nothing but writing, writing, writing, to the tunes of “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.”
Zephyrhills Bulldogs Unite Behind Old Idea, St. Petersburg Times, by Michelle Jones, July 1, 2002 Thirty-three years ago Jaynell Le Heup Vickers and a couple of her friends had an idea. Sunday, 33 years later, more than 300 people were still celebrating that idea. Although Vickers wasn’t well enough to attend the Annual Zephyrhills High School Alumni, Faculty and Friends Reunion, she did send photo albums, memory books and her Zephyrhills High School yearbooks for people to peruse. She had graduated in 1950 along with 27 other classmates. However, this reunion is for everyone who ever related to the Zephyrhills Bulldogs, the school’s mascot. During her high school career Vickers was a cheerleader, class secretary, a member of the cast in a play titled Fantasy in the Attic that she and her classmates wrote, as well as the salutatorian of her class. In her graduation address she talked about being at the threshold of a wide tempestuous world. That was 52 years ago. Her mother, 91-year-old Angie Geiger Le Heup, Class of 1929, attended the reunion at the Lions Club on Dean Dairy Road. And cousin Linda Locke Arant, Class of 1978, was there too. “She (Jaynell) and her friends were talking about how nice it would be to see old friends (33 years ago),” said Angie Le Heup. “The first reunion was held at Crystal Springs and it was a picnic.” These days the reunion is a two-day event. It is held the last weekend of June with a gathering at the Zephyrhills Depot Museum on Saturday and a covered dish luncheon on Sunday. Lillian Bleier Grandon of Falls Church, Va., Class of 1940, said she tries to come to the reunion every year. “It is great seeing people and meeting old friends,” she said. “It is great to be together, but I do miss those who left (died).” Ruth King Johnson, 1958, who lives in Lake Alfred, said she wouldn’t miss a reunion. “I come every year,” she said. One topic of discussion at the reunion was the recent Pledge of Allegiance controversy.” “I’m very upset about it,” said Joanie McCellan Joyner, 1972. Joyner is a teacher in Port Orange, Fla., and she said she believes more people are becoming patriotic since Sept. 11, 2001. “We sang patriotic songs all year long during the morning television show at school,” she said. Her mom also comes to the reunion because all four of her children graduated from Zephyrhills High. “She likes to see everyone,” said Joyner. Merle Padgett Schneider, 1959, said she tries to come every year. She said she has become more aware of what is happening around her since last September. “I never knew our country wasn’t prepared,” she said. But, she says, because her faith is in God, she doesn’t worry. Lynn Steve said he was glad Vickers had the idea for the yearly reunion. “Our class has stayed close. We had a reunion for our class, 1957, at my house last night,” he said. “I hope we can keep it going.” Gregg Hilferding, 1998, is hoping the reunion can expand. As the president of the reunion committee, he would like to see more of the recent alumni involved. “It is good to see such a good turnout,” he said.
ZHS Class of 1950 Enjoys 20th Reunion at Festive Buffet Party, Zephyrhills News, July 2, 1970, by Jaynell LeHeup The lovely colonial home of Mrs. W.D. Skinner, Highway 301 North, was the scene of a festive occasion Saturday night as the Zephyrhills High School graduating Class of 1950 held a 20th anniversary reunion buffet dinner. Those attending included: Mrs. Nancy Skinner Sager, class president and her husband, Dr. S.O. Sager; W.R. “Bill” England, Class Vice President, and his wife, Bronna of Delray Beach; Miss Jaynell LeHeup, Class Secretary, Crystal Springs; Mrs. Jean Lefler Patterson, Class Treasurer, Brandon; Robert F. “Bobby” Clarday, Student Council President, and his wife, Buena of Stone Mountain, Georgia; Odis and Roberta Leeson Hill, Dade City; Mrs. Mabel Greene Jones, Dade City; Mrs. Virginia Wasner White and her husband, Walter of Miami; Philip Russell, Brandon; Mrs. Carrie Lou Partridg Clark and friend, Charles Bassett, Jacksonville; Mrs. Lillian Mae Kress Greene and husband, Jack, Zephyrhills; Bobby Whitehead and wife, Myrajean, Zephyrhills, and Earl Wells and his wife, Adelma, Lakeland. Odis Hill gave the invocation. Mrs. S.O. Sager gave the welcome and Bill England made the response. After a sumptuous buffet, Earl Wells served as master of ceremonies and introduced the special guests. These were Miss Matilda Clement and Mrs. and Mrs. Johnny Clements, all of Zephyrhills. Miss Clement, now retired, was the English teacher for most of the Class of 1950 during their freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years at ZHS. She gave an original poem depicting many humorous incidents relative to her teaching days with, as she put it, the nifty class of “50.” Coach Clements also gave a short talk expressing his pleasure at sharing in the occasion. Coach Clements, athletic director at Zephyrhills High School, came to ZHS at the beginning of the Class of 1950’s junior year in September of 1948 and taught most of the group American History that year as well as serving as head football, basketball, baseball coach and physical education instructor. Class members were happy to note that ZHS now has a beautiful gym as most may recall Coach Clements’ disappointment when he found out what he thought was ZHS’s gym turned out to be the Leon R. Luchenbach Elementary Annex!! ![]() Homeroom mothers who prepared the dinner and assisted the reunion committee in staging the event also were introduced and thanked. They were Mrs. W.D. Skinner, Mrs. John Stephenson, Mrs. L.G. Skinner and Mrs. James Coell. Mrs. P.M. England, who also assisted was not present but was home with her visiting grandsons. The reunion committee was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Miss LeHeup, and Mrs. Jack Green. They were assisted by Mr. Green and Dr. and Mrs. Sager. The quartet of tables were overlaid with white cloths and centered with small arrangements of flowers, featuring the class flower, the pink rose. The buffet table was centered with a large arrangement of pink asters. On either side branched silver candelabra held burning white tapers. A white sheet cake, baked by Mrs. Frank Sellars, was decorated with the class colors of rose and silver and pink roses. Mrs. Hill, who had made souvenir booklets from resumes sent in by many class members, presented them. Miss LeHeup will mail copies to those unable to attend the reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who were married July 16, 1950, a month after their graduation were recognized as the couple married the longest. There were no relative newlyweds present as Mr. and Mrs. England who were married December 21, 1957, won the prize as the couple married the shortest length of time. Mr. and Mrs. Greene, parents of seven, won the largest family category; Mr. and Mrs. Clardy were recognized as the ones coming to the reunion from the farthest distance. Class pictures of the group in the third grade under the direction of Mrs. Sarah Preston Ward, and in the sixth grade under the late Mrs. Nellie Ford Price, brought back memories as did the first Zephilsco yearbook, published by the Class of 1946, as did subsequent issues of 1948, 1949, and 1950. Pictures of the class reunion in 1960 as well as snapshots of homes, families, etc. were enjoyed after which pictures were taken of this happy occasion. Plans were discussed to attend the annual ZHS alumni reunion and picnic at Crystal Springs Park on the last Saturday in June next year and for another Class of 1950 reunion dinner party in 1975. In 1950, 28 students graduated from Zephyrhills High School.
Alumni Reunion Draws 70 ZHS Grads for Talk on Old Days, Zephyrhills News, June 28, 1973, by Jaynell LeHeup A very congenial group of 70 persons, alumni of Zephyrhills High School, families and friends met Sunday afternoon in the “Common” Room of the Bank of Zephyrhills for the annual “Summer Homecoming” and ZHS Alumni Association Reunion………………. The retiring vice president, Jack Greene, Class of 1948, Zephyrhills, and his wife, the former Lillian Kress, class of 1950…..were given a vote of thanks.
ZHS Alumni Boost Stadium Fund, Zephyrhills News, June 9, 1978 A large, enthusiastic crowd of home-towners, out-of-towners, and guests picnicked at the 9th annual reunion of the ZHS Alumni and Friends….gathering before noon at the Zephyr Park Community Center, first-comers set up tables, food and drinks, directed by a planning committee that had established an agenda and had worked long hours on planning the event. They included Mr. and Mrs .Jack Greene and Mrs. Ray (Anna Greene) Farmer, secretary of the ZHS Alumni and Friends and a member of the Class of 1954. Her brother, Jack, from the class of 1948, and his wife, the former Lillian Mae Kress, class of 1950, were assisted by other members of their family and friends. ….This year the group’s president, Mrs. Laray Mott Jordan, Class of 1946, was attending a family reunion in North Carolina and was unable to be present. The Reunion was directed by VP John F. Clements of the ZHS faculty for the past 31 years, who was assisted by his wife Beanie, Mrs. Anna Greene Farmer, Class of 1954, Mrs. Jack (Lillian Mae Kress) Greene, Class of 1950, Bill Eiland, Class of 1948, Mrs. John (Mertie Hougaboom) Stephensens, Class of 1924, all former officers and this year’s other officers, Mrs. Betty Jo Turner Hyder, class of 1948, secretary and Mrs. Donnie (Sharon Forbes) Nelson, class of 1960, treasurer.
ZHS Alumni and Friends Reunion Honors Classes of 1930 and 1955, Zephyrhills News, July 3, 1980, by Jaynell LeHeup Each year it gets bigger and better—that is the general consensus about the ZHS Alumni and Friends Reunion! The 1980 Reunion was Sunday at the Community Center, Zephyr Park. There wasn’t just a full house—there was such an overflowing crowd that it was voted to try to obtain the larger Municipal Auditorium for the 1981 Reunion. ….Bill Eiland, Class of 1948, gave a report on the Bulldog Stadium fund which has been generously supported by ZHS Alumni and Friends. He reminded attendees that funds are still being accepted for the plaque to honor those in whose names $100 or more is given. Among those included will be William Rogers “Jook” England of the Class of 1950, as outstanding athlete, during his school years and the first president of the ZHS Alumni and Friends. He died of a heart attack June 18 at age 47.
30th Anniversary of Graduation, Zephyrhills News, July 10, 1980 The following members of the Zephyrhills High School class of 1950 met June 28 for the 30th Class Reunion: John H. Atkinson of Key West, Jaynell LeHeup of Crystal Springs, Earl Wells of Lakeland, Mrs. Axel (Jean Lefler) Munch of Brandon; Mr. and Mrs. Odis (Roberta “Bunny” Leeson Hill of Dade City. Mrs. Carrie Lou Partridg Bassett of Jacksonville, Mrs. Mavel Greene Jones of Dade City, Howard Cherry of Ft. Worth, Texas, and James Hennessy and Mrs. Lillian Mae Kress Greene and Jack Greene, both of Zephyrhills.
‘Boarding House Reach” Scores Hit As ZH Senior Play, Zephyrhills News, December 15, 1950, by Dolly Joybacker
Comedy is Enjoyed by Big Enthusiastic Audience—The senior class play, “The Boarding House Reach,” under the direction of Miss Matilda Clement, was presented last Friday night at the High School Auditorium before a large crowd. It proved a hilarious and enjoyable comedy and was enthusiastically received by the audience….
19 Schools Located in Pasco, Zephyrhills News, 1950
Attendance is Placed at 3,900 Pupils Daily. Fourteen schools for white children and five for colored are attended daily by approximately 3,900 pupils in Pasco County, according to figures just announced by the office of the county superintendent of public instruction at Dade City. The schools are served by 39 busses and are so located throughout the county that they offer education facilities to children even in the remotest areas. Dade City, the county seat, has one of the finest high schools in the state. It is now in its first year of operation, having been completed just before the opening of the present term last September 7. It was built and equipped at an estimated cost of $400,000 with the contract for the building calling for $368,000. The balance was spent for equipment including $14,600 for the science department alone. It is occupied by both senior and junior high students with pupils of the primary grades being instructed in a building of their own. The Zephyrhills High School was build during the WPA years but has seen several additions since then. These include a six room annex for intermediate grades constructed in 1947-48 and a cottage for the use of the home economics department. A unique feature is a small fish pond located on the grounds. The 1947-48 term was the first to see employment of a full time agricultural instructor and the donation of a 20-acre trace of land by the City of Zephyrhills for the use of the agricultural students. Lacoochee and New Port Richey also have senior-junior high school buildings. Members of the Pasco County Board of Public Instruction are: James F. Croley, Dade City, Chairman; Margaretta C. Witt, Zephyrhills; R.D. Stevenson, Elfers; C.P. McCabe, San Antonio; and Edgar H. Kirkland, Lutz. Mark St. Clair is Superintendent. |