By default our catalog is sorted by title.
If you would like to sort by author , right click the top of column B and select “Sort Sheet”.
We also have a collection of online yearbooks.
Click HERE and look for the yearbooks listing under the desired school.
If you would like to visit our library to do research when the museum is not normally open,
send your request for an appointment to [email protected]

A portion of the museum is devoted for use as an historical library. Researchers can browse hundreds of books on West Pasco County, cities and towns in the area, and the State of Florida. We also have a large collection of school yearbooks from local schools.
Many historic maps and photographs may also be viewed. Two computer terminals are available for research into the on-line resources of the West Pasco Historical Society.
Materials in the library are available for on-site research only. We are not a public lending library … however, WPHS members may borrow books with approval of the library staff.