HISTORY OF ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOLHighlights of 1926![]() ![]() of 1926 and the bell in the tower as well.
High School Commencement, Zephyrhills News, April 23, 1926 Friday Evening at G.A.R. Hall—Eight O’clock The Commencement of the Zephyrhills Accredited Senior High School will be held Friday evening, April 26, at the G.A.R. Hall, this city at Eight o’clock, to which the public is cordially invited. The class is composed of Six Graduates, namely: George Neukom, Helen May Linkey, Ester N. Plank, Bessie Kate Pennington, Iris Hartt, and Cyril Cockrell. The class motto is, “Labor has a sure reward.” The class colors are Blue and Gold. The class flower is Blue Hydranges. An attractive program has been prepared by the Class. Dr. H.S. Filmer of Brown University will deliver the oration. Baccalaureate Sermon Will Be Preached At Methodist Church Next Sunday By Rev. E.L. Peirce, Zephyrhills News, April 9, 1926 The closing of the city schools on April 26th is a matter of importance to the whole community and brings with it many events of interest to our citizens. The first of these will be celebrated on next Sunday evening when the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates of the High School will be preached at 8 o’clock in the Methodist Church by Reverend Everett Lewis Peirce. N.L. Wright’s orchestra will furnish the instrumental numbers and assist the choir with the music. Members of the Junior class will act as ushers. Seats will be reserved for the graduates, their parents, members of the School Board and the faculty of the schools. The graduates are: Cyrill Crockrell, Helen (Linkey) Hamilton, Bessie Pennington, George Neukom, Ester Plank and Iris Hartt. The decorations will be in the class colors. All citizens of the town and visitors of the community are invited. The ministers of the city will assist in the service. Notice the hour of 8 o’clock. Dedication of School Tonight, Zephyrhills News, September 10, 1926 The New City School Will Be Formally Dedicated Tonight—good program. The new $50,000 school will be formally dedicated tonight. The trustees and others have completed an interesting program for this occasion. State Superintendent of Public Education, W.S. Cawthorn, will be the principal speaker for the occasion. The celebration will be held in the school auditorium. The following is the program for the evening: March, “E Plurbius Unum”—Band “America”—Audience Prayer—Reverend Peirce Address—State Superintendent, W.S. Cawthorn Waltz, “Over the Waves”—Band Recitation—Mrs. Hazen Price Vocal Solo—Mrs. John Harrison Address by County Superintendent of Schools, E.B. O’Berry Selection—Mixed Quartet Invitation to County Officials to Speak March, “Romaine”—Band “Star Spangled Banner”—Audience. P.T.A. Meeting Held Friday, Zephyrhills News, September 10, 1926 Organization of Parent-Teacher Association Started. Committees Appointed. The meeting held at the school auditorium for the purpose of forming a Parent-Teacher Association was well attended, and the interest and enthusiasm showed promise well for the future of the organization. Mr. M.P. Geiger acted as chairman and the following business was transacted. After the unanimous vote to proceed with organization, Mrs. Annie Gill was elected chairman of the committee on constitution and by-laws and Mrs. Lewis Sibley, chairman of a nominating committee, each with authority to select assistants. P.T.A. meeting, Zephyrhills News, September 24, 1926 The Parents-Teachers Association met last Friday afternoon at the school auditorium and completed the work of organizing. Much interest was shown throughout the meeting. The following were elected officers: President—Mrs. Lucius Sibley; First Vice President—Mrs. Darby; Second Vice-President, Miss Rutherford; Secretary—Mrs. Nellie Price; Corresponding Secretary—Miss Grace Cripe; and Treasurer—Mrs. Singletary. School Ready For Opening, Zephyrhills News, Vol. No 15, No. 43, August 27, 1926 Practically Everything Is Done for the Opening of School Monday Morning. School opens Monday! Vacation days have heard the sentence passed for their banishment, and many are the long-drawn signs from “young America.” The new $50,000 school building is a real educational factory for efficiency and thoroughness. Nothing that would be of benefit to the pupils or faculty has been left undone. Yet no superfluous appendages have been added. It contains all the modern facilities and advanced knowledge of school architecture. It has been built with an eye to the future. At any time additional space may be provided without marring the exquisite, dignified beauty of the building. It is a very pleasant appearing structure of hollow tile, concrete and stucco construction, practically fire proof, the only wood used being the stairways, surfacing of the class and recitation rooms, study hall and the doors and door facings. The building contains on its lower floor class rooms, 24×28 feet in size, arranged so that the light enters from one side, and ventilated both by means of the large windows and by transoms opening into the hallway. In addition to these classrooms is an office for the principal, library, and auditorium. A feature of the lavatories are the modern drinking fountains, of a type which not only throws a central jet, but small streams from all sides, making it impossible for the children’s’ mouths to touch the faucets, assuring perfect sanitation. The auditorium opens from the center of the building and extends 80 feet to the rear. It is equipped with a stage 15 feet deep, with a dressing room at each end. The room is furnished with comfortable opera chairs, and will have a seating capacity of about 400. The upper floor is reached by means of stairways at each end of the building and gives exit directly to the outside. It has two classrooms the same size as those on the lower floor, a study hall of 29×23 feet in size for the high school, and four recitation rooms. These are separated from each other by partitions of a temporary type that will permit throwing each pair of rooms into one classroom of standard size. The building is to be heated by a steam plant of the most modern type. The blackboards, which cover two sides of each classroom, are the best grade of slate. The interior finish of the building is pleasing and soothing to the eye, the rough finish walls being tinted in various shades that harmonize with the oil finish of the wood work. The building has been erected at a cost of approximately $50,000. It was thought to be sufficient at the time for all needs for several years but from all indications its capacity will be taxed this year. A special meeting of the board was held Monday for the purpose of inspecting the work, and to decide whether it would be necessary to postpone the opening of the school or not, but were informed by Architect Floyd Hamill and Superintendent of Construction, Fred Qunze, that the building will be ready for opening Monday, August 30. A few finishing touches are to be added before it is fully completed. A dedication service is being arranged at a very early date. Prominent educators will be present to assist in the dedication. Don’t forget—school opens Monday morning, August 30 at 9 o’clock. Parents and all those interested (of course that means the children) are invited to attend the opening of the school. ![]() School Started Monday Morning, Zephyrhills News, September 3, 1926 Impressive Ceremonies Marked The Opening of the City’s New School. School opened Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock with impressive ceremonies. More than 400 pupils and parents were in attendance. The exercises were held in the new auditorium. Mr. Zeb Smithson acted as chairman. America was sung as the opening song. The chairman introduced Reverend Peirce who presented the school with a large Bible, the gift of the Women’s auxiliary of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Zephyrhills. In the presentation, Reverend Pierce called attention to the fact that it was upon the foundation of the Bible that freedom and liberty were based. Also, that the State of Florida, through its law making body, said the Bible should be read daily in the free schools of the state. The 19th Psalm was read, no comments being made. But as the words floated over the audience the meaning and feeling of the Psalmist seemed to become more clear. And where, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to Thy sight, O, Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer,” were given, it seemed no more fitting dedication verse could have been read. The reading of the opening Bible verse followed by prayer of Reverend Bell.” M.P. Geiger, Principal of the school was next introduced. In his talk, Mr. Geiger asked that the word, “professor,” be always eliminated from his name as it was applicable only to one who had risen to a highest distinction rank in a specialized study. “It is an honor and a great responsibility to be placed at the head of a school,” said Mr. Geiger. No one who is called to such a position should feel fully equal to the task, no matter how small the school or church for it is with fear and trembling one should place themselves as a teacher and leader. “No one person can make this school a success. It will take cooperation of pupils, parents, teacher and officers to bring that about. I now ask you for that cooperation,” said Mr. Geiger. “This can be made one of the greatest and best school years in the history of Zephyrhills if this cooperation is given, he said. Mr. Geiger requested the organization of a Parent-Teacher Association as one means of bringing about this much desired and needed assistance and a score or more parents expressed their willingness to become members when asked to attend a meeting for the purpose of organizing Friday afternoon, September 3, at 4:30 o’clock at the auditorium. The principal announced the school schedule as follows: Opening at 8:45, lunch hour from 12:00 to 1:00 and dismissal at 4:00, and a recess in the morning and afternoon. “Owing to the lack of sufficient funds been appropriated by the legislature, there will be a shortage of free school books for the grades below the seventh grade and it is requested of parents who are able to purchase books for their children in those grades to do so,” said the principal. Books will have to be obtained at Dade City or elsewhere as no place has been made a depository for school books in Zephyrhills up to the present. In regard to those transporting children it was pointed out that the pupils are in their cars to and from school and a desire was expressed that parents cooperate with the driver in regard to their children. As to lunches, it was announced that the children who live too far to go to lunch should bring theirs as the authorities thought it best that those pupils stay on the school grounds during dinner hour. It was also announced that if sufficient number of parents would notify the principal arrangements would be made to serve warm lunches on grounds at cost to the pupils. It is a play which is to be worked out in a few days. Dr. Maner also addressed the students and parents and stressed the point that it was a good omen to see as many parents at the opening and showed wherein it was the duty of parents to take an interest in the public schools. Mr. J. L. Geiger spoke a few minutes on the physical aspect of the school and requested the pupils to refrain from defacing the building or property in any manner. R.H. Connerly spoke a few minutes taking as his subject the inscription over the front stage, “We Enter To Learn, Go Forth To Serve.” He pointed out that if one should be filled with learning and did not serve, their knowledge would be as dross and valueless. “It is by service to others that our greatest benefit to mankind is brought about,” said the speaker. “This inscription should be made a pledge by each boy and girl present and imprinted upon the very portals of the heart,” he continued. After the indoor exercise the flag raising ceremonies were held in front of the building. The pupils went to their respective rooms and marched with the teacher to the grounds. As the flag was raised the “Star Spangled Banner” was sung, and as the flag unfurled in all its glory, wafted by the gentle breezes under an azure sky, more than four hundred pledged allegiance to flag and country after which the American Creed was repeated by all. The flag, one of ample size, was presented to the school by Garfield Chapter of the Women’s Relief Corps through Mrs. M.H. D. Ryder Recess was declared after which school took in and regular work of “knowledge gathering” commenced. School Opens August 30th, Zephyrhills News, August 3, 1926 Nine Month Term for High School; Building Finished. Monday morning, August thirtieth marks the end of vacation period for boys and girls of the Zephyrhills schools. School will open in the new building on the corner of Tenth Avenue and 10th Street. All grades are included. Work on the building is expected to be finished this week and the installation of desks and grading of the grounds is being rushed. The high school will have a full nine months term, and endeavors will be made to make Class A. The following are the faculty: Principal—Professor M.P. Geiger High School—Miss Marjory Whiteside High School—Miss Clara High High School—Mrs. F.W. Gill 8th Grade—Mrs. Anna Guy 7th Grade—Miss Grace Cripe 6th Grade—Mrs. Lottie Cripe 5th Grade—Miss Lorena Sellers 4th Grade—Mrs. Addie Craig 3rd Grade—Miss Leila Singletary 2nd Grade—Miss Sue May Rutherford 1st Grade—Miss Lena Roberts The following are the school bus routes: • Will Ryals—west of city • Reese Knapp—north west of Fort King Highway, • Lewis Chancey—south of City, and • Mr. Plank—east of City, • Mr. Geiger’s route southwest of Zephyrhills has not been filled. Free textbooks will be furnished by the state up to the 7th grade, but in an interview with the County Superintendent O’Berry, he states that probably there will be just about half enough, and requests all to bring their last year’s books as they can be used. Allen & Bickford Drug Company have been chosen as school book depository from which books may be purchased. All free textbooks will be distributed through the County Superintendent’s office on requisition of teachers. Mr. O’Berry predicts one of the greatest school years in the history of the city and is very enthusiastic over the outlook. Many Pass Red Cross Life Saving Tests, Zephyrhills News, September 1926 The following passed examination in Life Saving at the “old swimming hole” at Crystal Springs, Labor Day: Juniors—Paul Williams, Charles Black, John Edgar, William P. Lester, and John McDowell; Seniors—Oliver Eikeland, Helen Eikeland. A number of spectators were present and took active interest in the water sports. The following were contestants in the events: Handicap Race—100 Yards: First-Lester McIntosh; Second-Russell McDowell, and Third-Peter Eikland. Dives—Seniors: First-Peter Eikland and Second-Helen Eikland; Juniors: First-Russell McDowell, Second-Lester McIntosh; Candle Race- Peter Eikland; Relay Race: Paul Rickey’s Team; Brick Dive: Helen Eikland-6 seconds and Charles Beck-8 seconds. P.T.A. To Sponsor Play, Zephyrhills News, December 3, 1926 Under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association, “The Dutch Detective,” will be presented at the Zephyrhills High School Auditorium Friday night, December 10th at 8 o’clock. This play has been a success in all places shown as it is a comedy of real merit. The proceeds are for benefit of the school and it is expected many will be present. Zephyrhills Wallops Glee Club Quin, Zephyrhills News, December 3, 1926 The Dade City renowned Glee Club Basketball Quintet was given a nice jolt Monday night at Webb’s Pavilion by the local team by a tune of 15 to 4. Both teams displayed an array of good work in the game. Manuel Geiger and Stanley Rice were the stars for the home boys. A good crowd was out to witness the game. School Notes High And Low, Zephyrhills News, October 8, 1926 Edited by Roberts, Gill and Campbell We thank the editor of the News for the space given us in his valued paper. Thursday and Friday of last week the teachers of Pasco, Hernando and Citrus Counties met at Brooksville for their annual meeting. All of the teachers from Zephyrhills were present. They came back to their work with more confidence and some new ideas. Wednesday night, September 29, the Freshman class went to Sunset Beach for a picnic party. They went swimming and after a good time in the water, “grub” was served at 7 p.m. Games followed until about 10 p.m. Miss High and Mrs. Guy were there as teachers. All enjoyed themselves. Monday, October 3, a black kitty appeared in the High school. It did not seem the least bit timid as he made his way among the rooms. The cat must have crossed some pupil’s path in its ambulation, as we understand that one met with disaster—we just heard the echoes. Tuesday there were a number of suspicious notes going about the room—one reaching our desk, said that the Gypsy Klan were going to meet on Tuesday nite. Let’s go. Assembly on Tuesday was led by our County Agricultural Agent, Mr. Nettles. He led us in song, a prayer was then given by him. Mr. Nettles gave us a very interesting talk on a thought that could be applied to our everyday life. Mrs. Tichnor said it was for boys only. Mrs. Tichnor got up next and gave a talk to the girls. The program was concluded by singing, “Old Man McDonald Had A Farm,” and repeated the Zephyrhills Club pledge. We are waiting for their next visit. The Zephyrhills High School was honored by a visit from County School Superintendent, E.B. O’Berry. We are always glad to see him. Wednesday morning, October 5 at roll call we found that we had lost four of our best boys. Max Cook, a senior, Cullen Smith, a junior, Z.T. Roberts and Duke Hayes, both of the freshman class, also the two Rice girls have left us. A new boy is in our midst today. Let’s give him a hearty welcome. The boys continued their task work Monday morning. The Sophomores had a class meeting Tuesday. It is reported that Max Cook has left our school to go elsewhere! Robert Campbell, Robert Gill, Max Cook, and Clarence Darby made a trip to Dade City Monday afternoon. ”Poem about the girls” A little splash of powder, A little dab of paint, Makes our high school girls, Look like what they ain’t. The Juniors had a class meeting Tuesday and the Seniors had a class meeting on Wednesday. Thursday the school was well represented at the Homecoming picnic by Max Cook in the parade and Harry Queripel in the boxing match. John McDowell caught the greased pig and it is reported that they will have fresh pork at McDowell’s store next week. Reception Is Given For School Faculty, Zephyrhills News, October 15, 1926 Meeting Held at Stephens’ Hall In Honor of Principal and Teachers. A large company of patrons and friends and scholars of the Zephyrhills schools gathered in the Stephens Hall on Friday evening to tender a reception to the principal and teachers of the school. The room was decorated in patriotic colors in honor of the event and a jollier, happier-faced crowd has not been seen in Zephyrhills for a long time. Mesdames Moore, Lowry, Smithson, Miller and Brookins were the reception committee and the Ladies Aide served refreshments. Rev. Peirce called the meeting to order, after a social half hour had been enjoyed, and among other things he said, “We will all agree there is no kind of leaders in any field of endeavor that can make the highest success without the cooperation of the community in which they labor. I know that to be true in church work, for thirty-five years of my life has been spent in church work in different positions, more than 20 years of it in the pastorate. One church in those years stands out clearly in my mind. A preacher usually stayed one year—in a few instances two years. Why this was true never occurred to me until I became pastor of that church myself. Then I found there were two factions who seldom agreed on anything. I like those who went before me, was able to please one faction, but not both, so one year was enough. It is just as true of civic affairs as of the church. We elect men to do business for the community. They are seldom able to do it in a way satisfactory to all. Now, if some become diligent in knocking everything that is done, a body of discontent soon manifests itself. I fear we of Zephyrhills are not conspicuous for our pulling together. The extension of the water mains, the putting in of the white way, the paving of the streets, the trimming of the trees on 5th Avenue, and even the building of a new school house provoked a lot of discussion, also a good deal of censure of those who led in these undertakings.” “The truth is found in the work of the public school not less, I am sure than in other fields that I have mentioned. The church has always been a friend of the school. In fact the protestant church is the mother of the public schools of our land. If the Roman Catholic Church has not been so friendly to the public school it has been because it believed them to be Godless Schools. We protestants, at least some of us, are beginning to fear there may be some truth in the charge. The church of which I am pastor desires that you, the principal and the teachers of our school, shall know that we pray for you in your work and are anxious that you succeed in helping our children and young people profit themselves for the highest type of citizenship, and to this end we pledge you our fullest cooperation. We have planned this reception in your honor, and that you and we may get better acquainted, believing that fuller acquaintance will help us to appreciate each other better. We rejoice to have you as citizens. We want you in our churches. We are anxious that you enjoy living among us. We are not absolutely perfect ourselves. We cannot expect you to be so. But we can and I believe we will all do our best to make the Zephyrhills schools the finest in Pasco County. To this end we pledge you our cooperation. Mr. Geiger, Principal of the School, made an address dealing with the persons and the conditions which go to make for success in public school education. He was heartily applauded for his remarks. Mr. Harold Skogstad on his violin and accompanied by Mrs. Smithson on the piano furnished music for the occasion that drew appreciative applause. Among those present from out of town were the Misses Dorothy Briggs and Uarda Briggs, Instructors in the Clearwater Schools, who were on a weekend vacation. Honor Roll, Zephyrhills News, Friday, November 26, 1926 Week Ending November 19th—Requirements: Attendance and Punctuality at 100%; Deportment—95% and Lessons—90% First Grade—Georgiana Bernheim, Mildred Kiny Second Grade—Edith Dasher, Joseph Geiger, Ruth Pollock, Verna Reagan, James Santo, Marguerita Snider, Clarabelle Sprayberry, Talmadge Taylor, Jack Thomas Third Grade—Isabelle Austin, Dorothy Boyer, Hardie Bryant, George Gobbert, Cecil Hill, Meta Lovett, Glenn Russell, Claud Sauls, Mary Sauls, Daisy Sharon, Ouida Smith, Ernest Wynn Fourth Grade—Ruth Anderson, Ella Bly, Annee Cripe, William Gealey, Juanita Gramling, Delma Harrell, Floyd Love, Archie Massey, Athel Thomas. Sixth Grade—Elfrieda Bleir, Betty Browne, Gean Sante, Lillian Skogstad, Emerson Snider Seventh Grade—Gertrude Dasher, Elsie Grant Eighth Grade—Elsie Parker, Margaret Phillips Ninth Grade—Barbara Phillips Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell Twelfth Grade—Eula Shaw Honor Roll, Zephyrhills News, Friday, December 3, 1926 Week Ending November 26th—Requirements: Attendance and Punctuality at 100%; Deportment—95% and Lessons—90% First Grade—Junior Allen, Georgiana Bernheim, Alice Bryant, Frances Ellis, J.W. Ellis, L.J. Fillmon, Alfred Gerrans, Harold Gardener, Mildred Kinns, Edwina Whitney Second Grade—Edith Dasher, Benton DuBoise, Ruth Pollock, Verna Reagan, Marguerite Reutimann, James Sante, Marguerite Snider, James Thomas, Clarabell Sprayberry Third Grade—Dorothy Boyer, Walace Dasher, Gaskin Pinchard, Meta Lovett, Claud Saule, Earnest Wynn Fourth Grade—Merrill Ahrendt, Mandell Arnold, Willard Arnold, Ella Bly, William Gealy, Juanita Gramling, Delma Harrell, Athel Thomas Fifth Grade—Alvin Arnold, Arthur Cleary, Anonia DuBoise, Letha Hartley, Shirley McPherson, Anna Marquardt, Dorothy Oldham, Della Porter, Elsie Turner Sixth Grade—Elfrieda Bleir, Betty Browne, Grace Mott, Stanley Ryals, Freda Sibley, Lilian Skogstad, Ferne Williams Seventh Grade—Gerrude Dasher, Robert Geiger, Elsie Grant, Hazel Hall, William P. Lester, Myron Naber Eighth Grade—Ruth Bracey, Florence Brooks, Jack Gealy, Margaret Phillips, Curtice Price, Francis Sibley, Gerald Sibley Ninth Grade—Barbara Phillips, Charles Slater, Matthew Slater, Sadie Turner Tenth Grade—Arthur Austin, Celia Linkey Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Robert Gill, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Eula Shaw Roll for the Third Month: Second Grade—Edith Dasher, Joseph Geiger; Third Grade—Dorothy Bayer; Sixth Grade—Betty Browne; Eighth Grade—Margret Phillips. Note—A change has been made in the matter of requirements of deportment from 95% to 90%. Honor Roll, Zephyrhills News, Friday, December 10, 1926 Week Ending December 3rd—Requirements: Attendance and Punctuality at 100%; Deportment—95% and Lessons—90% First Grade—Georgiana Bernheim, Alice Bryant, Mildred Kinne, Dorothy Stratton, Edwina Whitney Second Grade—Edith Dasher, Joseph Geiger, Verna Reagan, Marguerite Snider, Clarabelle Sprayberry Third Grade—George Gabbert, Austin Harrell, Meta Lovett, Louise McCall, Glenn McDowell, Claud Sauls, Daisy Sharon, Earnest Wynn Fourth Grade—Ruth Anderson, Mandall Arnold, Al Bly, Ella Bly, Robert Cook, Annece Cripe, William Gealy, Pearl Fillmon, Juanita Gramling, Sarah Parsons, Athel Thomas, Horace Williford Fifth Grade—Arthur Cleary, Anonia Dubose, Letha Hartley, Della Porter, Elsie Turner Sixth Grade—Elfredia Blair, Betty Browne, Lina Felts, Mabel Gabbert, Bernice Geiger, Dorotha Mikesell, Grace Mott, Roger Sibley, Lillian Skogstad, George Taylor Seventh Grade—Gertrude Dasher, Lillian Goddu, Elsie Grant, Robert Haworth Eighth Grade—Ruth Bracey, Florence Brooks, Jack Gealey, Inez Hartley, Mabel Morris, Elsie Parker, Margaret Phillips, Curtice Price, Francis Sibley Ninth Grade-Charles Slater Eleventh Grade—Theodore Campbell, Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Eula Shaw Dr. J. B. Blanchet Wins Honors for Zephyrhills and Pasco County, Zephyrhills News, April 16, 1926 Delivers Two Stirring Addresses on the Subject of Education at the Teachers’ Institute; And Is Unanimously Elected President of the Teachers’ County Association Comprised of Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, and Sumter Counties.
Dr. Blanchet’s first speech was in response to an address of welcome by the president of the Brooksville Chamber of Commerce, which we print in full below: Soon in the course of the session the election of officers became the order of the day, and much to his surprise, Dr. Blanchet was unanimously elected President of the Association by acclamation. This brought forth his second address, impromptu, which was listened attentively by what the largest concourse of Public School Teachers ever gathered in this part of the State of Florida. He told the Association not only of the present’s splendid work, but also, of the almost limitless future development for the higher and better education of the inflowing tide of pupils from every state in the Union. His every thought was one of progress. He pleaded not only for better organization and larger cooperation, but also, for deeper cooperation, that is, that the educational work of the State must coordinate and be equal to any other development. That Florida was not to be even fifteenth among the States, but that her educational banner should be unfurled like that of Montana as first and foremost. He told his appreciative and learned audience that six years ago Florida expended only 33 cents for every $100 property valuation for education. While Oklahoma expended 78 cents or more that 200 percent and that with our expanded gold dollar worth, only 44 cents, practically reducing our 33 cents to about 14 cents for over $100 property valuation. Dr. Blanchet then called the attention of the hearers to the increase valuation of Real Estate of the past year, while the amount spent for education showed no proportionate increase which coordinate development and advancement required. He declared Florida to be not only the Millionaire’s Playground, but also the working man’s home, whose labor was imperative and he thanked God for both. One small county has increased its assets in three months by $7,000,000 and he wondered how much of the assets would flow into the Public School Treasury to help meet the educational problems which were demanding solutions. From that he passed to the sacred duty of the tax paper, citizen, teacher, and educator which each owed to the State in educating an intelligent and upright American Citizenship. And pointed out the immense satisfaction and reward which comes to the individual of the State who gives to the children as an inherent right all that is best in the moral teaching of a liberal education. Dr. Blanchet closed his remarks by pledging to the Association his every endeavor to the Association to reach these enticing results during the coming year. Dr. J.B. Blanchet’s Address In response to an address of welcome by the President of the Brooksville Chamber at the Teachers’ Institute held April 9th, 1926. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Teachers: It is surely a great pleasure to say a word in response to this address of cordial welcome extended us of Pasco and of the other counties assembled here for our Spring Teacher’s Institute. Past experience has taught us how royally the good people of Brooksville and Hernando can entertain their guests. But I take it, Sir, that this is something more than a social function, If, “in the multitude of counselors there is safety,” surely a grand opportunity is given us here not only to get better acquainted in our work, but also to discuss those educational problems which are demanding solution. For there is no standing still in this work. The State of Florida is moving forward at a tremendous pace, and the question is, are we keeping up to it? Is our standard of teaching efficiency the highest? It should be. Are our equipments only of the best? They should be. That much is the inherent right of every boy and girl in Florida demand. Hence, we accept your cordial invitation of welcome gratefully, feeling sure that our presence here may contribute something to the cause of education not only in our own environment, but also throughout the State. Therefore, we thank you for this address of welcome, and we thank you heartily. Home Demonstration Agent to Be Here Next Tuesday, Zephyrhills News, February 26, 1926 Monday, March 1-Day in the Office. Tuesday, March 2—Zephyrhills schools with boys and girls club. Women’s Club at Stevens Hall at 1:30 Home Improvement. Wednesday, March 3—Lacoochee Girls Club at the home of Mrs. Jordan. Friday, March 5–Morning Office and Afternoon—Crystal Springs Girls Club at the School. Womens’s Club at the Club House. Saturday, March 6—Denham council visiting at the school at 10:30 From Mrs. Harriet Ticknor, Home Demonstration Agent Minutes of Board of Public Instruction, Zephyrhills News, September 23, 1926 Manners and morals must be taught in and to all grades. The best way of teaching them is by precept and example combined. “Words have weight,” says a writer, “where there is a man back of them,” and it is none the less true when a woman occupies the same place. The state law prescribes a final public, oral or written examination in all grades. The School Board of this county requires a monthly examination in all studies in all grades, which examination may be partly oral and partly written. The Superintendent and Board will not receive any report not accurately made out in strict conformity to the directions given on inside cover of the register. The registers must be faithfully and accurately kept. There are only two school holidays during the year, Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day. Labor Day and Armistice Day are not school holidays but part of each may be used in appropriate exercises or in beautifying the school grounds. Time lost otherwise will have to be made up at the end of the term. Rules and Regulations—Principals Principals are vested with the entire management and control of the school under their charge and are held responsible for the conduct of the same. Assistants must comply with the regulations of the principal but after complying may appeal from the decision of the principal to the county superintendent or school board. He shall, visit the different rooms as often as his duties will permit and shall give such directions and prescribe such methods of teaching and governing as he may deem essential in promoting the best interest of the school. He shall keep a record of his impressions of the manner in which each teacher performs her duties. He shall hold teachers’ meetings weekly and oftener if essential, for the purpose of considering methods and means of promoting the best interest of the school, both as to discipline and teaching. He shall attend to all cases of misconduct reported to him by any teacher, carefully investigate the matter and administer proper correction. In case of temporary disposition or necessary absence of a teacher, no substitute shall be appointed without the superintendent’s approbation. He shall classify the pupils in the several rooms and determine the number of classes and studies. He shall examine all applicants for admission into the school and assign them to their proper places. He shall not dismiss, nor give any teacher permission to dismiss pupils earlier than the appointed time for any day or part of the day, without permission from the county superintendent or Board, except in cases of emergency. The following warrants were issued from the General Fund: Mrs. Anna L. Guy, Teaching–$70.00 R.L. Nall free books–$2.78 JJ Tucker, Building at Drexel–$217.50 L. Smith, repairs no 12–$118.16 P.A. Peterson free books–$2.78 W.P. Burkett, freight–$5.00 J.D. Hancock, repairs no. 25–$10.00 Barthle & Jones Building no. 17–$3.00 E.W. Thornton repairs no 37–$6.93 Pasco Telephone Company phone rent–$3.10 J.W. Sanders Building No. 17–$90.03 Bank Pasco Co. Building No 17–$100.00 Will Urquhart drayage–$4.00 J.W. Sanders office help–$22.50 E.W. Thornton freight–$5.00 A.O. Pearce, surveying–$5.00 Coleman & Ferguson repairs to no. 37–$10.86 W.S. Larkin Building No. 17–$4.00 S.F. Huckabay incidentals $1.00 D.H. Clark freight–$4.80 Coates Plumbing Supply Company Pump no 12–$38.00 Mrs. I.W. Reagan, teaching–$20.00 R.F.Knapp repairs no 17–$2.00 E.B. O’Berry office incidentals–$8.31 Mrs. Anna L. Guy, teaching–$70.00 Ruth Davis, attendance officer–$65.00 J.D. Spinks, freight—6.84 J.D. Spinks, board service—9.40 C.H. Smith, board service—9.60 W.E. Douglas, board service—6.40 The following warrants were ordered and drawn from the special fund: H.A. Hammer, teaching $100.00 P.A. Peterson free books—12.82 L.M. Eck, repairs—11.00 J.B. Stokes, transportation—14.10 P.A. Peterson free books—12.82 Mrs.J.P. Howland free books–.37 C.F. Touchton, incidentals—3.85 R.H. Connell, repairs—6.00 Ruth Gup, teaching—70.00 Mrs. J.P. Howland, teaching—95.00 W.H. Edwards incidentals—8.60 D.C. Wright & sons incidentals–.75 Pasco County Hardware Company incidentals–.85 E.J. Morris repairs—12.70 T.J. Hitch repairs—4.35 T.J. Blitch repairs—5.00 G.H. Tompkins, janitor—6.00 S.F. Huckabay and Son, Incidentals—1.25 J.R. Wells, transportation—10.00 C.F. Touchton incidentals—3.24 P.A. Peterson free books—9.90 P.A. Peterson free books—10.00 Mrs. Marion Douglas teaching –100.00 J.T.Frierson repairs—4.50 T.E. Brady repairs—3.00 Eli B. Beard repairs—2.00 Mrs.R.M. Eiland teaching—95.00 P.A. Peterson free books—5.62 P.A. Peterson free books—7.58 G. Burns incidentals—13.90 P.L. Pierce incidentals—3.70 Adam Schub repairs—33.50 Mrs. G.R. Sumner, janitor—3.00 E.W. Thornton, janitor—6.25 Coleman & Ferguson incidentals—2.20 S.F. Huckabay & son—3.15 The following certificates were issued: R.N. Stanley transportation–$50.00 Nettie Boyett teaching—60.00 Una Mickler—65.00 Mrs. P.C. Mickler—100.00 Mrs. Gertrude Gant—65.00 Mrs. Gertrude Gant—5.00 –W.E. Douglas, Chairman of the School Board and E.B. O’Berry, Secretary and County Superintendent Need Adequate School Facilities For Students, Zephyrhills News, October 8, 1926 Conditions Demand Immediate Work—Pupils Are Over-Crowded, Teaching is Hampered. Playground is In Deplorable Shape, Situation Can Be Easily Remedied. The conditions surrounding the new $50,000 city school are going from bad to worse, we are informed. It is said that the best efforts of the teachers are being lost because of inadequate room for the proper attention in the many subjects taught. Pupils are restless and the morale is being lowered because of no playground facilities. Zephyrhills is proud of her new school and are pleased with the faculty and school officials, but according to numerous reports, the facilities for carrying on the work are far below the necessary requirements needed to accomplish the best results. Results, it is said, is what counts and if the pupils are to be developed mentally and physically it is absolutely essential that the present conditions be remedied. “No school,” said our informant, “can be expected to accomplish its best work with poor or insufficient tools; what mechanic or carpenter, or businessman would attempt to enter his trade, or business handicapped with a shortage of tools to complete his work? “The school, as far as it goes is a modern educational unit, a fitting work room for teachers and pupils. But it does not go far enough. “On visiting the school, said the gentleman, “I found two rooms partitioned—cut in half. It is a good makeshift. But do you think the best work can be done in a “make-shift?” How about the reaction upon the subconscious minds of the pupils? Will they, by being in constant touch with make shifts acquire a “make-shift” habit? “But what is most impressive by its absence is the total lack of playground facilities. It has been determined by competent authorities that the child who has the best rounded out play program is the child who makes the greatest progress in studies…..The election calling for sufficient funds to eradicate the trouble at the school is called for Saturday, October 16. The funds according to the published legal-announcement are for adding more school rooms and furnishing the school grounds and building. Zephyrhills High School Graduate Wins Scholarship, Zephyrhills News, May 2, 1926 Miss Bessie Kate Pennington, a recent graduate of Zephyrhills Senior Accredited High School, of this city, who last April took the $1,000 Scholarship Contest Examination of Brenau College, Gainesville, Georgia, under the supervision of Dr. J.B. Blanchet, has just been informed by her examiner that she had won most creditably one of the twelve $1,000 Contest Scholarships awarded by that college. Dr. H. J. Pearce, President of Brenau, was especially felicitous in his letter to Dr. Blanchet by saying—“I think that the success of your student is a credit not only to her, but to your High School.” The territory of this contest covered the whole South and of the twelve successful contestants, five were from Georgia, three from Florida, two from Louisiana and one each from Alabama and Tennessee. We surely congratulate Miss Pennington on this splendid and scholarly performance and we thank Dr. Blanchet who gladly assumed the responsibility of this examination. It simply shows that high grade work is being done at Zephyrhills Senior Accredited High School under our faculty of competent instructors who deserve the encouragement and cooperation of our entire community. High School Pupils Issue School Paper, Zephyrhills News, October 1, 1926 The first number of the Zephyrhills Weekly Spit Wad Newspaper has reached our desk. The editor has hid his name under the initials, “By A.P.-Apple Pattie.” It claims to be published for and in the interest of Zephyrhills school. The composition is carterwatermanpenholderpen variety but it certainly is breezy and stands as good a chance as its name asks to get its editor on the carpet. Here is a sample of the Spit Wad’s News: September 28—Last nite a number of pupils stayed in to cancel demerits. Its lucky demerits are not given after school because they would get more than could be canceled. It is said a good times was had by all those attending. Poem in the “Spit Wad” Little Willie is No More, He died last night, When what he thought was H2-0, Was H2-S-05. Yesterday a storm of no little violence did much harm. Two high school boys were hurt. One, it is said, dislocated his shoulder, the other will live. Indications point that Mr. Geiger got up on the wrong side of the bed. A lot more interest is given in the Spit Wad, but space forbids giving more. The paper shows there is talent toward journalism in school and the school perhaps will have a sure enough school paper before long. Home Student Wins Scholarship, Zephyrhills News, June 25, 1926 Arnold Welch Is Awarded Prize Offered by Groover-Stewart Company Gainesville—Dr. Townes Randolph, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, announces the winner in the competitive examination of this year’s high school graduates. In the Groover-Steward Scholarship, which was held at the University of Florida, June 4 and 5, under Examiner, Ernest T. Stuhr of the college. The Award this year has been won by a local high school graduate, Arnold D. Welch. The cash consideration is $1,000 which covers the expenses of a three year course in pharmacy. The other two holders of the prized scholarship are Merritt Webster of Gainesville and Joseph Pearce of Tampa. Contract Is Let For the New School, Zephyrhills News, April 2, 1926 To Cost $110,377.00 and To Be Completed By September Fifteenth The School trustees of this district met last Thursday afternoon and the contract for the new Grammar school was awarded to Kirch and Pendleton of Lake Wales, who were the low and successful bidders. Recalling Past Times Most Fun at ZHS Alum-Friends Reunion, Zephyrhills News, Thursday, July 1, 1976, by Jaynell J. Leheup A very enjoyable and successful Zephyrhills High School Alumni and Friends Reunion was held Sunday, June 27, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Zephyrhills Park. Two classes especially saluted at the reunion were the Class of 1926 celebrating its 50th anniversary and the Class of 1951 celebrating its 25th anniversary. Those from the Class of 1926 present were Mrs. Corrine Gill Lanier of Knights, Mrs. Esther Plank Austin of Zephyrhills and Mrs. Alice Cripe Daniel of Dade City. Baldwin W. Goss Addresses High School, Zephyrhills News, April 2, 1926 Zephyrhills High School students were given an opportunity of hearing Mr. Baldwin W. Goss, a noted national lecturer, Tuesday afternoon—his subject being: “Constitutional Law and Order.” Mr. Goss has for y ears been an ardent worker in civic organizations, Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, etc. and was for some years on the editorial staff of the Memphis Commercial Appeal; while in the city, Mr. Goss paid our Chamber of Commerce office a visit and congratulated our secretary upon the good progress our city is making. It is expected that at some future date Mr. Goss will pay Zephyrhills another visit at which time arrangements will be made so that he will be able to address the citizenship in general.
School Pupils Air Playground Views, Zephyrhills News, October 1, 1926 The Need of Play Ground Equipment In Our School. The 1926-27 team of the Zephyrhills school has started with a new building, new teachers, and an unusually large number of pupils. This promises to be one of the best terms of school we have ever had. The school board and patrons of the school of this community want pupils to gain knowledge. However they have neglected to make any provision for the recreation of the pupils. There has been great expense to provide a new building and equipment for our school and there is reluctance in some quarters to spend any more money than necessary for the schools. However, some provision for the recreation of pupils of the school during the recess is necessary. Suitable athletic and playground equipment would not only be of benefit to the pupils, but if provided, would also aid in maintaining discipline and in preventing destruction of school property during these periods when the teachers cannot control the pupils so effectively. Most of the breaches in discipline and injury to school property in our school in former years of which so much complaint has been made have been caused by pupils not having anything to keep them employed during recess periods. At these times the teachers cannot see everything that is being done on the school ground and it is not surprising that a great deal of mischief is performed by the pupils who have nothing else to do. Much injury to school property has been done in just this way. From what has been said above it can be seen that the best way to stop these things in our school is to give the pupils something else to do rather than tell them what not to do. It seems to this writer the best way to do this is to provide playground equipment where the pupils may spend their leisure time instead of getting into mischief. Build a basketball court and encourage athletics that they may take an interest in their school. –T.C.—Junior Class Honor Roll, Zephyrhills News, September 17, 1926 Honor Roll For week ending September 4th; Requirements: Attendance and Punctuality, 100 percent; Deportment, 95% and Lessons 90% For week ending September 10th- First grade-Lanier Austin, Georgianna Berheim Second Grade-Marguerite Goodman, Harold Higgenson and Jimmie Thomas Third Grade—Leo Cleary and Wallace Dasher Fourth Grade—Merrilly Ahrendt, Walter Brown, William Giles, Delma Harrell, Ruth Higgenson, Ernest Linkey, Donald Plank, Goldie Starkey and Athel Thomas Sixth Grade—Gean Sante, Lillian Skogstead, Emerson Snider Seventh Grade—Gertrude Dasher, Robert Geiger, Elsie Grant, Billie Lester, Bessie O’Kelley, Mollie Thunold Eighth Grade—Ruth Bracey, Annie Meszaros, Elzie Parker, Margaret Phillips, Curtice Price, Joanna Sante, Gerald Sibley Tenth Grade—Ada Darby Eleventh Grade—Edith Plank Twelfth Grade—Harold Cortis, Edwin Geiger, Estella Hougaboom, Ira Jones, Helen Koontz, Eula Shaw. ZHS Alumni Set 6th Reunion…Last Graduates left in 1926, Zephyrhills News, May 29, 1975 A covered dish dinner at the new community center in Zephyr Park is planned June 29 when ZHS Alumni Association holds its annual reunion. Honored at the reunion will be the 1926 graduating class, members of which were the last students to graduate from the first Zephyrhills High School building which was located on 6th Street and 7th Avenue. All who attended the old wooden high school from 1912 to 1925—even those who didn’t graduate—are welcome to attend the reunion and reminisce with old schoolmates, Mrs. Grace Cripe Dew, secretary said. Several “old timers” who attended last year’s reunion are expected to attend the June picnic including Simon Geiger from Knights Station, who helped haul the lumber for the old wooden high school from Greer’s Mill (where Barber Block is now located) with a team of Oxen. Other early graduates who attended last year’s reunion were Don Storms, class of 1912; Winifred Briggs, class of 1913; Uarda Briggs, Class of 1914; Nannie Knight Wagner and James Kenyon, Class of 1916. Club Girls Camp At New Port Richey, Zephyrhills News, May 14, 1926 The annual camp of Home Demonstration club girls will be held May 18-21 at the Port Richey home of the Demonstration Agent. Any little club girl can come to the camp, requirements–$4.00 in money, one sheet, one pillow case, towels, bathing suit and permit from parent to go in bathing. Any little girl without the permit cannot go in the water. I furnish the transportation for all girls so you must write me that you are going so I can make arrangements for you. Do not bring or wear your best clothes. Remember you are camping and so dress as you would for a picnic. Don’t bring any extra money, and don’t wear any jewelry. Get in touch with your agent at once about the camp. Come and have a good vacation and learn a lot of home work.—Mrs. Harriett Ticknor—Photo below ![]() This bill of information regarding teachers and assignments for 1926 appeared in the Zephyrhills News edition of August 27, 1926– ![]() ![]() |