Zephyrhills High School – 1925


Highlights of 1925

Happy Memories Abound As ZHS Alumni Enjoy Reunion, Zephyrhills News, July 2, 1981, by Jaynell LeHeup

Smallest class ever at ZHS was the class of 1925 with just one senior, Julius Piller.

School Board Minutes of July 6, 1925 –minutes indicate that Professor M. G. Donaldson was the Principal of ZHS.


The Senior Class of 1925 presented a Class play entitled, “A Fortunate Calamity,” a two act play taking place in the present in the location of the state of Kentucky. The cast included the following:

Mrs. Marion Merkle, the mother Helen Linkey
Alta, the daughter Iris Hartt
Ruth Esther Plank
Kate Van Tyle Helen Koontz
Dinah Johnsing, servant Bessie Pennington
Rastus Johnsing, servant George Neukom
Joe Brown, a Revenue Officer Cyril Cockrill
Barnard Gullion Kenneth Cook
Albert Campbell Max Cook

Winfield Wright. According to his granddaughter June Epley Moss, this photo was taken in front of ZHS #2 on 10th Street and 10th Avenue while the school was under construction in 1925-26. Mr. Wright was the night watchman of sorts in the winter of 1925. You can see the blocks in front of the school, which was a stucco format.

Dade City Banner, March 27, 1925

The Zephyrhills High School will present its Senior Class Play, Aunt Jerusy on the War Path,at the GAR Hall, Zephyrhills, Wednesday night, April 8. This play is a scream from beginning to end and if you want two solid hours of fun, take it in. The proceeds are to defray the expenses of the Senior Class in graduation. Admission 20 cents and 35 cents.

Photo, Zephyrhills News, February 29, 1968. Seventh and Eighth graders during the 1920-21 school terms are pictured with their teacher, J. Warren Bates, who with his wife, came from Tampa to be spectators at the 1967 Zephyrhills Founders Days Parade and to meet and greet some of their former pupils. Shown, from left to right are: Beryl DeRyder, Zella Geiger, Augusta Parker, Alice Cripe (now Mrs. Leonard Daniel of Dade City), Bessie Kate Pennington (now Mrs. W. Byron Hill), Margaret Longfield, Dorothy Gilbert and Hester Rousch. Second row, left to right, Kenneth Logan, Edmund Penrod, Ernest Koontz, Cyril Cockrell, John Williams Siegfred Blair, Helen Eikeland, Reva Daniels, and teacher, J. Warren Bates. Top row, left to right, unidentified pupil, Carlos Geiger, Lloyd Campbell (unidentified), Fred Fousch, George Neukom, Christian Gilbert and Leslie Gillett.—photo courtesy of Mrs. Leonard Daniel.

In June 1925 the voters of School District No. 5 voted by a majority of better than three to one in favor of a bond issue of $50,000 for the construction of a new high school building in Zephyrhills.

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