HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN PASCO COUNTYDade City Grammar School/ Rodney B. Cox Elementary SchoolThis article was last revised on Jan. 17, 2019. Pasco High School (includes history of the earliest Dade City schools Pictures of Schools in Dade City Pasco Schools Video: RBCES Celebrates the 90th Anniversary of Its Current Location Facebook Page – RBCES 90th Anniversary In 1914 the school at the corner of 14th Street and Church Avenue became a grammar school, as the new high school building opened. At the school board meeting of May 21, 1921, these teachers were recommended for Dade City Grammar School: J. W. Sanders (assistant principal), Mrs. Veta Neal, Miss Elsie Thornton, Mrs. W. S. Larkin, Miss Myrtle Burnside, Miss Saran Peek. On Jan. 6, 1922, the Dade City Banner reported, “Miss Marjorie Bushnell has resigned her position as teacher of the second grade. This step was taken because of her health. Miss Maude Valentine has accepted the position left vacant by Miss Bushnell’s resignation. Miss Elise Thornton, teacher of the sixth grade, has resigned to accept a position in Bartow for a longer term. Mrs. Grace McLaughlin has taken her place.” On June 5, 1922, these teachers were appointed:
In August 1922, Miss Sarah Peek resigned. On Sept. 1, 1922, the Dade City Banner reported:
On July 12, 1924, these teachers were appointed for Dade City Grammar School: J. W. Sanders, Malvina Vaughn, Mrs. Mamie Musselman, Mary Burnham, Ella Castaning, Myrtle Burnside. On July 6, 1925, these teachers were appointed for Dade City Grammar School: Prof. D. A. DaBoll, 8th grade; Mamie Musselman, 7th grade; Myrtle Shearwood, 6th grade; Ruth Eels, 5th grade; Edith Gaskins, 3rd grade; Ruby Minor, 3rd grade; Ella Castaning, 2nd grade; Myrtle Burnside, Primary; O. J. Jaeger, Music. A newspaper article reporting on an open house honoring Prof. David Daboll on his 86th birthday reported that Prof. Daboll served as principal of the Dade City Grammar School from 1925 to 1950. It reported that Daboll was born in Tripp, Territory of Dakota, in 1888, and was raised in Chadron, Neb. He began his teaching career in public education in 1908 and taught in numerous communities in northwest Nebraska until 1911, when he entered the Teacher’s College at Chadron, Neb. He came to Florida in 1924 and was offered the position of principal of the Dade City Grammar School in 1925. It was then housed in a wooden building. On Aug. 14, 1925, the New Port Richey Press reported that residents of Dade City voted 117-8 in favor of the issuance of bonds in the amount of $125,000 for the purpose of constructing a new building for the grammar school and otherwise improving the educational facilities of the district. On June 16, 1926, these teachers were assigned: D. A. DaBoll, Mrs. Mamie Musselman, Mrs. Ruth Brown, Miss Elva Hieronymus, Miss Lots Trapnell, Miss LaVerna Geer, Miss Ruby Minor, Mrs. Lydia Elder, Miss Ella Castaning, Miss Fannie Mobley, Miss Myrtle Burnside, Miss Mary White Hurst, E. J. Jaeger. ![]() The new brick elementary school pictured above opened on January 3, 1927, at the conclusion of the Christmas break. On June 6, 1927, these teachers were appointed: 1st Grade (a) Mary Whitehurst, (b) Willie Vernon; 2nd Grade (a) Fannie Mobley; 4th Grade (a) Emma Lee Smith; 5th Grade (a) Elva Hieronymus, (b) Bessie Carter; 6th Grade (a) Sally Hieronymus, (b) Lyda Elder; 7th Grade (a) Mamie Musselman; 8th Grade (a) D. A. DaBoll (Prin.), (b) Margaret Henderson. On July 2, 1928, these teachers were appointed: Fannie Mobley, 1st Grade; Willie Vernon, 2nd Grade; Essie Mae Burnside, 3rd Grade; Christine Gilbert, 3rd Grade; Ruby Minor, 4th Grade; Emma Lee Smith, 4th Grade; C. K. Snelling, 5th Grade; Annie Malcolm, 5th Grade; Bessie Carter, 6th Grade; Tommy Brown, 6th Grade; Sally Hieronymus, 7th Grade; Mabel Stephens, 7th Grade; Mamie Musselman, 8th Grade; Veta Neal, 8th Grade; D. A. DaBoll; Lyda Elder. On Sept. 3, 1928, Irvena Brown was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. Carter. On July 3, 1930, these teachers were appointed: Mr. D. A. DaBoll (Principal); Mrs. Veta Neal, 8th Grade; Mrs. Mamie Musselman 7th Grade; Mrs. Sally Weems, 7th Grade; Mrs. Gertrude DaBoll, 5th Grade; Miss Mabel Casey, 4th Grade; Miss Ruby Minor, 3rd A Grade; Miss Emma L. Smith, 3rd B Grade; Miss Beulah Howard, 2nd A Grade; Miss Christine Gilbert, 2nd B G; Miss Fannie Mobley, 1st Grade. On Sept. 8, 1930, Essie Mae Burnside was assigned to teach at Dade City Grammar School. On June 15, 1931, these teachers were appointed: D. A. DaBoll, Principal; Veta Neal, 8th Grade; Mammie Musselman, 7th Grade; Bertha Cottle, 6th Grade; Sallie Weams, 6th Grade; Gertrude DaBoll, 5th Grade; Mabel Williams, 4th Grade; Emma Lee Smith, 3rd Grade; Essie Mae Burnside, 2nd Grade; Christine Gilbert, 2nd Grade; Myrtle Hunt, 1st Grade; Fannie Mobley, 1st Grade. On July 15, 1932, these teachers were appointed as recommended by Trustees of District No. 7; D. A. DaBoll, Veta Neal, Mamie Musselman, Bertha Cottle, Sally Weems, Rosemary Trottman, Mabel Williams, Irvena Brown, Emma Lee Smith, Essie Mae Blitch, Christine Gilbert, Myrtle Hunt, Fannie Mobley. Mrs. Beulah Howard was recommended by the Trustees, and on motion of Mr. Gilbert seconded by Mr. Tucker and carried, was referred back to the Trustees. At the Sept. 9, 1932, board meeting, Mrs. Myrtle Hunt resigned and Marjorie Bushnell was assigned to the Primary Department in the Dade City Grammar School. At the meeting of May 6, 1935, the trustees of Dist. 7, Dade City, recommended the appointment of the following teachers: D. A. DaBoll (Principal), Mrs. Gertrude DaBoll, Mrs. Bertha Cottle, Miss Fannie Mobley, Miss Mabel Harrelson, Miss Emma Lee Smith, Mrs. Beulah J. Howard, Mrs. Mabel Williams, Miss Elaine Sanders, Mrs. Mamie Musselman, Mrs. Veta Neal, Miss Irvena Brown, Mrs. Rosemary Trottman, Mrs. W. L. Snipes, Miss Edith L. Smith. Following a motion by Mrs. Otto, it was seconded and carried that the above recommendations be confirmed with the exception of Mrs. Snipes which was withheld pending some inquiry concerning the latter’s expectancy of remaining in Dade City. On May 20, 1935, following a motion by Mrs. Otto, Miss Elizabeth Rollins was appointed to the Dade City Grammar School faculty. On June 11, 1935, Mrs. H. A. Bucklin was appointed music instructor at Dade City Grammar and High School. On May 3, 1937, D. A. DaBoll was recommended by the trustees as principal and these teachers were recommended: Mrs. Veta Neal, Mrs. Elizabeth Bridges, Mrs. Mamie Musselman, Rosemary Trottman, Miss Edith L. Smith, Mrs. Bertha Cottle, Mrs. Mabel Campbell, Mrs. Beulah J. Howard, Mrs. Gertrude DaBoll, Mrs. Mabel Williams, Miss Emma Lee Smith, Mrs. Myrtle Hunt, Miss Elaine Sanders, Mrs. Margaret Stevens, Miss Irvena Brown, Miss Fannie Mobley, Mrs. Lula Bucklin. Janitor: Mose McKinney. On May 18, 1938, these teachers were appointed: Mr. D. A. DaBoll, Mrs. Veta Neal, Mrs. Elizabeth Bridges, Mrs. Mamie Musselman, Mrs. Rosemary Trottman, Mrs. Edith Blocker, Mrs. Bertha Cottle, Mrs. Beulah Howard, Mrs. Gertrude DaBoll, Miss Emma Lee Smith, Mrs. Myrtle Hunt, Miss Elaine Sanders, Mrs. Margaret Stevens, Miss Irvena Brown, Miss Fannie Mobley, Miss Dorothy Eck. Janitors: J. R. Journey, H. W. Hancock. Bus driver: I. W. Hudson. On May 15, 1939, these teachers were appointed: D. A. DaBoll, Principal; Veta Neal; Mamie Musselman; Rosemary Trottman; Bertha Cottle; Edith Blocker; Mabel Campbell; Beulah Howard; Gertrude DaBoll; Dorothy Eck; Emma Lee Smith; Myrtle Hunt; Elaine Sanders; Margaret Stevens; Irvena Brown; Fannie Mobley; Lula B. Bucklin; Carolyn Sistrunk; Elizabeth Bridges; H. W. Hancock, Janitor. On Oct. 17, 1939, Alice Houdlett was assigned to Dade City Grammar School. On Apr. 21, 1941, these teachers were appointed: Mrs. Veta Neal, Mrs. Mamie Musselman, Mrs. Rosemary Trottman, Mrs. Edith Blocker, Mrs. Bertha Cottle, Mrs. Alice Houdlette, Mrs. Beulah Howard, Mrs. Gertrude DaBoll, Miss Dorothy Eck, Mrs. Evelyn Adams, Mrs. Helen McNeil, Mrs. Margaret Stevens, Miss Irvena Brown, Mrs. Myrtle Hunt, Miss Fannie Mobley. On Mar. 16, 1942, these teachers were appointed: Veta Neal, Mamie Musselman, Rosemary Trottman, Edith Blocker, Bertha Cottle, Alice Houdlette, Beulah Howard, Gertrude DaBoll, Dorothy Eck, Evelyn Adams, Myrtle Hunt, Helen McNeil, Margaret Stevens, Irvena Brown, Lottie Cripe, Marguerite Branas, C. E. Cox, Janitor. On Aug. 17, 1942, these teachers were appointed: Carolyn Dudley, Ruth Giddens, Mary S. Ferrell. On Apr. 19, 1943, these teachers were appointed: D. Carl Cripe, Mrs. Veta Neal, Mrs. Mamie Musselman, Mrs. Rosemary Trottman, Mrs. Edith Blocker, Miss Ruth Giddens, Mrs. Alice Houdlette, Mrs. Beulah Howard, Mrs. Gertrude DaBoll, Miss Dorothy Eck, Mrs. Evelyn Adams, Mrs. Bertha Cottle, Mrs. Helen McNeil, Mrs. Carolyn Dudley, Miss Irvena Brown, Mrs. Lottie Cripe, Miss Marguerite Branas, C. E. Cox, Janitor. On Aug. 16, 1943, these teachers were appointed: Mrs. May J. Evans, Mary S. Laurie On Apr. 17, 1944, these teachers were appointed: D. Carl Cripe, Mary S. Laurie, Mamie M. Musselman, Rosemary W. Trottman, Edith Blocker, Bertha H. Cottle, Alice B. Houdlette, Beulah Howard, Gertrude DaBoll, Dorothy Eck, Evelyn G. Adams, Helen D. McNeil, Myrtle B. Hunt, May J. Evans, Irvena H. Brown, Lottie A. Cripe, Marguerite Branas, Janitor, E. C. Cox. On Apr. 17, 1945, these teachers were appointed: Irevena Brown, Evelyn Adams, Edith Blocker, Bertha H. Cottle, D. Carl Cripe, Lottie A. Cripe, Gertrude H. DaBoll, Dorothy Eck, May J. Evans, Beulah J. Howard, Alice B. Houdlette, Helen McNeil, Mamie M. Musselman, Evelyn E. Pittman, Sarah P. Ward, Veta A. Neal, C. E. Cox, Janitor. On May 9, 1946, these teachers were appointed: Veta A. Neal, Jewell M. Brewton, Edith S. Blocker, Alice B. Houdlette, Dorothy Eck, Evelyn G. Adams, May J. Evans, Annie E. Benton, Lottie A. Cripe, D. Carl Cripe, Mamie M. Musselman, Bertha H. Cottle, Beulah J. Howard, Gertrude H. DaBoll, Mabel H. Campbell, Helen D. McNeil, Irvena Brown, Evelyne E. Pittman, William R. Latson. On May 5, 1947, these teachers were appointed: Annie Benton, Alice Houdlette, Irvena Brown, Hazel McGough, Lottie Cripe, Edith Blocker, Ella Dayton, Jessie Cason, May Evans, Corrie Moore, Mary Stubbs, Jewell Brewton, Helen McNeil, Mamie Musselman, Sarah Ward, Evelyn Pittman, Elizabeth Council, Hazel Gray Thalgott, Dorothy Eck. School board minutes of May 19, 1947, indicate that an additional two-story wing will be constructed containing an auditorium and lunch room. On Aug. 21, 1947, these teachers were appointed: Mrs. Myrtle B. Hunt, Mrs. Ruth O. Weightman, Mrs. Mildred V. Parton, Mrs. Ila O. Dowling, Miss Betty R. Aughenbaugh, Mr. William R. Latson. On May 6, 1948, these teachers were appointed: Annie E. Benton, Alice Houdlette, Irvena Brown, Ila Dowling, Myrtle Hunt, Edith Blocker, Sarah Ward, Corrie Moore, May J. Evans, Mamie Musselman, Helen McNeil, Jessie Cason, Ruth Weightman, Dorothy Eck, Evelyn Adams, Gertrude DaBoll, Veta Neal, Mary Stubbs, Evelyn Pittman, Elizabeth Council, Betty R. Aughenbaugh, Mary Sue Thornton, Jane Love. On July 6, 1948, appointed were Goldie Sigworth, Miss Dorothy Appenzellar, Herbert Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Beaver, Janitor. On Aug. 16, 1948, Merle H. Morgan and Mrs. Euphemia Rowland were appointed to Dade City Grammar School. On Sept. 7, 1948, Mrs. Margaret Frances Kuckerd, and James K. Sparkman. Jr., Merle H. Morgan, and Doris Tant were appointed. On Oct. 4, 1948, these teachers were appointed: Miss Vivian Turner, Mrs. Edna O’Berry, Miss Gilda Hardman, Forest R. Hazard. On Oct, 18, 1948, the school board granted teacher Herbert Hill Jr. leave of absence for the 1948 – 49 term while on duty in the Navy. On Dec. 6, 1948, these teachers were appointed: Mrs. Florence Beckman, Lloyd D. Stuckey, Andrew D. Pittman. On May 2, 1949, these teachers were appointed: Irvena M. Brown Mary C. Stubbs, Alice Lou McLeon (if issued a certificate), Myrtle Hunt, Goldie Sigworth, Elizabeth R. Council, Alice St. Clair, May J. Evans, Dorothy Richardson, Euphemia Rowland, Margaret Hawk, Ila O. Dowling, Jane Love, Alice Houdlette, Helen McNeil, Beulah Howard, Lucille Muscleman, Ruth Weightman, Gilda Hardman (if issued a cert.), Corrie S. Moore, Herbert Hill, Mamie M. Musselman, Betty Aughenbaugh, Evelyn Pittman, Annie R. Benton, Evelyn Adams, Helen F. Wise, Daisy B. Miller. On Mar. 20, 1950, Principal D. A. DaBoll requested a leave of absence, which was granted for one year effective July 1, 1950. On April 17, 1950, D. G. McPherson was appointed principal. The minutes of Nov. 8, 1950, show that the Superintendent advised the Board that a case of infantile paralysis had developed in the Dade City Grammar School. On May 30, 1959, the St. Petersburg Times reported that Rodney B. Cox, 34, was appointed principal of Dade City Grammar School, succeeding D. C. Cripe, who was retiring. In 1972 Charles Lease was appointed Principal by Rodney B. Cox, for whom the school would later be named. The school was renamed Rodney B. Cox Elementary School for Superintendent and former Principal Rodney B. Cox who died of cancer in March 1973. He had assumed the position of Pasco County Schools Superintendent in January 1973, and had served only 77 days in that office. In 1989, some community leaders in Dade City appealed that a black principal be named to replace Rozalyne Wright, the only black principal in the county, who had resigned. However, school superintendent Thomas Weightman said that there were no blacks currently eligible to be appointed.
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