HISTORY OF PASCO COUNTYEarly Residents of Pasco CountyA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZThis page was last revised on May 24, 2020. Dr. JOSEPH M. ABBOTT (1844-1906) was an early physician who came to Florida from Texas. He is shown in the 1900 census as a physician in the Macon precinct, born in Kentucky. The town of Abbott (now Zephyrhills) was named for him or his father. The following is from The History of Zephyrhills 1821-1921:
Dr. Abbott was married to Henrietta (1855-1915). Her obituary, provided by Jeff Cannon, appeared in the Pasco County Weekly News in Trilby on June 18, 1915:
THOMAS RUTHERFORD ALEXANDER (1868-1943) was the Pasco County tax assessor from 1904 to 1914 and a farmer. He was born in Pasco County on Oct. 21, 1868, and spent 70 years of his life on the farm where he moved in childhood with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Columbus R. Alexander. (Columbus Alexander is shown as a 26 year old physician in the 1850 Hernando county census.) T. R. Alexander married Grace Garrison in 1906. He was buried in the Dade City cemetery. CHARLES B. ANDERSON (died, 1943, at age 79) was a prominent citrus grower in Elfers, long active in the affairs of the Florida Citrus exchange. He was born in Streator, Ill., and lived in Montana until 1918 when he came to Florida with his wife Mary A. Anderson. They originally settled in the Lake Hamilton area. In 1937 he bought 70 acres of citrus groves in Elfers. Anderson died July 8, 1943, at his grove home near Elfers. Mary Anderson died in 1960. In 1983 Pasco County purchased his two-story home, which has several unusual features. The Pasco Arts Council moved into the home in 1986. DEAN W. ANDERSON (1882-1957) came to New Port Richey from Chicago in 1915. He owned and operated his own wholesale gift and novelty business, which included Anderson’s Orange Blossom Perfume. According to his obituary, he was nationally known as a stamp collector and owned the largest collection of pre-canceled stamps in the U. S. The Florida Pre-Cancel Club was formed in 1956; Anderson was its first president. He was born in Bothwell, Ontario. ARTHUR LEE AUVIL (1876-1951) was a representative in the state legislature, an assistant state attorney, and the city attorney for Dade City. He was born Dec. 8, 1876, in Iaeger, W. Va. He came to Florida in 1905 andwas the prosecuting attorney in Lafayette County from 1907 to 1911. He began the practice of law in Dade City in 1912 and served as city attorney for Dade City and San Antonio. He died in Dade City on Aug. 27, 1951.
Avery was the Principal of a high school in Battle Creek, Michigan, in 1869, and high and normal schools in Cleveland in 1871-79. He was a member of Cleveland City Council in 1891-92 and of the Ohio Senate in 1893-97. He was the author of: Elementary Physics, Elements of Natural Philosophy, Physical Technics, Teachers’ Hand Book of Natural Philosophy, Elements of Chemistry, Teachers’ Hand Book of Chemistry, Complete Chemistry, First Principles of Natural Philosophy, Words Correctly Spoken, Columbus and the Columbia Brigade, School Physics, First Lessons in Physical Science, School Chemistry, The Town Meeting, and History of the United States and Its People (16 volumes). His obituary appeared in the New York Times. He married Catherine Hitchcock Tilden on July 2, 1870. |