HISTORY OF ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOLHighlights of 1946Seniors are: Rubye Lott, Valedictorian; Lois Ann Martinson, Salutatorian; Joseph Elmer Nickerson, Blanche Madeline Lowe, Hazel Boatwright, Robert Andrew Booth, Christiee Maxine Bryant, Amos A. Chancey, Doris Gertrude Cherry, Charles Sidney Coon, Helen Claire England, Ruth Kersey, Nita Lindsey, Mary Lois McDowell, Carolyn Laray Maple, Ralph B. Mott, Albert Wilson Royal, Sherman Aguatus Royal, and Franklin Thomas. Bulldog Bulletin, Zephyrhills News, May 24, 1946 Zephyrhills High School News-The Juniors are very excited and for once are not in any too much mischief. They are looking forward to a big time Friday night so they can give the Faculty and Seniors a real feed. One like they have never had before. The Invitations to the Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom have been given to the Seniors and faculty. Booth’s Give Party for Faculty and Seniors— Inadvertently the Senior Dinner Party at Booths was omitted from last week’s issue. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Booth gave a party for the High School Faculty and the Senior Class at their home on Friday evening, May 19th. The Seniors gathered around the piano and sang while Laray played until all the guests arrived. The Faculty was seated in the beautifully decorated living room and Seniors were seated on the porch. The house was decorated in the Seniors’ class colors of red and white. Red candles and red and white glads were placed on the tables. The dinner was started with a fruit cocktail and followed by the main course which consisted of roast turkey and all the trimmings. After the dinner a very pleasant social time was enjoyed by all present. This party marked the tenth occasion on which Mr. and Mrs. Booth have entertained the High School Seniors. Senior News-The seniors are on the last roundup on the annual. A few extra copies were ordered so that anyone not putting in their order ahead of time may order one now. The Business Managers are collecting the last dollars to be paid. The Commencement programs Mathis has been asked to give E.C. Nance, President of the University of Tampa, is to be the guest speaker at the Commencement Exercise. ![]() On behalf of the faculty and students of Zephyrhills High School, we dedicate this page to Captain A. William Krusen, now on leave from Pan American Grace Airways, who so willingly volunteered his services as aeronautics instructor for our school. On February 14, 1946, the ZHS Senior class purchased and presented to the school a BT-13 Vultee trainer for the purpose of teaching aeronautics to both girls and boys of the upper classes. The plane was purchased from the War Surplus Board and was flown to the Zephyrhills airfield by Mr. William Krusen, a local pilot. Upon arrival of the plane a dedication program was held with Congressman J. Hardin Peterson giving the dedicatory address and Mrs. Mozena, on behalf of the Senior class, made the presentation. Following the buying of the airplane from the government, an aeronautics class was organized with Mr. William Krusen of Pan American Grace Airways, willingly giving his time as instructor and Dr. O. H. Ellmaker serving as assistant. Interest spread fast and twenty-three pupils enrolled, getting off to a good start on Civil Aeronautics Authority Rules and Regulations. Meteorology, navigation, and other fundamentals of flying followed. Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom, Zephyrhills News, May 31, 1946 One of the highlights of the closing of school was the Junior-Senior banquet held at the Women’s Club on Friday, May 24 at 7:30. The Juniors worked around the theme of aeronautics. The club was decorated with red and white wings over each window and across the front of the speaker’s table. Streamers of white and blue ran from window to window. The tables were decorated with flower assortments. The place cards were small wings of red and white like those across the windows. The Juniors, Seniors, teachers and guests enjoyed their meal of roast chicken, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, squash, gravy, vegetable salad, ice cream and cake. The girls who served word dark skirts and white draw-string blouses with frilly aprons and caps. The boys wore khaki suits. Those serving were: Jane Smith, Jane Kerr, Judy Hammond, Lea Bassee, Limbo Burley, Richard Rosenvold and Freddie Gore. First on the program was the welcome preceded by the blessing by Mr. Mitchell. After the fruit cocktail, Bobby Clardy and Nancy Skinner sang a duet accompanied by Marilyn Skinner on the piano. Mrs. Getting and Miss Mayor played a duet on the piano and Nancy Skinner sang a solo. Each member of the School Board was asked to say a few words. The co-pilot, John Arnot, gave the toast to the Seniors. The response was given by Bobby Booth. The toast to the faculty was given by the pilot, Patricia Parttridg, and the response was given by the air hostess, Mrs. Mozena. George Gentzel played the saxophone accompanied by Miss Mayor at the piano. Mr. Craig, acting principal, spoke on the “Future of Aeronautics in Pasco County Schools.” After a hearty meal everyone went to the alternate airport (the American Legion Hall) for the prom. There they spend an enjoyable evening dancing to the music of Gerald Parson’s band. During the intermission, a floor show was presented from the grammar and high school. The Juniors wish to thank the mothers and the Sophomores for helping with the banquet. Without their help, it would not have been possible. In observance of Armistice Day the Armistice Day the American Legion sponsored an essay contest on “Who is a Good American?’ for Junior and Senior High Schools. First award was given to Nancy Skinner, second award to Jaynelle LeHeup and to June Smith was given Honorable Mention. Each of the winners was presented with a book of interest to every good American. At the beginning of the second semester the Business English Class under the direction of Mrs. Mildred S. Mozena contributed a column of school items to the Zephyrhills News. This column has been continued by Hazel Boatwright. The name for the column, “Bulldog Bulletin,” was suggested by Jaynelle Le Heup. On January 18th, 1946 the W.C.T.J. Essay Contest was held. In the Senior High School the award, a medal, was given to Ted Mayor. In the Junior High, the medal was won by Jaynelle LeHeup. The contest for the grades was held on February 22, 1946 when each grade presented a demonstration. For the first three grades the award was given to the Third Grade. The Fourth Grade won the award for the Intermediate Grades. To the Fourth Grade, Mrs. Mabel Price presented a picture for the school room. From March 6th to 13th, the Seniors conducted a contest to find a name for the new annual. An award of five dollars was won by Betty Jo Turner who submitted the name of “Zephilsco.” American Legion Awards will be given to the Eighth grade Girl and Boy who have shown the best citizenship qualities together with high scholarship attainment. Girl for 1945-46 is Nancy Skinner and Boy is Billy England. Valedictorian is Rubye Lott and Salutatorian is Lois Ann Martinson. Most Worthwhile Senior is awarded a medal and a cup. The cup is the George A. Stevens Cup presented by the Tourist Club of Zephyrhills beginning in 1934. The student’s name will be engraved on the cup and the student will keep it for a year. At the end of which time it is passed on to the next Worthwhile Seniors. The winner for 45-56 is Bobby Booth. Activities awards were given to the Senior girl and boy who have been most cooperative and helpful in school activities and it is presented to Rubye Lott and Bobby Booth. Athletic Awards went to Hazel Boatwright and Albert Royal. New Curriculum-On February 14, 1946, the ZHS Senior Class purchased and presented to the school a BT-13Vultee Trainer for the purpose of teaching aeronautics to both girls and boys of the upper classes. The plane was purchased from the War Surplus Board and was flown to the Zephyrhills airfield by Mr. William Krusen, a local pilot. Upon arrival of the plane a dedication program was held with Congressman J. Hardin Peterson giving the dedicatory address and Mrs. Mildred S. Mozena, on behalf of the Senior Class, made the presentation. Following the buying of the airplane from the government, an aeronautics class was organized with Mr. William Krusen, of Fan American Grace Airways, willingly giving his time as instructor and Dr. O.H. Ellmaker serving as assistant. Interest spread fast and twenty-three pupils enrolled getting off to a good start on Civil Aeronautics Authority Rules and Regulations, Meteorology, Navigation and other fundamentals of flying followed. The football squad is composed of Jimbo Burley, George Gentzel, Bernard Kerce, Buddy Nickerson, Bobby Booth, Fred LeHeup, Freddie Gore, Billy England, James Ryals, Charles McClung, George Bryant, Rogan Ellerbe, Herbert McGinnis, Richard Rosencold, Eugene Miller, Albert Royal, Ralph Mott and Howard Cherry. Cheerleaders are Alton Tyre, Lois Clardy, June Lashley, and William Tilley. Class Motto: “We build the Ladder on Which We Climb.” Class Colors: Red and White; Class Flower: Gladioli ![]() ![]() ZHS Football Team 1946.1st row: Jimbo Burley, George Gentzel, Bernard Kerce, Buddy Nickerson, Bobby Booth, Fred LeHeup, Freddie Gore, Billy England, James Ryals, Charles McClung; 2nd row: George Bryant, Bogan Ellerbe, Herbert McGinnis, Richard Rosenvold, Eugene Miller, Billy Eiland, Albert Royal, Ralph Mott, and Howard Cherry. Coaches were Mrs. Mary Mangin and Mr. Gerald Hatch. ZHS Alumni Boost Stadium Fund, Zephyrhills News, June 9, 1978 A large, enthusiastic crowd of home-towners, out-of-towners, and guests picnicked at the 9th annual reunion of the ZHS Alumni and Friends…… H.D. Pollock of Zephyrhills, Class of 1935, was elected President of the 1979 ZHS Alumni and Friends. Serving with him will be R.A. “Bob” Booth of Dade City, class of 1946. ZHS Alumni Boost Stadium Fund, Zephyrhills News, June 9, 1978 A large, enthusiastic crowd of home-towners, out-of-towners, and guests picnicked at the 9th annual reunion of the ZHS Alumni and Friends….gathering before noon at the Zephyr Park…. Picture Caption: “Boys” reunited with their old buddies and Gus Royal, Class of 1946, Thurmond Clardy, Class of 1943, Al Royal, Class of 1946, Bill Tilley, Class of 1949 and Ernie Peeples, Class of 1955 enjoyed cutting the fool just like in their school days. The 1946 ZHS principal is: Mr. Paul B. L. Mitchell, M.A. and a photo of the outdoor basketball court in 1946 at ZHS. ![]() ![]()
Zephyrhills News, July 30, 1977 Another enjoyable and successful Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Reunion was held at the Zephyr Park Community Center. ….New officers elected for the ZHS Alumni Association are: Mrs. Sam (Dena Royal) Craparo, class of 1943, Tampa, President; Mrs. Wayne (Irene Leffer) Fausset, Class of 1943, Brandon, Vice President; Mrs. Bryon (Anna Greene) Farmer, Class of 1954, Zephyrhills, Secretary; and Albert Royal, Class of 1946, Tampa, Treasurer. They will be in charge of the 1978 Reunion and will be assisted by interested alumni and friends in Zephyrhills. ZHS Alumni and Friends Prepare for Gala Reunion Here in June, Zephyrhills News, May 24, 1979 As the end of the school year activities are becoming the order of the day, thoughts are also being focused on the upcoming Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Reunion…… ZHS Alumni and Friends officers for this year (1979) are H.D. Pollock, Class of 1935, president; Robert Booth, Class of 1946, Vice President …. ZHS Alumni and Friends Reunion Honors Classes of 1930 and 1955, Zephyrhills News, July 3, 1980, by Jaynell LeHeup Each year it gets bigger and better—that is the general consensus about the ZHS Alumni and Friends Reunion! The 1980 Reunion was Sunday at the Community Center, Zephyr Park. There wasn’t just a full house—there was such an overflowing crowd that it was voted to try to obtain the larger Municipal Auditorium for the 1981 Reunion. —-New officers elected to organize and take charge of the 1981 Reunion are Donnie Nelson, President, Class of 1958, Merle Green, who moved away in 1942 but would have been a member of the Class of 1946, Vice President; Mrs. Helen England Tiley, Class of 1946, Secretary; and Mrs. Floyd (Margaret Nelson) Cherry, Class of 1958, Treasurer. All are residents of Zephyrhills except Merle of Mobile, Alabama. They were suggested by a nominating committee composed of Jaynell LeHeup, Bob Booth and Bill Eiland, all former alumni officers. This year the group’s president, Mrs. Laray Mott Jordan, Class of 1946, was attending a family reunion in North Carolina and was unable to be present. Dr. Nance to Be Commencement Speaker Here, Zephyrhills News, June 7, 1946 The Baccalaureate Services will be held in the Methodist Church at 8 p.m. June 9. The Reverend S.S. Mathis of the First Baptist Church will deliver the sermon. The Class Night program will be given Monday, June 10, at 4:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. The American Legion awards and the Athletic awards will be presented. The night of the final activities the Senior Class will entertain Dr. and Mrs. E.C. Nance, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Craig at a dinner given in their honor in the Zephyr Hotel on Tuesday evening preceding the commencement. Commencement Exercises-At 8:30 p.m. on June 11, the Senior Class will march to the processional, “Pomp and Circumstance” by Elgar, into the auditorium to receive their diplomas. The Commencement address is to be delivered by Dr. E.C. Nance, President of the University of Tampa, who was guest speaker at the April P.T.A. meeting. All of you who were present will remember him with pleasure. Walter C. Craig, Superintendent, will award the diplomas The awards of achievement will be presented by Mr. Paul B.L. Mitchell. The Stevens Cup will be presented to the most “worthwhile” Senior and medals will be given to the Valedictorian and Salutatorian and the Senior Boy and Girl who have participated most in school activities. Graduating Class-The graduating class of 1946 consists of 19 members: Hazel Boatwright (treasurer); Bobby Booth, Christine Bryant; Abby Chancey; Doris Cherry; Charles Coon; Mary L. McDowell Drake; Helen England; Ruth Kersey, Nita Lindsey, Rubye Lott (President); Madeline Lowe (Secretary); Laray Mott Maple; Lois Ann Martinson; Ralph Mott; Buddy Nickerson (Vice President): Albert Royal; Gus Royal; Frank Thomas and faculty advisor, Mildred Mozena. Class motto: “We build the ladder which we climb,” and the class colors are red and white with the class flower, a gladioli. |