Sound Files

LAST TRAIN OUT OF SAN ANTONIO (1978) 1 of 2 Eddie Herrmann describes the scene as the last train left San Antonio on Feb. 21, 1978. The crew made sure a steam engine was the last one out. (24 minutes)
LAST TRAIN OUT OF SAN ANTONIO (1978) 2 of 2 Eddie Herrmann describes the scene as the last train left San Antonio on Feb. 21, 1978. The crew made sure a steam engine was the last one out. (24 minutes)
JULIE OBENREDER (1987) She speaks with Joseph Arnold on July 14, 1987
HELEN SNELL (1987) She began teaching at Richey Elementary in 1955. She talks about racial integration in Pasco County
MITTYE P. LOCKE (1987) The long-time principal of Elfers Elementary School is interviewed about racial integration in Pasco County
FRANCES MALLETT (2004) She is interviewed by Dr. Marc J. Yacht.