Zephyrhills High School – 1945


Highlights of 1945

Commencement Exercises End School Year, Zephyrhills News, May 25, 1945

The Zephyrhills High School concluded its Commencement activities during the present week. The high school auditorium was the setting for the greater number of functions which marked the closing week of the school term.

On Sunday, May 20, the annual Baccalaureate services were held in the assembly hall of the high school. Dr. S.S. Mathis of the First Baptist Church of Zephyrhills delivered an impressive sermon to a large and appreciative audience. Other features of the program were the songs rendered by the high school chorus accompanied by Mr. Veva Geeting.

On Monday night, The Senior Class gave the Class Night program. The outstanding features of this program were the presentation of the Class History by David Tyre, Jr; the Class Poem by Edna Thornberry; The Prophecy by Isabelle Baggett; Solo by Miss Nancy Skinner; the Class Will by William E. Wentworth Jr. and the delivery of the class gift to the school by Lois Tompkins.

The class gift is to the school this year was the re-decoration of the school auditorium. The check was delivered to Merle M. Bright, Chairman of the local board of trustees, who made a brief but effective acceptance speech.

Following this presentation was the introduction of Paul S. Tyson, local member of the Pasco County Board of Instruction and Commander of the Zephyr Post of the American Legion who made the presentation of the American Legion awards to the most outstanding boy and girl of the Eighth grade of the high school.

These awards were given to Miss Betty Jane Thomas and to Alton Tyre. The music was furnished by the Zephyrhills Citizens’ Band and the choruses were under the direction of Mrs.Veva Getting.

After the exercises were concluded the members of the Senior Class and their sponsor, Mrs. Eleanor R. Marchman, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Metzinger at an informal reception.

Chicken Dinner, Tuesday-Tuesday night brought entertainment in the form of a chicken dinner at the city park followed by a trip to the local theater where the class saw, “Brother Rat.” The chicken supper was a social courtesy extended by Mrs. David Tyre, Sr. and Mrs. G.W. McGinnis, and the picture show was enjoyed through the invitation of the class sponsor.

On Wednesday night the senior girls who are members of the Home Economics Classes took part in the Annual Style Show. This style show, which has become a feature of the closing exercises of the high school, was held in the high school auditorium and is under the capable direction of Mrs. Getting. Following the style show the members of the Senior Class and the girls taking part in the style show will be entertained at the home economics building.

Thursday night marked the culmination of the week’s activities when the annual commencement exercises were held in the high school assembly hall. The annual address was given by Judge O. L. Dayton Jr. and the presentation of diplomas was made by Superintendent Walter C. Craig.

The class roll of graduating class follows: James Taylor, Chaplin; Roy Lockwood Harrison, David Tyre Jr, William Edgar Wentworth Jr. Marguerite Isabelle Baggett, Martha Johns Duddie, Patricia Bryan Eikeland, Leola Ellerbe Gessner, Edna Elizabeth Thornberry and Lois Marie Tompkins. First honors went to Miss Edna E. Thornberry, who was also named the most outstanding Senior and was awarded the loving cup in recognition of academic standing and fine personal qualifications. Second place academic honors went to David Tyre Jr. who was also given the award of best senior school citizen.

As final courtesy of the graduating class of 1945, the Lion’s Club of Zephyrhills will host a dinner given in honor of the Seniors on Friday night of this week.

Graduation Exercises to Be Held Next Week—Festivities Mark Closing Days of School, Zephyrhills News, May 18, 1945

The Graduation exercises for the Senior Class of Zephyrhills High School will be held next week. The Class Roll is as follows: Isabelle Baggett, James Chapin, Martha Duddie, Patricia Eikeland, Leona Gessner, Roy Harrison, Edna Thornberry, Lois Tompkins, David Tyre Jr., William Wentworth Jr. The class officers are: President—David Tyre Jr; Vice President—William Wentworth Jr; Secretary-Treasurer—Edna Thornberry. The class colors are blue and white with the red rose as class flower. Their motto, “Sicut patribus sit Deus nobis.” The class sponsor is Mrs. Eleanor Marchman

The Baccalaureate Sermon will be delivered by Reverend S.S. Mathis of the First Baptist Church of Zephyrhills with music by the High School Choir under the direction of Mr. Veva Geeting. The Class Night Program will be on Monday, May 21, at the High School Auditorium at 8:30 o’clock with music by the Zephyrhills Citizen’s Band and songs by the High School Chorus. The Class History will be given by David Tyre Jr; Class Poem by Edna Thornberry; Class Prophecy by Isabelle Baggett; Last Will and Testament by William Wentworth Jr; and Giftorian by Lois W. Tompkins.

The climax will be graduation on Thursday evening, May 25th at 8:30 o’clock at the High School Auditorium and a solo by Miss Nina Craig with Mrs. Veva Geeting, directing

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