We offer a variety of events throughout the year – including tours, speakers, historic films and music. Our members enjoy free or reduced admission to most of our events. Not a member? Click HERE to join us!
You may always purchase tickets at our Rao Musunuru, MD Museum & Library in Sims Park during hours that we are open
(Friday through Sunday from 1:00-4:00PM).

Dr. Burt Golub
All about Horseshoe Crabs
Everything you always wanted to know about horseshoe crabs – and a lot more! They were here before the dinosaurs … yet we still depend on them in a number of ways.
Peace Hall in Sims Park
Friday, March 14th, 6:00 PM
Admission: $10.00 at the door
WPHS members free.

Gary Vitacco-Robles
History of New Port Richey’s Hacienda Hotel
Local author and historian Gary Vitacco-Robles will talk about the history of New Port Richey’s own Hacienda Hotel – based on his recently published book.
Peace Hall in Sims Park
Friday, April 11th, 6:00 PM
Admission: $10.00 at the door
WPHS members free.

Tomás Monzón
History of Port Richey
Join former WPHS board member and museum curator Tomás Monzón for a talk about the history of the City of Port Richey and its centennial this month.
Peace Hall in Sims Park
Friday, May 9th, 6:00 PM
Admission: $10.00 at the door
WPHS members free.