Graduation of Eighth Grade, Zephyrhills News, April 22, 1927 The graduation exercises of the pupils of the Eighth grade were held at the school auditorium on Wednesday night. Each participant acquitted themselves with great credit, showing remarkable talent for the part, and every gesture showed a careful training and was a favorable reflection upon the efficiency of their teacher, Mrs. Guy. The auditorium was a gay scene of color and light—a veritable collection as young and old gathered in their beautiful spring gowns and suites to pay their respects to those boys and girls as they passed one of the hardest milestones of their life. Each young face beamed with joy and eyes sparkled with merriment as the realization of their many years of anticipation was realized. The program was presented as follows: Song—“America” Play—“Graduation Day At Zephyrhills School” Introduction—Francis Sibley Dialogue—Velma Geiger, Annie Meszaros, Paul Williams 8th Grade Salutatory Address—Margaret Phillips Class Introduction—Gerald Sibley Response—Vilma Geiger Song, “Bluebird”—Elsie Parker Remarks—Kenneth Higginson and Mabel Morris Class Song, “Our Parting Pledge” Recitation—“An Appreciation”—Vernon Gall Class History—Inez Hartley Piano and Violin Duet—Harry Queripel and Gerald Sibley Remarks—Roy Crick and Annie Meszaros Class Prophecy—Harry Queripel Song, “I’m Drifting Back to Dreamland”—Annie Meszaros, Velma Geiger, Vernon Gall, and Gerald Sibley Class Poem—Ruth Bracey Address to Seventh Grade—Florence Brooks Response—Edith Mott 8th Grade Valedictory Address—Elsie Parker Farewell Song—Class Thanks—Joanna Sante The evening address to the class was made by C.H. Smith and was an exceptionally well delivered one. D.A. Storms, secretary of the Board of Trustees, presented the diplomas. As a remark of the high esteem in which they hold the teacher of the eighth grade, Mrs. Guy, the parents of the pupils, presented her a large basket of flowers. Graduation Exercises To Be Held Friday, Zephyrhills News, April 15, 1927 Graduation exercise for the class of 1927 of Zephyrhills High School will be held at the school auditorium Friday night, April 22nd at 8 o’clock. The speaker for the occasion will be a member of the faculty of Southern College, either Dr. J.K. Benton, head of the religious education department or Dr. S.G. Coe, instructor of history. Those graduating are: Edwinn Geiger, Estella Hougaboom, Helen Koontz, Margaret Kunze, Eula Shaw and Ira Jones. Baccalaureate Sermon To be By Reverend Frank H. Hartman, Zephyrhills News, April 15, 1927 Exercises to be held Sunday evening at the school Auditorium at 8 o’clock. The Baccalaureate Sermon to the Senior Class of the Zephyrhills High School will be given by F.H. Hartman, pastor of the Christian Church in the High School Auditorium, Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Subject; “Our Task.” Program Song: “America” by Congregation Scripture Reading—Reverend Pierce Orchestra, song—“Stand Up For Jesus” Prayer—Reverend Wesson Solo—Miss Mary Granger Orchestra Sermon—Reverend Hartman Song—“The Victory May Depend On You” Dismissal—Reverend Pierce Valedictorian was Eula Shaw and Salutatorian was Ira Jones. Class Banquet—Hotel Zephyr, Zephyrhills News, April 8, 1927 Junior-Senior Banquet Held at Hotel Zephyr Proves An Enjoyable Occasion Friday, April the first, the annual Junior-Senior banquet was held at Hotel Zephyr. Only members of the Junior and Senior classes of Zephyrhills High School and the class sponsors were present, the dinner being given by the Junior class in honor of the Senior class. At nine o’clock the guests were ushered into the dining room where the tables were decorated with flowers and with the senior class colors, pink and green. Place cared of white with names written in green ink marked the place for each guest. There were favors of small pink baskets, filled with candy for all those present. When the guests were seated, Theo Campbell, president of the Junior Class, acting as toastmaster called on Robert Gill for a word of welcome to the Seniors. Miss Helen Koontz responded for her class. After the first course, Miss Tillie Reutimann and her little sister, Margueritte, gave a piano duet which was very well received. Later Misses Rutherford and Sellars sang a duet entitled, “Sing Me to Sleep.” As an encore they gave “A Bird’s Eye View of My Old Kentucky Home.” Mrs. Walter Gall accompanied them on the piano. Between the main courses and the dessert, Miss Whiteside gave a recitation, “The Highwayman,” which was enjoyed by all. Finally Miss Luceal McCoy rendered a piano solo, “Humoresque.” The dinner was served by Misses Sellers, Rutherford and Linkey who volunteered to act as waitresses. Misses Sellers and Rutherford also took part in the program and success of the occasion was largely due to their effort…Credit is also due to Mrs. Gall and to Mrs. Wrennick, manager of the hotel. Those present at the banquet were: Seniors, Misses Helen Koontz, Eula Shaw, Margaret Kunze, Estella Hougaboom, Edwina Geiger, Juniors, Messrs. Theodore Campbell, Clarence Darby, Nelson Naber, Robert Campbell, and Robert Gill, and Misses Tillie Reutimann, Edith Plank, Luceal McCoy, Beryl Forbes and Miss High and Miss Whiteside, sponsors of the Junior and Senior classes respectively. Ira Jones, the boy in the Senior Class, was absent on account of unavoidable circumstances. Board Cuts School Term, Zephyrhills News, March 11, 1927 The failure of property owners to pay in their taxes has caused the Board of Public Instruction at their meeting Monday to pass a resolution cutting the school term in all districts drawing revenue from the general fund to a seven month’s period. Those districts which have funds on hand will continue the full term. The action of the Board is the same as is being followed by many of the counties of the state owing to the same reason. Our neighboring counties, Polk and Hillsborough, have also announced a cut in school terms. Zephyrhills News, Thursday, February 26, 1970, page 6—a look back Graduates of 1927—Zephyrhills High School today graduates about 80 seniors each year, but in 1927 the senior class numbered only six, all but one of them were girls. The boys had all quit school in a dispute with the principal. Left to right in the photo below are: Ira Jones, now in Kentucky; Miss Marjorie Whiteside, a teacher and class sponsor, now on the West Coast; Mrs. William (Margaret Kunze) Sargent, Dade City; Eula Hensley Shaw, now in Kentucky; Mrs. Ernest (Edwina Ruff) Beaver of Zephyrhills; Mrs. Kenneth (Helen Koontz) Cook of Zephyrhills; and Mrs. Alvin (Estella Hougaboom) Russell of Zephyrhills. ![]() Same class in fifth grade—
Fifth Grade About 1920, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, February 26, 1970 FIFTH GRADE—Zephyrhills was just a youngster when this group picture of a 5th grade class was made at the old frame school, located on the west side of what is now 301. Left to right in the front row: Walter Miller, Rodley Bartholomew, Forest Boyette, Paul Miller, Victor Geiger, Wayne Rousch, Otis Ryals, Gordon Hill, and Frances Ferguson; Second Row, left to right: Louis Meszaros, Charley Meszaros, unknown. Frances Hohenthaner, Hansel Geiger, John Gunnoe, Bethel Geiger, unknown, Vernon Williams and Austin Smith. Third row from left: Leah Padmore, Copeland Knapp, Clover Sweetzer, Annie Parker, Corrine Hill, Helen Koontz, Margaret Knapp, Edwina Ruff, Mary Filmon, and Marion Metcalf. Back row from left: Joel Turner, teacher, Kate Douglas, Bill Douglas, Jack Douglas, Webster Fillman, Albert Geiger, Ennis Pippin. ![]()
Honor Roll, Zephyrhills News, February 18, 1927 Requirements: Attendance and Punctuality, 100 percent; Deportment and studies, 90 percent. For Week Ending February 4th First Grade—Geogiana Bernheim, Homer Ceary, A.J. Johns, Dorothy Stratton, Edwin Whitney Second Grade—Joseph Arnod, Adaline Carlisle, Vilda Hartlieb, Raymond Marquardt, Jeannette Pierce, Verna Reagan, Marguerite Snider, Curtis Taylor, Talmidge Taylor Third Grade—Hilda Bracey, George Gabbert, Richard Gaskin, Joseph Geiger, Heen Grant, Austin Harrell, Louise McCall, Glenn McDowell, Margaret Reutimann, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—William Genley, Gladys Hailey, Delma Harrell, Floyd Love Fifth Grade—Elsie Turner Sixth Grade—Glen Sante, Lillian Skogstad Seventh Grade—Charle Ahrendt, Elsie Grant, Robert Haworth, Wilbur Veazey Eighth Grade—Florence Brooks, Inez Hartley, Mack Niles, Elsie Parker, Margaret Phillips Ninth Grade—Neva Blanchard, Barbara Phillips, Sadie Turner Tenth Grade—Arthur Austin Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Edith Plank Roll for the Fifth Month– Second Grade—Talmadge Taylor Third Grade—Richard Gaskins, Helen Grant, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—Ernest Linkey Eighth Grade—Joanna Sante Ninth Grade—Barbara Phillips Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Eula Shaw For the Week Ending February 11th– First Grade—Louise Arnot, Georgana Burnhelm, A.J. Johns, Dorothy Stratton, William Sprayberry, Edwina Whitney Second Grade—Raymond Cook, Raymond Marquardt, Ralph Pelton, Marguerite Snider, Clarabelle Sprayberry, Curtis Taylor, Talmadge Taylor Third Grade—Isabelle Austin, George Gabbert, Richard Gaskin, Joseph Geiger, Austin Harrell, C. A. Price, Margaret Reutimann, Claud Sauls, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—Ruth Anderson, Annice Cripe, Gladys Hailey, Ernest Linwek, Donald Plank, Athel Thomas, Horace Williford Sixth Grade—Elfredia Blair, Lillian Skogstad, Emerson Snider Seventh Grade—Charles Ahrendt, Robert Geiger, Elsie Grant, Robert Haworth, Wilbur Veazy Eighth Grade—Ruth Bracey, Inez Hartley, Margaret Phillips, Joanna Sante Ninth Grade—Neva Blanchard, Barbara Phillips Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Clarence Darby, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Ira Jones Senior Class Play, Zephyrhills News, February 4, 1927 The Senior Class of the Zephyrhills high school are to present, “For The Love of Money,” a senior class play at the G.A.R. Hall on Tuesday, February 8, 1927 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is to be 25 cents. An urgent request to attend is made. Honor Roll, Zephyrhills News, Friday, January 28, 1927 Requirements: Attendance and Punctuality, 100 percent; Deportment and Studies, 90 percent Second Grade—Edith Dasher, Vida Hartlieb, Verna Reagan, Riley Slater, Marguerite Snider, Curtis Taylor, Talmedge Taylor Third Grade—George Gabbert, Richard Gaskins, Joseph Geiger, Hall Giles, Helen Grant, Jack Parsons, Marguerite Reutimann, Claud Salus, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—Annice Cripe, Juanita Gramling, Athel Thomas, Gladys Bailey, Delma Harrell, Ernest Linkey, Floyd Love, Sarah Parsons, Donald Plank Sixth Grade—Vance Forbes, Mabel Gabbert, Lillian Skogstad, Dorotha Mikesell, Helen May Myers, Freda Sibley, Ferne Williams Seventh Grade—Elsie Grant, Vernon Koontz Eighth Grade—Mabel Morris, Margaret Phillips, Curtice Price, Ray Roberts, Joanna Sante, Francis Sibley, Gerald Sibley Ninth Grade—Barbara Phillips, Sadie Turner Tenth Grade—Celia Linkey Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Ira Jones, Eula Shaw Honor Roll, Zephyrhills News, Friday, January 21, 1927, Volume no. 16, no. 15 Requirements: Attendance and Punctuality, 100 percent; Deportment and Studies, 90 percent For the week ending January 7th: First Grade—Mildred Kinne, Dorothy Stratton, Edwina Whitney Second Grade—Edith Dasher, Benton DuBose, Robert Mott, Marguerite Snider, Clarabelle Sprayberry, Talmadge Taylor Third Grade—Richard Gaskins, Joseph Geiger, Helen Grant, Austin Harrell, James Mott, Glenn McDowell, Daisy Sharon, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—Al Bly, Ella Bly, Walter Brown, William Gesley, Juanita Gramlina, Delma Harrell, Ernest Linkey, Donald Plank Sixth Grade—Betty Browne, Freda Sibley, Lillian Skogstad, Vera Slater, Emerson Snider, Ferne Williams Seventh Grade—Gertrude Dasher, Elsie Grant, Vernon Koontz, Edith Mott, Mary Singletary Eighth Grade—Ruth Bracey, Florence Brooks, Inez Hartley, Annie Meszaros, Elsie Parker, Margaret Phillips, Joanna Sante Ninth Grade—Barbara Phillips, Willie Rothhamer, Sadie Turner Tenth Grade—Celia Linkey Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Eula Shaw Roll for Fourth Month– First Grade—Edwina Whitney Second Grade—Edith Dasher, Verna Reagan, Margaret Snider Third Grade—Claud Sauls, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—Ella Bly Fifth Grade—Letha Hartley Sixth Grade—Elfrieda Blair, Betty Browne, Grace Mott, Lillian Skogstad Eighth Grade—Florence Brooks, Curtis Price Ninth Grade—Charles Slater Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Eula Shaw For the Week Ending January 14th First Grade—Louise Arnot, Dorothy Stratton, Edwina Whitney Second Grade—Adaline Carliale, Edith Dasher, Vida Hartlieb, Jeanette Pierce, Curtis Taylor, Talmdedge Taylor Third Grade—Richard Gaskins, Helen Grant, Austin Harrell, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—Mandell Arnold, Faye Hamilton, Ernest Linkey, Sarah Parsons Seventh Grade—Robert Haworth, Agnes Kirk, Myron Naber, Mary Singletary Eight Grade—Ruth Bracey, Florence Brooks, Mabel Morris, Joanna Sante Ninth Grade—Barbara Phillips, Sadie Turner Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Eula Shaw Alumni coverage of era—
Zephyrhills News, July 30, 1977 Another enjoyable and successful Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Reunion was held at the Zephyr Park Community Center. …..The Golden (50th) anniversary Class of 1927 was represented by Mrs. Alva (Stella Houggaboom) Russell and her husband. Mrs. Russell said she and her family had moved to Zephyrhills from New York state and she had enjoyed her years at ZHS so much she had remained a resident here. There were five girls and boys in the Class of 1927, Houggaboom stated. While she was the only class member graduate present, she pointed out several other schoolmates of that era in the audience. Alumni Reunion Draws 70 ZHS Grads for Talk on Old Days, Zephyrhills News, June 28, 1973, by Jaynell LeHeup A very congenial group of 70 persons, alumni of Zephyrhills High School, families and friends met Sunday afternoon in the “Common” Room of the Bank of Zephyrhills for the annual “Summer Homecoming” and ZHS Alumni Association Reunion. New officers elected without opposition are: Jim Ferguson’51, class of 1951, Zephyrhills, President; David Cripe ‘23, Class of 1923, Dade City, Vice President; Mrs. Alvin (Stella Higginbottom ‘27) Russell, class of 1927, Zephyrhills, secretary. Recalling Past Times Most Fun at ZHS Alum-Friends Reunion, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, July 1, 1976, by Jaynell J. Leheup A very enjoyable and successful Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Reunion was held Sunday, June 27, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Zephyrhills Park.…………. Two classes specially saluted at the reunion were the Class of 1926 celebrating its 50th anniversary and the Class of 1951 celebrating its 25th anniversary.…………. Next year the classes specially honored will be 1927 and 1952. Mrs. Stella Hougaboom Russell reports that members of the 1927 class were Eula Shaw, Margaret Kunze Edwards, Edwina Ruff Beaver, Helen Koontz Cook (deceased), Ira Jones and Stella Hougaboom Russell. She hopes that as many as possible will get in touch with her before next year’s reunion to make plans for their get-together. Nostalgia, New Stadium on ZHS Alumni Program Sunday, Zephyrhills News, June 22, 1978, by Beverly McNeese There will be more than a bit of nostalgia and reminiscing Sunday when the Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends gather again at the Community Center at Zephyr Park. Each year this group meets to renew old school-days “friendships.”…”Like the time the boys thought they were real smart and got together and put my lunch in my desk and I opened the desk (they had a top that raised up back then) and there was the possum.” I screamed and screamed,” said Estella Hougaboom Russell, of the class of 1927. The teacher chased it out with a stick.” There were five girls and one boy in the 1927 graduating class and Mrs. Russell, said Mrs. Russell and there were only 25 students in the whole classroom. ![]() |