Sand Pond Column by Mrs. J.H. McKillips, Dade City Banner, May 13, 1936 The Misses Irene Hohenthaner, Mary Lefler, Virginia Lee Stapleton, and Evelyn Mandry, Bryan Womack Jr. Don Storms Jr. Bill March, and John Rasmussen, pupils of this year’s eighth grade graduating class of the Zephyrhills school were guests Tuesday of their teacher, Mrs. Bertha McKillips. After lunch which consisted of meat loaf, salad, cookies, potato chips, pickles, and ice tea which was furnished by the young folks, they went to Sand Pond where some enjoyed swimming while others sat around and visited. Zephyrhills Column by Mrs. Lloyd Curtis, Dade City Banner, May 13, 1936 The baccalaureate sermon will be held in the Methodist Church next Sunday, May 17. Dr. Frank Hartman will deliver the sermon. Everyone is invited. The members of the sophomore class and sponsor, Mr. Scarborough went to Silver Springs last Saturday. Mr. M. Mounts took them in the bus. Several others went along and all reported a good time. Another School Term Gets Under Way on Monday, Zephyrhills News, Friday, September 6, 1935 Twenty-Fifth Year of School Started with Appropriate Exercises. All Officials Attend. The twenty-fifth year of school was started last Monday morning in this city, with appropriate opening exercises at the G.A.R. Hall at nine o’clock, with Mr. Frank Gill, Chairman of the Local Board of Trustees, in charge of the program. The first number on the program, a march by Mrs. D.A. Storms, found the Hall filled to capacity with many persons forced to remain outside. At the conclusion of the march, the entire assembly stood and sang, America, led by Mrs. A. W. Rogers, local singing teacher for the school. Dr. W. A. Hamlett, pastor of the Baptist Church, gave the opening prayer, read a passage of Scripture and very ably welcomed the teachers and the children to our school for another year. Following the introduction of the members of the teaching staff by Mrs. Lee MaComb, Mr. William Hamilton, the other member of the local board of trustees, made a few remarks. Professor F. M. Mounts who is president of the Parent-Teachers Association presented the ideas and the work of the P.T.A. for the coming year and gave his usual interesting and instructive talk. The remarks of Mr. Fred Revels, County Superintendent of Schools, were equally as well received by an audience who knows Mr. Revels very well. D.A. Storm, local County School Board member, spoke on the possibilities of the high school being accredited this term and spoke very encouragingly to say the least. Professor Rowland, Principal of the local school, closed the speaking with a few instructions and some information regarding the coming term. The loyalty to the school by the patrons in general is greatly appreciated by the officials in the face of the handicaps they are working under, with bright prospects of a new building and accreditation this year it would appear that the Zephyrhills Schools are headed for a banner year. The high school department reported an enrollment of fifty-four students, while the grammar grades consist of two hundred and twelve pupils, a grant total of two hundred sixty-six.
On Sept. 4, 1936, the Dade City Banner reported that J. T. Campbell Jr. was appointed Principal of Zephyrhills High School, and these other teachers were also appointed: J. D. Nelson, Clark Woodward, Miss Auricle Driggers, Miss Clairnell O’Steen, Miss Edith Plank, Miss Sara Krentzman, Mrs. Bertha McKillips. The newspaper also listed teachers appointed to Zephyrhills Grammar School.
On Sept. 11, 1936, the Dade City Banner reported: “An impressive Labor Day event was the dedication of the new Zephyrhills school building, the highlight of an all day celebration in that city. The attractive modern building, erected through a WPA project sponsored by the county school board, replaces the former building which was destroyed by fire a few years ago.” Pasco School Board Names 1936 Teachers, Zephyrhills News, May 24, 1936 The county school board yesterday confirmed practically all recommendations for county school teachers not previously submitted. Appointments for the Zephyrhills High School are: L. E. Rowland, Principal; Mrs. Annie W. Gill, Assistant Principal; J. T. Campbell, Jr. and Miss Lilla Best Taylor. One vacancy is to be filled. Zephyrhills grammar school: Miss Bertha Messick, eighth grade; Mrs. A.V. Withers, sixth grade; Miss Pauline Eiland, fifth grade; Mrs. Nellie Price, fourth grade; Miss Inez Laurence, third grade; Miss Lillian Kirkland, second grade; and Mrs. Helen Hamilton, first grade. Gulf High School: M.G. Donaldson, Principal; J. H. St. Clair, Bruce Mitchell, Miss Grace Fogg, Miss Sarah Lewis, F.K. Marchman. Two vacancies are to be filled. Mrs. Ella Norfleet has been appointed principal of the Elfers school. Miss Marjorie Ayers has been added to the Pierce grammar school faculty and Mrs. Fred O. Revels to the Trilby school faculty. Miss Elizabeth Rollins will fill the vacancy in the Dade City grammar school. Mrs. Freda Eiland has been appointed to the Blanton school and Mrs. Ada Kelly to the Drexel School. On Feb. 21, 1936, the New Port Richey Press reported on a basketball game between the Zephyrhills Breezers and the Gulf High Cooties. The Zephyrette Is New Paper Published by Grade Pupils, Zephyrhills News, November 27, 1936 Some time ago the school directors of Zephyrhills school district purchased a new duplicating printing machine for use in the local schools and the school faculty has found it to be very handy instrument or machine to have about in getting out their special and feature work. The past week the patrons of the school were surprised to have brought into their homes a nearly arranged edited and printed school paper entitled, “The Zephyrette” published and edited under school supervision. The paper will devote space to all grades in the Elementary division under the supervision of Mrs. Helen McNeil, teacher of the Sixth grade. The new paper was filled with snappy news items of interest to the school children and parents, and dwelt upon school work features. The News welcomes this periodical to our exchange list. In fact it tipped the News Editor to several good items for his own paper. Here is one item which we think is worth giving reproduction credit to the paper, The Principal says, “Everyone should be very pleased at the way the Elementary pupils have tried to keep from marking or damaging the new building and furniture. Only two or three pupils have forgotten about this, but the markings were not serious. Let’s all remember never to mark on or damage the building and furniture. If we all remember this, the building will be just as nice and new 10 years from now.” Pasco Teachers Will Attend State Educational Meet, Zephyrhills News, Friday, November 20, 1936 It has been custom for the state to hold a state wide educational meeting for teachers during the Holiday season. The State Board of Instruction has now sent word to the county boards, that by request of many of the teachers, who objected to their holiday season vacation being interrupted, that this meeting would now be held in March of each year. The State Board is also requesting the county boards to give their teachers three days off in March to attend this educational gathering, on pay, provided the teachers are recorded as in attendance. The Pasco County Board passed a resolution at its meeting on Monday granting the local county teachers this privilege, on conditions above stated. The board also advanced the salary of Mrs. Bertha McKillips, of the Zephyrhills High School faculty to the sum of $120 per month, on an equality with other teachers. While this is Mrs. McKillips first year in high school work, yet she has given long and faithful service in the grades and has continued same in her present position, at the request of many school patrons the board allowed it proper to make adjustment of her monthly compensation. Report was made by Mr. Platt, that he had been in conference with W.P.A. officials concerning Dade City school needs, and he was much encouraged that something might be doing in the near future about a new high school appropriation. The board authorized the purchase of a duplicating machine for use in the County Superintendent’s office and the Dade City Schools, to be paid out of assigned fund. The board agreed to pay for the lights used in the night school seasons being conducted under W.P.A. auspices in the Huckabay block in Dade City. Alumni news of era—
50th Anniversary Class, Zephyrhills News, July 3, 1986 There were only four graduates in the Class of 1936 at Zephyrhills High School, and two of them were on hand for Sunday’s Alumni and Friends Reunion, Robert Seaberg of Zephyrhills and Laura Rogers Chilson of Lake Geneva. ![]() |